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Nikolas Noah Goyke

Age 22
Beautiful inside and out
Nikolas  Goyke
Age 22

My son was a wonderful kid. Had a happy childhood, was loved by everyone who knew him. Was a great soccer, hockey, and lacrosse player. Even played college hockey for a short time. That’s when his addiction went too far. Started with a surgery at 15, he said that pain pill was like a lightbulb went off. Best feeling he had ever felt. Never knew he had this issue until a year before he passed. I know he tried to beat this and believe he was starting a few weeks before his death. He was a blessing to everyone who knew him. Was loving, kind, funny, and thoughtful guy. I would say one of the best humans I have ever met. I am honored to be his mom.


Nikolas Noah Goyke. Forever 22. Since the day he came into the world he made it a better place. Oldest brother to two wonderful younger brothers. He was smart, popular, good looking, athletic young man. Started with a surgery around 15, then playing hockey in college started adderall, and this opioid stole him. Went to a rehab, a sober house, and was doing great. March 8, 2018 his life ended from a substance laced with fentanyl.

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Steven Howard pryda

Age 36
Steven pryda
Age 36

Steven was bigger then life...he had a big...kind heart he wore on his sleeve...he traveled with carnivals...he loved his job...he fought this disease since he was about 22 years old...he was clean for five years...going to meetings...speaking at meetings...he loved getting in front of people taking the stage...he had a real gift for making people feel comfortable...he ended up using again after five years clean...he had endocarditis from the heroin and ended up having open heart surgery replacing one of his valves with a metal one...that was in october of December of 2016 he was in Miami and found out...on Christmas day...he would have to have another valve replaced from using again....on Jan 1 2017...he took his last hit of was laced with fentanyl and carfentanyl...he was put on life support and on Jan 5...I had to make the worst decision of my life...I had to take my first born child and only son off of that damn machine that was breathing for him...he passed over...very peacefully at 5:31 am on Jan 6...Steven has two sisters...2 nephews and 2 nieces...I will miss him forever...


I lost my son Steven on 1-6-2017 ...he received a bad batch of heroin...fentanyl..carfentanyl..he fought this disease for many years...he had a personality bigger then life...was loved by many...

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Brandon Stoiber

Age 26
Loving, intelligent, witty, determined, friendly
Brandon Stoiber
Age 26

Brandon was one of my middle children (he has a twin sister). He was quite a character, known for his great sense of humor and his self-taught ability to program and fix computers. When he was 13, he was practicing soccer on the field, fell, and shattered his elbow. After emergency surgery to pin the bones together, the doctor started prescribing Oxycontin. I was not aware of the dangers of this drug and when my son ran out of his Rx, the doctor prescribed more and we kept filling it. This went on for a few months. I was naïve to the start of his addiction. I was unaware of his battle and life went on. Everything seemed so bright as he and his twin headed to college together. He loved his independence, learned to cook, made friends, and found a job, but his addiction was escalating. Soon he was injecting heroin and getting in trouble with the law. After his arrest, during his second year of school, he dropped out and eventually moved back home. His addiction was out of control and our family was in complete turmoil. Finally, we sent him to his second detox, rehab, and he did remarkably well. He became very involved in sober living, was productively employed, and eventually he saved money for a car, but most importantly, he was truly happy. For 2-1/2 years, he was clean and content and repaired his relationships with the family. He met a young lady, fell in love, became engaged, and moved out of state. He no longer had a sponsor or meetings, and became isolated. His fiancé became pregnant, but with relapse after relapse the relationship ended months before his baby was born. 2-1/2 months after her birth, gainfully employed and three months clean again, my son relapsed for the last time. The needle he injected had 100% fentanyl. He lost a 13 year battle with a demon, but I won't let this disease define him. He was an amazing man, loved life, sports, the outdoors, but most of all his family. RIH my sweet boy.


My son was one of four children. He was a twin. He was also a brand new dad when he passed.

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Nikolas Barrett Graves

Age 23
Gorgeous. Talented. Funny. Loving. Tormented.
Nikolas Graves
Age 23

My son had traveled around the world. One summer he went to Namibia, Africa, to help children there set up organized sports. It profoundly changed him.
He had no idea of how gorgeous and talented he was. He could cook like no one his age and would often create his own recipes.
He loved his family and animals. Nik loved to make people laugh.
After addiction started robbing him of life, his shame and guilt became even worse. He tried so hard and wanted to live sober. He relapsed, recovered, and repeated. Addiction doesn't care what you want.
I will not let my son be defined by addiction. My heart is broken and the pain is unbearable at times. I will be Nik's warrior and do whatever I can to spread the word, teach, talk, scream about the evils of addiction.
I will never be ok again. He was only 23.


Full of dreams and goals. A guy who loved with his whole heart. Addiction stole everything from him and us.

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Jeffrey Todd Atkins

Age 22
Loving son and brother
Jeffrey Atkins
Age 22

Jeffrey was such a kind, good-hearted soul. He could light up any room with his infectious smile and his blue eyes. Everyone loved being around him.

We miss him every second of every day.

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Marcus Hale Zelko

Age 28
Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew, Cousin, Friend
Marcus Zelko
Age 28

Our son was a bright and shining star who unfortunately struggled with addiction. His struggle did not define him; he was a warm, fun loving person who had a great sense of humor and was always described as hilarious and funny by his family and friends. He had been on a wonderful path of recovery for almost a year and then God saw him struggling and called him home. We will miss his beautiful kind heart and smile. The pain of losing you is unbearable right now but we know you are with your beloved Mamaw and Grammie in heaven.
Rest in peace Marcus. We love you.
Dad and Mom


Marcus was a bright star to his family and friends. He had a generous heart and loved his family.

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Ashley Marie Petrie

Age 27
Daughter, Mother, Granddaughter, Beautiful and Missed
Ashley Petrie
Age 27

Ashley was my only daughter and only child. When she was 18 she met the person whom I referred to as Satan himself. He beat her physically and emotionally, he manipulated and lied to her and that is why she is no longer with her family, which includes her daughter and I. She was doing well, clean for 5 years, then he once again got the best of her and on October 6, 2018, I received the phone call that changed mine and her daughter's lives forever. When I look at her baby pictures and pictures of her and I, I think to myself...."did I actually have a daughter??" I have a huge emptiness that is indescribable but then when I look over at my granddaughter I know that she did exist because I now have her, the best part of her. My daughter was smart, beautiful, however suffered from mental illness, Social Anxiety and Severe Bi-Polar Disorder. We would talk about what was going on and how she was feeling (suffering), however she ended up not taking my advice. I know that there was not anything that I could have done to change things, because I did everything possible, however I wish that she would have never met him. The night before she passed away we had a good one. We celebrated her dog, now my dog, Ruby's 1st Birthday with cupcakes and dinner at her home. My granddaughter and granddog came home with me because she had somewhere to go. I would have never had thought it would be the last, kiss...hug... or I Love You between us, but I am grateful that it happened. I guess that's really all I have to say for now besides I continue to Love Her, Miss Her every single day but one thing I also know is that her struggle is over and so is my worry because I know that her and her daughter are both safe.


I am a mother and grandmother who lost her beautiful 27 year old daughter this past October, 2018. I am now the parent of her beautiful 8 year old daughter Amelia. I miss her more than anyone can imagine, but if you're here I'm guessing you can and I'm so sorry for you and your loss as well.

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Krista Lee Konyot - Kashnig

Age 42
Daughter, sister, person beyond measure
Krista Konyot - Kashnig
Age 42

My daughter Krista filled my world with such joy and fear. The day came when the worst happened. She forever changed me and made me a better person. She left behind a sister, her best buddy, a stepdad, a grandmama, many other relatives, and friends. A world and life that she should be sharing with us today and tomorrow. A crippling anxiety, eating disorder, the disease of addiction all on her shoulders - our most beloved and missed Krista. With all of this she loved, she cared, she laughed, she cried, she tried, she succeeded, she fell, she tried again and again. Her favorite quote from The Little Prince encapsulates her so well, “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly what is essential is invisible to the eye.” Krista, the heart and soul of our family. This is who she was, who she is to us.


Krista, my daughter, lost her battle for sobriety 2/13/17. She could stop the world with her smile and had the most generous, loving ❤️.

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Lorenzo James Irish

Age 24
amazing, loving, giving, caring, and smart
Lorenzo  Irish
Age 24

Lorenzo was an amazing young man who fought addiction for a long time, beginning at the age of 14. He did start his own business and was striving. He has a beautiful little boy whom he loved with all his heart. That was his true reason for trying to get help. He was sober for about nine months. He had a relapse, which ended up taking his life and taking him away from his loving family. Lorenzo loved helping people out, especially the elderly. He loved to be able to work in his community. He would give you the shirt off his back if that is what you wanted. He was kind and though he did like to try sometimes to stir up trouble, what 24 year old didn't? He will be sorely missed by his parents, his siblings, his nieces and nephews, his grandmother. And most of all by his son, whom we as his grandparents, show his picture and tell him how much his daddy loved him.


My son Lorenzo Irish was was 24 when he left us from an overdose. He was sober for about nine months when he started up again. I wish I had known because I would have got him the help he needed. He left behind a beautiful baby boy that looks just like him. Lorenzo was a hard worker, and had his own company for about two years. He would do anything for you if he liked you. He is deeply missed by me, his mom, as well as his dad, his siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews.

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Stephenie O. Jesi

Age 33
Caring, Generous, Family, Funny, and Loved
Stephenie  Jesi
Age 33

I mostly miss giving her big hugs! I loved to cook for her and have her over the house. I miss her interacting with her brothers, which sometimes carried on too far and I would blow a gasket, but I honestly miss it! I don't miss wondering what she was doing or where she was. I don't miss knowing that she was harming herself and couldn't prevent it. I do know from a strong faith in God that she is out of harms way, at peace and with her grandparents in Heaven. I do know that I have an Angle looking over me!


Stephenie was a wonderful young lady with so many opportunities waiting for her. She was enormously loved by her large family and returned that love in her own way. As many do, Steph kept her addiction very private. I suppose she did that out of embarrassment but feel it was to protect her family. She had a very infectious smile and laugh that could light up a room. She had a hidden gift of art and being very creative that was obvious in everything she did.

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Chris Michael Galvin

Age 31
Funny, Charismatic, Heart of Gold
Chris Galvin
Age 31

Chris was a funny, hardworking, caring, and a very social person who would talk to anyone. As a kid, Chris loved playing with his toy swords, riding his bike, riding quads, and both playing and watching both baseball and football. I met Chris when I was 18. For the past eight years, I spent my life with him. I watched him play all his jokes on his family and friends like when he would put a bag over his sisters head when she came home from school to scare her, or when he would call family members leaving messages that are unforgettably funny. He loved joking around and could make anyone laugh. He knew how to make me feel better anytime I was going through a rough time. Chris loved music. He would make sample beats with his DJ equipment and download any mix tape out there. It came to the point where we had hundreds of CDs in the house. Chris loved to stay up to date with the fashion trends. Whether it was dying the tips of his hair blond with his close friends, popping his collar, making sure he had every new pair of Jordan’s or wearing anything polo Ralph Lauren. He would never leave the house unless he had the perfect outfit on and was always dressed up and finished his attire with his Ray Ban sunglasses. I think he spent more time getting ready to leave the house then I ever would. Chris was also an animal lover. He had three dogs that meant the world to him and loved being around them. He cared so much for animals that he would try to take in stray cats but he knew I was not a cat person so he did not get to far with that. Chris knew a lot about many history topics and many current events going on and loved watching documentaries and YouTube videos about them. I think I know more about the mafia and Koko the gorilla than I would ever need to know thanks to Chris. Chris loved to surround himself with his friends. Each one of his friends he admired and adored them all. He loved spending time with them whether it was at a party or a backyard bbq, he just loved surrounding himself around them. Chris also cared so deeply about his family. And all he ever wanted to do was make them proud. Chris taught me that a loyal friend is worth more than anything in the world, and Chris was that loyal friend to me. He was also a loving and kind boyfriend who would always put me first. He was always there for anyone who needed help no matter what. He taught us all to laugh a little even in the worst situations because life is too short to not see the bright side.


Chris was a great guy who passed away at the young age of 31. Chris was my loving boyfriend who I lived with the past eight years. We had our future planned out but unfortunately his battle with opioids took him. He had a struggle for many years but this time I really thought he just wanted to get better and be the funny, caring, and smart person I knew he could be.

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Brent William Johnson

Age 27
Son, Brother, Uncle, Godfather, Amazing Heart
Brent Johnson
Age 27

I miss my brother more than words can ever say. My family will forever have a missing link and will never be the same. I will never be the same. His smile, his laugh, our inside jokes, my wedding day, the birth of my children, our ups, our downs, a childhood of many many memories is all I have left. Thank God I have those, but life is still incomplete. My heart aches every day for him, my family, myself. Life as I knew it ended on that day. There will always be a void in my heart no one will be able to fill. I hang on to the hope that I will see my brother again and there will be no more pain for any of my family. I look forward to the day that my heart can be whole again and I can have a genuine smile on my face. Brent was smart, handsome, funny, and educated, (I still cannot believe I am referring to him in the past) and had a full life ahead of him. I love you Brent, so much! You will forever be 27 here on Earth. I hope you are happy and at peace now. I hope you are made whole again and with our family that is enjoying Heaven now. I will see you again, Brent, to pick up where we left off and have nothing but love and happiness to share with each other.

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Jodi Lynn Rossi

Age 45
Beautiful, smart, strong, advocate for animals
Jodi Rossi
Age 45

She blamed it on grief of losing her father, but it started long before his death. She said she didn't need professional help, that she could handle it herself. Her addiction led to her divorce. Her husband just couldn't handle the demon. She was a 911 dispatcher who handled her job well, and knew the consequences of addiction. She was an avid horsewoman who said horses were her therapy. She swore she was doing just fine, but she kept her distance from me so I wouldn't find out. She was my only child, I trusted that she was handling it, and gave her space.

Then the phone call from her job. Did I know where she was. Then the knock on the door. She was found, but had passed away....

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Bob Briggs

Age 59
Loving Father, Brother & Uncle
Bob Briggs
Age 59

Robert Allen Briggs was born on July 21, 1959 in Hot Springs, Arkansas, to the late Donald Rae and Aleta Jo (Harper) Briggs.

“Bob” was a child of a Navy family that moved frequently, but eventually settled down in Virginia. He was the salutatorian of his high school class in 1977 where he moved on to obtain his Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry from George Mason University. He later received his Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Virginia Tech. He focused his career in environmental remediation with great success.

He was happily married for 24 years and loved serving as the provider for his family. Bob was not only a caring and gentle father, but he was generous in his time, effort, and resources to everyone around him. Along with his compassionate heart, Bob had a vast sense of humor. He loved playing pranks on his siblings, and his family and friends would easily describe him as a “goofball.”

Bob’s curiosity and eagerness to learn lead him to take on any challenge that came his way and sparked many interests. He loved football, playing racquetball and golf, and kept up with his beloved Hokies over the years. He was also a wonderful artist, creating calligraphy, sketches, and paintings that would surprise even his closest loved ones. He excelled in wood working, home repair, and culinary arts.

He loved riding his motorcycle, air-guitaring to classic rock music, cooking, travel, and most of all, spending time with his family and friends.

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Demitri Ferrell Mustaca

Age 20
Sweet, loving, caring, kind, a wonder!
Demitri  Mustaca
Age 20

My grandson (who was more like a son to me) passed in California from fentanyl poisoning. It was horrendous for me and my family waiting days on end and not receiving calls back. There was a coroner/police investigation (well that’s what they called it but of course it went nowhere) and then transporting him to a mortuary so they could do their job. It was almost a week before we could get him back to AZ.

During this time I prayed it wasn’t him. I texted him repeatedly begging him to answer me! Convincing myself it wasn’t him.

The day finally arrived and I went to the funeral home. Of course it was him. The authorities had identified him from day one. I was so relieved to have him back. I hugged him, I cried, kissed him, talked to him; all the while trying to warm him up. This now has become my most vivid memory of him. 😢

We had an open casket/viewing so friends and loved ones could say goodbye. When everyone was gone I had to be dragged from there. I didn’t want to leave him. I feel tremendous guilt from feeling relieved to have him home.

Memories can be so precious and also so horribly painful.


Demitri was the love of my life, my first grandson. He was born when I was 39. My daughter was a single mom. Dad chose not to be in his life. Our very close family welcomed him with open arms and raised him together. He was the little brother to his uncles. He was very loving, caring, and a boundless ball of energy. First and foremost, he loved his family to no end. He loved basketball, the outdoors, hiking, fishing, and hunting. He excelled in track, winning first place for his school in the 100 meter. Demitri always took everything to the extreme. In high school he began smoking marijuana. This soon led to other experimentation. We worried and spoke to him often about our concerns. After Christmas 2017 he moved to California with a friend. He really seemed to love it. He was working at music venues, another love of his. On the night before his passing he saw a remaining member of the Grateful Dead perform. Someone gave him what they said and he believed to be a Xanax pill. The pill contained fentanyl and took his life. We love you so much Demitri. Not a minute or day goes by that you are not on our mind and in our heart. Till we meet again little the meantime “I love you more...”

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Nicholas Bruno Minzenberger

Age 25
Goofy, charming, patient, loving, kind
Nicholas Minzenberger
Age 25

At the funeral service, everyone had a funny Nick story to tell. The collage displays showed him with his daughter and fiance, making goofy faces and showing affection. Nick died too young; he had been struggling for a long time but would never have left his family intentionally. He had a gift for making everyone laugh, and his beautiful daughter carries on his zany sense of humor. He brought joy to those around him. I wish he knew just how much he was loved.


My brother was the funniest person I will ever know. He was also a troubled soul. His addiction was more powerful than all the love and support that was offered to him. His family will continue to miss and honor him, as well as fight the demons that brought him down. We all love you, Nick.

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Nicholas J Malley

Age 28
Son, Brother, Father, Friend
Nicholas Malley
Age 28

Nicholas was a loving father, brother, and son. He was struggling with drugs, alcohol, and depression for a very long time. He was a strong fighter in this battle but unfortunately did not win the war and was taken from us on December 30th, 2018. I truly believe that he wanted to get better and change his life around, especially for his children, but addiction had a tight grip on him. No matter how hard he tried and would make small progressions, addiction always seemed to have the upper hand. People should not remember him for his addiction for he was so much more than that and that did not define who he truly was.
Nicholas was the oldest of four children. He was a very funny, goofy, outgoing individual, making everyone he crossed paths with laugh. He was an outdoorsy man who loved to fish and hunt. He definitely had his head up in the clouds all the time being a tree worker.
Nicholas' two children will carry his personality on in life by having his ridiculous dance moves, loud laugh, and big smile. The one thing that people will remember him most by would be his infamous line "You don't say that". No matter where the conversation would go, if he said that line you could not help but burst out laughing. Nicholas was memorable for his random sayings.
Remember Nicholas, you are loved bigger than the stars and the moon, forever and always.


Nicholas was a beloved son, brother, and father. He could put a smile on anyone's face with his worldly sense of humor. He will be forever loved and missed.

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Megan Rose Kelley

Age 22
Daughter, Sister, Friend, Always Helpful and Kind
Megan Kelley
Age 22

Megan was an amazing young woman. Addiction never defined her. She was always helpful and kind to everyone she knew. People remember that she was nice to them. One of her teachers from high school came to her funeral and she said she remembered that Megan was nice to everyone.

Megan was the youngest of four. She was an easygoing, independent child. At 14, she started drinking alcohol and experimenting with marijuana. The friends she chose to hang out with really influenced her choices. She was making choices that would end her life at the early age at 22.

Megan was an excellent waitress and she worked at quite a few restaurants. Megan was a charming storyteller. She was very good at diverting your attention from direct questions by telling one of her stories. People laughed at Megan's stories...and people remember Megan's signature laugh.

She started using pain medications at 19 and became addicted. Only no one tells you they are addicted. People believe they can handle their addiction. "I've got this!" she used to say. Unfortunately, addiction had control.

On November 2, 2013, I spent the entire day with both her and her boyfriend, Allen. I never noticed either one of them doing any drugs. Both Megan and I left at 4:30 pm. I went to my house and Megan went to work. Before 7 pm, Allen died from a drug overdose after snorting Percocet three times that day. Megan got out of work at 8 and tried calling Allen four times. He never picked up the phone. She stopped to get Taco Bell and drove home. She saw police cars at the end of the block. She arrived at the house to see one of Allen's friends in the driveway. Ten minutes later, a police officer came out and told them that Allen didn't make it.

After Allen's death, two of his friends introduced Megan to heroin. It's cheaper and more accessible than pain pills and contains the exact same ingredient: opium. She begged me to help her detox five months after Allen's death. I paid $7,800 for her to go to a 4-day rapid detox in Detroit. No doctor told her she'd get sick and that's what she was trying to avoid. She ended up not being able to eat or drink anything. She checked herself into a hospital once she arrived back home and that's when she was diagnosed with pancreatitis. It's also when I found out she was addicted to heroin.

Three days later, when she was checking out of the hospital, two police officers arrested her and took her to jail. She was charged with four felony counts involving heroin. The DA set her bail at $10,000 and told her she was facing 50 years in prison.

I hired an attorney to represent her in her best interests, except he lied to us several times. By the time she was sentenced, she received four years probation and 36 months stayed and imposed prison sentence. We asked the judge to allow her to participate in inpatient treatment that my insurance would have paid for. He said no. We asked him to change his mind. He still said no and that the time for treatment was when Megan was a teen. That's a fallacy. The time for treatment is when you want treatment.

Four months into Megan's sentence, she relapsed, overdosed, and died. I have been very open from the beginning about Megan's struggles and her death. I go to high schools, colleges, and to treatment facilities to share Megan's story. I'm hoping to prevent other young people from walking her journey and to prevent other families from walking my forever loss journey.

The stigmas of addiction are really discrimination against people with addiction and mental health issues. These have to end sooner rather than later. We are losing way too many people to the disease of addiction.

We miss Megan every single day. She was greatly loved and forever remembered by her family and friends.


Megan was always a storyteller and she loved to laugh. People remember her for her kindness and laughter.

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Christian Beach
Age 33

Saying goodbye to my son is the single most difficult thing I have ever had to do. Chris struggled with addiction and depression for more years than not. He was gifted with so much intelligence and wit and compassion. With every new start, his deepest desire was to maintain sobriety so he could reconnect with everyone he loved, and he loved his family fiercely. He reveled in bringing a smile to everyone's face, be it family, friends, or others. He used his incredible gift of humor to cover some of his darkest days, from himself and others. I've lost count of the times that treatment and rehab were completed in a system that was not prepared to deal adequately with addiction. Paths taken and opportunities lost, he fought repeatedly to overcome but could not achieve the freedom from the disease of addiction and depression that he craved so much. My deepest sorrow is for HIS loss, a profound sadness that his life was so difficult these past few years, when consequences and complications left him in constant emotional and physical pain, inconsolable and defeated. He will be in ours hearts and thoughts always.


Chris was a soul who loved laughter and making others smile.

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William Pickering Jones III

Age 27
A beautiful mind and creative soul
William Jones III
Age 27

On Tuesday December 25th, William Pickering Jones III, of Darien, Connecticut, lost his battle and passed away at the age of 27.

William was born on December 12th, 1991, to William P. Jones Jr. and Elizabeth Higgins Jones (Betsy and Bill) in Greenwich, Connecticut. He was the beloved big brother of Julia, Catherine, and Elizabeth Jones. He was the grandson of late Dr. and Mrs. H.P. Higgins of Toronto, Canada, and the late Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jones of Darien, Connecticut. William was part of a large and loving family and will be dearly missed by his many aunts, uncles, and 36 cousins.

William was a second-year law student at Fordham University, and received his BA from McGill University, Canada.

He had a beautiful mind and was passionate about everything he did, whether it was his work on legal initiatives, or just making his little sisters a new music playlist. William was loving and compassionate to his family and friends, but also to anyone he met. He was truly one of a kind and will be dearly missed by those who were lucky enough to know him.


William Pickering Jones III, a loving brother, son, and friend, lost his battle to addiction on December 25th, 2018 at the age of 27.

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