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Jeffrey A Barsaleau

Age 45
Father, Brother, Hard Working, Chef, Big Heart
Age 45

A tough exterior with a sweetheart inside. You worked with your hands and had a very creative mind. In any project you always gave it your all. You loved hard and cared so deeply for your family and friends.

Going to the park and playing nerf guns with the kids. You were always good with children; playing, goofing-around, protecting and spoiling them too.

Your sense of humor and your smile. You always were quick with a joke or some trash talk but your smile was a rare gift.

One of a kind. A hardworking man and loving father to Jason and Lily.

Spencer Troy Sharp

Age 23
Loving and Adorable Son & Grandson
Age 23

Spencer never hesitated to express his love for his family and friends. Spence had a soft spot for animals of all kinds. He tried to extract the most fun from every moment of his life. He smile was big, laugh was loud and personality infectious.

My favorite memories of Spencer are the very simple ones whether it was laughing in the car together, watching old reruns or making breakfast for him. He made others feel special and loved. He never entered the room without giving everyone a big hug and reminding them that he loved them. We recently spent an amazing day moving him into his new apartment. I loved seeing how proud and excited he was for this new phase of life.

I will miss Spencer rushing thru the door, hearing his voice and awaiting a big hug. Spencer was always in motion and encouraged me to do more. I will miss experiencing adventures with him whether it was vacations, sports or just grabbing a quick lunch together. I will miss seeing Spencer grow into a man, have the family he always wanted and find his unique way in life. I don't think there is anything that I won't miss about my son.

Spencer should be remembered for his love of life, spirit of adventure and sweetness given to those close to him. Although he struggled with addiction, he wanted all of us to see the best of him, believe in him and know that he wished things could be different.

Robert D Lownie Jr

Age 36
Son Heart of Gold
Age 36

My Son was a beautiful soul,he loved animals,he always had a helping hand for those less fortunate,Bob was a happy carefree guy so respectful and kind.❤️

I am gonna miss everything about my son 💔his beautiful smile,and all the laughs he gave me over the 36 yrs he lived he was a beautiful free spirit.

Samantha René Spencer

Age 24
Wife, Daughter, Step-Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, Sweet, Kind, Activist, Protective, Heart of Gold
Age 24

Sammi was and always will be my Sunshine, my Rock, and my Dragonfly.
You are loved and deeply missed.
Soar high through the heavens my beautiful angel.


She dances in sun soaked meadows.
Fingers tips touching so lightly the breath of angels.
She dances as the butterfly kisses the flower.
She is Samantha Rene


Samantha, words couldn't describe how much she meant to me, she was such a amazing sister and such a loving human being. I hope she knew how proud I was of her, and that her light was so bright it shined on others darkness especially mine, and now she is the light. She will always be shining so birght. Heaven gained the sweetest angel and I promise to keep her spirit alive. I know she is in a better place and I will miss her.


Samantha Rene' Spencer

Born 3/4/95

Our sweet Samantha passed away 7/21/18. Sammi is survived by her loving parents, step parents, and sister.

Her bright eyes and sweet smile, her contagious laugh, and huge Sammi hugs. With her heart of gold and a soul as bright as the sun, Sammi gave all she could. Love, compassion, hope, and happiness to all. Sammi touched so many people's lives in the short time she had with us.

Toby Snyder

Age 48
Son, Brother, Nephew, Heart of Gold
Age 48

Toby loved all his friends.

Please remember him for his huge heart and his beautiful smile.

Michael Peter Hart, II

Age 37
Son, brother, uncle, nephew, friend.
Age 37

Mike was a charming individual with a big, bright smile and made friends wherever he went. He was funny, strong-willed and intelligent. He was generous with his warm hugs and loved being his parents' son, his sister's brother, and his nieces' uncle.

Any memory with Mike is a favorite, including the summers spent at the family cottage, watching sporting events and movies, enjoying a great meal, attending concerts, and having late nights with friends. The best memories are the little moments when we were all together enjoying each other's company. His happiest times involved being surrounded by family and friends. He cherished them above anything else.

We will miss his smile, his hugs, his sense of humor and his contagious laughter.

As an avid New England sports fan and movie lover; as a strong, brave, and caring individual who lived life to the fullest; and as the son, brother, nephew, uncle, and friend who was fiercely loved by everyone. He will be forever missed.

Ryan Joseph Williams

Age 28
Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew, Cousin, Friend
Age 28

Ryan devoted his life to his family and those he loved. His genuine charm captivated the hearts of all those around him, including the hearts of complete strangers. Ryan was loved by many and his memory will forever live on. Rest in peace Ry Guy.

Michael Rabjohns

Age 34
Son, Brother, Friend, Beautiful Soul
Age 34

Michael was an amazing soul. He met friends wherever he went. He had an amazing smile and the best laugh. He was goofy and fun. I cherish my memories with him.

There’s too many great memories to choose a favorite. I love all the times Michael did my hair - even the time it turned orange by accident! I loved him pushing me in the shopping cart at target. I loved dressing up with him. I even loved when he poked fun at me.

I’m going to miss his big hugs and his laugh! I’m going to miss our adventures and just sitting around doing nothing together. I will miss him at my wedding (one day). I will miss the times we won’t get together on this earth.

I would like Michael to be remembered for the true person he was - not the addiction. I want people to remember his fun loving spirit, his laugh and his true likability.

Sara Marie Jackson

Age 32
Daughter, granddaughter, sister, aunt, friend
Age 32

Sara is a beautiful soul, friendly, loving, truly amazing with children they loved her and she them. Sara loved traveling and going on adventures. Sweet and definitely a people person. Would always stand up for the underdog!

Sara was born a leader and would offer often unsolicited advice to her basketball, swim and volleyball coaches. 😉

I miss everything about her

Sara would want to be remembered for her incredible empathy for people. Her hard battles with addiction and those she saved along the way. Many she met in rehabs credit her with helping them to get and stay clean with her positive nature

Abbey Anne Collins Hoagland

Age 20
Beloved Daughter
Age 20

Abbey brought pure joy to her parents, grandparents, and brothers. She was beautiful, smart, caring, and funny.

There are so many favorite memories of Abbey, especially on family vacations all over the world. She was intrigued by people everywhere we went and always wanted to travel more!

I miss everything about her, but probably her infectious laugh is missed by all who knew her.

She would like to be remembered as a music lover, as an artist, as an animal lover, and as a vibrant member of her loving family.

Kelly Renee Hepburn

Age 40
Daughter, Sister, Mother, Friend
Age 40

Kelly was a loving person willing to give more than she received with no questions asked. She was beautiful and had a smile that could light up the room. A free spirit with a beautiful sole.

There are so many memories we could not narrow them down to one.

We will miss Kelly in every aspect, particularly her smile.

We will remember Kelly for her kind spirit and loving personality.

Mia Danielle Dingman

Age 26
Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend,
Age 26

Mia was a beautiful soul who loved her family and friends.

Many memories come to mind and it’s difficult to choose just one.

Miss her smile, sense of humor and the way she loved us

Chelsea Lopez

Age 29
Age 29

Chelsea was a beautiful, bright loving person. I miss her every minute of every day. She was my daughter, my friend and the love of my life.

Matthew James Hildebrandt

Age 30
Loving brother father and son
Age 30

Matthew had the most wonderful smile and could flash it and charm anyone , behind that smile was a troubled sonu

Playing youth baseball and football, always an outstanding athlete h

Matthew not being here to help raise his son who he loved more than anything in the world

As a loving caring person that would do anything to help others

Cory Noseworthy

Age 36
Father, Son, Brother, Funny, Charismatic, Athletic, Giving, Loved more than he ever could understand
Age 36

Donnie Whitmire

Age 38
Heart full of love
Age 38

Donnie was the person that turned mundane into excitement. He loved fiercely. If you knew him, you had no choice but to love him. His sense of humor, his laugh, his empathy-these are his best traits. Forever loved and missed 💜

Alexis Courtny Russell

Age 29
Age 29

Old soul...talented, loved by so many

Their BEAUTUFUL hearty laugh

Her physical presence

Angel from Heaven