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Christopher Dean Waggoner

Age 28
Loving, protective, father, uncle, husband
Christopher Waggoner
Age 28

Chris spent most of his life fighting addiction. But he had the biggest 💓 in the world. He taught me not to settle for nothing. That I deserved to be treated like a princess. He was protective of the ones he loved. He will be missed and thought of everyday. #allmylovetotheheavens


Rest in Paradise

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Keenan Malachi Bowser

Age 27
Sensitive soul, full of love
Keenan Bowser
Age 27

Keenan had a wonderful, outgoing personality and was extremely sensitive and caring. As a young boy and as an adult, he was well-liked by all his peers. He was smart, articulate, and very handsome. He loved drawing free-hand mandalas and was an excellent writer. Keenan held his emotional trauma inside and by using drugs to "take away his pain," he became an addict. He had a lot of remorse about his addiction and felt as if his whole world was collapsing around him. We loved Keenan so much, and he loved us so much. We pray he is at peace. He is now our loving angel.


Our son, Keenan Bowser, was loved by many. He was smart, articulate, and very caring. He had so much charisma, and yet, he was very depressed about his addiction and about the pain it caused him, his family, and friends. He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace, our dear son.

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Olen Daniel Thrasher

Age 29
He was the best brother
Olen Thrasher
Age 29

OLEN DANIEL THRASHER best brother I could ask for he was loving caring and a funny person everyone loved him he service in ARMY and fought for his country he was here for a short while but he helped A LOT of people he was well loved by A LOT of people. He will truly be missed. R.I.P MY BUBBA OLEN DANIEL THRASHER I LOVE YOU



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Brian Thomas Bentley

Age 35
Amazing friend & father
Brian Bentley
Age 35

I met Brian when I was just a teenager I fell for him pretty quick... We were off & on for a long time.. when I got pregnant he was right there we were so excited. We lost our lil girl when I was 7 months along, she was stillborn. I don't think I would of made it through that without him then we got pregnant again and had Emily we were so happy.. But things didn't work out we both made mistakes even after we broke up we remained friends sadly I started using.. He was still was there for me even after I spun out of control.. till one day he didn't want anything to do with me.. I figured it was cause of how screwed up I was.. I thought it was my drug issues that made him not want to be around me.. I knew he used to party but I thought he stopped he worked hard and had another kid.. No one knew he was using as much as he was.. I got the phone call that broke my heart Brian was gone and now I had to tell our daughter.. He was an amazing father and a great friend he was also a very hard worker even the people he worked with had no clue.. He worked for a funeral home and I wonder didn't he see enough people dying because of this crap? Im so hurt and sad and now my daughter doesn't have her father were both broken I decided to share this hoping to help someone else.. Hoping to make a difference.. To many people are dying.. To many kids are losing their parents.. I am so grateful to be in recovery for 3 years and counting.. Losing Brian and many others made me realize the hole people leave when they die too soon.. not only me & my daughter but all his friends and family are grieving. R.I.P Brian we miss you & love you


Brian was many things to many people but first and foremost he was an amazing father he had 2 girls who he loved more than anything in the world. He was also an amazing friend & a hard worker.

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Kevin Michael Zaug

Age 34
Handsome athletic talented and humble
Kevin Zaug
Age 34

Kevin my gentle son, always said he had a wonderful childhood, sports, music, friends. But when addiction took a grip on him he lost everything, most of all his feeling of pride. He used to say I wish I had cancer mom because then people would help me. There’s not a lot of hope for addicts. It’s a difficult lifelong uphill battle. It’s a sad existence and the family suffers through it also. It wasn’t addiction per say that killed Kevin. He committed suicide because he was embarrassed by what he had become. People used to say “just stop”. If you understand addiction at all you know it’s not that simple. So let’s get the word out! We love you Kevin. Still waiting for you to come through the door and say “hey ma”.


Kevin my son died 12/18/12 on his sisters 21st birthday.

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Mandi Jenkins

Age 36
Mandi was caring, fun, resilient and smart!
Mandi Jenkins
Age 36

Mandi informed me that she had been using alcohol since the age of 9. I was a part of her life from birth to death. With the exception of a 20 year span when we lost touch. Upon re-uniting with her after this 20 year loss I learned of her struggle with alcohol and other drug addictions. She beat and recovered from drug abuse. However, alcohol was beating her down and she eventually lost her battle with this ugly substance. Through all of this trauma and fight with addiction her family suffered too.
Knowing Mandi, her smile was infectious. It never ceases to amaze me that through all her fight she remained positive. She always had a smile and looked to help others overcome drug addiction. She cared deeply for her 3 sons. Emilio, Dante and Averi. This disease of alcoholism took their mother away from them.
Mandi will live in my heart forever! She was such a beautiful person fighting a battle with as much grace as she could muster. She was unable to win the battle of alcoholism but she did effect others in a positive way.


My niece, goddaughter, Mandi, struggled with alcoholism most of her too short life. She passed this last April from liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver is not a pretty sight. She was in and out of the hospital the last 6 months of her life. Thanks to her loving mother who would not let her daughter die in a cold and lonely hospital room, Mandi was able to be at home with loved ones during her passing. The support of her family and friends was evident but we all felt a great loss with the passing of this beautiful young woman!

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Tyler Scott Thorne

Age 23
Tyler Thorne
Age 23

Tyler had the most contagious laugh, most beautiful smile, and the kind of eyes that would stop you in your tracks. He had such passion and purpose in life for all things good. He loved his family, and was the protector of his girls (Sisters, Mom, Nana). If you were ever feeling down, you could count on Tyler to turn your frown around, and having you laughing and forgetting all of your worries. He was a natural born comedian that had a knack for cracking jokes at the most inappropriate times. He always made you feel comfortable and loved, as well as understood and heard. He loved to grow all of the things, and cared for his garden filled with flowers and baby carrots. He took this passion he had for the Earth, and went to college to be an Environmental Scientist. He made some of the best friends he has ever had in his life during that time period, along with his life long friends that he has has since grade school. His Pappy was someone that he strove to be like, and even self proclaimed himself as being "Pappy Thorne." Tyler also enjoyed going to the mountains to visit his dad and take off on dirt bikes and his 4-wheeler, as well as work on cars and play video games. He also loved playing video games, hunting, and fishing with his step-dad. Not only was Tyler a person to completely change your mood, he was also insanely compassionate, crazy kind, and loved so much, you would swear he had the heart of a lion. Everyone gravitated toward him, and he was a breath of fresh air. He was a guy's guy, but had such a sensitive and deep soul. He also enjoyed sports like football (go Falcons & Big Blue), basketball, and baseball. Tyler loved all kinds of music, and enjoyed sharing new bands he found with his friends. There isn't one genre of music that he didn't like, and he would listen to the same songs over and over until you liked it too. He was very charming, captivating, and knew how to sell ice to an Eskimo. People like Tyler are extremely hard to come by, and when you find one like him, it is really tough to lose them. Tyler may be gone, but he lives in the hearts of the people he has touched and loved. He will be forever 23, and always in our hearts.


Tyler was the most compassionate, loving, and kind individual. He always had a smile on his face. He enjoyed the outdoors and anything that had to do with gardening. He loved all kinds of music, and was a natural born comedian. Tyler had a gravitational pull that attracted people because of his easy going demeanor and caring nature. He loved sports, fishing, and riding dirt bikes. He was an amazing person, and will never be forgotten. 

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Steven Tyler Manevich

Age 30
Loving- talented - funny -son- brother !
Steven  Manevich
Age 30

Born into this world with a ton of love! Everyone enjoyed being around Steven,he was the light in so many lives. Loving ,caring good hearted man. If you needed a laugh he was the one to call! He was an inspiring young chef that landed the job of his dreams. After working in the restaurant industry's since the age of 15 he finally found a place that recognized the talent that he had. New job a steady 9 months clean and happy as would be! The night before Easter Sunday,April fool's day 7:45 pm I talked to my son. Steven I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Steven invited the family for Easter brunch at the inn that he worked at. Can't wait to See you mama! We had our conversation about how good the food will be ,what time we will meet a and if he can sit with us for brunch . We ended the conversation with I love you Steven ,I love you to mama! As we getting ready to leave for our brunch ,my phone rang ..... The next time I saw my son was on weds. @ 3pm. R.I.P. My handsome baby!


Missed but never forgotten: Steven Tyler Manevich

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Roger Graham

Age 34
Son, brother, uncle, and friend ❤️
Roger Graham
Age 34
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Reginald Filmore Hennesy

Age 47
Father of 4 amazing kids!
Reginald Hennesy
Age 47

Reggie struggled with addiction for over 13 years he died from issues caused by his drug use. He was a good father to his 4 kids .Nautu ,Deon( died age 15 mo), ReAunna and Jorden he cherished and loved them !! He would be proud of them! Addiction causes hurt and loss in all of us .Reggie will be waiting for us ! We love and miss you!


Reginald Filmore Hennesy

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Jeremy D Zuchowski

Age 30
Heart of gold, Phish Phan
Jeremy Zuchowski
Age 30

Beloved son, brother, and friend

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Christopher Patrick Finkel

Age 24
Vibrent, loyal friend son brother.
Christopher  Finkel
Age 24

Our loving son, Christopher Patrick Finkel, died On April 21st, 2018 after a lengthy battle with
addiction. During his short life, Chris witnessed more than a dozen of his friends lose their battle with addiction and there were countless more victims in our community and across our country. Our family is committed to turning our grief into action so other families can be spared the pain of watching their child suffer with this disease.

As a youth, Christopher had a passion for soccer. He was a member of the top travel teams in Ohio. He enjoyed the competitive nature of traveling to tournaments across the Midwest and Eastern US. In his middle-teen’s he transitioned to other pursuits including golf and snowboarding; which ultimately led to him working the ski season at a resort at Lake Tahoe after high school. Shortly after this time, the tentacles of addiction starting controlling Christopher’s life. He loved his family deeply and carried a special bond with his father Mark, and Grandpa Gary and Grandma Judy in New York.
Despite his suffering, Christopher remained a kind and gentle in his soul. He was a loving son and brother, and a faithful and true friend. We have been comforted by the number of people who knew Christopher this way, including those who knew him as a child as well as those who knew Christopher only recently. Christopher was full of charisma and personality. He believed in living life to the fullest every day. He valued his friends and family and gave all his love to them completely, especially his girlfriend Brooke.

Most people remember Christopher’s wonderful smile and beautiful eyes. Christopher was also an awesome person, a motivator, and a dreamer who genuinely cared for others. He was full of charm and could capture anyone in good conversation. Christopher had many talents and when he put his mind to it, he could do anything. One of the things he used to love to say was “keep moving forward” Christopher once posted a quote: “The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about

Christopher suffered from addiction, a disease he struggled with for many years. While he was unable to overcome that battle, he was a fierce and persistent fighter who lived every day of his life as fully as he could. The Bible says, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong.”
Christopher’s place of rest Holy Cross Cemetery, Etna Ohio. We encourage our friends to check out the addiction services offered by Shatterproof. Your support of programs like Shatterproof ( ) are critical to eliminating the disease of addiction. . “ I imagine heaven as a place where dreams come true. A place where someday I will share eternity with you

The Finkel Family


Our son Christopher Finkel was vibrant, loving, and motivated. He became addicted to heroin 5 years ago after taking pills for about three years. He was passionate about his friends and family and helping others until the day he died.

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Robert Kearns

Age 53
Husband, father, friend, passionate, loyal
Robert Kearns
Age 53

I met Bobby 17 years ago we were friends first then started dating and finally fell in love. We got married 13 years ago and have the most incredible 12-year-old daughter. Bobby fought long and hard with his disease he was in and out of detox, rehab, therapeutic communities, jail, prison, psych hospitals, living on the street because his disease was stronger then recovery. When he was clean life was great working, vacations, family time, attending meetings. But when his disease took control he was gone for days at a time, no money, not paying Bill's, missing family events, losing jobs.

He finally lost the fight in May, but he never stopped fighting. Love and miss you Bobby. R&R


Bobby was my best friend for 17 years and my husband for 13. We have a beautiful, funny, smart 12-year-old daughter.

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Richard Lewis Larrabee

Age 44
Richard was a loving, caring, and best friend.
Age 44

First of all Richard was a loving caring person, husband, and a friend. He got attracted to the different drugs out here at a young age. It had been recently before he passed that he had got addicted to heroin. It first started when the doctor's stopped prescribing his pain medication. He had all types of pain issues from scoliosis in his back, to sciatica, and then his knees. He had knee surgeries. Which lead him to go to the streets for Vicodin and such, then that got too expensive, so he turned to the heroin. There is not a day that doesn't go by that I don't think of him. I still can't believe it is coming up on 2 years since his overdose. I miss him so much that I want honor him in this walk. To try help others see what can happen if they don't change or get help. If Richard would've lasted another week he would've had a bed at Stella Maris.

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Colleen "Colly Flower" Byron

Age 31
An angel and treasure.
Colleen Byron
Age 31

I miss her smile, I miss her laugh, I miss everything about her. She was my baby sister. Addiction took her. It almost took me too. It's just not fair. I don't know what else to write here. I just miss her so much...😥😥


Colleen "Colly Flower" Byron was the beautiful sister to my two brothers and me and the only daughter to my devoted parents. She was our sweet, sweet girl...taken away from us way too soon. We miss her so, so much.

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Sheyla Marie Ocasio

Age 23
Sheyla Ocasio
Age 23

Your smile could light up any room, your laugh was contagious. I miss your voice and talking to you for hours about anything and everything. The world isn't the same without you in it babygirl 💜

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Joseph Anthony Tirado

Age 46
Son, Brother, Father, Husband & Friend
Joseph  Tirado
Age 46

Where do I begin? Joe has been a part of my life for 28 years. High School sweethearts, married and have three amazing daughters. We lived a simple life together but had tons of fun. He was a talented welder and worked very hard for our family. I miss EVERYTHING about him and our time together. I’m lonely, sad, mad, scared and still numb. I want this to be a nightmare that I wake up from and he’s laying next to me.... Joe always said, “I know what I gotta do!” When it came to his struggles with addiction. But clearly he didn’t. I will always wonder what was going on in that crazy head of his!??!?! I hope he knows how much I loved him, respected him and most of all how much I will miss him !!! Please keep me & my girls in your prayers. Thank you, Momma


Beast by day, a father and husband by night, He was a warrior, but soft and gentle to the loves of his life. Devasted and numb. You will be in my heart forever & always.

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Hillary Nicole Miller

Age 25
Granddaughter, sister, and best friend.
Hillary Miller
Age 25

Hillary was one of the most caring and kind people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She was my best friend, my other half. The Fric to my Frac, and as she would say...the peanut butter to my jelly! I’m so grateful to God that he let our paths cross. She was fighting demons that most of us will never know about. I watched her fight this addiction so hard. She wanted it so bad and you could see that. Losing her has been the hardest thing, but knowing she is healthy and with her Mom in Heaven gives us all comfort. We love you the moon and back.


Hillary had the brightest smile and the most infectious laugh. She was kind, loving, and is missed everyday ❤️

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Kenneth Sean McGinnis

Age 43
Handsome, charismatic, talented, troubledWarrior
Kenneth McGinnis
Age 43

Kenny was was an angel with a fire in his soul.  He was born to seek the thrill, to rebel against the governing rules.  People were drawn to him, he carved his own path, he was a leader.

Ken's smile, his infectious smile, his laugh, and his heart, his heart, his heart was gold.

I envision Ken as a warrior, on the battlefield between good, and evil.  He was blessed with the strength of a thousand armies, the looks of a superhero, and the charisma of John F. Kennedy.  But, he was also cursed with a mind, although genius at times....was broken.

Ken's ability to win people over, his unmatched competitive spirit were being drowned out by the voices that told him he was undeserving of happiness, his own worst enemy.  

The grand stature of his body, the strong, masculine structure of his face were all a mere container for the fragile mind that moved it.  The fractured thinking that ran rampant behind those bright blue eyes....we may never know the demons that haunted you.  But we know that you are free, free from the stories you wore on your increasingly weathered face.  Your rugged, torn hands that you worked so hard with.

My hope is that your life can be an example of the cross you bared, that so many bare, that became too heavy, even for you, the young man that we all believed could move mountains in our youth.

I hope too, that I, your sister, can be an example that's god does save us, in our darkest hour.  That evil can be overcome if you truly relinquish control, and ask for it.  I would like to share a poem that I wrote in the first days of my 15 years of sobriety.  I was in the clutches of Satan, my life was seemingly hopeless.  My poem describes the moment that I felt the Lord pulled me from the dark and into the light:

    You found me helpless, trembling, a captive             in the dungeon of your cowardly enemy,

    Shackled, like a tortured slave.

    Begging for mercy from the evil masochist, foolish ridicule spoken by the venomous tongue of the ruthless tyrant.

    He feasted on my weak, fragile soul.  He mocked my pleas for freedom, he heckled my desperate cries.  He would not cease until I had perished.  The sick, savage beast taunted me with demonic tools of torture.

    On my knees I begged you Lord for salvation.  You heard me desperate mercy screams, you felt my ravaged body's pain, my splintered thoughts.  You poured over me like rain in a desert, quenched my thirsting spirit.

    My violent suffering ended with your cleansing grace.  The cold, dark dungeon just a memory.  For now I live in the warm, colorful safety of your fruitful garden.


Please move forth with the kindness that Ken had in his heart.  Reach out to someone suffering in this often all too dark world. And try not to judge, and show them too, that there is LIGHT!








Your life was far from perfect, your struggles were seemingly insurmountable, your mind was stricken with pain we may never know. Your talents were bountiful and your heart was gold, rest easy brother. ♥️♥️

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Nick Sutton

Age 26
Loving and caring son, brother, and friend
Nick Sutton
Age 26

Nick was the oldest of our three kids. We had him when we were only 17. So it was kinda like we grew up with him. I did not know I could love someone so much. He taught me what was important in life and made me so proud to be his mother.

When he was a teenager he started drinking and experimenting with some drugs but at that time I thought it was the normal teenage stuff. After graduation, he got a job working in shipping and was engaged to get married to his high school sweetheart. All seem great! He still liked to drink and go out with his friends but always seemed happy and no issues. One day he hurt his back at work and went to the doctor and they prescribed him opioids for the pain. He was on those for awhile. I think that is when his addiction really took over. Then his fiance broke it off because she got into a relationship with someone else and I am sure the drinking and painkillers contributed to that. His world was shattering around him. He went through depression and started showing up late to work so he was let go. He was introduced to heroin and that is when his legal troubles began. He was arrested and then broke his probation cause he tested positive to drugs and spent a while in jail. I though that was bad and fought to get him out. He was clean and looked great when he was released. I had my Nick back!!! Unfortunately, I did not know how powerful that his addiction was and only 45 days later he was gone! He received a full batch of fentanyl and lost his battle to addiction. I was lucky to have him with me for 26 yrs just wish it was a lot longer! A parent should never have to bury their child. Our lives are forever changed and one day I will see my angel again.🙏❤️


My son, Nick, lost his battle with addiction at age 26. Our lives are forever changed without him here with us!

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