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Tony G Harrell Sr.

Age 55
Age 55

My dad loved and cherished his grandsons! They were his world.

Going to rock concerts with him.

All of him

Through my (daughter) voice and eyes.

Ijonae V Swain

Age 18
Daughter, Sister, Auntie, One of a kind
Age 18

Ijonae was outgoing, pure, loving, independent, and very intelligent.Ijonae idolized her Mother & Brother, they meant everything.Her unique laugh & goofy personality were just a small part of what made her so special.I am lucky to call her my family.

Picking 1 memory with Ijonae isn’t easy, we had so many great times. One thing she always knew how to do, was make me laugh. Always acting out, telling a funny story, or joking around. But hands down anytime she had levi with her are my favorite memories, she loved him SO much, and he adored his TT. Levi will always be reminded of that.

Her smile. Her laugh. Her hugs. Her voice. Her wild adventures. Her phone calls. Her long talks. Her. We will simply miss her the most.

Her story will be heard. Share her journey, share your memories, share your pictures. Tell your friends and their friends her story. Ijonae’s name will be heard over and over again, we will not forget how amazing she is!

Danielle M Condon

Age 41
Daughter, Sister, Loving Friend
Age 41

Enthusiastic about the culinary arts, Danielle was an exceptional chef. Her favorite past time was making delectable dinners and sweet treats for friends and family. A compassionate person, she had a special place in heart for animals, especially dogs and a great love of children.

Danielle will be missed for all family gatherings, in particular Thanksgiving, where she put her Cordon Bleu culinary degree to use to the delight of our tastes buds. We will miss cheering alongside Danielle for Blackhawks and Bears games and watching Jeopardy! will never be the same without her.

Age 0

He was my hero, he was my dad, he was happy, he loved his family, as kids we would love to push his buttons and laugh when he got mad, he loved animals and couldn’t hurt a fly, I loved him and I miss him every day

Family vacations, sitting around the fire pit for hours in the backyard, teaching me how to play softball, helping with my homework, when he stubbed his toe and laid on the ground for an hour - so dramatic

His contagious smile

As a wonderful dad and grandfather, an animal lover, music lover and a genuine lover and friend to all

Bryan Tindol Davis

Age 33
Son, Brother and Uncle Bubba
Age 33

His smile light up a room, his laughter brought joy, his silliness brought out our inner child and his love for his family and friends brought us peace amidst his inner storms.

My favorite memory I will always have was his absolute love for his nieces. There wasn’t a single thing he wouldn’t do for them. He loved them whole heartedly. As his sister in law I will always cherish the memories I had getting to watch them be around him.

We will all miss his fun loving personality. He was silly and goofy. He brought hard belly laughs from either his sly comebacks or off the wall jokes.

My hope is that people we will all remeber him for being the Bryan that we loved most. We remember him being a great Son, Grandson, Brother, Uncle, Nephew, Best Friend and a Cherished person in all of our lives.

Age 25

Evan was so generous and had a huge heart. He was always very sensitive and kind. He was the perfect son for me. And he hated it when I said that.

I can’t say my favorite memory but I loved going to Yosemite and Big Sur and the Grand Canyon with Evan. All of our travels were amazing. But just snuggling and watching tv was the best.


As the kind, happy, generous free spirit he was.

Jessica Gendreau

Age 28
Mother, daughter , grand-daughter,, sister, aunt, niece
Age 28

My daughter was the better daughter and mother in the world she loves her daughters more than her own life .
But the fentanyl win's on her and us lost the better person in the world she leave us whit a empty and broken heart ,Forever 28 my babygirl !

I always remember the smile she have and her crazy monent whit us ....

I really miss her phone call the sound of her voice when she said I love you more than the sky Mom and kiss the girls and say goodnight to hers and tell hers how much i love hers please and I talk to you back tomorrow morning.. kiss you xoxo

Tell her name , tell her story don't leave her just because you can't see her !! She's always by your side ❤️

Chase Michael Sicoli

Age 25
Son, Brother, Friend, Photographer
Age 25

Chase loved music and photography. He was loved by so many. He will be missed forever

Chase would want to be remembered as a good person, a worthy and loved person. He was a musician and an artist who brought beauty to our world.

Megan Lynn Hoffmann

Age 35
Daughter, Sister, child of God
Age 35

Megan was compassionate, loving, a loyal friend forever. Too sensitive for this hateful world.

Chad Brock

Age 38
Son, Father, Brother, Grandfather, Friend
Age 38

My son was a fantastic artist with a huge heart and a smile for everyone. His laugh was contagious and his bear hugs were the absolute best. He was willing to help out with anything. He had no fear and was always up for an adventure!

My favorite memory of Chad was watching him play with his beautiful daughter and his niece and nephew. He loved kids and they all loved him back. He would have been such a great grandpa for Sophia. Sadly he passed away before she was born.

I miss his huge hugs, his laugh and his positive attitude. He was usually the life of the party but he also enjoyed his alone time.

Chad would like to be remembered as a helpful friend and loving father, son, brother and uncle.

Robert "Luke" Paschal

Age 30
Beloved Son
Age 30

Luke was a devoted and passionate friend to those he let in his heart. He was kind, loving, charming, Hollywood handsome, thoughtful, brilliant, and funny as all get out, with a personality and charisma that would not stop. He had an entrepreneurial spirit and went on to start a CBD oil company called Arrow Organics. He did this to give other chemically dependent people a safe way to deal with their pain. He had a Nutrition and Physical Training certificate from ASAM and was a TPI level 1 certified Golf trainer. Nothing was more obvious than that he was his mother’s pride and joy – her dearest love.

Watching him gain and keep his sobriety that allows him to get into an Ivy League School, create his own CBD Oil company, and become a scratch golfer. Just sitting across from him at dinner one night be so at peace is embedded in my brain. It was a perfect night


My son was a fighter. He survived a near-fatal car accident. SUD was the price we paid for his life. After 11 hospitalizations, five surgeries, and three procedures that put him back on narcotics, he constantly fought back and regained sobriety. "Fall down six- get up seven" was his motto. Luke was my Hero.

James Wallace Cicchitti

Age 33
Son, Brother, Uncle, Best Friend🤎
Age 33

JW had the biggest heart of gold of anyone. There isn't a soul who can say otherwise. He was kind, funny, loving, the best friend to so many; especially his brother and sister who he loved more than anything in the world. His smile will live forever.

Tracy Taylor

Age 54
Son, Father, Grandfather. Generous heart.
Age 54

Tracy was my father. He battled addiction for many years. He loved poker, and like poker sometimes he was up in life and sometimes he lost all his chips. As many times as he fell from Grace, he got back up and fought every time.

So many, in humbled to share. My dad didn’t have much, he had to work really hard to rebuilt himself. One year at Christmas I was struggling financially, with three kids to provide for my dad felt my struggle. He took me to Walmart and bought their Santa gifts, without hesitation. His heart was so kind, too kind for this place.

I miss his laugh, when he told a story he would laugh so hard you could hardly understand what he was saying. I miss his humor, dark humor but it was amusing. He would text me and my siblings little jokes or riddles every day. I miss venting to him and hearing the classic, “I’m sorry kid”. I miss everything about him.

I would think he wanted to be remembered by his heart. He loved so hard. His mother, his kids and his grandkids. He brought joy (and sometimes madness) to every situation. He is missed terribly.

Dustin P Larrabee

Age 31
Son, Brother, Nephew
Age 31

Dustin was a talented musician. He wrote his own music and performed at local venues playing his electric or acoustic guitar. He knew music so well, that he could tell you who sang the song and what album it was on. He enjoyed music from the 70s-present. He surely is missed.

Age 34

Beautiful boy

His sense of humor

His smile
His wit
His intelligence
His big heart to everyone

Steve Blais

Age 43
Father Brother Son Thoughtful Kind Carin
Age 43

Steve would give the shirt off his back for others and always willing to help others. Brought sunshine and joy to my life as well as others life's.

Blessed to call him my boyfriend he always embraced and accepted me for who I was. Saw the true me and brought the best out in me. First started talking to me by writing his number on a paper towel and having his friend give it to me. Loved seeing him help others and make sure everyone was happy.


Coming home after a hard at work and he just embraces me in a warm comforting hug. Always listened to me and allowed me to vent. Loved seeing him help others. Steve has the best smile and amazing laugh.

His willingness to go above and beyond to help others. His huge smile and sence of humor made others laugh.

David Allen Jade Franklin

Age 29
Son, brother, Sweetest, loving soul
Age 29

He was a shining light. He was part of my shining light. He had the biggest heart. And always wanted to see the good in everyone,

On Halloween night, when David was 12 I told him to go take the teach out, mind you he always said “I’m not scared of nothing “ well his dad was waiting with a mask on, jumped out and screamed and he took of running down the street! Almost face planted the back of the explorer. Never looking back until he got almost a block down the road.

EVERYTHING about him will be missed

By his loving heart and that he was a mammas Boy

John Richard Martin

Age 38
He helped everyone he could
Age 38

He was loved by everyone he came in contacted with & appreciated by most. When he loved he loved hard & to the fullest. He lived life to the best & to the fullest of his potential. He was a great father, brother, son, baby daddy & significant other

His laugh hit he loved everybody and how he made light of things. He made everybody laugh and his smile

Frankie Marie Barnette

Age 28
Momma, daughter, sister, our heart
Age 28

Frankie was full of life and love for everyone. She loved her family, and her babygirl

My babygirl, my bestie, my breath. All of our memories are my favorites

Everything, but mostly her hugs

As a beautiful person inside and out