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Jacob Riddle

Age 22
Age 22

Talented, Kind, Funny, Loyal, Loving young man.

Always making people laugh.

Daily texts, hearing his voice & his big eyes, smile & heart

For always making an impact to others in a positive way.

Kenneth Robert Grace jr.

Age 31
Age 31

Lil Kenny was one of the most pure of heart and loving forgiving person he truly loved being a dad and he always helped anyone in need he was so happy all the time he just brought a smile to your face by seeing him he was truly a angel on earth

Aggrivating his dad he made it a special talent of his I think I would laugh cause he thought he had pulled one over on him by hitting metal with a wrench instead of fixing the go cart he was supposed to be fixing he was so proud of thinking he fooled his dad the whole time his dad fussing saying he thinks I'm stupid and I don't know what he is doing it broke my heart to inform my nephew he didn't fool him his smile just was gone when I told him he was so funny

His hugs he always gave me the biggest hugs no matter where he saw me and it didn't matter who was around he was so child like and wouldn't always pay attention to things and he would make some of the funniest mistakes like thinking I could get across a bridge to his house in a flood he never even thought it was raining out I had to tell him that a cow just floated over the bridge and was passing his house he was just like oh it's raining I couldn't help but laugh

As his dad's best friend and a loving doting dad to his daughter he loved his family and was a great mechanic and a loyal friend

Stephen Frank Chaplin

Age 32
Dad, Brother, Son, missed everyday
Age 32

His laugh, his smile, his phone calls every day, his love and kindness that he wanted to share.with everyone. His beautiful blue eyes that now live on through his children.

Stephen wanted to make a positive impact, to motivate and encourage others to stay sober. . He would like to be remembered as a loving, friendly, handsome dad, brother, son and friend. His work and presence here wasn’t meant to end so soon.

He would like to be remembered by how he embraced life and love, that he lived his best life even though it was cut short.

He would liked to be defined by how he lived, not how he died.

He is missed everyday.

Justin Thomas Oliver

Age 34
Son, Father
Age 34

Funny, Witty, Loving, Supportive


Not as a victim or someone who lost their battle. If he could save a life he would

Michael Lee Cancino

Age 48
Loving, Funny, and Artistic
Age 48

He was a beautiful soul that went down the wrong path in life that he could not return from. He was loved and cared about by so many. He is missed everyday but we all take comfort knowing he is no longer struggling.

His unconditionally love , his beautiful drawings, and his laugh.

We miss his voice and his annoying laugh that would make you laugh right along with him. I miss your daily phone calls Big Bro. We love and miss you with all our hearts.

Brandi Ann Shepherd

Age 31
Mother, Sister, Friend, Advocate, Ally
Age 31

Brandi just lit up the room with her smile and inner beauty! She was an amazing person who advocated for those who were unable to do it themselves. If she could see through our eyes, she would have seen how loved and adored she is forever and always!

I remember meeting her and her friend (our friend) Amber at a local gas station/diner. They ROCKED guitar hero so well that Amber went out and purchased the whole setup! I tried to take photos that day but my phone was dead so I was unable. I also remember going to Logan WV (I live a county over) for my first CCAR PRSS training where Brandi was the first to talk to and assist me. She and all the rest in Logan made such a impact that I've made it a point to keep in touch to support one another.

I will miss making pacts with Brandi like "I will go if you go" Ya see, we both suffer from terrible anxiety but still love advocating. We would attend events where we were nervous to speak so we ended up kind of daring one another. Advocating for mental health and addiction recovery will never be the same!

As an advocate for those who haven't succeeded in navigating through their own addiction and mental health issues into a healthy way of life! And as the amazing mother, sister, daughter, friend, aunt, advocate and ally she was!

Jason Kenneth Hathaway

Age 26
Beloved son and Brother
Age 26

Great sense of humor, kind, and helpful. A great and loyal friend

His laugh was the best, and he made everyone laugh with his funny antics!

His voice, laugh, smile

Always helping everyone else over himself. Lost all his weight from bootcamp, not drugs

Amanda Leigh Kimey

Age 29
Mother, Daughter, Ray of Sunshine
Age 29

She was very out-going and always cracking jokes. She was an optimist and a ray of sunshine with a bubbly personality and a contagious smile. She was always in a good mood and smiling.

She always cheered everyone up being goofy and joking around.

Her confidence and her smile.

As a wonderful mother who fought to the death against her addiction to be with her son.

Curt Devon Kerslake

Age 55
Loving, compassionate friend. So fun!
Age 55

Curt was a soft hearted guy with a squishy center. He loved to make others laugh. He cared deeply about his job and career. He was a firework: Amazing, but gone too soon.

So many…

Curt made everyone smile and laugh!

Curt would like to be remembered for his athleticism, his compassion, his professional accomplishments, and his wonderful sense of humor.

Jeffrey Leon Anglin

Age 35
Son, brother. Grandson Nephew, uncle
Age 35

Jeffrey had a huge heart. Even though he struggled with his demons he tried to help others with their's. He has 2 girls he loved more than anything & he loved his ma so much, he said I was his anchor. #jeffreyforever35 💜🖤💔

He once seen a homeless person & asked if I had any cash we could give him. I turned the car around. Jeffrey gave him the $7 I had & we sat in a parking lot while the talked like friends. What a beautiful heart.

The thing I miss the most is him always calling me ma. He didn't see his girls often but he lit up when he was with them.

Jeffrey would like to be remembered as a brother that loved his 2 younger brothers, a grandson that loved his grandparents,but most of all he would want to be remembered as a father that loved, and adored his daughters Emma Jane & Karlee May

Tanner Lee Lybeck

Age 22
Son, brother, grandson, nephew, friend
Age 22

Had a heat of gold, smart as a whip, touched many people in his short time on earth, stubborn, tough, caring, that smile tho n hair

All of them

His smile, his curly hair he kept to irritate his mom, his laugh n spirit, compassionate, spit fire energy!

Someone that was trying to come up for his family. Wanting better for others then they have or situation they may b in

Christopher William Young

Age 35
Father, Fiancé, Son, Brother
Age 35

Loved his girls, my soulmate and best friend. My protector and my safe place. The biggest heart. Loved to fish and hunt. Could make anyone believe anything, always cracking jokes

So many memories. The day he got my engagement ring, his excitement. The nights we’d slow dance in the dark.

How he always protected me. In so many ways. The way he loved our girls.

For his love and wit. His jokes and stories. His desire to always help others.

Joshua Allen Hershberger

Age 33
Amazing Smile, Contagious Laugh
Age 33

The love of my life. My #1, my heart, my soul, my son!

I have been blessed with so many amazing memories I can't choose a favorite.

His love, smile, laughter.

I believe Joshua would also want to be remembered for his sense of humor and all the times shared laughing with him or in some cases at him.

Princess Eowyn Nymawea Bogan

Age 19
Daughter, sister, auntie, sweety
Age 19

She was rainbows and darkness. She wanted to make everyone happy but could never find her own happiness.

Day at the pool. Someone stole her shoes so she has to wear mine. It was hot so I had to jump shadow to shadow for 20 blocks. It was fun trying to find the next shadow for me to jump to. Afterwards we played Monopoly and she cheated her butt off to win.

Jessica Chelsea Leigh Corrine Jasmine HAYWARD

Age 25
Age 25

Her unique perspective gave her the ability to see and understand things that people around her were going through and help them see it more positively. If only she could've seen herself. She struggled with feelings of inadequacy that no one saw.

JESS: Can I borrow one of your masquerade masks? I'm going trick or treating with the kids....
FrIend: What are you going out as?
JESS: A LAW ABIDING CITIZEN...but I need to wear a mask cause I might have warrants

Her smile , her laugh , her loving-kindness and imagination

She would like to be remembered as she truly was. Someone who deeply regretted being an addict but could no more change that than she could change the way the world spins. She would like to be remebered as a mother a daughter a friend and sister, just a regular person. Not just another addict. Like she said it wouldn't matter if she never did drugs again, or she turned her life around and never did wrong for 50 years no matter what people would always see her as just another junkie, not as her

Matthew Ryan

Age 47
Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Friend
Age 47

Matt was a force, so admired and respected among his peers. He was an extremely talented big wave surfer, a charger! He was so funny and had the most unique laugh like never heard before. He loved his family fiercely especially his Son Logan.

Being in Mainland Mexico surfing and water slides with our Son Logan.
Hiking in Hawaii diving and chasing turtles, cruising around in Baja, MX.

His beautiful hazel/green eyes, the way he looked at me, his laugh and the way he loved our Son Logan !

Matt fought his hardest to beat this horrific disease. He was not the addict, he was so much more. He helped so many to get clean and stay clean. He saved lives. He was loved beyond measure by so many people ! He touched a lot of hearts !

Cullen Ashford Logan

Age 38
‘Love’, brother, son, engineer, musician
Age 38

Lover of love, such a peaceful sole! Just, genius, such a good person!

His love, his music ( His passion for social justice.


If you have read through this, I love you. If you have not, I love you.
If you are lost, I love you.
And if you are found, I love you.
May you know such love and share it with the world. I know not what distance separates me from you, but if you are reading this, can you honestly believe in such separation. Rest assured that as you read, there is a chain of molecules connecting you to me, and that my smile has set in motion a chain reaction that will last forever. Affecting every future thing in the universe. May I always have a smile, and one to loan you when you have none.
Peace, Love, and Music, Cullen Logan”

Isaiah Rodriguez

Age 30
Loved the lord, Heart of gold
Age 30

Isaiah was loving, caring, and always had a smile on his face. He had 3 beautiful daughters. Isaiah loved to pray and had given his life to the lord.