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Kyle Andrew Negus

Age 29
Husband. Brilliant. Kind. Animal Lover.
Age 29

Kyle had the most soulful eyes I have ever seen. One look at him and my heart melted, as though he could stare into my existence. He was my souls recognition of its counterpart in another. His brilliance was mesmerizing, as was his love of animals.

The moment he said those three little words I long to hear so much. I love you. I knew we were meant to be together and I saw such a beautiful future for us. He painted a picture of us back in California with children, coming home from some Silicon Valley gala, to greet the sitter and kiss our children goodnight after they had already fallen asleep and we would enjoy a glass of wine overlooking the ocean. I hold that future so close to my heart, though I know it won’t ever happen.

His quirks. He would only ever allow himself to be his true self around me. He sang songs while cleaning toilets… about cleaning the toilet. It was so endearing and hysterical. But he never did that in front of anyone else. He had such a huge heart and he loved with all of it. Unconditionally. I will miss his laugh. I will miss seeing him when I wake up. I will miss cooking dinner for him and I will miss having my hair played with after the dishes were done. Most of all I will miss his voice…

He wouldn’t. He always told me he knew he would die before he turned 30. And he died a month and a half before. It always bothered me that he said that. But it happened. He was a tortured soul but found happiness with our dogs and our home. He wanted children but we never had the chance. So our dogs were our children. He was a California boy through and through with a mind like a diamond who had a heart of gold. As long as he knows he was loved that’s enough for him. And he was. So loved.

Ryan Patrick Howarth

Age 28
Beloved Son, Brother, and Friend
Age 28

Ryan had a contagious laugh, big heart, fun-loving spirit, and passion for Philadelphia sports. He was a gifted HVAC technician who loved his craft and to serve others. Above all, Ryan had an unwavering faith in God and deeply loved his family.

My favorite memory of my brother was when he and I shared a slow dance at my wedding in September of 2019. Ryan was living in a recovery house at the time but was able to attend since he had several months clean. My dad surprised me during our father-daughter dance and signaled to my brother to join us on the dance floor. While Ryan and I danced, we cried and hugged one another because we both knew how special it was that he was there. In that moment, I knew my brother was happy and healthy.

I miss my brother’s beautiful face, his big bear hugs after a few weeks apart, his mischievous laugh after convincing our mom to repeat unintelligible gibberish, and his smell of YSL cologne that made it on to every article of his clothing. Above all, I miss the little moments—laughing over a story from our childhood, watching TV on the couch, and grabbing a bite to eat.

Ryan would like to be remembered for how he lived his life. He was compassionate and kind—always worrying about the ones he loved more than himself. He never took more than he gave and was overly generous with his time and talents. Ryan was also a fighter. He was knocked down time and time again, but he always got back up. He refused to surrender to his disease and fought for his recovery until the very end.

Thomas Musolino

Age 68
Father, husband, uncle, brother
Age 68

Tom was a caring and very funny person. He loved being outside, taking walks in the morning, spending time in his garden, and playing golf with friends. He was an extremely supportive father and brother.

Their caring soul and sense of humor

Lucas Clive Malic

Age 37
Loved like no other
Age 37

the type of guy everyone loved to be around with big energy, big heart & he lived BIG. He was a force to be reckoned with. Physically, mentally the strongest person I've known. Lucas gave the biggest hugs. & now we all have big holes in our hearts

Lucas would pick me up from work and take me out for lunch. We'd make inappropriate jokes, listen to loud music and eat delicious food. He really did live like every day might be his last. Thank you for all of the memories over the 37 years of LIFE you had here on this physical earth. I know you still walk with us every day protecting us just like you always did.

His big obnoxious & infectious laugh. All of the banter back and forth like a big brother little sister do. We were two peas in a pod.

Just as they were; Fckn AWESOME!
Anything Lucas did he excelled at; bodybuilding, rebuilding cars, relationships, politics, education. He was the smartest, funniest and most honest person. I am so proud to be his sister. There's not a day that goes by where he's not remembered and missed.

Adam McNickle

Age 26
Son, Brother, Loyal Friend
Age 26

Adam had a love for everything outdoors and everything creative. He would spend his days learning and reading and experimenting.
Adam also had the biggest heart. He would give someone the shirt off his back.

One of my favorite memories of Adam is when he shared some of his watercolor paintings on Facebook and a girl commented on one of them mentioning that it reminded her of her grandma who had passed recently. Adam had me take him to get a special envelope and mailed this picture out to the girl. He was so generous.

I miss Adam’s company the most, along with his humor. Adam and I used to go on walks all the time. We walked around our city and hiked trails nearby. We both had a love for photography and would share and compare the pictures we took. I simply miss Adam being by my side.

Adam would want to be remembered as an artist and a scholar. He studied everything! He loved playing chess and played on an app on his phone. He would play the game through on repeat and study his and his opponents moves. Adam was brilliant.

Natalie Jordan Miller

Age 31
A very loving daughter
Age 31

She was beautiful, and loving, but she had a stubborn streak in her; her way or no way! Tough exterior but sweet as can be on the inside.

No matter how old she was, she would hold my hand while we were in the car. And sometimes in stores!

Just knowing she was here.

She actually put this quote on FB—
If you remember anything of me when I leave this world, remember that I loved even when it was foolish and cared when it was unwanted. When my body is gone, remember my heart.

Brandon David Green

Age 27
Cherished son and brother
Age 27

We loved him dearly. He fought so hard. All he wanted was to make us proud and overcome his struggles, but it was too much.

He loved his family deeply and he had a kind loving heart. His sweet blue eyes melted my heart every day. He was so loved and as his mom he was my heart and soul. We miss him so much.

Timothy Donnelly

Age 36
Kind, adventurous father, husband, son, brother
Age 36

Tim had the biggest heart. He was so smart, funny, curious, and always up for an adventure. He was a loving & active dad & husband. He was very passionate about gardening and cooking. He loved to travel & meet people from different backgrounds.

I think Tim would want to be remembered as the kind, gentle soul he was. He would want people to remember his love for his family, friends, gardening, travel, and constant learning.

Brendan Michael Connor

Age 29
Beloved Son, Brother, Friend to All
Age 29

Brendan is my brother and kindred spirit. We were born 3 years and 3 days apart in Scorpio season. It felt like we were twins and had this innate understanding of each other. He was my favorite person and forever best friend.

Our parents' house has a mulberry tree in our backyard that covers half the yard in mulberries every summer. Growing up, we spent a lot time running around that yard with the neighborhood kids. Whenever someone would fall on the berries (and get them all over their shorts), Brendan would yell out in a British accent, "WOULD YOU LIKE TO SIT IN A CHERRY PIE?!" and we'd all burst out laughing.

I miss his BEING. His strong hugs and laugh. Being able to reminisce together and share music.

One thing we could always connect on was music. As kids/teens, we shared CDs and band tees of all the pop-punk bands we bonded over. Our tastes evolved together. We went to so many concerts, my favorite being DeadMau5 in Chicago in July of 2010. The sunset that night was unreal; we had the most magical time.

Brendan would want to be remembered as an intelligent, hard worker who loved even harder. He would always go out of his way to help others and didn’t judge anyone.

Kirsten Elise

Age 34
Beloved daughter, sister and Gigi
Age 34

She was charming, her beauty exquisite, her lovely green eyes undeniable. She was loyal and sincere. Her dreams were insurmountable, her spirit unbroken and her faith well-founded.

The memory of my daughter is indelible. She was graceful, poised and confident. Controlled yet explosive. Strong-willed yet sensitive. Soft on the inside, tough on the outside and incredibly fragile all the way around.

The sound of her voice when she said "Momma", the smell of her hair, the noise stilettos make on a hardwood floor. Her love for pretty clothes, her gorgeous green eyes donned with a triple coat of mascara. Her love of fabulous wine and the lipstick stain left on her glass. Her requests for five star dinners, decadent desserts and her love for scented candles and Pink Floyd.

DIVA! Looking fabulous, turning heads and leaving impressions that last forever.

Jarred Lyle Neely

Age 34
A fighter a loving daddy
Age 34

Jarred was a strong caring loving brother son daddy and friend . He stood out when he walked in a room with his smile and his tall stature and beautiful green eyes . Always pushing through his battles and wanting to make a better life with his family

Jarred was always helping someone without asking for anything in return , he was good with his hands and very particular in his work as a flooring installer and painter. When he was little he would always stand up for the underprivileged and those who couldn’t help themselves . As he became a teen that didn’t change. He gave heart and soul to his hunting and truly was a passionate guy. The memory that stands out is his love for his kids and how he radiated selflessness toward anyone he met. .

I will miss Jarred’s unending compassion he has for his momma and keeping me pushing forward in everything I was doing , weather it be working in my home with his many talents or pushing me to ride my bike ,his advise to always take care of myself first . He selflessly went out his way to put family first and he was always there for us . He was an avid hunter and fisherman so I truly miss those stories and watching how he played with his kids and nieces and nephews .

Jarred would love to be remembered as a giver and a huge hearted person who stepped out of his way for others , his love of family and friends . Never backing down in a fight or anything he believed in . He’d want to be remembered for the deep love he had for anyone he met and his will to make sure they knew it. He was a fighter and he loved life , a warrior and a sweet kind soul. He’d want to be remembered for his talents and his amazing green eyes .

Celia Leigh Helm

Age 49
Beautiful, funny, generous, loving... partner
Age 49

Celia and I were best friends, lovers,enemies, soul sisters, and we were family. We so dreamed of and planned for a future together. She however, was addicted to crack cocaine and later heroine. She died, 1 month and 10 days after her 49th birthday.

I came ahead from Pensacola, Fl (where we met,) to start work in Nashville, her hometown. We rented the most beautiful cottage on the cliff above the Cumberland River in East Nashville. The home had this long beautiful driveway and I will never forget watching her come up that drive in her Papa's truck, loaded with my stuff to start the rest of our life together. I had candlelight thru the house and her favorite flowers. So in love. She was the happiest she would ever be that day.

Her Wilma Flintstone laugh. Her voice, smell, touch, calls in the middle of the night...Her love.

She would want to inspire and help people and wanted to be a drug counselor. Her potato salad was perfection. She loved being a CeCe to our grandchildren. She loved our dogs and was the best Mama EVER! She loved her family and close friends with her whole heart and soul....Without addiction, Celia could have been the mayor of any coastal town in the US. She was a stranger to no one.

Philip Deckert

Age 34
Son, Brother, Nephew, Cousin, Friend
Age 34

Idk what to say Philip. So I’m going to write this like I’m talking to you. I love you. I miss you so SO MUCH. I want you here. On this plane. I want to smell you. I want to hold you. I want to laugh with you. I want to create more memories with you.

I want to play basketball with you. I want to play 007 with you on your newest game system with your newest tv. I want to workout with you and run circles around you in calisthenics while you school me in weights. I want to drive around aimlessly in your car with you and just be.

You and I are so opposite yet share the same passions. Idk how you do it. How do you manage to connect with so many different types of people and find ways to make everyone always laugh???? You have a gift. You ARE a gift.

I wish there was more time. I wish we knew just what to do and say for and to one another all the time. I wish you could trust me enough to truly open up to me and allow me to be there for you. I wish it didn’t hurt so bad knowing I failed to protect you. I wish I had all the answers to fix it all for you. I wish I knew how to fix it all for you so you can laugh with me again and compete with me again and just be with me again. I love you more than words Philip.

Christopher Allen Arnold

Age 37
Son,brother, father, husband
Age 37

He was a kind loving soul with a huge heart and a zest for life.

All of my memories have my son are my favorite.

His heart I'm gold inability to make everyone laugh and smile.

For the kind hearted person he was.