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Christian Allen Colston

Age 20
First Son
Age 20

He always was such a happy boy with a smile and glow that would brighten up any room he entered, he was great with his brothers and sister. Had so much life to live. He would go out of his way to help others and he was loved and adored by all!

When I had his brother logan he would always try to be so helpful and all I can picture right now in my head is this 3 year old with a huge smile carrying his baby brother (newborn) from the bedroom to the living room! I was so nervous but all I told him is he’s breakable so don’t drop him ok. Hey looked at me with a serious face and said he breakable mommy? I said yes so always put him down on a soft spot and don’t drop him! He smiled from ear to ear and went on to take Logan to the couch… 🥰

Not being able to hug, call, see, …. Him ever in the flesh….the list could go on forever he was such a kind hearted young man and so kind to everyone. I would give anything to trade places with him he was still a baby in my eyes 💔

Christian would want everyone to remember all the happy times and goofy things (snakes included, he would call them when he took them out of the cage to play with) as if they were a cat or dog 😂 here snaky snake come here…. I miss him so much and it hurts like no other to not have him here still.

Jeffrey Michael Dehlin

Age 22
Son, Brother, Giver, Our Hero
Age 22

Jeff was the kind of person who helped people and told no one. His dark humor got everyone involved. Jeff was the center of the room without trying. People were drawn to him. He loved adventure and learning new tricks, yo-yo, skateboard, bike. Love.

One young man came up to me at Jeff's Memorial. He was a bit overweight, a bad complexion. He told me he was never popular, but when he began working with Jeff, he treated him like his best friend. In turn, all of the other employees began treating him the same. Jeff put his arm around him and he was the first person he brought to the break room. Before long, the other teens were calling and texting this young man. He told me that he had never felt like he belonged, and Jeff gave that to him.

Everything. His face, his laugh, his voice, his humor, his music, his spirituality, his sound advice, his love for his sisters, his generosity, his constant smile, his openness, his vulnerability, his chivalry, his example, his love. He was my only son, and I miss everything about him. He was an angel here on earth for all of us.
I watched him in withdrawal without any medication. He is my HERO. I visited him every possible time, and we all went to every family day and education session. HERO.

Jeff would wish to be remembered as a singer/songwriter. After being shown a few chords, he began playing songs from the radio by ear. The first was "Delilah". All of a sudden he was playing almost any song from the radio. Then he began writing music, then lyrics, then harmony. He was shy at first to sing, but he got over it. He was recording his own voice in harmony, with himself playing acoustic and bass guitar and kick a$$ drums. His final song could be on the radio, never reading music.

Bradley Ray Lauer

Age 34
Best Dad Ever
Age 34

Brad is my dad, and he passed away when I was eight years old. He was the best dad in the entire world, he loved my brother, sister, and me more than anything. He is the reason my life path is psychology and addiction.

The night he died, we tossed a football back and forth in my grandparents' culdesac for hours. My grandpa and I had just gotten home from an Ohio State football game, my dad came over to see me. When he was getting ready to leave, we hugged and held on to each other for a little longer than usual. He told me how much he loved me, and I made sure he knew how much I loved him, too.

I miss everything I didn't get to have with him. I was only eight years old. I had to go through so much without him, and I have to keep doing it until it's my time to see him again.

I don't know. I don't remember a lot about him :/

Brett William McClellen

Age 31
My son, Humorous, Mischievous, Smart
Age 31

My first unconditional love. He was sentimental & would give you the shirt off his back even if he only had one to his name. He lived life hard and fast. He loved being the life of the party & was always searching for knowledge.

His big brown eyes and mischievous grin would light up when he pranked me. He’d call me from an unknown phone number and talk in an accent that I couldn’t understand. He would get the biggest kick when he pulled a prank off. Even though he physically isn’t here anymore, he still pranks me on occasion and I love and cherish every minute.

Brett: mom, mom, mom, mommy, mommy, ma. ma

Me: what?

Brett: nothing

Compassionate, loving, and caring of his family and friends.

Cassondra Jo Whitman

Age 33
BELOVED daughter, sister, mother and grandaughter
Age 33

So vibrant and full of life. Had a laugh that made you want to laugh with her. Personality - and then some.

Judith Marie Gutierrez

Age 20
Beautiful, loving, courageous, smart, funny
Age 20

Judith's smile and laughter would light up any room. She had a huge heart! She loved her family very much. She loved to sing.

Our last month together❤️

Her beautiful voice, kisses, her hugs, her laughter.

Zayne Brendon Balmer

Age 25
Son, brother, father, super funny
Age 25

His heart was too big for the lifestyle he was living. He suffered a severe TBI in 11/2011. After that he really struggled with coping & decision making. He was a great father & brother. All kids & animals loved him. He wanted his life to be different but felt like a lost soul. He never believed how important he was to all of us. He stopped caring about himself & life in general. He felt hopeless & nothing could convince him otherwise. Everything could have been so different if he wasn't hit by the SUV. His TBI was hell for him. He also had epilepsy due to brain injury. That was the event that changed everything for him and our immediate family.

The last day I spent with him is my favorite because he died 6 hrs later. I picked him up from work early in the morning. We went shopping at Walmart then to McDonald's drive thru. We ate in a parking lot in my car & just talked. When I dropped him off he gave me his usual hug & kissed my forehead. We told each other I love you & he went inside. I'll miss everything about him so much. My heart is broken without him, my oldest child. I spent over half my life with him.

Everything! His humor, the way he'd scare us, his relationship with his young brother and sister, the random acts of kindness, him doing things to embarrass us in public, his laugh, his jokes, his voice, the way he smelled, his beautiful face, watching him with his daughter & seeing how much she adored him, his presence, his deep conversations, his loudness. I will miss every single thing that made him Zayne. This ache will never go away.

As someone who got dealt one crappy hand after another but still kept trying. As a good father who loved his baby girl. As someone who would defend his family every time. As someone who made mistakes because he was hurting so badly inside. As someone who was worth having in your life. As funny, hardworking, loving,, loved.

Chase Edward Huechtker

Age 24
My beautiful son
Age 24

Chase is best remembered for his adorable smile and how much he loved his family and friends.

Makayla Shiver

Age 17
Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, Niece, Aunt
Age 17

She loved her niece and nephew so much, they were her whole world. She loved her family and loved being at the farm with her grandparents! She loved to dance and make TikTok’s!

When her and her nephew were dancing around in the living room. They both had the biggest smiles.

Her goofy laugh, and her just being here cracking jokes, and making everything fun.

Jacob Talamantes

Age 25
Jacob was a father of 2, a brother to Joshua and Samantha. My son.
Age 25

Jake was an ambitious young man. He loved life. He drew people in with his beautiful smile. He always wanted to make us proud.

Always coming home to visit.

His smile and humor…..everything

A beautiful heart.

Tony Lee Smith

Age 44
Dad, Husband, Friend, Son, Brother
Age 44

He loved his family deeply, was loyal to his friends, was passionate about motorcycles and being a mechanic, had a heart as big as Texas and could do anything he set his mind to.

Riding motorcycles in the mountains

Holidays, riding motorcycles, laughing and cuttin’ up.

As a man who loved his family.

Gershon Press Rapoport

Age 38
Son, Grandson, Brother, Cousin, Nephew
Age 38

Handsome, kind, athletic, musically talented

Someone who fought the grip of addiction for a long time

Jeffrey Lynn Council jr

Age 27
Smart, brother, caring, smerk, loving
Age 27

He was my big brother and could always make me smile.

One year on my birthday he was waiting on me at bus stop holding a kitten that had a bow around the kittens neck.

His smile and how he would always say how's my baby sis....

He would want to be remembered how he could always cheer people up and make them smile.

Rahsaan Blake Thompson

Age 38
Loving son, Loved by All
Age 38

Rahsaan was a deeply caring person. As other addicts, he was sensitive to the world's problems and people's pain. He always said he loved his Mother most of all. His father was gone at an early age and Mom and Son were tight as tight could be.

He walked at 9 months old and loved the Children's Playground in Golden Gate Park. As a teen, he would make fun of me because I couldn't keep all his friends' names straight. As an adult, we loved watching and analyzing films and just hanging out together.

He was my only child. I miss his voice, his hugs, his laughter and his tears. I miss sharing life with him. I miss sharing memories that only he and I had. No words can encompass the loss. I go on with gratitude for a son who left many beautiful, expressive notes and cards telling me he valued and loved our relationship too.

As a kind and caring person who tried to beat his genetic predisposition to addiction. Remember his warm smile and big heart.

Drew Douglas VanOrden

Age 48
A Gentle Soul Who Loved All
Age 48

My brother Drew was a truly amazing person. He was an amazingly talented musician who worked harder than anyone I know. He was the guy that would show up early to work and leave late. He had an extreme passion for music and spaghetti westerns. An intelligent, handsome one-of-a-kind free-spirited guy who loved God and his family. He fought hard against his addiction for 20+ years. He was a fighter and a real-life winner in my eyes who battled this horrible disease.

This is hard because I have many favorite memories of my brother. From learning Heavy Metal band info in the 80s with him to watching him grow as a father of three beautiful children always having lots of fun when we were all together whether it was jet skiing, hanging out, basketball games, listening to music he was always a light in my life. A best friend that would listen to anything no matter how ridiculous the conversation.

I will miss our daily talks. I will miss him giving me a hard time if I wasn't in the best mood, I will miss him laughing and making fun of silly things. I will miss watching him interact with his children and how that would light up his world.

I believe my brother would like to be remembered as a brave soul who battled hard against the disease of addiction. I believe he would want the world to know that this is a real thing and at times a very hard thing to manage. I believe he would want the world to know how easy it is to get addicted to opioids. His battle started with a prescription to OxyContin after a construction accident and the addiction continued to graduate from there. He was a great musician with impeccable taste for not only writing his own music but loving the music of others. He was a loving father who loved his children more than anything in the world. He would not judge and accepted people for who they were the good, the bad and the ugly. He would want this world to understand that addiction is not a made-up disease and something for most folks is very hard to manage. He would want better programs of recovery for individuals and families affected by this disease.

Carson Wampler

Age 24
a Son, Brother & Father. Brilliant, Compassionate
Age 24

such a sweet, loving, young man w a lot of dreams, love of life & so intelligent! he’ll be missed by all that ever came in contact with him! i miss him so much! there’s a gigantic, hole in my heart!

he loves to cook professionally & would always want me to assist him

his ability to always make me smile! he made me happy if i was sad. he made me hopeful at the times i struggled.

not in the way he was taken from this world… but on his love of life and his hopes for the future! it’s been 2 years, 21 days since my world changed! :(

Christopher Paul Caiola

Age 38
Beloved Nephew Christopher Caiola
Age 38

Christopher was the most kindhearted gentle soul, who put others first. Christopher was loyal and loving to those he loved and was trustworthy.He had character and integrity.He was so smart that he figured out the stock market and became a day trader.

There are many great memories of Christopher. My favorite memory of Christopher occured when he was young. I took him on a trip to the arcades in Elizabeth, NJ. He enjoyed every single moment playing all of the games and even learned to play pool.

Chris was not just my nephew. He was someone with whom I could talk to about anything and know I was never being judged. He accepted and loved me, no matter what. I trusted with my secrets and my struggles. I will miss his smile and humor and hearing about his dreams. I will miss hearing him say, "Hey Aunt Mary".But most of all, I will miss having one of the kindest, most giving and loving people I've known in my life!

Not as a "drug addict", because a disease does not define a person, any more than it does a person who has struggled with Cancer. Christopher will be remembered for the beautiful person he was and the lives he touched. He was a fighter of this disease, but also a victim and casualty to the opioid epidemic. This epidemic continues to steal the precious lives of our loved ones. We all must stand together to fight this common enemy until there are NO MORE innocent victims! I miss and love you!

Sherwin Leroy Hatfield

Age 33
Heart of Gold
Age 33

My sweet nephew had a heart of gold. He was always there looking out for his family. Family was everything to him

His whole life was memorable

Will miss his hugs, his voice just everything about him

He would want us to be the voice for him and the others that we have lost.. Its time to Break the silence

Mackinzie Eileen Fakih

Age 28
Smile that would light up a room, and contagious laugh
Age 28

Mackinzie was beautiful, smart, and loved. She struggled with SUD, but was determined to win the battle. She loved the beach, and spending time with animals.

Watching her dance, and acting silly, and enjoy life

Hearing her laugh, and seeing her smile