Create a Memorial
Age 28

Jeremiah always had a super smile on his face no matter how times were he always wanted everyone to be happy and enjoy life he was so handsome and gave the greatest hug and loved everyone

My favorite memory is on YouTube it's under most unusual Mother's Son video singing It's Your Love I have the video and it's so awesome love you son

Jeremiah always wanted the best for everyone I will miss his hugs so very much

Jeremiah would like to be remembered for what a kind-giving loving person he always was

Marvin James Sharpe

Age 37
Son, magnificent, loving, funny, everything.
Age 37

Marvin Jimmy, my sonny, is my only child. Thoughtful, funny, SMART, gigantic heart. Loved people - the more the merrier! Wonderful father. Involved brother & uncle. Always called his family to keep in touch. He loved so deeply...he is missed, every single moment of everyday!!!!

Mostly hearing his voice....and being called my "wonterful, bootiful, mutter! :) and his big, warm, hard hugs!

Festively! Singing, sharing fun stories.

Courtney Miranda Buckley

Age 31
Child of God, daughter, sister, friend
Age 31

Courtney was born on November 23, 1989 and from then on she seemed to be an enigma of beauty, energy and light; a vibrant soul transcending expectations. She blazed through the world with her presence bringing joy to all who knew her. Courtney rarely left you without a song, dance, or a joke while captivating your attention and from the moment you came to know her; garnering your trust while both creating and holding space effortlessly. Her friends knew her to be a reliable confidant and fearless advocate. To know Courtney was to witness creativity, passion, and an insatiable curiosity for the gust of life. She loved art in all forms, and went nowhere without her sketchbook and colored pencils. She filled her life with music and dance. She played violin and guitar, she loved to sing and she always danced country! Her work as a cake decorator was the perfect marriage of her passions; creating beauty and bringing joy to others. That beauty and compassion that Courtney bore on the world did not come without a price, and Courtney was proof that the tragic disease of addiction can happen to anyone. The world lost Courtney leaving a tragic and unexpected void in the lives of all who loved her.

Her love and light was greater than this earth could contain.

Courtney loved without prejudice, she helped from her heart without expectations 💜
She truly listened and always kept your confidence. She was talented in singing, playing guitar and violin
She loved to sing and dance Country 👢👢Courtney had the kindest heart , she knew empathy
She was a beautiful soul and that beauty radiated from within

She truly was an angel

miss her saying"mom, you're such a geek"She picked out the perfect gifts special occasions, or to just Express gratitude because she took the time to know you well.

Courtney would want to be remembered as a true friend and confidant. The greatest Red Sox fan and Kenny Chesney groupie that ever lived, LOL she would want the beautiful art of cake decorating that she excelled at remembered and addition to the beautiful tattoos that she designed in memory of people who loved that had passed before her . Courtney always said that if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all

Jaycob David Hampton

Age 22
Father brother dearest friend Paisley Daddy
Age 22

Jaycob was one of a kind him just being in the room would change the whole mood and have everyone ready to have a good time he loved cliff diving riding bikes and dirt bikes 420 friendly spending time with his daughter and friends and loved tattoos

Watching the way he loved his daughter

Being here to watch his daughter grow

Hope Danielle Wright

Age 28
Age 28

Beautiful, smart, kind and full of life.

My last hug.

Her laugh

As a mom, daughter, and granddaughter

Jeannine Toudle

Age 57
Mother sister grandmother and loved by everyone
Age 57

My mother was caring giving sharing an loving of all children . My mother was the life of anything she did she always made u smile an happy. She loved her siblings her grandchildren an her children . She loved to travel to see her family an friends

Just my mom always being there my best friend a person to call a person who loved me an spoiled everyone rotten.

I miss her presents. Her voice her laughter her kindness her hugs her words of incouragement. My mother's strength to go . I need her everyday

Strong resilient always bring laughter an loved by the world...

David Meier

Age 23
Brother, Son, Caring, Protective
Age 23

He was everything you would ever want in a sibling. Protective, caring, light hearted. No matter what happened he would always be by your side. He was the reason I knew I could be who I wanted to be when everyone else doubted my dreams.

My favorite memory is probably when we were living in our apartment and we could t decide who’s music should be playing so we kept turning our music up louder then the other until finally out mom shut the whole thing down.

The long rants he would go on that made no sense but you listened anyways. Or his hugs because he always knew they cheered me up.

Age 29

He was the most kind and loving human being i knew. He had the most kindest heart! He would go out of his way to do things for other people without a thought behind it!

His very giving and kind nature!

I will always miss hearing him say "I Love Momma".

Christopher Lamont Harris, Jr

Age 20
Brother, Father, Son, Happy, Family-oriented
Age 20

Chris was a very happy and live person. Very protective, will give you the shirt off his back. Great with his hands, Loved to talk make people laugh. He loved Thanksgiving and Christmas , especially when family and food is involved he loved to eat.

My favorite memory of him was when he was visiting from getting a haircut, sitting down just talking to his first born niece, and just saying how he loved kids and couldn't wait to have a daughter of his own.

I will most definitely miss his laugh. It was different and distinct, you know it was genuine, full of life, our walks, his dancing and the smile he wore all the time.

Chris was always strong and caring, nurturing. He could make the frown off your face leave just saying a few funny things, whether you are sad or mad, even in a dance.

Brady R. McCarty

Age 25
Son, Brother, Father, Friend
Age 25

Brady was funny, brilliant, talented, and much loved.

Too many memories to choose just one.

His sense of humor. His music. Brady, period.

Jada Cheyenne Stanley

Age 17
Precious daughter, sister, granddaughter, and niece
Age 17

Jada was so full of life, always had a smile on her face, and could always put a smile on yours. She was our baby and we miss her terribly.

There is so many, it's hard to pick just one

Her smile, her laugh, her amazing attitude and love for other people.

With all the love that she so freely gave unconditionally

Devon James Roberts

Age 28
My heart, my son
Age 28

Bighearted, kind, smile that would light up a room.

Visiting him in Huntington Beach. Just being with him in his element. He was so happy.

Everything. His infectious smile.

He would want everyone to keep fighting and never give up. He wanted peace and to be free

Levi G. Onstott

Age 25
Beloved son, sweet, gentle soul.
Age 25

My son was just a wonderful human being. He was silly, loving, kind, gentle and compassionate. He loved his family and was a great friend.

One of my favorite memories was his laugh. From birth he loved to laugh and had the sweetest sense of humor. He would often call me with the silliest joke and get such a kick out of himself. He brought so much happiness to my life.

We will miss everything about him. His smile, his laugh, his hugs and just spending time together. He took up a huge part of our hearts,

I know he would like to be remembered as someone who was kind, compassionate and caring. We do an annual food drive, hand out supply bags and gift cards in his name to those in need. As long as I’m alive I’ll keep his name and generosity alive. He will always be remembered with an abundance of love.

Marc Francis Morroni

Age 40
Son giving hard working
Age 40

Beautiful inside and out!until drugs came

His laugh, his eyes

His caring

As caring and good

CJ Blake Wadlow

Age 19
Son, Brother, Musician, Poet, Athlete
Age 19

CJ was full of love and adventure. He never met a stranger and was always out exploring and trying to learn new things. He loved music, writing lyrics, skateboarding, basketball, and baseball. He loved everyone and forgave easily. I miss him dearly.

There are so many favorite memories. He used to climb up the walls literally wearing his spider man costume as a little boy. I once caught him skateboarding off the roof. He had taken off the wheels and turned it into a boogie board. I remember him grabbing this stuffed toy frog that made a croaking noise when you shook it and beelining straight out the store door when he was three because he fell in love with it. He was a bit of a wild child. I wouldn’t change anything about him. He was precious.

I will most miss hearing him say momma and I love you. I miss his sense of humor. The way he loved me unconditionally. The way he was protective over our family and wanted to make us proud. I miss his innocence before the drugs. I miss his beautiful blue eyes, crazy curls, and dimpled grin. I miss smelling his aftershave and cologne. I miss hearing his stories and spending time with him. Drugs started to take him long before death. I will never miss the psychosis or fear that he experienced.

CJ would want us to remember that he wasn’t in control the last years. He would want us to remember his kind heart, his sense of humor, his undying love for all of us. He would want us to remember his music and the songs he wrote, his humor and athleticism. He would want us to remember that he tried very hard to get better and that he is not hurting anymore. Above all he would want his friends and family to remember that all he ever wanted was for all of us to be happy and to have a good life.

Robbie Wheeler

Age 39
Son, brother
Age 39

Always helping others, thoughtful and caring

Spending time together when he was a child

Our alone times and talks

Justin Martin Brady

Age 28
Son,caring,giving, generous,lived outdoors, outgoing
Age 28

Justin grew up in a loving stable home, who had values n traits like saving money n working in plumbing trade, he had plenty of friends, loved playing basketball, watching football, baseball, he was a good hearted soul who loved everyone he met 🖤💜

My favorite would be his random hugs just because 🖤💜

Even though I endured 7 years with his addiction I would do it again just so God would give him back to me so I can touch, talk n see his smiling face again 🖤💜

He would want to be remembered for his outgoing n loving personality with everyone he met 🖤💜