Justin Curtis Miller
Justin was one of the most loving and kind people you could know. He started out using pain pills and marijuana when he was a teenager, He was a very shy person that had a lot of trouble meeting and talking to people. Eventually he met and fell in love with a girl named Rachel who is the mother of his children. He got a job roofing and they had a place. Then they both started with the heroin, and the addiction took over both of them. They moved back here and eventually she left. Justin was heartbroken. The children are with my nephew and his wife as they are in the process of adopting them. Justin was really shattered after he lost his babies. He was trying so hard to get it together and get sober for his children as well as himself but it just didn't happen. Justin was always willing to help anyone in need and would give you the shirt off of his back. My son was loved by everyone that knew him and he is missed by all. His son will never know his father and what a great guy he was. I thank God his daughter had almost 5 years with him before he passed away. His kids were his world and he loved them both with every fiber of his being. I want people to know that Justin was loved so much by all of us and we miss him every minute of every day. He wasn't a nobody; my boy was a somebody. If his story can save one life then his death will not be in vain. Justin was an organ donor and he did save other's lives by being a donor. Even though he was in a dark place he loved life and he loved his family with all of his heart. My son was one of my best friends and it shattered my heart to lose him. My life is forever changed. Justin touched a lot of hearts and he had a beautiful soul. I just want everyone that is lost to those demons called addiction to please seek help and don't be afraid. You can do this; you are a somebody and you are worth saving. Please don't have your loved one putting your last picture on this page telling your story like myself and so many others have had to do. Justin, I love you with all my heart and I always will. I hope you have found peace and you are flying high above with the angels. I will never forget you son and all of the joy you brought to my life and so many others. I miss you every day.