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Lee Kemler

Age 39
Son Beautiful Soul
Age 39

He was such a beautiful soul . His smile could light up the room . He was a wonderful person, kind , sweet . He left two beautiful daughters. I miss him so much .

How much he loved to dance .

Everything ❤️

He would like to be remembered for his knowledge of sports. His kindness , thoughtfulness. And always being a good friend. He was so loved .

Jacob King

Age 15
Brother, Father, CES Student, FR Advocate.
Age 15

Michael Gary Barbolla

Age 75
Loving Father
Age 75

Awesome dad loving strong

Going to see the bicentenial train

Being her for me and my children and my mom

Michael Gary Barbolla born in Fort Worth Texas February 10,1947. He passed away in his Apopka Florida home on June 27,2022 surounded by his loving and faithful wife of 53 years Julianne R Barbolla and his daughter Julie Eileen Mor-Barbolla. He is now in the loving arms of his mother Pauline Barbolla, His Father Michael Barbolla and his loving son Michael Christopher Barbolla. He is survived by his wife Julianne Barbolla Daughter Julie Eileen Mor Barbolla 3 grandchildren Reuben Arreola, Rachel Kinsey, and Chelsea Arreola. 4 greatgrand children Maddie Thompson, Abigail Tillery Nina Arreola and his first grandson Reuben jr Arreola. He was a very loving father and husband. He fought to the very end. I can not wait till we are reunited again. I love you daddy.

Ronald Anthony Pileggi

Age 32
Friend, Beloved Brother and Son
Age 32

Ron was a leader and an inspiration to many; he lived the truth and wisdom he shared. He was a good friend to all who knew him, a good listener, an encourager. He was smart, funny, and strong.

We will miss his dry humor, his intimidating intelligence, and warmest of embraces.

Ron was a beloved son and brother to his three sisters, and a kind and loving uncle. He had many friends in his AA community, church family, and Pacific North West wilderness survival and marksmanship training group. He had a natural talent with computers and he completed an IT Cybersecurity Course at the University of Oregon in Portland October, 2020 leading to several jobs in IT security. He started a growing business. Ron met life head on and lived life to the fullest.

Gabriella Cruz Aviles

Age 18
Beautiful, Kind Hearted, Infectious Smile
Age 18

Gabriella had a huge heart, infectious smile, and would light up the darkest room. She was beautiful inside and out!

Spending time together!! Driving across country from California to our new home in Raleigh.

Everything, Everyday….Not being able to see my beautiful baby, hear her voice, It hurts so much!

Gabriella was always positive and wanted to make everyone happy. She would never say no to someone in need.

Lisa Ann Beatty_ogden0

Age 49
Age 49

Love everyone giving loving special

@ 12 she got her hair cought in the hand mixer while making a cake

Her beautiful smile and her bubble personally

For loving everyone to her everyone was special

Gregory Chase Carter

Age 29
Son, Brother, Grandson, Friend, kind heart
Age 29

My son was kind, and caring. He was a nice person with a heart of gold. He was very laid-back, never confrontational. Even if things at the moment were not looking so good, he still had a positive outlook on life. He loved us and we loved him,

Too many good memories to put in this box. If you would like to read my "Reflections" please visit…

I will miss seeing him. I will miss being able to text him about things going on with his other two siblings. I will miss the dreams and goals and future we strived for him to have. I will miss being able to talk about our fond memories from his childhood with him. I will miss having a "tomorrow" with him. I will miss him so much.

I'm not sure. I think he would like to be remembered as a friend. Poetic, and deep thinker. Easy-going, laid back cool guy to his friends. To his family, I think he would like to be remembered as someone who loved us and tried his best at life in spite of his substance addiction. Loving and caring, intelligent, handsome, loads of potential, loved his family and had a great sense of humor.

Terrell Lorenzo Washington

Age 38
Brother,Friend,Heart of Gold, Loveable,
Age 38

Terrell was a kind heart loveable person that got alone with everybody. He was a nature peace of joy in every body life he was around. Special in his own way God craft him to love and be love by everyone.

Terrell never fit in to the circle he made the circle. How every time I get upset with him he come back and make a joke and tell me how much he love me. I remember that he always get me to watch cartoons with him even when my kids can't. He always eat every thing i don't think it was a food he didn't like. I miss telling him to stop smokeing them cigarette.

He was a protect in the time of need for those he love. He love everybody. He love my kids. Also he love every one in general i truely think he was the dictionary of love.

Terrell would like to be remembered with a full stomach, happy,laughing with a cigarette. He was a good Brother and great Uncle and Babysitter.

Zachary Ryan Williams

Age 31
Beloved Brother, Son, Partner
Age 31

He was funny and smart with a huge heart. He had no idea how much I adored him and he never realized how smart he was.

I remember him when he was little. We were 16 years apart, so I took him everywhere when I was a teenager. He was my little sidekick that followed me everywhere. He called me "Sissy." I adored him with my whole heart. I was so sad when I left him at age 2 to go away to college.

I will most miss his kind heart and sense of humor—his love of animals. I miss his hugs, and I miss his genius sense of direction.

That he was a fierce liberal that believed in equality and helping those in need. He believed in justice and caring for those that have been neglected and abused - people and animals.

Carrie Oliver

Age 66
Biggest heart on the planet loved everyone especially god
Age 66

She loved me unconditionally no matter what i wish i can pay her back for her love but you can't buy love she always made sure we had a meal the holidays was great she was the best cook im learning from her she was my mom and dad


Her love and conversations about god

As a loving person

Le Thi Huynh

Age 70
Beloved mother, Best Friend, Heart Of Gold, Strong heart.
Age 70

My mom was my best friend and the best mother I can ever ask for. I was so lucky and fortunate to have a loving, great mother, she raised me well. My mother taught me so much, she made me who I am today, I couldn’t do what I do without my mom 🥰❤️

My favorite memory of my mother is when we spend quality time together watching movies, YouTube food channels, traveling, dining out, shopping at the mall, eating dinner together, going for walks at the park, going to concerts together, everything I do with my mother is my favorite memory of my beloved mother. She was my best friend and my mother at the same time. She is my other half, without her I feel so alone and not complete. She taught me well. She was the best cook ever. I miss you 😢

EVERYTHING her presence. Her laugh, her singing, her smile, her good talks, her advice in life, her cooking, her smell, her touch, her support in everything I do…

My mom would like to be remembered by all her kids by showing her that we are all good kids raised by her and to never give up and to make her very happy by following her footsteps.

Brianna Miesfeld

Age 27
Beautiful daughter, mother and sister.
Age 27

Brianna was loving and down to earth. She would always put everyone else first. She would make us laugh out of the blue with something she said. She was smart and tried so hard in her life. She was a trusting person and always forgive easily.

Brianna was a waitress and when she was 16 I told her to show me her waitressing skills. She put a glass of iced tea on the table and I said I need some lemon. Brianna came back to the table and dropped a whole lemon in the glass and we all busted out laughing! That’s just how she was she would be so unexpected in things she did. I loved watching her with her boys and how much she loved them.

I miss her smile and her hugs. I will miss her heart and how much she loved people.

She would want to be remembered by how much she loved her boys and how much she was her mothers daughter.

Brian W. Baker

Age 37
Cherished son/brother/uncle/nephew
Age 37

In Elton John's song Friends, one of the lyrics says, "if your friends are there, then everything's alright." This personifies Brian's heart. He would drop everything he was doing to help family, friends and even strangers. He lived a simple life by choice. He never failed to make people laugh with his sense of humor. He was a wonderful son and I miss him with every breath I take.

The day he heard he was recruited to play Arena Football as a QB. His eyes lit up, his smile, he gave me the biggest bear hug.

I will literally miss everything about Brian.

As a God-fearing, loving soul who left behind some great memories for family and friends.

Carl M Driver. Jr

Age 31
Son Brother and Father
Age 31

Carl was a kind person who loved to ride his bike down to the beach with his family. He loved music, art, anime, and basketball

My favorite memory is him on his bike

His mother, his father, his brothers, his sisters, his beautiful daughters, his extended family, and a host of friends will miss him dearly.

Carl is remembered for making sure he gave everyone a gift of love and jewels for a keepsake. He always has the best smile and a wink to go with it.

Caryn Irene Burgh

Age 32
Mother, Wife, Daughter, Friend
Age 32

Caryn loved life beyond measure and looked at the world around her with wonder, excitement, and purpose. Her friendship was healing and full of wanderlust, challenging me to think beyond the limitations of the world around us.

In December 2018, I designed and developed a handmade card game as a gift to her. I worked on it day and night all weekend, finally finishing the product and gifting it to her just in time for Christmas. Now, it's a personalized card game shared with the world, made with love in her honor. Whenever I work with it or create a new version, I think of her. It's a bittersweet reminder of the life and love she shared with so many.

I miss our weekday walks and talks together the most. Her presence was larger than life. It's so hard to move forward when you have left such a big piece of your everyday happiness behind, but I carry the sound of her laughter, the hope of her smile, and the cosmic rays of her energy throughout the universe.

With laughter, love, and hope for the "best day ever!"

Jeffrey V Snipes

Age 24
Loving Son, Brother, Grandson & Father
Age 24

His unforgettable smile

Jennifer Courtney Felix

Age 22
Baby Sister, Happy & Loving
Age 22

My Sister was so full of life, cared about her Felix Family especially her siblings and nieces. She trully enjoyed the outdoors. She loved hunting & working around the house doing mens work but she loved being with her siblings the most, always happy

My favorite memory of her was when I had my daughter, she was only 9 @ the time but she was so happy to become an aunty. she sat by my girls bassinette just gazing @ her with a smile so memorable, I remember that moment as if it happened just yesterday.

Everything, her boyish attitude and boyish style of clothing, her caring soul. the love she had for my girl.
most of all I will miss calling her by her nickname "DUDE" in a deep tone and her support for sure

My sister was a fighter she was able to stop using from time to time but was conquered by her addiction to heroin, always talked about turning her life around and going back to school, because she was only a few months shy of graduating high school. She wanted to be remembered as a loving aunty sister and grand-daughter.

Nicholas Manuel Rubino

Age 31
Son, Brother, Father full of love
Age 31

Nicky was a big sweetheart. Funny and loving. Always lifting others up Warm hearted.

Watching him be a father to his 2 little girls


As a man who loved his family

Emilie Weaver Lutz

Age 23
Beautiful, intelligent, loved her brother
Age 23

My baby girl was a beautiful, strong young woman that stood up for what she believed in. She had the most special bond with her brother. It's was amazing. She had a passion for helping children. She is missed so very much.

Travis Lee Moy

Age 40
Son, brother, husband, father
Age 40

Travis was the most loving and giving young men. And his hugs were the best. He was an amazing daddy and loved his baby girls. He loved his wife and he loved his family. He loved to fish!!

My favorite memory with travis what the day he was born❤️

I miss everything. I miss his voice, his hugs his kissed on the forehead I miss when he would come to visit he would say “ hi momma I love you”

For his kind heart. And all of the fish he caught