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Christopher Michael Kern

Age 30
Gentle. Kind. Artistic. Passionate. Real.
Christopher  Kern
Age 30

To my Big Brother,

Thank you for not telling mom about the broken couch after we wrestled, or the real reason why I needed 4 stitches above my upper eye. Thank you for always playing in the snow with me and driving me to school every day when I was a freshman in high school (even though we had to walk 4 blocks to get to school every day because you didn’t want to pay for a parking pass). Thank you for convincing mom and dad to get us a dog. You were so good with Sugar. I would have never told you this, but I was so jealous. She just took to you and from that day forward you guys were inseparable. God, you loved animals. From Sammy the hamster to Sugar and Bailey. You always had a way to connect with animals. Thank you for always playing video games with me even though you always won. Thank you for always going swimming with me even though you always threw me in. Thank you for showing me how to be tough, even though it took getting beat up on a daily basis. Thank you for helping me form my own taste in music because god knows yours was awful. Thank you for passing on your love of flaming hot Cheetos and cookies, and frozen pizzas.

There was a time when we were kids when Chris announced he had a terrible stomachache after eating a whole bag of flaming hot Cheetos. So what did Chris do? What did my big bro do? He went upstairs and brought down a handful of cookies and milk. What was his rationale? He planned on washing down the bag of Cheetos with cookies and milk as if it was some unknown remedy. But that was Chris. Genuine. Kind. Soft-spoken. Artistic. Real. We didn’t express our love through words or hugs like regular families. No. Rather we expressed our love through insults, and punches and body slams and Chris if you were here right now, god, I’d punch you so hard. But as I reflect on the memories we’ve shared I want to thank you for being my big brother. We didn’t always get along, but we were brothers. We didn’t always have the same interests, but we were brothers. You left us too soon, but we will always be brothers. I love you. Till we meet again…

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randy j longardner

Age 55
kind hearted very nice awsom father
Age 55

Randy J Longardner a navy veteran

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Richard H Swan

Age 65
Always fighting to stay forever young
Richard Swan
Age 65

For a man I didn't always get along with, it sure is hard to say goodbye. There are plenty of "woulda shoulda coulda's", but the biggest is that I didn't talk to him when he tried to reach out to me. I've learned it is so important to let go of the past, forgive, and reconcile. Because one day it may be too late. Despite our differences and our difficulties, I do miss him. And I do regret not answering the phone that one time. I regret not swallowing my pride and living up to his image of me.... the forgiving one. Miss you, Dad. I know that one day, I'll see you again -- I know you're up there dancin' with David and singing with the heavenly choir in your best off-tune voice. Maybe you're even entertaining angels with your silly made-up lyrics. See you in Heaven, Dad.


Richard H Swan was my father. He was a smart man, a strong man, but he carried with him some luggage. Addiction was one of the ways he tried to cope with his troubled past. He died from health reasons unrelated to addiction. He was just shy of 10 years clean and sober. In his end, at his memorial, I saw just how much an impact he had on the lives of those he encountered. At his AA and CA meetings, he was a leader - compassionate and caring - someone others looked up to. He was always helping others. The song we dedicated to him at his memorial was from his favorite artist, Bob Dylan. RIP Dad, now you will always be "Forever Young."

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Nathan Kosakowski

Age 36
Brilliant, creative, sensitive, accepting, genius
Nathan Kosakowski
Age 36

Nathan Kosakowski was a big brother to four siblings. He was a genius and very creative in music and art. He also was an amazing chef. He was someone who could do anything. He was also very loving to his family and close friends. We miss him dearly, but he is always with us.


We are here to honor our brother Nathan Kosakowski.

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William Tyler Tuttle

Age 29
Kind, funny, dreamer and a friend to all!
William Tuttle
Age 29

We will miss the way he made everyone laugh in any situation. He loved deeply, did not judge others, and was a friend to all. He struggled for eight long years to overcome his addiction. He completed many rehab and treatment programs but could never overcome the stigma associated with the disease and believe in his own self-worth. He was passionate about helping others in their daily journey of sobriety. Tyler would be so proud to know that he is continuing to help others through the Shatterproof organization.


Tyler was a son, brother, and father with a large extended family and friends who loved him dearly. He had a huge heart and was a fun-loving guy who never met a stranger. He loved the water and spent his youth fishing and boating in and around Savannah, GA. Tyler was a true outdoorsman who loved to hunt with his Dad. He was a free-spirit who could light up a room with his smile and make you laugh!

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Christopher Thomas Grynkewicz

Age 33
Brother, beloved son, sweet, talented and funny
Christopher Grynkewicz
Age 33

Beloved son of Lynne and Franklin, brother of Curtis and brother in law to Ashley. Charming and engaging, CT befriended all and enjoyed golfing, skiing, cars, computers and sports of all kinds. Although earning an Associates in Auto and Diesel, a Bachelors in Computer Science, and becoming a professional ski instructor, his young adult life was sadly overshadowed by the challenges of opiate addiction, ultimately succumbing to its influence. His addictive behaviors led him into the jagged restraints of our country's correctional system that unfortunately only worsened his anxiety and taught him new unhealthy ways to try and circumvent his addiction and the system. His family did everything they could to try and support him upon his reintroduction to society. He will be remembered and missed for his brilliant sense of humor and his sweet loving nature.


Christopher Thomas (CT) Grynkewicz
Framingham, MA and Denver, CO
Brother, beloved son, sweet, talented and funny

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Zeb Andrew Daniels

Age 28
Father, Son, Brother , Fiancé
Zeb Daniels
Age 28

Zeb was a great guy who worked hard and loved his family. He had a daughter and a son who both thought their daddy hung the moon. He had a fiancé that he had been with since high school. He loved cars, music, tattoos, and the Chicago Bears. Zeb struggled with addiction for many years. He lost his dad at a very young age and he was always haunted by it. He fought hard. Sadly addiction beat him. We lost him way too soon and we miss him and will miss him every single day.


Zeb was a laid back guy who would be there in a heartbeat for his family. He had a son and a daughter who he loved dearly and his fiancé Cassie who he had been with since they were kids.

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Christopher Michael Wall

Age 28
Extraordinary Son,Brother, Uncle, & Grandson
Christopher  Wall
Age 28

The son who showed the most love. The brother who would always have your back. The uncle who got you the best candy and toys. The grandson who called just to check in. The student, the athlete who gave it their all. You, Christopher, were this person. Your journey here on earth was short. Your memories are in my heart forever.
Christopher was quite the student and athlete. He seem to excel quite quickly. After high school he tried college for a while, but soon decided working and making money was his passion. He was totally dedicated to his job. I guess all along he had an addictive personality. He loved to travel no matter where the job took him. It was then and there the opioid addiction came into his life. Whenever he was home he continued to work on projects for us. Building things, cooking fabulous meals, remodeling, no project was too hard or big. Always staying busy to try to beat the habit. We know you wanted to be clean. We know the struggle was hard and deep. Always wanting to please those around him. Always making the day brighter, happier. We all believed that this would be the year of being clean for a whole year, but that knock on the door proved us all wrong. At work far away Fentanyl would be the final culprit. The struggle was over, the wanting the desire to be clean had come full circle. You are pure and clean now rest my son.
Lynn Gray your mom forever


Christopher, my son. Forever a piece of my heart and soul. The smile, the charm, the wonderful hugs and laughter that I'll never forget. The addiction that took you from us.

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Brandon Franzuela

Age 21
My best friend my 21yr old son 4/20/96-6/24/17
Brandon Franzuela
Age 21

My son passed while in sober living at a recovery group Houston Texas. No phone call was made to me, I called because I didn't hear from him. I called ask for him, no answer.


Overdose Awareness

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Joseph Kurt Schnaufer

Age 25
Goal oriented, strong willed.
Joseph Schnaufer
Age 25

He’s in Heaven. 🙏🏼


Joe was funny and created many memories.

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Christopher Michael Schmidt

Age 29
Beloved Father, Son, Friend, Partner
Christopher Schmidt
Age 29

I spent over a decade with Chris in a tumultuous and on-and-off relationship. Our addictions were what made it so difficult. However, I don't think I would change the years spent with him at all because I learned so much about myself through our relationship. I doubt that anyone ever knew or will know me like Chris knew me and like I knew him.

Chris' addiction caused him to hurt others emotionally. Chris' addiction caused him to be misunderstood. It caused him pain that was nearly unbearable to him. Addiction caused him to fail and stole his ambitions. Addiction caused him great depression, or perhaps depression caused him great addiction, but whatever the case, he fought an extremely powerful, terrible, deadly combination for a long time. Although he ultimately lost his fight, I would consider every single day that he lived a small victory- and every day that he was sober a great victory. And those negative things that addiction caused and/or created, were not him. Chris never meant to hurt others. Some people do, they have anger and intend to do the hurtful things that they do. However, this was not Chris. Chris loved his family, loved his friends, loved people- in general. He had compassion. He had love in his heart. Sometimes addiction can really make you the opposite of who you really are inside, that was true for me as well. When sober, he was the best guy in the world and I loved him so much. I saw the real him through the symptoms of alcoholism and that kept me loving him and hoping, believing, waiting, praying- for years. When sober, he was the best father to his kids, he was the most loving and supportive partner- the best partner- to me. He had many, many, many friends. I didn't observe it much, just heard his thoughts and feelings, but he loved his mother (SOOOOO much, I think every mother hopes to be loved by their children like her loved her), and assume he was the best son. He was always so hardworking, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone better, there wasn't a lazy bone in his body and he worked harder than anyone around him, even if he didn't have to or no one was looking. He loved hard work and working hard, and I am sure his employers would say he was the best employee.

Chris' addiction lied to him, told him and caused him to believe things that weren't true. Chris' story is an important and compelling example of how powerful addiction can be and how it can destroy the very best people, our very best young people! You don't have to be a bad person or a weak person to find yourself with addiction. You simply have to be a person born with certain genes, or a hurt/hurting person, a depressed person, an anxious/uncomfortable person, socially awkward person, a person that drinks too much and/or for too long (even happily), just about any kind of person. You simply have to be (sometimes randomly) affected. Then addiction takes over. Hopefully, in the future, we will be able to get more people- more of our fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, lovers, husbands, wives, friends- back, to take them back from Addiction and its grasp. I pray that someday, no one will have to lose the Christopher Schmidt in their life, recovery will be available/possible for and achieved by everyone!


Chris had a long and hard struggle with addiction and depression. He never knew how much he was loved. He loved his children so much, and they loved him tremendously. He kept fighting for years and years, and they were one of the biggest reasons, what kept him going.

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Kelsey E Kivisto

Age 23
Sensitive, empathetic, daughter, sister, friend
Kelsey Kivisto
Age 23

Kelsey had these big blue eyes and when she smiled she could light up a room. She was an old soul with a tender heart. Kelsey was crazy about her older brother and sister. She always wished they were closer in age because she loved being around them. Kelsey was loved by her family and friends and I also know that she hated her heroin addiction which made her isolate from us. I feel the same... I love Kelsey beyond words but hated her addiction.

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Sam Lile Stock

Age 33
A beloved son, brother, uncle, friend and D. J
Sam Stock
Age 33

Sam was loved by his family and friends. He struggled with an addiction to drugs and alcohol for many years.

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Catherine "Cathy" Marie Vinzant

Age 58
Catherine "Cathy" Vinzant
Age 58

Missing someone can't be explained in words... It's the little things that go unnoticed daily that I miss the most about your Mom. Talking to you on the phone to hear about your day, "Wheel of Fortune" always brings a smile to my face, tie-dye shirts, but greater than any of these I miss your smile!!!
Addiction took you away from me, your sisters, your grandkids, and all the people you called friends. I refuse to allow mine to do the same. My greatest wish is that you could've seen me sober Mom. It's a walk I wish we could've taken together...


Catherine, such a beautiful name...
This is my mother who battled alcoholism her entire adult life. Most who know her would say she didn't seem to be out of control, however, I could tell you different. The vodka destroyed her body & eventually took her life at age 59.

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Christy Michelle Hinton

Mother, daughter, friend, loyal, and a beautiful soul
Christy Hinton

Christy was a beautiful soul. She fought a good fight battling CMT and other health disorders. She was often misunderstood and hurt deeply. She was a believer in Jesus Christ and I watched as she leaned on her Lord and Saviour. Her smile lit up the room and warmed hearts. She would always stop and take the time to acknowledge those who were generally overlooked. She loved animals and all of God's creation. She suffered in pain from her CMT which she took pain medication for. It was her struggle. She overcame alcoholism through the love of Christ and the love she experienced from others. RIP Christy. Never forgotten and forever loved.


In loving memory of Christy M Hinton

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Karen Voelker

Age 60
Mother, sister, kind, funny, loving
Karen Voelker
Age 60

I miss my mom. It’s been 6 months since she passed away peacefully in her sleep. Although she is gone physically, I know that she is around me in spirit everyday of my life. My mother struggled with opioid addiction for over 15 years, she pushed away her loved ones including her own children towards the end of her life. If I could go back in time I would try harder to get her the help she needed, but now I spend most days trying not to blame myself for her death. I know it’s not my fault deep down but it’s something I struggle with daily. Before her addiction my mom was my best friend. She was funny, quick witted and had a beautiful kind heart. I will always miss the person she used to be before addiction took over her body and personality. The one thing that I truly find comfort in knowing is that she is finally out of pain. She is in eternal rest and is at peace with her mind, body and soul. I love you Momma.


Karen was my mom. She was absolutely beautiful inside and out, always putting others before herself. That was until her addiction took over completely. My mom died from years of opioid misuse, but I want the public to know that she was more than her addiction, she was a mother, daughter, aunt, sister and friend. I plan to fight every day in her name to end this epidemic and help people across the world who are struggling and still have a chance at life.

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John Derek Lafferty

Age 36
Love of my daughter’s life.
John Lafferty
Age 36

John grew up in a bad area of Las Vegas. He took care of his mom in her final years. When she passed 2 years ago, John took it hard. He distanced himself from the few family members he had and even broke off all contact with them and eventually his girlfriend and mother of his baby girl.
John lived on the street, addicted to meth... he wanted to change but, never took the necessary steps. The girl he left never gave up on him though... her mom, in California, supported her in her sobriety and relapses. Only a few days ago, she returned to Vegas and sadly learned that he had died a week before of a meth-related heart attack. If she hadn’t gone to find him... no one would have ever known what happened. He would’ve been 37 this past Tuesday.


John lost his way in this world when meth took over his life and most recently took his life.

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Terry Wagner

Age 43
Courageous, smiling, helpful, brother, son
Terry Wagner
Age 43

This weekend the unimaginable happened. After battling addiction for many years, we lost our son to what has killed so many too young. Our hearts are broken and we will miss Terry forever. We are comforted by family who remember Terry in healthier times and from his many friends who are sharing their memories with us on Facebook and through text. Terry loved many and lived life as best he could with the demons that he faced. In lieu of a formal funeral, we are asking that you talk to your children and grandchildren about the true dangers of drug use.

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Misty Lynn Miller

Age 39
Mother. Daughter. Caring. Beautiful. Missed.
Misty Miller
Age 39
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Misty had a smile that could light up and room and a personality and heart that made you feel so loved and important. She was a mother to three children that she adored and the light of her life. Misty loved country music and to sing in the shower. She loved In-a-tub tacos and the Cowboys. She loved anything pink camo and the tv show, Grey's Anatomy (cried over the characters like they were her best friends). She loved cinnamon popcorn and Dirty Dancing. She loved her family and just being comfy in a hoody and PJ pants. She loved to be silly and make people laugh. All of these little things made her Misty and we miss every single one.

After she passed, so many people from her life on the Army bases and rehabs around the country started to post on her Facebook page about how much Misty had helped them through so many tough times in their lives and how much she was going to be missed. This truly sums up who Misty was as a person, she was so caring and wanted to give herself to make others happy.

We lost Misty a little over a year ago to her addiction that she battled for over 10 years. Since her passing, we have done everything we can to keep her story and memory going. We talk about her often and always with a smile and a laugh. Mist, please keep sending us those signs that you are okay and watching over us. We love you!

"Through us, her story continues".


Misty was only on this planet for 39 short years, but in that short time she was able to help and be loved by so many people and we all miss her every single day.

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Michael Anthony Ruggiero Jr.

Age 33
Brother, Husband, Son & Friend
Michael Ruggiero Jr.
Age 33

Michael battled with addiction for many years. Although he struggled at times he managed to have such a wonderful life! He traveled the world, had an amazing sneaker collection, friends who would do anything for him, a family that supported him through everything and a wife who loved him until the end. Although it is heartbreaking that he is gone. In his short life he made an impact on so many people who loved him dearly. He will forever be remembered for his movie star good looks, piercing green eyes, captivating personality and contagious life. We all wish you were here Michael and we miss you so much.


Michael A. Ruggiero, Jr., a lifelong resident of Yonkers, NY passed away suddenly on Sunday, April 29, 2018, after a long battle with addiction. He was 33 years old.

Michael is survived by his wife, Nicola "Nikki"; his devoted parents, Michael & Eileen (nee Mahedy); his loving siblings, Andrew & Andrea and his adoring grandmother, Peggy Mahedy.

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