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Ameila Garrett

Age 25
Beautiful young soul , Amazing mom to three young girls ( lizzy(3) marlyin(7) grace(12) , fiancé ( cody lostin ) loved by her mother(Angie garrett) , Father ( Tim Garrett , brother
Age 25

Beautiful young soul , Amazing mom to three young girls ( lizzy(3) marlyin(7) grace(12) , fiancé ( cody lostin ) loved by her mother(Angie garrett) , Father ( Tim Garrett , brother (thomas garrett) , (edward garrett) sister (brianna garrett)

Victor George Swank

Age 36
Father, brother, son, friend
Age 36

My father was an amazing father. The short time I got to spend with him was everything for me! Everyone loved him & I love to hear all the funny, crazy things he did in his life. He went above & beyond for his girls, & I wish I got more time with him

My favorite memory with my dad is when I asked him to take me to the park at 6 am, the sun was barely up but he got up & he took me. While we were there, we seen 100’s of crabs crawling up the boat ramp (the park was next to the Delaware bay), & the sun was just rising. I was only about 3 years old & I remember it so well. It didn’t matter what it was, he made sure me and my sister were happy that’s all he ever wanted for us. I know he would have been the BEST grandfather in the entire universe.

Living my life without him I have missed a lot, his scent of cigars & old leather, I wish I could remember his laugh & his voice, but I’m just glad I have photos to remind me of him & people who also loved him to share their memories with me. He has most certainly been with me throughout my life guiding me, & I whole heartedly believe he is still guiding me throughout this life.

My dad was a funny guy and his sense of humor and good heart is how he would like to be remembered. The way he went out of his way for people & the way that he protected his daughters. He loved ALL kids & made sure all kids were taken care of. He was that kind of dude.

Albert Alton Alexander

Age 34
Loving Son, Father, Brother
Age 34

Albert often gave more than he received. Strangers were just friends he hadn’t met yet. He loved with his whole heart.

Every memory is precious. My son was a prankster. Most his pranks where played on his mom. My best memories are when he spent time with his kids. Helping his daughter build a derby car to race. Helping his son with a project that resulted in his son eventually finishing it after his dad passed away. That project resulted in his son going to NASA space camp.

Albert had an infectious laugh. I miss hearing his laughter. But most of all I miss seeing his joy when he was with his kids. He is especially missed during special moments. His daughter”s performance with the color guard. His son’s band performance. His children”s graduations. He should be here for those special moments, or when his kids have a rough time. Albert always had a way of making us laugh even during the bad times.

Albert was a loving son, father, and brother. He had a brilliant mind and was an inventive mechanic. He could take something broken and find a way to fix it. His children were his guiding light and his pride and joy. If he called you his friend he would be there for you in your time of need. He fought many battles and was victorious. He is a warrior to those who truly knew him. He loved God, and in his brokenness he lead many to Christ.

Hunter Lee Clemons

Age 22
Mama’s boy and big brother
Age 22

Hunter loved to fish any opportunity he had often fishing on a quick lunch break. He was my first love and he gave me a purpose in life. Hunter didn’t have an enemy in the world he was loved by anyone who ever met him.

One time he put a 10 foot snake skin behind my washer machine….I went into a panic thinking a snake was loose in the house…which one of been totally believable because he would always hide random snakes, turtles and reptiles in his room. If we were driving and he seen a turtle somewhere he would make me stop the car and he would go get them. As a teenager he was known to bring alligator snapping turtles home on a regular basis. He has even come through the door carrying a gator once or twice.

I miss the way he said Mama. I miss the Good morning have a great day text and the phone calls just to check on me and see how my day was going.

He would like to be remembered for his love of fishing and outdoors. His sense of humor and love for life. And his hair ❤️ He had great hair!

Dylan Edward Plakstis

Age 30
Son Brother organ donor hero
Age 30

Dylan was kind hearted cared about people. He was loved by all who knew him

My son being born my first child

Not being able to see him get married and grow old.

Being a organ donor hero and by his music he recorded on utube
Hope and Top of the line boss.
D gotti Dylan or Dylan Plakstis or m6 bosses

Spencer Kellow

Age 20
Son, Brother, Grandson, So Loved
Age 20

Spencer was so loved and just wanted to be free of addiction. He loved his dogs and his family. He had an infectious smile. We all tried to help him but it was a battle he couldn’t win. We miss him so terribly.

His smile and laugh.

Hayley Nash Beeghley

Age 35
Mother Daughter Sister
Age 35

Hayley lived life on her terms with ferocity and passion. She did things her own way. Fiercely independent yet devoted to her children and her family when she could be with us.

Baking a chicken in the oven upside down

The opportunity to help and support her. The opportunity to see Hayley finally find some inner peace

Hayley would want to be remembered as someone who did the very best that she could given the hand she was dealt in life. She didnt ask to be born differently.

Oshakee Marie Zink

Age 30
Beautiful, Clever, Compulsive, An Artist
Age 30

Oshakee succumbed to drug addiction multiple times throughout her life, until there was no waking up. Many people and organizations tried to help but her truth, forgiveness, happiness and life within herself she never found outside of the drugs.

Oshakee loved living life her way and by her rules. Even though she couldn't, she would want everyone else to speak the truth. The truth is, you know someone whose life is vulnerable to addiction or who is an addict. Stop turning a blind eye!

God, hear our prayer

For NAS babies born, for those who care for them, for frightened struggling parents who fear to lose them, for those who give foster care, and for those who must decide for these babies’ welfare, we pray to God.

Oshakee's, (a.k.a.: KeyKey), artistic abilities were exceptional. She could decorate a room with her creations and keep you up at night with her written words.

God, hear our prayer.

For families and friends of those who are in the midst of addiction or on the path of recovery, that they may have the serenity to accept the things they cannot change, the courage to change the things they can, and the wisdom to know the difference, we pray to God.

Osh would like to be remembered as a Recovering Addict but that's not possible. Silence would mean her death was in vain, but if one person's life could be saved then her story of childhood trauma, mental health issues, abuse and her years of trying to get clean should be told. A product of her environment, she could not break the cycle. She used every service available but the drug hold was too strong. Osh fought her addictions but her light shattered before she could win the war. Let us pray.

Dalton Robert Mulkey

Age 24
Dad, son, brother, addicted….
Age 24

He was trapped in his addiction. He fought it so hard. We all tried to save him, but we couldn’t. Now my 7 & 6 year old have to go the rest of their life fatherless

How funny he was. Always making everyone laugh

His creativity

As a dad who loved his children, before introduced to satan himself

Amber Marie Cleveland

Age 21
Daughter, smart, loving, funny, missed
Age 21

Amber was my life, my only child, my mini me. Beautiful, kind.Would help anyone. So loving,funny,A bit shy. Animal lover,loved softball, Music. There's a bond between a mother & daughter that can never be broken 💔 I miss you Baby girl

All our memories together were good and bad, that's life but I'm glad we had lots of good ones and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Her face, smile and beautiful brown eyes. Amber was a bit shy but her heart was so big she helped many. Funny and goofy loved making people laugh. I miss everything about my baby girl.

A beautiful young girl with so much to give, so much love she had her whole life ahead of her. Amber had such a beautiful smile,eyes and heart. I remember her as goofy, smart,loving girl who had so many friends and so much love and life.

George Ralph Pegue

Age 74
Brother, Father, good as gold
Age 74

Ralph was the most warm hearted man anyone could meet. He was a father, grandfather, brother and uncle who always made sure his family was good.

Mark Frymier

Age 29
Son, Brother, Father, Grandson, Uncle
Age 29

Mark had a heart of gold he would help anyone that needed help. He loved his family and wanted to make everyone happy. He had a silly side and loved to make people laugh. His smile would light up a room. He was an animal lover.

It is so difficult to decide what my favorite memory would be, because there are so many. I think my favorite memory was when he was a child, he was so attached to me that he had to be with me all of the time. The only way I could get him to sleep was to let him go to sleep in my bed and he would rub my hair until he would go to sleep.

I will miss his hugs the most. Every time I would see him, he would come to me with a big smile on his face and give me a big hug and say, "I love you mama, how are you today".

Noah Alexander Cass

Age 23
He was a good friend son brother was there for everyone
Age 23

He would give you his shirt off his back if he had to

Every memory

His laugh his smile his voice

Through all the good times

Devin Wayne Miller

Age 28
Loving son
Age 28

Devin was brilliant and loved God.He loved his family and friends.He never met any strangers and love putting smiles on people's faces.He loved playing his guitar and music.Sadly to say my son was poisoned by fentanyl and he's missed dearly.

I miss not being able to see him and hug him.I miss not being able to tell him how much I love him.I miss his phone calls,voice and knowing he want be walking through the doors again.I miss his smiles and laughter.I miss his love and I miss my first born

God fearing and full of life

Jeremy Michell Sherfey

Age 51
Boyfriend, father, grandpa
Age 51

He was My world for 14yrs he had a hard fight for years, he was caring, he was very stubborn lol but he was a good man.

When we were in his truck and he asked me to be his girlfriend.

Just having him tell me Holly it's you and I "till the hubs rub" . I will miss seeing his smile everyday hearing his voice. Just everything about him.

Shawn Thomas

Age 44
Son, Brother, Father, My Heart and Soul
Age 44

Shawn was a Christian before anything. He was generous and kind hearted. Loved children. Always put others before himself. He could light up a room just by entering into it. He was funny, quick witted and smart.

Laying out at the creek on a blanket staring at the stars in the night sky.
Living in the country gave us a million stars most nights. Getting excited pointing out falling stars, fireballs and being able to see Mars and Venus.

His love for life. He enjoyed nature and all it had to offer. If you wanted to find Shawn, chances are he would be at the creek fishing.

Shawn would want to be remembered as a Christian.

James Robert Muir

Age 35
Always helping someone
Age 35

James was so intelligent. He was 'quick on his feet', which, in turn, made him funny. He was a writer. Some of the things he wrote are incredible, poems, and stories that will make you laugh, maybe weep your heart out, or give food for thought.

There are so many, I just can't choose a favorite. When I saw him interacting with, and loving his children, when we went to concerts together, when he was in dire pain, but wanted to walk me through the park to visit my favorite tree; every memory is a precious one.

James'retention was almost photographic. I miss him all times, but especially when I want to ask him something. I knew he'd rem. or know. Now, I must resort to google. It's almost unbearable watching football without him. He knew the game so well, and taught me so much. My son was an incredibly kind and caring man.
He was such a great storyteller, animated and demonstrative. He should still be here writing, and telling his stories. But, alas...

I think James would like to be remembered as someone who made a difference to a person/persons on his journey.
So very many have told me how grateful they were for his help at some time or other. I think that's just the legacy he wanted to leave. That, and that he loved his children, his family, and his friends.

Taylor Paige Tabet

Age 27
Beloved Daughter and Granddaughter
Age 27

As a family, we lost a beautiful soul who brought joy to our world and filled our hearts with light and love. She was funny, playful and a ball of energy. She loved karaoke even though she couldn't sing. She was warm, compassionate, strong and courageous. She will forever be in our hearts. 

We will miss her hugs, smile, her laugh and the goofy way she danced.

There can be no good byes for us
It'd be too painful, dear
Our connection still lives on
Although you're far from here

I miss the times that we once had
But one day, once again
I'll hold you close and laugh with you
I just wish I knew when

Each moment til that day arrives
Until my time is through
I'll miss you more than words can say
And always think of you

I'll look for you among the stars
And each dawn 's pastel sky
And whisper words of love to you
But never say goodbye