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Scott VonDenBosch

Age 50
Brother, Heart of Gold, Fun and funny
Age 50

He was such a fun person. He could always make me laugh so hard. He had the biggest heart.

Orville Woodrum

Age 46
Age 46

Him calling me mom

His thoughtfulness always helping someone out

By his brother joey woodrum

Devahn Reed

Age 30
Charismatic Loyal Loving Brave
Age 30

Devahn was a handsome, wonderful soul. He had a contagious laugh that would fill the room with love! Dev was a fiercely loyal and loving son. Devahn loved his 4 children above all else and felt honored to be their father. Devahn was a special soul who will forever loved and missed.

Marlin Ray Black

Age 27
Father, Husband,Brother
Age 27

He was a protector a man who was trying to be better for his family. And a father who would go above and beyond for his boys. And a loving husband who made sure to always be supportive of his wife.

So many memories but the times we took our kids and Nieces and nephew to school breakfast after school treats he always had to take them somewhere. He showed so much love to us.

His pep talks he always reminded me I don’t need certain people in my corner. That I did everything on my own. And he couldnt be more proud to have me as the mother of his kids and wife.

For being the best father out of all things in life being a dad is what he did best. From the day he became a dad at 17 to his last day of life. He was so amazing it’s like he was born to be a dad. His love was one of a kind.

Matthew Jose Rivero

Age 26
Son, brother, lover, adventurous, and
Age 26

Matthew lived life in the fast lane. He absolutely loved his mom, dad, and younger brother. His laugh was infectious and he could entertain anyone for hours with his stories. He had a soft side that rarely anyone got to see. He loved 4-wheelers.

There are so many, but Matthew and I met in treatment and I knew I loved him right away. When we got out, we spent a lot of time together. One night when he was over and we were laying in bed, he said "I love you...I've never been this happy before in my entire life." I never let him live down the fact that he said it first. I'd give anything to go back to that night, to hear him say that one more time.

There are so many things I miss about Matthew. I miss him waiting for me at my apartment to hangout when I got off work. I miss driving around in his truck to nowhere, even though his driving scared me. I miss cuddling with him when we had nothing to do. I miss texting him throughout the day when I'm bored at work. I miss talking to him about everything and nothing. I miss his smile and the sound of his laugh when he thought he was being funny. I miss hearing "I love you" from him.

I believe that Matthew would want to be remembered for his adventurous side; there was nothing he wouldn't try. He would want people to remember to always have fun, because he always wanted to have fun. He would want to be remembered as a son and a brother who loved his family very much.

Mitch Haney

Age 25
Son, Brother Lover of Golf
Age 25

Mitch loved his two sisters and his family! Mitch was a funny, caring person with beautiful blue eyes, a sweet spirit, a sense of humor, a love of the outdoors and a caring heart. Mitch loved fishing, golfing and paintball and anything outdoors!

As a young boy, Mitch was known for constructing club house after club house that became more elaborate and impressive over time…you just had to watch out for the 6 inch nails poking out on the inside so you didn’t get injured! He literally would hold his sisters by the ankles, making them help him dumpster dive for clubhouse raw materials. He considered his sisters his 'wingmen' in life and they are lucky to have survived his antics!

I will miss his laugh, his love of food and searching out the best great place to eat! I will miss his free spirit and sense of adventure. I'll miss his 'special recipe' breakfasts and the way he drove us all crazy. I'll miss his sweet smile and his kind heart. a guy who makes a great fashion statement, a badass golfer, an expert paintballer, a lover of black labs (Lilly and Cali), a lover of the outdoors, a big brother and a son/grandson who tried his best.

..a friend who drove his friends crazy, as a guy who ladies loved, and as a human being who struggled like everyone else.

He will be forever in our hearts.

Anthony Michael Jones

Age 23
Any thing he touched, blossomed
Age 23

He loved hip hop, but also enjoyed country.

He loved life and everything about it.

Matthew Ryan Harris

Age 26
Loving Son, Brother, Grandson, Friend
Age 26

Matt was a very high energetic little boy who brought smiles and laughter to many who knew him. He was a very talented athlete until he put more energies into friends & partying. Matthew was a gift from God that we loved and encouraged for 26 yes💜

I miss Matt’s hugs and loves and seeing him smile. I miss his phone calls and telling each other I love you. I miss him stopping by my work and saying hi or bringing me an orchid. I miss his physical being. He has left a very large void in our family. He was our youngest and only son. We will miss him always💜

Matt was a loving bug-hearted sensitive guy. He was loved by many and we miss him. He had so much more life to give but remembering he is at peace and has no demons gives us comfort!

Caitlin Sarah Maughan

Age 28
Daughter, fiancée, sister, friend, sweetheart
Age 28

Caitlin had a huge heart, she would do anything for anyone. Sadly, she seemed to connect with people who were not as loyal as she was, it broke my heart. She had a dog Millie that was her life along with her fiancé Jamie.

Caitlin spent months collecting small bottles for her sister’s 21st birthday, she put a big glass together and was so proud of the gift. Her sister loved it! She spent so much time thinking about gifts for others. She gave me a necklace for Christmas one year, every time I wear it I think of her.

She was always there when anyone needed her, I knew I could call her to come when I needed her. She and Jamie never really found there place in the world, but they left a gaping hole in my world. She had the most beautiful smile, I have so many pictures, sadly that’s all I have left.

She loved animals and we did a memorial fund for her at a local no kill shelter. We were able to sponsor a kennel for a year, she would have loved that so much. I hope she and Jamie and Millie are all back together again in paradise.

Julia Romero

Age 34
Mother, Sister, Daughter
Age 34

Julia had tremendous strength, and fought ferociously against the monster of addiction. She smiled and laughed through all of her suffering.

Julia’s mark on the world lives on in her beautiful daughters Isabella and Nicole. Their hearts have made the world kinder and brighter.

Anthony Pattalio

Age 42
Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle
Age 42

Strong and big hearted

Logan Robert Lunas

Age 22
Son * Brother * Gentle * Fun-Loving * Kind
Age 22

Logan was the youngest of four children.  He was our self-described Peter Pan, who once told me, “I don’t want to grow up because life would be too hard,” then he lost his eldest brother (Joshua Miles Hansen) when he was 17, and it was, too hard for his tender soul.  Logan was a truly kind and compassionate person who loved deeply and completely.  His family meant the world to him. He was kind and had a beautiful soul with a smile and laugh that were contagious to all those around him. Logan was gentle, funny, devoted, childlike, and simply adorable.  Though he was often quiet, he was just taking it all in, and he demonstrated an astounding memory that impressed his siblings, teachers, and parents. His quick wit, love of history, courteous manners, and great charm are characteristics we all appreciated about him. The blessings in our vast collection of home videos and photos show his delightful personality and how precious he was as the youngest child in our family.  

So many wonderful memories of Logan, but these quickly come to mind:  Logan’s random, but spot-on good humor, left an imprint on anyone who knew him. He was fiercely loyal to his family and friends, and you always knew he had your back. His sister says she watches her young boys play and remembers how she and Logan enjoyed playing, growing up, and dressing up together. He was her perfect playmate! He loved playing baseball and basketball and being coached by his dad.  As a youth, he was known for making major league plays on the field and impressive 3-point shots on the basketball court. He had a tender way with our family pets and was a caring breeder of parakeets, hamsters, and chinchillas for the local pet store.  Logan was a movie aficionado, a passion he shared with his two big brothers who were 8 and 10 years older, and he had an uncanny ability to memorize dialog from films and share them with us at the most appropriate (or inappropriate) times creating bountiful laughter for us all. His brother shares that he remembers always being impressed by Logan’s eye-hand coordination and was in awe of his marksmanship because it was like nothing he had ever seen before; “it appeared effortless” is how he described it. His aim was phenomenal; no matter the sport (baseball or marksmanship) and Logan always hit his target noting how it seemed unchallenging for him when others would have to put in a lot of time to master the skills. He learned to snow ski as a small child and our days together on the slopes as a family will long be remembered as some of the best times. Our little man – sporting a helmet, sans poles, took great joy in surpassing his elder snowboarding brothers.  He was blessed to have two older brothers who took him under their wings and enjoyed their little buddy. Later, snowboarding, motorcycle racing, fishing trips, and NASCAR (Jeff Gordon who he once met) were highlights he enjoyed.  Logan especially adored his “Sissy” and he looked up to her so much that she set the standard by which he measured others.  

We miss everything about Logan. He was a simple soul whose sensitivity and purpose could be described by a favorite fictional character, of whom he often quoted, Forest Gump, in saying “and that is all I have to say about that.“ He was frank and not much for small talk.  I close my eyes, hear his loud laugh, quiet giggles, see his bright green smiling eyes, feel his beautiful hands, smell his favorite cologne, and remember his signature style and how he donned only button-down shirts, nice shoes, and a favorite leather jacket. I long for his hugs and our exchange of I love you’s. The empty seats at our family table created by the loss of Logan, and his eldest brother Josh six years before him, is heartbreaking. Logan would have been a wonderful uncle and the kids are sad that they do not have their little brother to share in life’s milestones. Although Logan (and Josh) were our past and present, they were the future to the brother and sister(s) they left behind.  It is a tragedy to fully appreciate the immense loss that siblings feel. He would have been a spectacular partner and father. Logan and Josh now have 4 nephews who will grow to know them through our remembrances in photos and epic stories in our family history. 

Logan was optimistic for his future. Although he may have used drugs, that is not who he was.  He would want to be remembered as a good man for his intellect, good humor, endearing manner, and signature style.  He wanted to be well and he faced his challenges with courage.

Logan was not a social party animal.  To the contrary, he did not like gatherings where people were inebriated and out of control. His needs were simply defined - a job, a girlfriend, and hopefully to become an attorney one day.  His substance use began in secret as he tried to find relief from sorrow after Josh died. He appeared ashamed, confused about his situation, and exhibited frustration over his substance use disorder (SUD).  It was tough for him to open up about his feelings. He told me once, “Mom, there are people your age making a living off of someone like me with anxiety and depression.”  He further described how an older woman sold him pills from her opioid prescriptions to supplement her income. Logan fell quickly to dependency on this drug.  He wrote in his journals about how it had taken over his brain and he punished himself by withdrawing from his family when he used opioid pain medications and, the words playing in his head, caused by shame and secrecy, contributed to his loss of self-esteem, and actually reinforced his use.  
Sadly, in the end, he would have said that he was only tired - tired of the pain of addiction, ashamed of how drugs had taken away joy in his life, sadness for the way relationships he cherished had become altered, and hopelessness that anything could ever change.  He was working the steps toward recovery, and we know he did his best. Of this I am certain, Logan never wanted to become dependent on any substance and he certainly did not want to die before he had the chance to truly live.  It is a human experience to seek relief from pain, whether mental, emotional, or physical.  Our beautiful boy just wanted to feel he belonged in social circles and to feel comfortable in his own skin. He was sad to have been loyal to people he perceived as his friends and disappointed that they were not.  
Logan was not unusual – he tried to heal his sadness, pain, and feelings of inadequacy by self-medicating, and that altered his path for the rest of his short life. And, after months of residential treatment and non-use, our very “Precious Pup” died at home, surrounded by his college books and papers, from a fentanyl patch toxicity. Logan is remembered as a tender, funny (but reserved), kind, genuine, and handsome young man with a big heart.  He would want to be remembered as a good person who was trying to heal and who just wanted to recover so he could have had a life, a fulfilling career, and the joy of children that he dreamed of.  
Ending the societal stigma associated with SUDs is the building block to creating a world where the Logan’s of today and tomorrow can feel confident in asking for help to fight their disease. 

Joshua Benjamin Solomon

Age 26
Son, Love of Our Life
Age 26

Joshua was a wonderful young man who became addiction while in High School. Afterwards, he entered rehab and was clean for multiple years.
Relocated from our home in Boston to NOLA for a position with the Ochsner Medical Center.

His love of the Baltimore Ravens superseded all. He was born in Baltimore in 1994 just before the Ravens entered the league. He became a fan and then a huge follower.
y memories of visiting Baltimore each year to watch his favorite team stay with me forever.
I miss him so much.

His energy and appetite for good food.
His smile and his connection with friends.

With support against this scourge.. Good works and purpose.

Steven James Velsor

Age 38
Simply the Best
Age 38

Steven wore the biggest smile and lit up any room he walked into. He made you feel important and wanted to make sure he focused on you before worrying about himself.

Steven is my oldest brother and my biggest protector. Maybe he felt like he owed me since when we were little he would make me do all the things he was afraid to do. I would take the garbage out for him because he was afraid to do it in the dark with raccoons or be the first to get a shot at the doctors because he was afraid of needles. He always worked hard for what he had but didn’t think twice about sharing anything that was valuable. He valued our relationship, as did I.

“They say there is a reason,
They say that time will heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Will change the way I feel,
For no-one knows the heartache,
That lies behind our smiles,
No-one knows how many times,
We have broken down and cried,
We want to tell you something,
So there won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to be without.”

I never want my brother to be just a memory. I think that was my biggest fear when he passed. I wanted people to always remember him and remember the way he would make people feel which was important, he made every single person feel like they were the most important. He loved his family more than anything. He appologized about the things he struggled with. We love you and hope you can look down on us and see just how much you mean to so many. Not a day goes by without you on our minds.

Gary Gene Ely

Age 37
Loving Father, Son, Brother, Uncle
Age 37

I know there are a lot of good people in the world but Gary was an especially good human being. He would do anything he could to help anyone. A more loving and compassionate person than I could ever be. He always tried to see the good in everyone.

There are so many things I will miss, but the thing I will miss the most is having a sibling in general. Your sibling is really your first best friend.

Gary would always want to be remembered as someone with a good heart. He would want to be remembered as someone who struggled but fought hard. He'd want to be remembered as a loving father, who may not have always been able to be there for his kids because he had his own demons he was fighting, but loved them more than they'll ever know.

Christopher John Flanagan

Age 43
Father, Brother, Son and Friend
Age 43

Chris was kid at heart and loved his beautiful daughter Reese more than anything in this world. His laugh, presence and larger than life personality will be deeply missed. He was a dedicated Eagles fan and was passionate about music. He worked in mortgage sales and had an incredible work ethic. He treated his customers like family and cared deeply about them.