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Jason Senior

Age 40
All Around Great Guy
Age 40

Jason was always passionate about food. It lit up his world, which is why he pursued culinary school, He was the ultimate big brother always looking out for and protecting me.

Our cross country road trip to California, staying at rundown hotels, experiencing all of the hidden gems across the US and the Americana that lurks around every dirt road and wrong turn for the first time together. Jamming out to Jason's favorite music, stopping at Area 51 and exploring the museum seeing all of the cheesy aliens.

His laugh. It filled up the whole room. It was so pure and joyous.

As a loving brother and friend to many people across the country that he came into contact with. He always kept up those relationships throughout his life. His kind nature and easy going personality. His search for the things that brought him joy like mountain biking and cooking.

Tyler Nicole Marie Williams

Age 13
Daughter, sister, Niece, granddaughter, friend
Age 13

Tyler was so smart. She was so sweet and so giving. She would give the shirt off her back to help someone else. She loved her siblings and mother so much! She was good at everything she did. She was amazing! Never cared what people had to say!

I’ll miss her laugh, her smile, her love for her family, she was our peace maker, her jokes, her hugs, and her reassurance that everything was always gonna be okay!

As a beautiful soul, an amazing friend, the sweetest daughter, and the most loving sister. As a strong young women who didn’t care what others thought; she was a leader!

Jennifer Marie Fontanilla-Davis

Age 37
Daughter, Sister, Auntie, Sunshine, Outgoing
Age 37

A beautiful, caring, funny person who would help anyone. Made you laugh because of her laugh. Loved to dance and teach her sisters made up dances. Loved to bake yummy goodies. A true heart and loved whole heartedly. Will be greatly missed.

Torturing her sisters with her dance choreography and making them do the dances.

Her laugh! I'll forever miss her laugh and smile.

As a good hearted person who would help anyone.

Stephanie M. Wright

Age 26
daughter, free spirited compassionate soul
Age 26

Her passion was art or anything creative, she loved drawing and painting, loved reading books,She loved a broad range of music and she loved to sing. She loved reading and writing poetry, she loved arts and crafts and was always making to do lists. She loved animals, she loved photographing them ,she loved her family. She wanted to help the world.

She was a compassionate, sensitive mother hen to the ones who needed her while she was in and worked in recovery and rehab. She was brave and shy, brave for the scary things in life especially those she encountered during her recovery years, but shy when it came to the small normal things of life.

Her sense of humor, her beautiful green eyes, beautiful smile and a contagious laugh, she was such a bright light in this dark world, the beauty of her soul. I miss talking and skyping with her and miss her opinions on things of this world, miss her telling me about her daily adventures of her new job and adventures with her kitty cat.

as someone who had compassion for her fellow person, especially the underdogs,that she loved with all her might, that she wasn't afraid to try new things ,that she was a bright and shining star in our life, that she will always be remembered, that not a second of any minute of any hour of any day passes when I am not aware of the presence of my child's absence, no matter how many years lurk over my shoulder, her absence, like the sky, is spread over everything as C.S. Lewis said. I will never let her be forgotten. I will always say her name and be proud that she is/was my daughter and that I was fortunate to be her mother

Brian Miller

Age 52
Wonderful Soul
Age 52

Brian was compassionate and caring, he loved his mother and his family. He was honest and open. He had a green thumb and grew all kinds of tropical plants and flowers!

Brian was such a caring person. Once we were at the beach watching sunset and he shared with me that for the first time in a long time, he felt at peace . We both actually cried as the sunset because it was literally the most beautiful sunset we have had down here in many years, so beautiful that the onlookers were clapping at the beauty.

He was always there if you needed him. He was a great listener and very kind to his mother. He had insight into people that most done have.

He would like to be remembered as the good person he was. I want people to stop the vilification of people with PTSD and co occurring addiction problems. He would want people to understand that while he did battle a disease , that didn’t define him as a whole. He always felt guilt for being sick. Which I believe held him back from a full recovery. My hope is for people to better understand mental illness and not shame people for suffering from it.

Shanina Ann Mowatt

Age 21
Kind/loving/artistic/Animal Lover
Age 21

Nina felt so much compassion for others. She loved her family, friends and her pets. She spent a lot of time at the family farm. She was artistic and smart.

Her laughter which filled the whole room!

I miss our conversations that we had everyday. She struggled with trauma and mental health issues, we talked about all the ups and downs everyday. She also had this incredible love of life.

She would want to be remembered for the joy and happiness she gave to people. She was incredibly supportive of her friends and family.

Richard Michael DiBrino

Age 48
Loving - Kind - Empath
Age 48

He was the kindest most caring and loving soul. He felt things too intensely. He was a true empath.

All of them - good and bad!


Timothy O'sullivan

Age 24
Son who had the kindest soul
Age 24

Timmy was a sweet caring senstive young man he would do anything for his friends he also loved being around animals.

When my son was little he had this imaginary freind named Fatman so when ever he did something he wasn't suppose to he blamed him

The thing I miss the most about my son is him barreling into my house looking for his father

My timmy was a very sweet and funny young man

Luke Allen Benson

Age 25
Beloved, Son, Brother, and Friend
Age 25

My boy was an outgoing fun loving ray of sunshine. He was the first to make a joke about absolutely anything, he always made people laugh, and laugh hard. He loved his family and his friends, very much. He was a kind soul.

My favorite memory, and one I always share with people; was one year for Mother's Day he took his allowance and went to garage sales in our neighborhood. He bought me a Care Bear VHS tape (I loved them when I was young), and was so full of love, and proud of himself giving me that gift for Mother's Day. Luke genuinely wanted to find me a perfect present, it was the sweetest gift and I will never forget his eyes when he surprised me. It's my beautiful memory.

I miss his phone calls, his voice, his "have a good day mom, I love you" every morning. I just miss him sitting on the couch, watching t.v., I miss shopping with him (he loved to shop). He was just so kind, and loving, and I miss his beautiful face, and his kindness. I miss him playing Motown in the basement and painting in his art room, he spent so much time doing what he loved. I miss hearing his music, and seeing what new ideas and projects he was always working on.

Luke was a passionate artist, he ran a clothing line (which we have since taken over for him) and he worked so hard. He had a work ethic like no one I had ever seen at his age. He would want to be remembered for this kindness, his love for all cultures, places, and traveling everywhere he could. He spent a lot of time just getting to know people, wherever he went, he left impressions on everyone he met. He was one of a kind.

Angela Faith Hebert

Age 43
Daughter, sister, mother, MISSED
Age 43

Angela struggled with her addiction for nearly 30 years and her demons are gone now. She's at peace, she's healed and happy, and never forgotten. Life wasn't easy for her but she chose her path and always accepted the consequences.

Road trips always took a long time because she had to make pit stops so often!

Sharing the same spiritual philosophy and our special relationship as mother and daughter. She was always honest with me, always "cried on my shoulder", always asked me to be part of her crazy life. Angela didn't really need me but she made me feel like she did.

Stubborn, hard-headed Taurean who loved animals and people; quick to get angry but quicker to forgive; loved with her whole heart, even when she got the raw end of the relationship; rescued more animals than she could ever care for; missed beyond measure

Joey Powers

Age 32
Beloved Son and Brother
Age 32

My family takes comfort in knowing that we loved our Joey so much. He was so handsome and funny- truly one of a kind. We miss him fiercely.

Whenever my brother was around, it was a good time. We have so many wonderful memories and some tough ones too. We are blessed to have many pictures of videos of Joey. We are committed to keeping his memory alive.

Joey loved his family with everything he had. We miss the love he gave us and our hearts break for the love we still want to give him.

Joey would want to be remembered as handsome and funny as well as loyal and genuine.

Tiffany Nicole Stokes

Age 49
A treasure
Age 49

Such a beautiful young lady inside and out Tiffs beauty held no boundaries a intelligent beyond her years .and a big hugh heart ❤️. And will never be forgotten.

Going to a Astros game so much fun.

Every single night when I went to bed I layed in bed and we texted each orther every 🌙 night .

By sharing love with the family. And giving to animals.

Kevin Charles Schiereck

Age 36
Wonderful human being.
Age 36

Kevin was a happy go lucky child with an infectious smile & laugh, and loved by all knew him. He had many hobbies, loved children and animals. He maintained that infectious smile even while fighting his darkest demons!

He will be missed for his contagious laugh, warm heart as well as his shenanigans. He made people happy anytime they were in contact, whether it was a memory shared or planning a new adventure.

There was no better son, brother or friend, someone you could count on through good times and bad. He was always willing to help you through the tough times regardless of what it cost him, and he deeply felt the pain of others.

Lynette Blodgett

Age 34
My baby sister
Age 34

Beautiful, quirky, compassionate.

Making messes in the kitchen, being completely obnoxious together and lighting off fireworks. Riding bikes and Stealing soda as kids.

her laugh, practical jokes, singing as loud as we could in the car, the prank phone calls, and my best friend.

As a fighter. A devoted mother. An inspiring aunt. An adored neice. A daughter like no other... and a sister that can't be replaced.

Courtney Nicole Gill

Age 29
Daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, friend. Forever missed and forever loved.
Age 29

Courtney was beautiful inside and out. She had a wonderful sense of humor. She was determined, proud, and brave, and exemplified the meaning of resilience. She had a big presence and could light up a room.

Courtney was a natural athlete and skating was her passion early in life. She had amazing grace and beauty on the ice and watching her compete are wonderful memories. We also cherish our memories of the smaller things - our family dinners and the recent delight she experienced caring for our new puppy "Poppy."

We will miss Courtney's laughter, her love and knowledge of professional sports, and her insightful opinions and thoughts about the challenges she faced.

Courtney would want to be remembered as an avid football and basketball fan who loved her favorite teams, the Patriots and the Celtics. She loved and had a talent for cosmetics, and her cat Charlie was her world. She would want her family and friends to know that she cared deeply for them and always kept them close to her heart.