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Caleb C Bennington

Age 25
Son,brother and most importantly a father
Age 25

Worlds best dad!! Very caring and had a heart of gold!

Times we spent with his kids at the river

His laugh! His smile, his sense of humor

That he loved his children with his whole being

Ciara Johnson

Age 30
Loving mother of 4
Age 30

My beautiful daughter, Ciara, lost her battle with addiction at the age of 30. She fought for 5 years and left behind 4 children, family and friends who all loved her so very much.

My favorite memory of Ciara is when she would break out singing like she was on stage.

Her loving heart that would do anything for anyone. And her beautiful smile.

As someone who would give their last to make someone else happy.

Blake Wheeler Agricola

Age 37
Amazing son
Age 37

Blake was loving, kind, smart, and had an amazing winning personality. I loved his laugh and his smile. To know him was to love him when he was not using drugs.

The last Saturday I spent with him. He looked so healthy and sounded so good.

His love for me

As a respectful member of society who loved his family dearly

Amanda Burns

Age 29
Mother, Daughter, Sister, Niece, Cousin
Age 29

She was the sweetest girl from the day she was born. She brought light to everyone that knew her. Her girls lit up her life even when it was the darkest. Amanda's smile could light up any room, she was loved by anyone who truly knew her.

Seeing her grow up, her becoming a mother, her strength and resolve to get clean. Before she finally lost her battle, she was clean for 2+ months. Seeing the girl I knew again was a breath of fresh air.

Everything about her. Her personality, her charm, attitude and sarcasm. Her beauty on the outside was nothing compared to what was on the inside. Seeing her smile and laugh like no one else.

For the beautiful and sweet girl she always was. She brought light to everyone, including her children.

Tara Linda Lothian

Age 36
1 of a kind,loyal,strong, smart and a heart of gold
Age 36

So lovable, preshous beautiful. I loved her unconditional she was with me every step.i miss her.

My favorite time with my Tara is every day I woke up near her,but my most favorite day was when we both concord our fear of roller-coaster rides at coney Island park.

I will miss her just always being with me no matter how upset I made her.

Being so strong and intelligent, beautiful and very generous.

Tucker Henry

Age 26
Heart of Gold, Funny, Father, Kind, and Compassionate.
Age 26

He was very kind, caring; he would give the shirt off his back to anyone in need, he had an amazing sense of humor, did silly things, and most importantly he was an awesome dad, to his daughter, Bella.

Watching him give our daughter a bath, feeding her, you could see the love he had for her in his eyes.

His sense of humor, he always made he laugh, he was like a class clown,and how caring he was.

A kind, gentle soul, funny; life of the party, an amazing dad.

Age 39

He was protective, my bestfriend, were just alike in so many ways. He loved God and loved people and was starting his journey to draw close to God when this happened

I have no favorite memory of my brother. Whether we were fighting like all siblings growing up or bonding as adults all memories of him are worth more than gold to me now

His smile, him getting on my nerves, lol

That he loved God and was looking for his purpose in life

Daniel J Murillo

Age 26
Age 26

Daniel was an aspiring artist, creative, loving, giving. He was a beautiful baby boy very strong in character as a child. He loved his grandparents and he loves his Mother Shirley Donohue. Myself his father Paul, he was my side kick and never judged.

Our times we spent at Pier 39 as a child, he loved that place. It was our happy spot. I loved when he would help his mom at her work with deliveries he would make sure I dropped him off in time so he could help her with her Post Office drops.

His laughter, his smile , his comical moments, he was great at impressions. He was a good conversationalist. For sure he could talk.

Loving , Caring & Humble

Chase Anthony Tankersley

Age 33
My precious son had the biggest Heart
Age 33

He loved animals and kids he would have been a great dad he always wanted a family but it didn't happen he would help anyone and had the kindness heart

Anything we did together he was such a blessing to me we were so close was always giving mama flowers and was my mechanic and always went to church with me

His love and bear hugs and his laughter when he was happy

That he tried so hard to beat the addiction so many times had a lot of struggles in his young life his father committed suicide when Chase was 17 he was in the next room and found him my baby was never right after that but still so loving and kind

Lori Anne Wade

Age 34
Daughter, Mom, Fun Loving, Loved Fiercely
Age 34

Lori was my beautiful daughter who loved to laugh, have adventures and who fiercely loved her family and friends. She gave us a wonderful son who is very much like her. She lives on through her wonderful son.

My favorite memory of Lori was as a child she would love to have her friends over constantly. Our home was pool party central. She was the happiest at these times. She would jump in the pool and she was so light that the top of her head would remain dry. Her laughter bought you a smile. She was beautiful inside and out.

I miss hearing her laugh. I miss the way we would connect in so many ways. I miss seeing her play with her son who she absolutely adored more than anything. I miss hearing her call me, Mom.

Lori should be remembered for how much she adored her son, was so very proud of him, her loyalty to her friends and for how much she enjoyed visiting family and eating delicious foods together.

Benjamin E Roman

Age 39
Son, brother, musician, spiritual, affectionate
Age 39

Benjamin was very bright. He loved music and could write a song in minutes! He sang, played piano and guitar.

How he had to learn guitar upsidedown because he was left handed.
His determination and spiritual wisdom.

His laugh, silly jokes. His hugs. His beautiful blue eyes.
How he always remembered mother's day but most of all our "God talks".

As helpful, giving, loving and sacrificial.
For his music. How he could make people happy.

Dean Martin Rea

Age 22
Brilliant, Adventurous, Son, Brother, Friend
Age 22

Dean was always energetic and intelligent. He would often defy gravity on a surfboard, skateboard, or while playing hockey. He loved football and accomplished varsity in his freshman year. He was a friend to almost anyone he came across, everyone seemed to love him. He had a gleeming smile.

His hugs, kisses and at his last dinner sharing his appreciation for everything.


Steven Edward Barton

Age 27
This was my baby boy.
Age 27

He was my best friend. I could tell him anything. Baby blue eyes I'll never forget. He could make me happy with one look. I miss him and will never get over loosing him.

Dylan William Phillips

Age 30
Son, Father, Brother, Uncle, Christian
Age 30

My son and my best friend. I feel you with me son n know we will be together forever on the other side.

I miss everything about my son; his smile, hugs, his smell, his loving heart, everything.

I long to be with my baby boy every single second of every single day.

As a man who didn’t know a stranger and he would help any and everyone who needed it.

Bob Joseph Kilger ll

Age 43
Son :loving, helpful, kind,funny
Age 43

Bob was always helpful to others. He saved many lives and help get them back on track.

Him looking at him son after he was born

His smile, hugs and hearing his voice

Jessica Grace Jaen-Guardia

Age 30
Daughter, Light of my life
Age 30

Funny, kind, ridiculously talented with music, art, intelligent and fiercely protective of family, friends and animals.

Antonio R Morgan

Age 27
Father, Son, Brother, prettiest smile ever
Age 27

He was such a caring and loving son, he would give you his last. He loved his 2 children so much. He loved to joke around alot and laugh.

When he was a little boy singing " I want it that way""! I have him on video.

His presence, his smile his love.

As a caring and funny son and father.

Erin Campbell

Age 20
Age 20

My daughter was a beautiful person inside and out with a loving family and lots of friends.

I have tons of memories with Erin and I hold each one of them close to my heart but my favorite would be just riding in the car with her singing and laughing.

I miss everything about Erin but I miss her laugh and her smile the most.

Erin Campbell forever loved, forever 20.

Jeffrey Lowry Jr

Age 29
Son, brother, father, big heart
Age 29

Jeff was born into this world fighting with a 5% chance of survival, he beat all odds! Even battling many years of mental illness, he focused on others and helping! He never talked about himself, only wanted to know how you were doing.

My favorite memory is his huge smile of satisfaction that spanned ear to ear, once he figured something out that he’d been working so hard at!

I miss Jeff’s laugh, inappropriate jokes, and his amazing hugs!! I miss him saying outrageous things to me, just to laugh at my reactions.

Jeff was passionate about his work! He put all of his effort into doing the absolute best job at anything he was passionate about. Jeff has a huge heart and always gave to others without a thought of himself.