Age 15
Daughter, Granddaughter, Loving, Loyal, Kindhearted.
Kaitlin was the light of my life, she brought so much happiness and joy to my life, and a love I had never felt until the moment she entered this world. I couldn’t have been more proud of her, and the young person she was becoming, Forever 15 KLT!
Kaitlin was my parents youngest Granddaughter, when her dad and I divorced, Kaitlin and I moved to to the apartment above the garage of our family's summer home on Hood Canal, the front deck of the house hung over the canal at high tide my brothers and there friends would dive off it, but none of the grandkids had been brave enough to jump off, so out walks my little 4 year old who climbs up on the railing and jumps right to her Uncle below, putting all her older cousins to shame, she was brave.
I miss everything about her, her hugs, laughter, hearing her tell me she loves me at the end of the day. I miss the quiet time with just her where she would tell me about school, what was going on in her life when I wasn’t there. I miss watching her wakeboarding on the canal, swimming, jumping from her Grandparents front deck into Hood Canal. I miss all the things she never got to do, getting a drivers license, graduating high school, college, law school, love, marriage, having kids, I miss her!
Kaitlin was an amazing person, she was smart, compassionate, kind, caring, loving, and loyal. She was most at home on or in Hood Canal, where she could wakeboard, swim, kayak or go out in the boat, a true water baby. She learned to read at a young age, she loved all kinds of books. She listened to all different kinds of music, from classical to rap, one day someone gave her some drum sticks, so she learned to play the drums, such natural talent. I wonder every day what she would have become.