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Joseph Hogan

Age 26
Son, Brother, cousin, friend, full of hope
Joseph  Hogan
Age 26

You are missed dear Joe. You had a beautiful voice and a beautiful soul. Such talent. I wish i could have saved you from this, saved you from the pain another caused you emotionally that made you self medicate to numb the emotional pain you endured most of your short years here.

If only I knew you relapsed, I know I could have saved you😔 you are loved and missed by so many sweet Joe❤️

Laura didn’t know she would be taking the last photo of you, and spending your last few hours here with you. This picture is the last one taken of Joe, just a few hours before he was found by his Mom in his room.


My cousin was a talented, smart, shy, loving, funny young man. He battled demons caused by another, which in turn caused him to self medicate to numb his emotional pain. He tried to stay clean, did well in a long term program, but I guess his pain was too much, and he relapsed.

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Thaddeus “Ted” LaHaye, Jr.

Age 54
Beloved Father, Brother, and Grandfather
Thaddeus “Ted” LaHaye, Jr.
Age 54

Never again will we hear your voice or look into your eyes, a beautiful ocean hue;

A year passes by, the world in tow, as we struggle with this truth;

Our voices cry aloud, lingering silence fills the air;

Each of us, hearts in search, for what's no longer there;

Grasping onto our memories, we pull each other close;

Waiting on time to heal with patience, love and hope.    



<3 your "twirls"


Our father, Thaddeus LaHaye, Jr., was taken suddenly and too soon on March 12, 2017. After struggling with depression and addiction for the majority of his life, he sadly succumbed to this awful disease. We, his daughters, truly believe he died of a broken heart and as a result he will live on in our hearts forever. We miss you each and every day Dad. We love you.

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Lisa Marie Ruehle/Yacullo

Age 48
Sister, mother, daughter, wife, and friend
Lisa Ruehle/Yacullo
Age 48

She hid her addiction from everyone. Please don't let this take away from her life. She struggled with demons for years. Keep your family and friends away from opioid meds. I will remember her as my Little Big sister.
Always a special place in my heart for her. Until we meet again, Lisa


My sister Lisa, a mother of three, an aunt, and a friend to many.

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Bradley Steven Secrest

Age 31
Lovable, Caring, Kind, Creative, Funny
Bradley Secrest
Age 31

Bradley was a ray of sunshine who brightened every room that he entered. He had a kindness and spirit that touched the hearts of everyone who knew him. He always brought a sparkle to our eyes. We will always cherish his memories, and in between tears, wear a smile when we think of him. We continue to marvel and smile as we see the vast number of testimonies to the impact he has had on so many peoples lives. We will always love him.

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Kristina Marie Emard

Age 28 will be forever in our hearts 💜
Kristina Emard
Age 28

My beautiful daughter wanted to be a nurse. She got her CNA her junior year and worked very hard. She had been interested in going into the army so she knew she would be able to earn her nursing degree without a lot of debt. Kristina’s story is a little different. She was raped by an officer while stationed in Korea. Away from home and with no support. Four other young ladies also had reported this officer and all went to the trial together. He was not found guilty. Kristina felt so betrayed and was being harassed by her superiors for going against a brother. She turned to substances to help deal with the feelings. She eventually got out of the army and got into trouble. I drove to GA where she had been stationed and brought her home. For the next four years she battled her addiction head on. She hated her addiction and knew she was powerless. She had been sober for a year and relapsed and then went into a long term treatment facility, thank god, through the VA. I had my daughter back for 18 happy, amazing months. She met the love of her life. She had signed up for college. She was in the last part of her treatment and the person who checked them in and out and did urine tests was actually offering them drugs. Ultimately it cost her life.
I want to make her proud, I want to turn her death into something that can help people. I want to keep fighting like she did. I miss you my baby girl


My daughter was beautiful, kind, loving.
A veteran, runner, sister, granddaughter, aunt, niece, cousin, and a ray of sunshine.
She was a fighter and always tried to help people even when she couldn’t help herself. She loved her family. She had been clean for 18 months and I am so grateful I was able to see her fall in love with her soulmate. She was able to see both of her brothers graduate clean and sober. That meant a lot to her. She ran as a release and ran a half marathon and the Vermont city marathon.

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Jodi Lyn Hartem

Age 28
Sister, daughter, best friend, beautiful, heart of gold
Jodi Hartem
Age 28

Jodi was such an amazing person. Outgoing, friendly, beautiful, and happy. She gave hugs to everyone even if she didn't know them. She was friendly and strong. She was addicted to heroin for roughly three years. She was in and out of rehabs. She fought so hard. Jodi lit up a room as soon as she walked in, a smile a mile wide. Unfortunately, the drugs took over her life, and she was taken away from her family that loved her so much. She had such a huge support system. I miss talking to her and seeing her smile, I miss her love for her nephews and her great big hugs. I miss her love. I miss her presence. I miss her all around.


Jodi was a beautiful person inside and out. She was strong and stubborn. She tried so hard to fight her addiction battle but it took her life on Feb 8th. She was loved by so many people.

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Daniel (Shmeed) Gonzalez

Age 22
Seeker, selfless, full of love and light
Daniel Gonzalez
Age 22
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My family and I lost someone who was my best friend from birth. Danny was someone who I looked up to my entire life. From the earliest memories to the last, what I first remember is his infectious smile and his desire to make me and everybody happy. He made me laugh the hardest I ever have in my life every time I talked to him, and we shared jokes only the two of us could ever understand, something that comes about from knowing someone from you’re earliest possible memories to the present. He was without a doubt my brother from another mother, and growing up with him in tandem is a thread of memories, events, and experiences that will always make me the person I am, and I will cherish them for the rest of my life. His selflessness to make any stranger he met feel like his friend or close brother or sister always makes me reflect on how I and others should treat anyone in life. Danny always put his heart out first, for you to be comfortable to put yours out to him. Anyone who knew him will understand the magnitude of love he gave to those he came in touch with, even if for a second. My heart is permanently shattered after losing him, and nothing can replace the void that lays there. I have so much to thank him for that the list would never end. Danny was one of most influential voices in helping me decide and pursue what I wanted to do in life, always checking in to give me an air of confidence and encouraged me to never give up, not allowing me to quit my passion when I was down on it. Even if he was going through a rough patch, he still made the effort to give me the light at the end of the tunnel, even if he did not see it for himself. I had the opportunity to visit him in California a few months ago thanks to the support from my family, and the week I spent there reconnecting with him was a blessing and the most emotional time anyone could ever ask for. Seeing him surrounded by a loving community of friends, all lighting up when he would show up stands today as a reflection of the reaction to the news of his passing. A wave of people were touched by Danny in some way during his life, and every single person has been immensely grateful for knowing him and what he brought to their lives. I couldn’t have asked for a better cousin, he was it. There will never be someone like him, and no one could ever take his place. He was one of a kind and will never be forgotten. I know that a part of him will always live on with me. I’m sure that thought would have made him smile. Rest in Peace Danny, I will always love you & miss you, and I will never forget you.


Our dear Daniel struggled with addiction since high school. In his journey and struggle to stay clean and lead a healthy lifestyle he had many achievements and met and helped many souls who will always love and remember him.

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Lora Ann Serviss

Age 34
Beautiful daughter, mom, and sister
Lora Serviss
Age 34

Lora struggled with addiction for many years on and off. She didn't want this terrible hold on her. She tried several times to get help but without insurance and the terrible hold on her from the drugs, she could not get the proper therapy or fight the power heroine. She had a smile that lit up a room and a wonderful sense of humor. Addictions hold on her took the sparkle from her eyes and her inner beauty. Watching her struggle in pain and seeing her become someone I did not know was heart wrenching. The pain of her loss is a constant grieving that has changed me, filling me with emptiness and sorrow. Coping and coming to terms with this pain is a struggle ever day and night. The loss of a beautiful daughter to these demon drugs feels so senseless. I battle with why but there are no answers. I pray she has the peace now she did not have in her time on earth.


My beautiful baby girl passed on October 27, 2017 from an overdose. She was 34 years old.

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David Robert Seibel

Age 33
funny caring big heart a great daddy..
David Seibel
Age 33

I miss him. He was my heart. David tried to get help over and over by medical professionals and they failed him and used him as a guinea pig. Now he's gone and we are all left to pick up the pieces. We must all work to stop this genocide.


Hello everyone. I lost my son on January 1, 2018. My first born, my David. He was introduced to oxycontin in 2001 by a high school teacher. Then he went to a program that didn't work and he tried many other alternatives. Suboxone was his deterent from heroin for eight years. Cocaine was my son's addiction. What happened on New Year's? I don't know. Coke and heroin mixed with fentanyl. My son is gone and I miss him...


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Lisa Marie Haber

Age 21
Understanding friend, daughter, sister, funny and hard working
Lisa Haber
Age 21

Lisa was loved by many. Deep down inside she struggled with self love and she believed that she was not understood or loved. She would numb her feelings with substance use. She needed drugs to feel normal or happy. As time elapsed, she was totally addicted to uppers. This started affecting her work and relationship with friends and family. She made a decision to fight against this disease. But it became a cycle. Affected with shame and stigma, her addiction became stronger than her. But never did she think she would leave this earth. God saw her struggles and called her home. More than 100 friends attended her passing ceremony: Missed forever by her mommy, sister, brother, and niece. She would light up any room with her smile and positive energy.


Lisa Haber was a beautiful 21 year old . She was a good friend and a wonderful daughter. She struggled with addiction and fought hard, attending over five rehabs. The addiction cycle and constant struggles to beat this disease very hard on her. Her heart became weak and she finally overdosed, and that took her young life. She will be missed by many, more so by her mommy Cece Perez.

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Thaddeus Batchelder

Age 22
Funny, sensitive, big heart, sweet, adventurous
Thaddeus Batchelder
Age 22

My son Thad passed away at the age of 22. He lost his battle with heroin on a bitter cold night in November. Alone in his bedroom at his clean and sober living house.
He only used heroin for seven months. During that time he went to rehab two times and used the anti-opiate blocker, Vivitrol, for four of those seven months.
He was a beautiful young man that experienced the world differently. A “raw” sense of it. He felt all of his own feelings, and he felt everyone else's.
He was extremely passionate about the things he loved. From being a little brother to his big sister, a big brother to four younger siblings, and an uncle to a little five year old niece.

School was always a struggle and he graduated high school by the skin of his teeth. During his middle:high school years he found his “people”, especially a young gal by the name of Stephanie. After dating for six years they went in different directions. He was devastated, lost, and broken.
This is when he started using opiates. To “numb” his broken heart.
My son wasn’t a “junkie”. He was not a criminal. He was a beautiful boy with his own story. And he had value.
Rest In Peace Beautiful Boy-I love you and miss you-Mom

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Deborah Anita Hancock

Age 36
beautiful caring amazing strong smart
Deborah Hancock
Age 36

Debby was a beautiful soul. She had one child, Alyssa, and she was her whole world. She loved that kid more than life itself. Debby was big into family, she always was there for her family. She and her sister Amy were extremely close, and were best friends. They also shared an addiction. They were very co-dependent, and unfortunately, Debby succumbed to her addiction. She passed away on November 23, 2015, and we miss her terribly. There are no words to express how much I miss my daughter.


My daughter Debby was a very special person. She touched many lives, in life and death. She unexpectedly passed away at the young age of 36. She was an organ donor and she helped five people. We will miss her forever but we are very proud of what she has done to help strangers, and we cherish her memory.

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Age 26
Age 26

Melissa struggled with depression and anxiety as a young child and throughout her life. She sought relief through substances. Even though growing up was difficult, she enjoyed many things in life. She loved animals - especially her cats. She would treat them like dolls and dress them up in doll clothes and play house with them. She loved to ride her bike and scooter and play gymnastics outside in the summer with her neighborhood friends. Our family went to Disney World when she was in 4th grade and she soaked up every bit of Disney that she could. She wore her mickey mouse ears the entire time.
As Melissa got older, the substance use made it harder for her to do the normal things that children do - sports, friends, and school. Melissa had many attempts at sobriety, trying multiple rehabs. She kept trying and showed that she really wanted a different life for herself. In February 2017, she made her last attempt at sobriety and went to live at a sober living house. She had 8 wonderful months of sobriety that included much time with family and friends. I will cherish these times with Melissa forever.


Melissa's last year included 8 months of sobriety where she enjoyed life as much as possible. She spent as much time with her beloved niece, Brynn, and nephew, Ethan. Her birthday in July was so memorable as she celebrated her first sober birthday in years with a pool party with her entire family. She went skydiving with her siblings, Shandra and Zachary. I was able to spend a lot of time with Melissa discussing her sobriety and her hopes for her future. Her laugh and witty sense of humor will be greatly missed.

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David Schaun Coffey

Age 33
Son, Brother, A beautiful soul
David Coffey
Age 33

David entered the world on his due date! After a long labor and a little scare with delivery, he was perfect! He was such a happy child! He was inquisitive and reached all of his milestones early. His verbal abilities were astonishing. He loved being a big brother. As he grew up, he continued to be a quick learner and school work came easy to him. His love of music led him to a degree in the production side of the industry. When he was 22 he had a fall and a bad break to his ankle. He needed surgery to repair it. The addiction began with the pain medication. His exposure to Oxycontin began then. Little did I know, this would lead us on a journey to hell. He kept the addiction from us. A phone call and message from his employer exposed the situation. He had missed several days of work, but we were unaware. As soon as he told us what was going on, we secured treatment for him. He actually received 60 days of treatment. After that he went into an Oxford House, which proved to be a disaster for him. His relapse occurred after a few days. This cycle repeated itself over and over. He was an active member of NA and AA. He could go longer periods of sobriety at times, the longest being two years. During that time he returned to school, became a Barber, opened a Barber Shop, and seemed to have conquered the disease! A few months later, he relapsed again. From that point, he never regained more than a couple of months at a time of sobriety. The last year of his life was a constant cycle of relapse. He was so distraught with himself. He lost his battle on July 26, 2015. He finally is at peace. The peace he yearned for.


David - My firstborn child. David was kind, talented, compassionate. His smile and laughter were contagious! He loved making others laugh. He wanted to get well. He hated this disease. He loved his family.

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Nazario Vargas

Age 35
Brother, funny, loving, cheerful, smart
Nazario Vargas
Age 35

Nazario was one of a kind. He would give his shirt for anyone. Growing up he was the troubled kid in our family. He lived most of his life in denial with his addiction problems. As his baby sister, I would worry about him but I also looked up to him at one point. After becoming hooked on pain killers from an accident, he moved on to the heaviest thing on earth. Heroine, you took my brothers physical body but you didn’t take away his soul. After his death, I promised him that I would go back to school and do something meaningful. I decided to return to school two weeks after his death and now, almost two years later, I am applying to a medical program this summer. My brother was my hero and I am not ashamed of his death anymore. He had a disease which one day I hope and dream to help others with medically. I hope that I am making you proud somewhere Nazario !


His name was Nazario Vargas. I lost him to drugs on August 4, 2016. I was ashamed to speak of his death, but now I am not. He is my hero and he is the reason now that I am applying to a medical program. Nazario, thank you for giving me the courage to live out my dreams but thank you for being my angel.

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Carter Armour Stone

Age 32
Handsome, warm hearted, and sensitive
Carter Stone
Age 32

Carter lived life with passion, and loved being around his friends and family. He was a great salesman and could win you over with his charismatic personality and his beautiful blue eyes. After a car accident, he struggled with back pain and quickly became addicted to opioid pain medicine that was prescribed to him. His life became a downward spiral. Entering a long term structured sober living facility gave him four months of peace and hope. Unfortunately, in a moment of weakness, he relapsed, overdosed, and died. A beautiful person’s life cut short by this horrific drug epidemic.


Sweet and easy going with crystal blue eyes that would melt your heart, my son Carter Stone lost his battle with addiction on Sept 26, 2017. He loved the beach, golf, Ohio State football, cooking, his family, and his hundreds of friends.

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Terry Lee Catron

Age 66
Funny, talented, and loving
Terry  Catron
Age 66

Terry had MS and cardiovascular disease.
He struggled with alcohol, but dealt with it.
He became, like so many nowadays, dependant on opioids to control the pain.
He didn't like them, or the pain of MS and heart failure.
He truly was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
We shared Holy Communion Resurrection Sunday, the day he last came home from the hospital.
He died the next day.
As he left this world, his last words were "I love you Alice, please know I love you Alice! I love you! "
I miss him beyond belief, but I praise God for Him, and I look forward to seeing him again.
God bless you all!


My Buddy, my best friend and my love.
His initials were TLC. He gave me Tender, Loving, Care.

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Sanjiv (Sunny) Michael Khanna

Age 29
Son, brother, loving, fun, adventurous
Sanjiv (Sunny) Khanna
Age 29

My son never said he wanted to grow up to have an addiction. He hated and despised that part of him. He looked at me with tears and said Mom you just don’t get brain is not wired right. He was my first born. He was a gentle soul who cared deeply for friends and family. He loved doing things for people just to see their faces light up. He was fun to be around. The life of the party. I tell him each and every day how much I miss him. My life will never be the same. EVER


Beloved son and brother. His family and friends was his heart.

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Michael Anthony Marcell

Age 18
Heart of gold
Michael  Marcell
Age 18

My son passed away on 12/7/08 from an overdose. He was 18 yrs old. He was caring and loving. He struggled in school and was bullied for being quiet and shy. He loved snowboarding and skateboarding. He loved nature and was an old soul for his age. I miss him terribly. The disease of addiction has shattered our family.

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Michael Herrera
Age 26

Michael was a happy, sweet little boy. After my divorce, he began to struggle with substance use. He wanted to be a man of God and knew that God was the one that could set him free but he also struggled admitting he had a problem. We don't understand the circumstances surrounding his accident but trust God's plan for deliverance for His child. I am left with a big hole in my heart that will only be healed when I see his beautiful sweet smile again.


Michael was just 26 when he left us after a horrible car accident. He left behind four brothers, a sister, parents, and friends that are all heartbroken. Michael will be remebered for his smile, generosity. and loyalty. He struggled but arrived to follow Christ and is waiting for us in heaven. I would like to dedicate the song "Go Rest High on the Mountain" by Vince Gill to him. I love you always Michael!

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