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John Richard Page

Age 33
Son, brother, uncle, artist
Age 33

John was a all of energy from day one, we fought like crazy… but loved even harder… we were all one another had. I am lost without my brother

When John locked me in the trunk our mom has in the living room
And FINALLY he got in trouble!!

His dedication, his deep rooted knowledge of right from wrong, good from bad… that’s what made it so difficult for John to recover..without professional support he felt to much pain

As the smart, multi talented, handsome, funny, slightly controlling man he was.

Age 40

my brother was the most caring and kindest guy u would ever known. His contagious laugh would make you smile no matter what kind of day you were having. He was my little bro and will be missed and loved forever♡

I have sooo many but just recently last summer we took a ride to Hubbard Park and parked on side of the bridge for like 3 hours we talked,laughed and cried that day. I am so grateful for that memory.

His laugh and the only one who ever called me jenny.

He was a loving and positive soul. He fought his addiction every single day wether he was clean or using. He hated this drug and I know he is now at peace.

Adam Carlton Paxton

Age 31
Son, brother, intelligent, beautiful, wickedly funnny
Age 31

He was amazingly smart, funny, caring, insightful and unique. I will miss him always.

He had a girlfriend in high school that I just didn’t like and it dawned on me, for the first time, that I may not like or get along with whoever he married. I shared that thought with him…and he responded “but Mom, don’t you think if I love them you’ll love them too?” I told him I had always thought that would be so but I just I didn’t love “Brooke” his current girlfriend….he lit up with a huge grin and replied “me neither!”

His humor and his hugs.

As kind and generous.

Age 23

Kind to everyone he met with a heart for Jesus! Loved unconditionally...

His sweet and kind spirit

Hearing " I love you" and his hugs!

As a man with a different spirit and one who enjoyed sharing God with whomever he could.

Jim Patrick Troilo

Age 32
Son, Brother, Father, Husband
Age 32

Jim never went anywhere without meeting a new person. His smile lit up his eyes. His little boy giggle continued into adulthood.
His love for his family was great but it was his love for his son that was pure.

His smile, the way he twirled his hair.

Haha! I miss his smelly socks! But most of all his excitement when he found something he wanted to share.

His genuine interest in others.

Cory Michael Watson

Age 24
Age 24

My brother cory was the most genuine yet misunderstood soul I was so lucky to grow up being protected by. He had a heart of gold and a soul of fire. There isn’t a day where my heart feels okay without him here with us. We are broken forever.

Too many favorite memories, I miss most hearing him laugh and making goofy jokes everyday. His personality was so pure and unique, little did he know that he deserved the universe and more. He inspired me to stop caring what people think, just to be myself and live by that unapologetically. He had no idea what an inspiration he was to me my whole life. He saved my life as a baby and again 13 years later, and still does today even on the other side. The only reason I kept going was for him.

I miss his hugs, his smile and beautiful eyes. I remember the heartache and pain just looking at him. I wish i could have showed him how special he was to my family and I. I miss him doing dumb crazy things just to get a laugh out of me, and I miss him threatening every person he knew wasn’t needed in my life. He was always right, and he always knew what was best for me. I miss the protection he gave me, the security, the love. I miss our cries together and I miss our laughs. I miss him more.

Remember him as the stud he was. The ladies man, but also with a heart of the purest gold. The person who would never hesitate to go out of his was for the people he loved. Never was a force to be reckoned with. My Cory, you were and always will be the light of my life and my inspiration to stay sober. I know you were in pain, much pain. All we want is for you to be okay today. Please continue to watch over my soon to be son, as I know he would be so utterly loved by you. I love you.

Sabrina Ann Smith

Age 42
Sister,heart as big as ky
Age 42

I NEVER thot there was anything that would take her away. She NEVER knew real love she lived her life on earth in domestic violence everyday he tried many times to kill her but God kept her here and then on this day an addiction to pain pills took her away

She always enjoyed holidays. She would go over board and beyond for everybody she knew. She NEVER let anybody go hungry she always made sure ppl had food

Being able to text her everyday even tho she wouldn't answer for days on end at least I knew she was on the other end of the phone....

She only wanted to be loved and appreciated.... Remember her big heart and how she always wanted to make ppl laugh....

Jon Austin Cheatham

Age 26
Courageous, Honest, Believer, Handsome and Irreplaceable.
Age 26

Austin was determined, strong, handsome, stubborn and a strong believer. He stood by anyone or anything he felt strongly about. He was eager to make a life that had meaning. He loved hard. He was selfless and willing to do whatever for our family.

Austin struggled with a lot of demons on daily basis. I watched him learn patience & be a father to my daughter, I watched him change from someone who had past mistakes defining them to someone who had fought to get limitless opportunities. He got his dream job. He got his biggest catch aired on a news station along with his picture. He got to watch his son being born. He always wanted to make his Mom&Grandparents proud&he did. Witnessing him achieve all this was something I’ll always remember.

His love. Once you got to understand him for everything he was. It just all clicked. He would go to war for the ones he loved. Fishing just isn’t the same without him. He was the fisherman for sure and he enjoyed it. He was my safe place that feeling of home. I never not one day doubted he loved me. He brought that drive out in me. He saw all I could be and wanted it for me. He was my soul mate and I will miss everything about him and us. Austin is irreplaceable in all of his loved ones life’s.

I want him remembered for who he was, what he lived for. The good days. The times he was there for you. The times he made you laugh. The times he cried with you. The short time he fought with determination to make something of himself. I want Austin remembered for who he was on the inside.. No one is a saint we’re all sinners. He is no different. His death shall not be in vain. He was a son, grandson brother, cousin, nephew, husband, father. He was ours and he was someone worthy someone special.

Carla Nicole Tennant

Age 32
Daughter,sister,mother and friend.
Age 32

My little sister had a heart of gold, she loved animals just as much as her family and friends. She would do anything for anyone. She had demons, just like everyone else, but she fought them for years and then they won. I miss her more than anything.

My favorite memories are many but the one that sticks out the most was the night we were just driving around and laughing, and we seen a sign for R&R's BBQ, and we stole it to give to my best friend who we called R&R. And Robbie still has the sign today.


For how much she loved her daughter Alice.

Sean "Sam" Shipley

Age 32
My talented son, and father of Cianni.
Age 32

Sensitive, tried hard to please. Helped me do construction work around the home, starting at an early age, he was amazing the way he could reason out any problem. Would help friends with a roof, construction work, brakes for their car, ect.

Kindness to others, when he received Christmas money he would use the money to buy his friends a gift.
He was never good at school and really wanted to get an award, so he did not miss any school days and received the perfect attendance award for 2 years. Another year he and his twin brother took apart a pop-up trailer and reassembled in a tree for their treehouse.

Seeing him, getting a hug, spending time talking.

His love, abilities, kindness. That he did try hard and succeeded in being clean for a few years. What great years they were!!!

Robert (CJ) Craigg Martin

Age 32
Son, Brother, Father
Age 32

If he were born in the days of the peace and love era he would have fit in perfectly. He would give the shirt off his back and did alot for charity. To know him is to love him. He was a truely good person whose laugh was contagious. We Miss him.

At Thanksgiving every year he would steal food as it was being prepared the minute you turned your head it was in his mouth.

I miss his laugh. I miss his heart of gold. I miss his confidence. I wish he could see his son growing up. I miss every single thing about him. He was a beautiful person and so full of life. He didnt have an enemy in this world but he had so many friends and would never meet a stranger. He was so proud of his son and he loved him so much. He was 4 when his daddy got his wings. We hold him even tighter today. We are loving him for ourselves and for his daddy.

He would like to have been remembered as a good person and he would want those left behind to live their best life in his remembrance. He wanted the best for everybody. He would want everyone to remember that just because you may be different thats ok because life is too short to not be yourself. He was always himself and didnt care what others thought of how he dressed or the drum he played. He would have told you to love yourself no matter what. He was just that kind of guy.

Christopher Scott Kreitzman

Age 26
Amazing, Kind, Son, Brother, Friend
Age 26

Christopher was the kindest soul who lit up a room with his warmth. He made everyone feel they belonged.

Christophers laugh was infectious,

He had a way of encouraging authenticity in everyone, maybe because he was so accepting.

As a skater, as a best friend, best brother and best son.

Robert Jay Summers

Age 26
Son, Brother, Father, Friend, Partner,
Age 26

Rob was a gentle soul with a heart that was even larger than his effortless ability to make even the hardest person laugh, through the 8 years we spent fighting side by side against the world for true love I was shaped into the woman I am today

I don't know if I can pick a favorite memory but the one that came straight to mind was Valentine's Day of 2016, he had already told me he was getting me a ring because he didn't want to guess the wrong ring size. So time passed by and he came to me and said he was putting it off because he didn't have enough money. It turns out he had planned to hold off for our vacation to my mother's a week or two away and asked her permission and then proposed to me in front of my entire family

I miss his ability to make any situation brighter, his passion and love for his family, and his genuine phobia of a serious moment usually disrupted by a goofy face or crazy noise that immediately would have the room erupting with wholesome laughter from being caught off guard .. he was a wonderful father who had the unique ability to be a big kid himself and not only be a dad but a friend, and no matter the situation he was always there to make me feel safe and see the sun on the other side

I know he would always want to be remembered again for the amount of love and the bond he shared with his family which was always his number one concern, his gift of jumping to help anyone who needed him without hesitation, his talent for art and drawing, and his love of music

Zoe Christine Link

Age 21
Zoe was beautiful from the inside out. She never met a stranger. She had a heart of gold. If you met Zoe you would never forget her.
Age 21

Zoe was my daughter in law and the mother of my oldest grandson. She loved with every ounce of her being. She fought her battle with addiction with everything she had. In the end her demons were just bigger than she was. She was an angel on earth and now she’s our guardian angel.

Zoe was FULL of personality. There was way too many memories to only pick one. She was so silly and loved to make people happy even at her own expense. Many times she put others ahead of herself. She loved my son with everything she had and she loved her son with everything she had. She treated our family as if we were her own (which we were). Her and I had a bond from the very first time I met her. My daughter and her were like sisters. Everyone thought she was my daughter and Justin (my son) was the in-law. She was type 1 diabetic but loved anything and everything sweet. Although we only had 4 years with her the memories we do have of her will always make me smile. There are so many good times we shared together. Bad ones too but the good far outweigh the bad. Her parents have SO many amazing memories with her and tell the most amazing stories of her most of them were just how sensitive, sweet, and hilarious she was. To know Zoe was to love Zoe.

I miss so much about her. I miss her phone calls just to talk about her day. How she got so excited about small stuff. I miss her smile. I miss her jumping up in my bed and watching our favorite TV shows. I miss the way she looked at my son and my grandson with such love. I miss her voice, her hugs, her jokes, her silliness. We called her slowee because she was LATE for everything and took forever to leave anywhere even just a store to get gas lol. We used to tell her she will be late to her own funeral but that’s the one thing she was much to early for and the only thing she left way too soon from was her friends and family.

Zoe would want to be remembered as the sweet soul she was. An amazing daughter, wife, daughter in law, granddaughter, great granddaughter, niece, aunt, cousin, and friend. She would like to be remember as the girl who started a prayer group in jail and turned so many hearts to the Lord. She would like to be remembered as the one who tried so hard to help others seek recovery. She would like to be remembered as the one who fought so hard to stay in recovery. The most important thing in her life was my son, her son, and her parents. I feel the most important thing she’d like to be remembered for is a selfless mom and wife who loved them both more than life itself. She gave everything she had in every situation she was in. She had so many struggles in life with her health and she pushed thru and always made the best of every situation she’d like to be remembered as a strong fighter that persevered until she couldn’t any longer.

Joe Slabosz

Age 43
Irreplaceable Father
Age 43

My dad was my number one super fan. He was so proud of everything I did, even if it was something small. He did everything he could to make sure I had a better life than he did.

Losing a father leaves a hole that nobody else can come close to filling in your life. I'll miss our long phone calls and talking for hours on end about everything or nothing. I miss his unending support and unique way of seeing the world. The world is worse off for losing his giant heart.

He always said that at both of their peaks, that he was (and I quote), "one of the only people who could have partied with Motley Crue and survived." Which seems a little ironic in hindsight, but I remember him as a superstar dad.

Corey Alan Robinson

Age 34
Father, Son, Comedian, Lover, Friend
Age 34

Corey was always finding a way to make everyone around him laugh. His smile was always genuine and his laugh so contagious. He never stopped fighting his addiction and just always strived to be the very best man he could possibly be.

There are so many memories that pip up into my head at the most random times, almost always of him somehow making me laugh. No matter what the situation, he could make it light somehow. That was truly his gift. Didn't matter if he was around family or complete strangers, if someone was having a rough day, Corey made it his mission to make them chuckle before he left the room. People knew him as a joker, so much people he would enter a room and people would just wait on the jokes to come.

I will miss his ability to turn any situation around. He was my rock for many years and I know he was the glue holding many others together. He leaves behind 4 children who miss him tremendously. He leaves a mother who cries for her boy daily. Sisters who miss their little bros laugh. A father who would give anything for one more road trip with his son. Corey leaves a huge hole in so many lives, a hole that's made bigger by the absence of his laugh.

Corey would want to be remembered for who he was without his addiction. He fought behind closed doors for so many years so as to not embarrass or bring shame on his loved ones. He would want to be remembered as a hard working father. A devout mamas boy. A little brother who would always defend his sister's and as a loving friend. Corey loved animals and always seemed at ease when around them. He was a teacher of many things, but mostly he was a good man. He found the best in all situations.

Jared Davignon

Age 27
Amazing person big heart
Age 27

He was the best friend you only get once in a lifetime, if at all. He loved with all his heart and always smiled. He was a kid inside and an amazing uncle to my two children. He is the perfect person to become an angel. He was one on earth too!

Hearing him laughing while playing with Jace and Olivia. Singing songs in the car remixed just to have fun and laugh. Just had this happy glow about him and around him. It was contagious no matter how upset you were being with him made you laugh and smile. He gave the biggest bear hugs ever and always knew when people needed him the most without being asked. He just knew his friends and cared that much!

Everything! He should be here today. I feel he gave his entire life for others to be happy and lost his own too quickly. I miss my best friend and wish things were different.

Robert Jackson Williams

Age 35
Son, Brother, Husband, Father, Friend
Age 35

Big Jack never meet a stranger in his life! Everyone who knew him LOVED him! This was very clear on the day we laid him to rest as over 350 of his friends and family came to pay their respects and say goodbye. We miss you Fat Jack, always, everyday!

Well that would have to be FISHING always fishing, Not to be out done by Simple Man or Alice in Chains on the guitar. Most of us have rescue stories , you know the ones, where we called Jack to come rescue us from one disaster or another, there was funny Jack, SERIOUS JACK, and family Jack. One thing you knew for sure if he told you he had your back you could take that to the bank! All of my memories are my favorites, sorry I could not pick out just one!


As a loyal and faithful friend, brother, son, father and lover of Jesus Christ! He would want his kids to know just how much he loved them, SOSOSOSOSOS MUCH!!!!!! He was so Proud of both of you Allie and Zane! We all are! He would want us to fish every day we could in honor of his memory, and yes, the poles are made of Gold and the bass are 100lb each in Heaven, and yes, Jesus is a better fisherman then him. lol

Philip Gambino III

Age 20
Son, brother, uncle, boyfriend
Age 20

Philip had a big, kind, and loving heart. He loved his family, his girlfriend, and friends. He loved skateboarding, music, nature, animals, looking at the moon, stars, and planets in the night sky. He will be forever loved and missed

James ( JP) Patrick Pritchard

Age 29
Son, brother, lover of family and friends
Age 29

He was a sensitive and intuitive person. He was always able to read other people's feelings and ready to talk to anyone who needed a good listener. He got lost on his life path when he was about 16 or 17 years old. He had a good friend commit suicide and also experienced his family structure fall apart when his dad cheated on his mom and ultimately moved out. At that time he also learned he had a half brother from an affair his father had years previously shattering his lifelong image of his father and as himself as the oldest son. In retrospect it is clear now that JP used alcohol and drugs to numb the pain and sadness he was feeling at that time and over the years his addiction got the upper hand. He was super smart and always thought he could outsmart his addiction and also didn't want to be the guy who couldn't drink alcohol. He struggled with opiate and alcohol addiction for about 10 years. He asked for help at times and was on suboxone 2 different times but I believe he had so much shame, was unable to find a compassionate doctor that wanted to help, resisted going to rehab and ultimately he stopped seeking help and just hid his addictions. He died at the age of 29. He did not overdose but he got himself into an unsafe and volatile situation, had a very high blood alcohol level and suffered a severe beating. He lived for 2 weeks in an ICU but ultimately his brain injury was too severe and his body shut down and we had to take him off life support,

My favorite memory of JP is a Christmas morning when he was about 12. He had bought me ( his mom) a pair of PJ pants as a gift and when I was opening his gift to me, he stopped what he was doing which was opening a gift to him and watched as I opened his gift to be sure I was pleased. That is JP - always wanting to make sure others were happy. Another crazy memory is the day he died: he had been in a coma for 2 weeks and did not open and focus his eyes the whole time. As he was being taken off the drugs that were keeping his heart going, I was standing next to him, rubbing his forehead and talking to him. Shortly before he died, he opened his one good eye very wide and looked directly at me. He seemed he wanted to see me and let me know he knew I was there. I talked to him and then his eye closed and shortly thereafter his heart stopped beating. He loved me and I loved him.

I will miss his wit, him telling me he loves me, talking on the phone about the constellations and the phases of the moon. I am sad that his life did not play out as I believe it was supposed to, the person he was when he struggled with substance use was not the person he started out to be as a young boy. I will always wonder who he would have been if he had not gotten derailed with addiction.

I think JP would like to be remembered as a loyal son, brother, boyfriend and friend. His relationships were very important to him. He was social and enjoyed having many friends. He had a long time girl friend that he loved and was proud of. He was also dedicated as a big brother to his 2 younger sisters as well as a "father" to his dog Zoso. He was also a great cook - I think he would like to be remembered though some of his yummy recipes which we have captured in a recipe book.