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Cayne M Charlton

Age 42
Navy Veteran, son, father
Age 42

Cayne had a good soul and his daughter, Luna was his everything. He struggled with PTSD without much help from his VA & counselor.

We visited Glenwood Springs, Colorado 2 weeks before he passed away. He was born there and wanted to visit. It was a memory I’ll always cherish.

I will miss our children playing together and watching the Cowboy games together.

That he was a loving father, son & he should be remembered for those not the disease that in the end won.

Melissa Kay Lands

Age 40
Little sister
Age 40

She was my little sister even though her addiction she always put on makeup did her hair she was very beautiful

Just her being little always falling me and my friends

Her big bold laugh

She was brave but in the end the drugs won

Lauren Cacciato

Age 29
Mother, daughter, sister, friend, beautiful
Age 29

Lauren was always so much fun with her playful personality but she was also your ride or die. She was my person. She was the one that I would call in good times and in bad. We were best friends who shared everything together.

So many to choose from but my favorite has to be when she made me a mix tape of songs and recorded her voice on a random song.

Her sparkle and shine. Her no holds barred personality. Her smile. Her no fear.

For being a good mom and a good friend, sister and daughter

Angela Mae Dahlin Krueger

Age 39
Daughter, sister, mother, grandmother
Age 39

Her nickname was Angel Eyes

Everything! All memories after a loss of this magnitude are so precious and now only there to yearn for.

Everything about my girl! She was fearless, larger than life and one of a kind.

As someone who loved her girls more than life itself.

Elliot James Bonura

Age 20
His smile lit the room
Age 20

Elliot was a gentle and selfless person, ✨️ always giving of himself and selfless to a fault. He was wise beyond his years, and always curious. You could always tell that he knew something that the rest of us didn't.

Elliot was about 18 and we were driving in my car around Easter. I asked him what kind of candy he'd like in his Easter basket. He said, "anything not chocolate. " I said "well, that leaves a lot of options so please write it down."
I handed him a pad & pen that I had in the car and he wrote down..."anything not chocolate!"
I still had the paper he wrote in on after all those years, and in his handwriting I got it tattooed on my arm.

His enormous heart, his gigantic smile and his tremendous sense of humor.

Elliot would like to be remembered for his kind heart and generous ways. He is proud to have saved 3 lives by being an organ donor.

William Salazar

Age 31
Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Grandson, Cousin, Nephew, Friend. The "funny guy"!
Age 31

Matthew Theobold

Age 27
Loving boyfriend
Age 27

Matt was a fun loving kind hearted person. He was an amazing boyfriend & the best father to his two little girls always striving to be the best dad he could be. A wrestler & firefighter. Always seeking thrill; mainly skydiving or riding motorcycles.

Trying to put together the giant entertainment system for our new home. The amount of laughing and arguing we did in the four hours it took to put together. It is something I will cherish forever.

I miss the endless laughs and his ability to put a smile on my face. That Matt could turn a bad day into a great day. He always made sure I was happy no matter what the situation was. I also miss his jokes and wild personality that would light up a room. I will miss the nightly dinners and talks we would have about our days. He always sent me flowers to cheer me up or for no reason at all. I will miss everything about Matt.

Matt would be remembered as a kind hearted wild man. A selfless person who always put the needs of others first. He was the best boyfriend I could have ever imagined. An amazing father as well to his two little girls. He lived his life for them. He would want to be remembered for all the good he brought into this world. Remembered for his willingness to help others. Matt will forever be remembered for his personality where he’d light up a room. I will remember him for all he was.

Kayla Harless

Age 19
Beautiful, funny, smart,
Age 19

Kayla loved her family. She was beautiful inside and out and she had the best laugh. She was very hard headed, strong willed and loving ...

Her laugh was loud and goofy ...


Nelson Randolph IV

Age 26
Loved by all.
Age 26

Nelson was my son, my. person and my friend. He gave the best hugs. He was a caring, loving person. Nelson was always available to help anyone.

Him always telling me he loved me. The sound of his voice and the best hugs ever. His smile. He would light up a room.

His caring for others no matter who they were. He had the kindest heart.

Jordan Eugene Bittiker

Age 20
Our wild child, brother, father, nephew, cousin
Age 20

Was a child who had no fears and grew into the most helping man anyone could call on, he would be there in a flash. becoming a dad was the best thing in the world to him

Being a wild child to his parents the best brother u could ask for a loving newphew, uncle and last but not least Seeing him become a father!!

Being able to see him raise a family, miss his helping hands,big hugs,huge smile and always trying to be positive or a happy person

Caring, loving, father, brother, and friend even to strangers with an endless opportunity ahead of him in this big world #longlivejordan23

Evan Leierer

Age 31
Sweet, caring, loving brother, and uncle
Age 31

My brother was always my best friend, my favorite person to laugh with and always an ear to listen when his neice or nephew or sister needed him to talk to.

Listening to him playing guitar. I loved being silly with him he was so funny.

I miss picking up the phone anytime I wanted to hear his voice.

He was an easy going and very loving person. He was just a good person.

Jason Scott David

Age 17
My handsome son
Age 17

He was sweet and loving. He loved making others laugh especially his 5 younger siblings. No Matter what.

His laugh and the way when he was genuinely happy his dimple would show by his eye. And his beautiful blue eyes, my only one who had my eyes.

Everything!! Him asking me how I slept every morning. Him stealing my shoes for a minute. Watching scary movies with him and making him jump.

As someone who tried. He was someone who loved life.

Lathan Cole Lilly

Age 28
Age 28

Talented, funny, a loving sensitive soul. Could sing and play drums like no other. One in a million. Fiercely protective over his "girls " (me, our baby sister and our mother)

Singing together and harmonizing together. As kids growing up in trauma, all we had was each other.

His sensitive soul and big dimples when he smiled.

As a lover

David Bell

Age 34
Always remembered with a smile
Age 34

My beloved 2nd born son always looked for the good in life. He was always ready with a helping hand, a meal or a dollar or 2.He lived hard, worked hard and loved everyone around him just as hard. I just wish he had realized how much he was loved too.

Always memories of that little boy that got up ready to take on the day. He loved Christmas and birthdays and any occasion to celebrate someone else’s joy. He made you want to scoop him up and hug just as hard as he hugged you back. He loved joking around and it was best when it was at someone else’s expense. My beautiful blond haired blue eyed boy had a smile that could light up the room, that’s what everyone remembers about him.

His laugh, his hugs and his I love you Ma

That he had a good heart, he helped people when he could. That he never judged anyone and could not understand how anyone could be mean to animals or children. He respected his elders and family and he never gossiped or spread bad news about anyone. He was a good man that loved his son with all his heart.

Sean Paul Nugent

Age 26
Son, Brother, Father
Age 26

Sean was one of a kind. He could light up any rooms he walked into just with his smile. He was funny and always had a story to tell. He is so loved and very much missed every single day.

Sean had a care free spirit. He was not afraid to be his silly self no matter where he was.

I would like Sean to be remembered for the genuine person he was, and not as an addict. Sean hated being an addict, as most do. He tried so hard to fight his demons. He didnt die from addiction. He was murdered by fentanyl.

Gregory Adam Tammaro

Age 30
Son, Brother, Funny
Age 30

Greg was great at lifting spirits and always fooling around

Singing in the car together to songs I picked..

Having incredible conversation

As being a kind person

Michael James Jr Cocomello Mandino

Age 20 friend. Bubble head
Age 20

Having movie nights with lots of food and laughter

His laugh .his scent

Well mannered
Responsible. Open hearted amazing person

Roman S Aranda

Age 16
Beloved son and brother
Age 16

Roman loved boxing and football and his dog Remy. He will be remembered as smart, caring, hilariously funny and is missed tremendously. Forever 16. #4OVIE

I cherish every memory. From the moment you were born with a full head of hair to beatboxing, handstands, Cheeseburger dates, Nature hikes, cactus butt, best thinker, your sense of humor was a true treasure. I miss you, Roman.

I will miss laughing and joking with you. I'll miss how you took care of people. I'll miss Cuddling you and petting your hair. I'll miss your beautiful green eyes. I will miss your hugs and your hands and mischievous smile and every single thing about you until we meet in heaven.

He'd want to be remembered as ridiculously handsome, mind-blowingly smart and wickedly funny. And he will be