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Julie Michele Harriman

Age 34
Daughter, sister, aunt, and friend
Age 34

Julie was a smart and athletic gal. She played basketball in her youth. Some of her favorite things were holidays, family time and camping. She had a love for the outdoors and nature. We camped every summer as a family and she relished in card games with her Nana and conversations around the campfire. Julie had a love for peanut butter pizza, Nana's swedish pancakes, banana cream pie and top ramen!

As an adult, Julie was a leader/care giver to the special needs population. We have numerous pictures of her with her groups. It was evident that her clients looked up to her.

Holidays and camping. Julie sure loved Christmas!

Her simplicity, contagious laugh and kind nature.

I believe Julie would want to be honored for the help she offered to others when she might not have been able to accept the help herself.

Herman C Russell III

Age 36
Father, Husband, Son, Brother, Uncle, Heart of Gold
Age 36

Herman was an awesome person all together. He was smart, loved me, loved his children, his family! He was charismatic, warm, sweet, & protective!

Making breakfast every morning for him & cutting his berries with sugar every night!

I miss everything! My best friend, my kids father!

Honorable, loving his mom & dad & children!

Cody Shaw Fahm

Age 29
Son, Grandson, God Father, Nephew, Big heart
Age 29

Cody was my baby boy. The biggest son of my three boys. Cody’s passion and career was custom millwork. He had hands just like me, but big. He could build the most beautiful things! He loved family, fishing, and cooking!

There are so many things I loved about him! Cody had a big personality. He always wanted to make people laugh. His smile could light up any room! Cody had a big heart! He would help anytime you needed help!

I miss everything about him! His big hugs, the I love you Ma, those big lips, and big brown eyes!

I want Cody to be remembered for who he really was! Cody was a sweet, kind hearted, loving human being! He was my son who I love with all my heart!

Colin M Earley

Age 36
Beautiful Son,Artistic Loving Giving
Age 36

Colin was loved by everyone he met. He would give you the shirt off his back. I loved him more than life. He was smart funny talented artistic and gave whatever he could to help someone. He was loved by so many!! His death definitely left a hole in me.

Him telling me how much he loved me. His personality was exceptional! He was so funny and had this sense of humor that I can’t compare to anything

His beautiful face. Willingness to help me always. His sense of humor. Our intense talks. He was extremely smart. I will miss every thing about him. I miss his presence. His huge heart his beautiful words. He had way with words. He wrote things that were so deep and heartfelt. I don’t miss just one thing. I miss everything !

As someone who left his mark on the world and the people he loved. That he most certainly did! I amount of people at his service was truly heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. He was truly loved by so many! It was really amazing. I was unaware until that day how absolutely loved he was by so so many people! Young-old and in between! I was so proud and so extremely sad at the same time.

Carleigh Elizabeth Lunn

Age 30
Daughter, sister, friend
Age 30

Carleigh was a bright, spunky little girl who loved everyone. Always first to try something, she grew up enjoying horseback riding, swimming, scary movies, and making life fun. She loved animals and as a young girl, her pockets had to be checked for lizards and frogs before putting them in the laundry.

When going shrimping with her family as a child, she caught a fish and decided it was her new pet. After several hours of her carrying it around (very much dead at this point), a family member finally wrenched it away from her. She was upset to lose her fish friend.

Her strong sense of compassion for animals and fun (but mischievous) personality.

Kevin Joseph Rhoda

Age 26
Son, brother, and friend
Age 26

Kind, funny and generous

Kevin will be missed by his family, His parents, brother, grandma and many uncles, aunts and cousins . Kevin had many lifetime friends whom all miss him dearly

Age 28

He was a great kid with blue eyes and blonde hair and loved to play golf! He graduated NC State University. He loved his sister and family.

We had family beach trips every other year. He was a great kid growing up. He would do anything for anyone. I miss his smile and blue eyes.

His smile, his eyes and his sense of humour 💙

My son got his wisdom teeth removed and they gave him 30 OxyContin. Then he broke his collarbone and they gave him 30 OxyContin every month…. And that’s how he got addicted😢

Justin Brent Bailey

Age 34
Father, fiancé, friend, helper, family man
Age 34

Coffee talks in the morning before we went off to work.

His thoughtful kindness.

Brian Baker

Age 37
Son, Brother, Uncle, terribly missed
Age 37

Brian was the most big-hearted person and he deeply loved his family and friends. He was an accomplished athlete, a wizard in the kitchen, and a super funny guy. He loved to be in the woods camping, fishing or just walking with his dog.

So many…. but my favorite memories of him were when he was playing football in college. He loved football and was a great QB and leader on and off the field.

Everything, but especially his ability to make people laugh.

As one who loved his family and lived simply.

Brandon Tyler Cuthbertson

Age 31
Son brother Grandson Nephew
Age 31

Brandon had the best personality and loved making people around him happy
He helped homeless people eat a hot meal and always helped the elderly. He was bright funny as could be always making everyone laugh. I'm going to miss him forever.

All of them. Too many to choose from.

Everything his smile his voice and especially his big bear hugs

Randall Clint Bradford

Age 33
Extremely funny
Age 33

I always thought Clint would get better. He was the love of my life , soul mate and we shared a birthday month which we thought was special. We had a 2 beautiful daughters together. We miss you ! Would love to hear that mountain voice again.

He was a veteran and a great girl Dad

I miss him being here for our children

He would want always of us to recovery out loud so others don't suffer in silence

Patrick James Hance

Age 30
Son, brother, friend, intellect, giver
Age 30

Pat was a gentle soul who never understood how much his depth mattered to the world. He loved kids and animals because they were so loyal and innocent. He would give you the shirt off of his back if you needed it

Each summer we would make a family garden. Pat would spend weeks making sure everything was cultivated and weeded. And then all summer we would enjoy the growth.


Not in vain.

Victor Benjamin Amyot

Age 33
Son, Brother, friend
Age 33

All his friends told us how generous and kind Victor was to them, and he would give them the shirt off his back if it could help. Unfortunately, through the overabundance of Oxycodone and youthful curiosity, he lost everything.

I will miss his smile. The look he gave Sebie and Patricia when they were happy and together in Texas before his addiction took away everything.

I will miss his call or text every day and his sign-off always... "I love you."

Victor would want to be remembered for his kindness. Not for the lying and heartache he gave to his parents, family and friends.

Wesley Joseph Metcalfe

Age 0
Son, brother, husband,father
Age 0

Wes was generous, an incredible sense of humor, an entrepreneur, he loved God, his family and wanted to help others with addiction. His goal was to open a rehab that offered free services to the addicted. He would have been successful at that just as he had with his businesses. He was very sensitive and had a heart of gold.

There are so many but one that stands out in my mind was he hired a companion for me and she had five children that never had celebrated Christmas because they had no money. He asked me to get their Christmas lists and my caregiver said okay but just get one gift on their lists. So I got the lists and he got every single gift they asked for, wrapped them and delivered them. Those children were so excited and surprised. That was him, helping who ever needed it. He was incredible to his family. Always wanting to get together and buying the kids everything. He had so much love. He was a gift.

His sense of humor, how he made everyone feel so special and his love for his family and especially me, his Mom. He took care of me and always had time to talk to me and listen intently to whatever I was saying. He loved me so much and was always thanking me for raising him with such good morals and unconditional love. He gave the best hugs. I miss his crooked smile, his incurable laugh, his hands and his presence. Everyone knew when he was present.

He would want us to know he was free from suffering and for us to take care of his children and tell them about him. He wouldn’t want us to sad but that is impossible. His absence is stifling.

Kimberly Berns

Age 37
a dear helpful friend , mother , daughter
Age 37

Loved and missed, a dear helpful friend , mother , daughter , beautiful woman will remember her always

Always going places and having a good time

How she was so helpful and funny

Strong, talented and forever loved

Melissa Lynn Gaboury

Age 26
Beautiful, hilarious, generous, loving, special
Age 26

Melissa loved animals and had an old soul. A beautiful disaster for sure but in the best way.She loved being out in nature and spending time with those she loved. I have never laughed so hard with another human being in my life and never will again.

Anytime we were together we were laughing. She had the most beautiful smile. She hated it ofc. I just miss laughing until I cry and not remembering what started us laughing to begin with. Totally sober too. Locked up. I will love you until forever, angel girl.

The world just feels so empty without her. No matter how long we spent apart we went right back to being us the minute we set eyes on one another. Even if we weren't talking it gave me comfort to know that she was out there. She gave me a comfort that she never even knew.

Melissa would want to be remembered as a fighter. As going out swinging, or dancing, or singing. She wouldn't want us to be sad. She would want to see her sister and baby bro smile again. She would want us to do something. Use it. Make it count for something. That's what I'm doing for her.

Paula I Huntzberry Job

Age 55
Best friend, Momma & MomMom
Age 55

One of the funniest, crazy, bullheaded, big hearted women in this wild world!

Her "snotty" laughs 🤣🤣

Having that person I could always go to!!

As a loving caring Momma who would give anyone the shirt off her back!