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Tiffany Rae Shubert

Age 26
Best Friend
Age 26

Tiffany was an amazing person. She was talented doing hair, drawing, and being a friend.

My daughter and her had so many memories.

I will miss our talks

Tiffany was a hard worker and great friend

Ben Valenzuela

Age 19
Bright Light
Age 19

Ben was a loving old soul in a young man's body. His family was the most important thing to him in the world and he would be certain to hug you both coming and going. Ben was so witty and had a crazy contagious laugh and could always make you smile

Favorite memories include beach trips, where he always got stung by at least one jellyfish, ski vacations that always included a daredevil injury of some sort, watching the Netflix shows we loved together, grabbing way too many tacos at Torchy's while watching the Torchy's channel and belly-laughing, eating creamy jalapeno at Chuys, playing fetch with Roscoe, meeting him at work and watching how he ran the place wherever he was and how everyone he worked with loved him and he loved them.

There are so many things to miss- hearing his thumping car drive up outside and him bouncing in the front door with a "hola"! I miss his silly jokes and stupid pics we would send each other of dogs or inside jokes that no one else would get. I miss him calling me for no reason and always telling me he loved me. I miss our deep talks and I miss hearing him talk about his plans for the future. I miss his rough hands and the way his hair smells and the sound of him singing in the shower.

Ben would like to be remembered first and foremost as part of family he loved and who loved him- as a son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and as an uncle. He would like to be remembered for his hugs and "I love you's". He would like to be remembered to striving to get the most out of the time he had on earth- living big, loving full, helping anyone he could. He would like to be remembered for his sense of humor and his ability to turn any negative into a positive no matter what.

Andrew Yanez

Age 27
Sweet soul
Age 27

My big brother was quite & shy but had the biggest eyes filled with lots of love

My favorite memory with drew is the jokes he would tell with his laughter that would follow.

His eyes and beautiful smile.

Being the best brother he could be .

brittney schyanne gilman

Age 23
beautiful,caring,loving,missed dearly
Age 23

friend smart beautiful heart mother,daughter,funny if she loved you there was nothing she wouldnt do to protect you or do for you i miss her so much still cant believe shes gone its hard there will be not one day shes not thought about

when i was going through the hardest time in my life she was here for me refused to leave me unless somebody was with me made sure i ate had everything i needed,also was there for my son after he was shot made sure she got him out the house took him to florda helped him get out of his depression

her laughter

huge heart mother of 2 boys that she loved very much

Alejandro “Alex” Adan Guajardo

Age 28
Son, brother, fiancé, daddy, grandson
Age 28

Alex was such a loving, protective, loyal, hilarious, forgiving person. He was child-like but his demeanor was intimidating. He was misunderstood. He gave the most ínstense hugs. That’s how you knew you were loved. He didn’t give those to everyone.

I have so many memories. Mostly, Alex was such a prankster. He had the best, funniest and sometimes inappropriate impressions/jokes. He loved to hide behind a door and scare the bejeesus out of me! He thought it was hilarious!

This might offend some, but Alex smoked weed to help him cope. He always tried to get me to smoke with him. One day I did and we laughed at each other so hard we woke up my husband. This was about three months before he transitioned. It’s a sweet memory I will cherish.

I miss his hugs and big presence. I miss his jokes and impressions at my expense. I miss his laugh that was music to my ears because it wasn’t often you heard it. I miss being able to see him as a dad to his young girls; one of which he never got to meet. I miss his smell and wavy, soft hair and kissing his head. I miss his beautiful green/gray eyes. I miss him saying, “Maaaa!” when he wanted something from me. I miss his unchanging and undying love for me as his mama.

As a good and strong young man who loved deeply. A big-hearted guy who was genuine and would always tell you what he thought-good or bad. A guy who was fierce but sensitive and not afraid to show how he felt about you. He was a loving son, brother, fiancé and daddy.

Anthony Lee Giaccetti

Age 40
Son, brother, kind, loving
Age 40

Never understood how great you where, how handsome, funny. You were so loved.

Vacations, you never met a stranger.

His contagious smile and sense of humor.

Having an open mind about everyone and always willing to lend a helping hand.

Vincent Lynch

Age 26
Age 26

Vincent was the fun one. The resilient one. The one with a heart of gold. He was a social chameleon who always wanted everyone to be happy, have a good time and live their best life.

I miss everything about my brother, but I will miss the connection we shared as siblings the most. The memories Vincent and I had of our parents were so much more meaningful to share with each other after they passed. Now that he’s gone too, it’s like losing another part of the family archives.

Vincent was one of a kind. I know he would want his wild, carefree spirit will live on in our hearts forever.

Terry McCoy

Age 61
Heart of Gold
Age 61

Anyone who knew Terry knew what a kind, thoughtful, and generous person she was. She had a great sense of humor and cared for her family so much. She was a loving mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and coworker. She is dearly missed.

Please remember her with love and laughter ❤️

James Harvey Tononi

Age 25
Beautiful boy, creative compassionate soul
Age 25

James was a loving and caring son who looked at the world in a unique way. He loved to read and was most comfortable being outside in nature exploring, discovering, and creating. He loved his big family, and was a loyal friend.

One of my favorite memories of James is seeing his delight in discovery of new things. When he was 5 or 6 years old he piled up random rocks he had found and fashioned a pirate ship. His imagination was astounding . Everyday was an adventure. His favorite bug was the praying mantis, which he found them readily on his nature searches. Civil War reenacting was a passion he shared with his dad.

I miss James' hugs and his soothing voice saying "I love you, Mom".

I want James remembered as a loyal and compassionate person who was rich in imagination, service, compassion, humor, and love. He is a beautiful child of God.

Jameson Adam Rybak

Age 30
Son, brother, and best friend.
Age 30

Sweet and sensitive, grilled the best steaks ever and his baked potatoes were always a work of art. Jamie loved to joke and tease his friends and family. He had a heart of gold.

Every beach vacation! Jamie loved the beach. The last Carolina Country Music Festival we attended was in 2019. We had a great time as a family. We laughed and enjoyed every minute of that trip together. Jamie had the best time. He was enjoying a great, clean life. We were all so proud of him!

His sweet, kind nature. I miss his voice and his smile. I miss his hugs and all his tropical shirts.

He would like to be remembered as being fun-loving and carefree.

Jaden Young Korse

Age 24
Forever my Boo
Age 24

Jaden was just 24 years old, when his life ended. He will be forever remembered, for the incredibly sweet, smart and talented individual that he was

Brittney Anna Schuppe

Age 22
My daughter, My Diamond
Age 22

My daughter Brittney had a very admiring presence, many people enjoyed being around her. She always gives her bestest in anything she did.

My favorite memory of Brittney was seeing her enjoy sports, concerts or shows. Watching her dance, smile and twirl also made me so very happy.

I miss not seeing her beauty, her expression when she received something she really wanted and her laughter.

Brittney wanted to be remembered for her love of animals. Her love for dogs was very deep. She also would want to be remembered as a fashionista, a model and a trend setter.

Tyler Davis Kale

Age 25
Big brother, huge heart.
Age 25

Tyler was a funny, sweet, extremely intelligent guy. He never met a stranger and genuinely liked all humans.

How much he loves his little sister.

His love for his sister. His smile. He lived life with his huge heart on his sleeve.

A funny, loyal friend with great hair.

Thomas P. Havanis

Age 28
Loving Son, Brother & Friend
Age 28

Thomas lit up the room with his smiling face. He wanted everyone to be happy and went out of his way to talk to those that were alone and struggling. He loved helping those in need, be it food or clothing, he was always giving. He had a huge caring heart.

Thomas gave the best bear hugs and told me,”I love you, Mamacita” often.

Thomas will be forever loved and missed by his family & friends.

Thomas wants to be remembered as a kind and caring soul.

Alena Rose McCarthy

Age 27
Beautiful daughter
Age 27

A loving, beautiful daughter and sister who loved her family. She was artistic, loved animals and cared deeply for others.

Erin Ashley

Age 27
Kind, Smart, Beautiful, Unforgettable.
Age 27

Erin was honest, loving, loyal, down-to-earth, and she had the best sense of humor.

Every memory that I have of Erin is my favorite.

I miss everything about Erin. The two of us were soul sisters from the beginning, best friends, and bonded for life.

Erin would want to be remembered for the person she truly was. Her addiction did not define her.

Keaton Michael Sullivan

Age 19
Son, Brother, Bestfriend, Funny, Loyal, Loving
Age 19

Keaton Michael was an amazing person. He was sober and had straightened his life up. He was definitely turning into the young man we all wanted him to be. He was our ray of sunshine even on the cloudiest of days! We love you to “Infinity and Beyond”

When Keaton was only a year old he would jump off the coffee table or anything around, while screaming that he loved me to Infinity and Beyond.

I will miss Keaton being around to sing and bust a move to cheer me up.

Keaton would want all of us to keep our heads up, stay sober, and live life and every day like it’s our last. He would want us to remember him and live on, never forgetting all the amazing times we spent with him. Remembering that he loved each of us.

Anthony Christopher James Casale

Age 33
Husband, Father, Best Friend
Age 33

Anthony and I where together about 10 years. He had such a charismatic, extroverted, bubbly personality. He was an amazing musician, and I’ve never seen a father dote on his son in my life more than he did on our Dominic John Paul.

The day our son Dominic was born—December 06, 2014, at 2:26PM.


I believe Anthony would want to be remembered most as a loving father.