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Matthew David Loudon

Age 21
Son, Brother, Compassionate, Great Friend
Age 21

Matthew was the light of our lives. He had a smile that lit up a room. Matthew suffered from severe anxiety and depression and the only way he knew how to control it was with drugs. He tried to get help, it was just never enough.

We had a tradition that Matthew and his sister would spend the night the night before Thanksgiving. it started when he was 5 and continued until we lost him. It was my favorite night of the year, spending time with him.

I will miss seeing Matthew on the ice, playing or coaching ice hockey... Hockey was the one thing that allowed Matthew to feel at peace; he LOVED to be on the ice.

As a great friend, who always put others before himself. So generous with his time and his friendship.

Aurianna Renee Miller

Age 22
Age 22

Aurianna was a vibrant, loving, super creative, talented soul with an adventurous spirit. She loved cooking in restaurants and having FUN more than anything else in life!

Our favorite memories of Aurianna are her playful, fun spirit as a child, watching her cook in top SF restaurants, eating the wonderful food that she so carefully prepared for us, and the many outings and vacations we experienced together! Whether it was day trips to get oysters, or vacations to Mexico ( to eat tacos), or Hawaii to swim in the ocean... just watching her spread her wings was a delight!

Her friends and family will miss her FUN spirit, love of adventure and food, her creativity, and most of all, her loyalty to all the people she loved! Miss you forever Aurianna! Love, Dad, Moodge, Soph, and all your aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and friends!

Aurianna made a huge impact on everyone she met! She was the most fun and funniest person in the room! She will be remembered for that and her tremendous creative spirit! She helped people who were struggling in ways she did not even realize. We will remember all the delicious meals she made for us and the wonderful times we had together! Those of us who were luckiest to have her in our lives will cherish those memories forever!

Brian Christopher Dusiewicz

Age 40
Protector, Gentleman, Soft-Hearted Brother
Age 40

He loved both his Babcias who taught him about Polish traditions, loved to go fishing with him and loved to feed him delicious periogis.

He shared his love of music with me and I'll never forget cruising down the Merritt Parkway in his black BMW to Radiohead and Armin van Buuren feeling like the coolest younger sister ever.

His beaming grin, soft blue eyes, great sense of style and big brother protection.

As an absolute gentleman, a perfectionist and a beautiful person who would give you his last dollar.

Megan Brides

Age 31
Daughter, Beacon of light
Age 31

Megan was a beautiful young woman who could light up a room with her smile and infectious personality.

Megan always had a way of making me laugh.

Her laughter and quick wit.

Always helping others on their road to recovery.

Luke Preston Rathman

Age 29
Son ,brother, dada, friend
Age 29

Luke had a contagious smile along with a heart of gold . Luke means bringer of Light and he did just that to our world💖

He was working for AmeriCorp in the City Year program. Teaching inner city Los Angeles children to read. He called home (PA.) and wondered how these children hadn’t learned to read? He wanted to adopt some of the students to help them.

Luke had a way of bringing joy into your life . His actions, random acts of kindness and silly stories.

Luke has two beautiful girls who will learn how amazing their Dada was ! His spirit for life will live on in his family and friends stories!

Ciaran Kjetil O'Donnell

Age 18
A Son, brother, and friend, forever in our hearts.
Age 18

He always cared about others and wanted them to be happy. He was a kind, funny, and gentle person. He my and others life brighter.

We used to go on walks with our dog and at the park and that was truly really important to me because I really got spend time with him. I would tell him how things were going in my life and he'd tell me his.

There isn't only one thing I miss about him, because I miss everything about him. I love him so much, his laugh, his smile, his hugs, his personality, being able to spend time with him, and simply just, him.

Caitlyn Marie Goldschmidt Christofas

Age 30
Age 30

We miss her laugh and her beautiful smile, how how eyes lit up when she was with her son- amazed at him and what he learned to say and do. How she would tell us "he is so beautiful!"
We miss her love, her fight for something better- for life-always.
We miss her crazy dancing, silly games, arts and crafts, science projects and all of her dollar store purchases, anything that she could do to bring her son joy.
We miss her hugs and kisses and time to just listen and talk. We miss her terribly.

She would like to be remembered as a good mother who loved her son very much and tried to do everything in her power to get well. She would like everyone to know that addiction is a disease that is difficult to fight but it is worth fighting.
She would like to be remembered as the loving beautiful daughter, sister, wife and friend that she was and for everyone else to know that she loved you too.
She would like to be remembered as courageous who through her illness helped others.

Michael Shane Wyatt

Age 37
Son, Brother, Father, Friend
Age 37

He was so brave. A gulf war veteran. He absolutely loved serving his country and went to so many places I could only dream about. We used to laugh and call my brother the “ golden child”, of our family. But he really was.

I miss him. It’s been almost 9 years. I have so many memories. I guess my favorite memories are small ones. Childhood antics with our other siblings, playing football in the back yard, just everyday life.

I miss his honesty. He was never afraid to tell it like it was. He portrayed himself as a tough former navy man but his kindness would shine through sometimes. He quietly helped others and never looked for recognition.

My brother had talked about dying before. He wanted us to not cry and mourn him. But he didn’t know what his death would actually do to our family. We imploded like a dying star when he passed. We remember him everyday. The picture I included was from my wedding. He will never meet my husband.He will never meet his oldest child’s son. This is the face of addiction.

William Henley Parker

Age 40
Beloved son
Age 40

Will loved music. He played the guitar. He loved to draw. He was kind, and caring,

Will playing with his son. They would play with Legos, take walks, and play ball.

Wills humor and impressions.

Corinne “Cori” Renee Walker

Age 27
Loving, compassionate, generous, caring, free spirited
Age 27

Cori was the most beautiful person, inside and out. Her smile was captivating, her laugh infectious. She had such a loving and generous soul, she worried so much about others. She was funny, such a great sense of humor! She will forever be missed.

Laughing! All the time! We found humor in everything! We had the same laugh! We would both throw our heads back, mouth wide open, laughing. My laughter will never be the same without her...

Everything. We were mother/daughter, but we were also best friends. We planned our days around each other and what we wanted to get done that day.... whether it be cleaning the house, laundry, trying new hairstyles or makeup, watching a movie, shopping, planning a big meal, we did it all together. To say I’m lonely is an understatement.

I’d love for people to remember the love that she gave, the happiness she brought, the compassion she felt, the sincere concern that she had for every person/animal. Cori was genuine. She was honest. She loved music and hated drama. She was free spirited and open minded. She was an incredibly wonderful woman to know and love.

J S Hughes

Age 31
A true gift
Age 31

Unpredictable, unless one could not read him. I Always had the ability to do that, only because I knew his "TELLS".

I have deleted any negative memories and kept ALL THE GOOD ONES. My GOD there are too many to count.

Just his presence!!! His wit, his laugh and his love of irritating his siblings...they often times got heated and he would just smile Innocently of course. He was FIERCE. I often wonder where and what he would be doing today.

As a man who stood up for his FAMILY FIRST and then FRIENDS. Refused (at all costs) to NEVER BACK DOWN. J was a force to be recond with. "A HERO GETS REMEMBERED...A LEGEND NEVER DIES". J is a LEGEND.

Jill (Adams) White

Age 61
Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter and all around complicated human being.
Age 61

She could have been great.

Sledging in Bradgate Park and losing control of the sledge and watching all of the other park goers jump out of the way.

What should have been

She was a good mum when she could be.

Ashley Jordan Stachelek

Age 22
A beautiful human being
Age 22

My dtr 22 years old college graduate beautiful person never judge accepting of everyone sensitive kind loving selfless giving infectious laugh & smile always on an adventure she made the world a better place to be in.Just a beautiful & old soul

Sitting on the couch watching a movie we've seen a million times quoting every line and laughing so hard our stomachs hurt better yet when we miss a line in the movie that we've seen a million times and it's hysterical and we rewind it we just laugh and laugh and laugh nobody made me laugh like she did

Everything the love she radiated the way she cared so deeply about people and animals laughing with her like we were the only two people in the world at that moment

She would love to be remembered as a good person a decent & caring person a loving daughter sister friend niece granddaughter how she entertained everybody all the time how she made everybody laugh always upbeat and positive kind of person you want to be around all day cuz they make you feel so lifted and good. The most generous heart I've ever seen on a child a good soul an old soul

Sarah Allison Workman

Age 31
Sweetest loving Daughter. Mother, sister
Age 31

Sarah had a heart of gold, but she loved drama,
At the age if 5 her world was shattered when i divorced her father, she was Daddy's girl. Whatever he was doing she was with him. She was very angry. The streets called her name. She was murdered

Her sparkling smile and twinkle in her eye.
Was shopping in a home improvement store after church in bath and kitchen remodel dept, she used one of the display toilets and yelled there is no toilet paper.

She was my mini me.
Her laughter and joy for life.
She touched so many people with her personality and natural humor.
Seeing her beautiful face daily. And hearing her say I love you mom💜

She was Baby Girl💜
The princess. The queen.
As the fun bubbly person she never met a stranger.
She was a good person with great intention's. She was gangster.

Steven H. Tripler

Age 53
Son, father, brother, friend
Age 53

Steven was funny, quick witted, goofy at times, and would help friends and family when needed.

Sitting by a pond that he kept on my parents property. He was so excited to share the details of how he put it together and how it attracted all types of birds and wildlife. Over the last 5+ years those moments were few. I cherished them when they did happen.

I will miss the moments when we could laugh and share stories together.

Jeremy Lee Perry

Age 34
Husband, Dad, son, brother
Age 34

Jeremy was a firefighter he was a first responder he once was a E.M.T. He loved helping people. He loved his family and we loved him. My whole world changed when he died. He was my every single thing! He was my soul mate. Never be another! I miss u

My favorite memory of him is the first day we met. He never left. He stayed and loved me until the day he died. I miss you so very much

Omg!! Every SINGLE thing! Everything! I hope i loved him enough. I hope he knew how much. I didnt get the chance to really tell him. He was my soul mate. I loved him sooo very much
I miss watching him be a dad to our sons Logan and Brandon. He was such a good dad.

As a person who loved out of his heart whole! UNSELFIShILY! Who would help you, before he helped his self.

Shannon L Bagwell

Age 50
My only child beautiful daughter
Age 50

Shannon loved everyone and everyone loved her. I miss her so much it hurts! I never thought she would die before me. I found her in her room and tried to revive her but it was too late. She had a wonderful life.

There are so many to name. Her sitting in her walker watching her daddy pull tape off the roll, she was 6 months old. She laughed so hard at the sounds it made. I miss her saying good night I love you! Every night!

Her happy smile . Her doing something new and telling us to watch as she did it over and over again. Shannon could hear a few lyrics to a song and tell you who sang it and when it was released

Peace and love. And always a smile and a hello to everyone she met. As a good friend who would help anyone she could.