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Amelia Nicole McMahan

Full of laughter and never knew a stranger
Amelia  McMahan

So full of life. Never knew a stranger. Lit up the room when she walked in. Could turn a boring, dull day into a fun, sunshiny day! She had struggled with Bipolar Disorder since she was 11. She was medicated and put on disability since she was 13. She made poor choices in her life and she really struggled to the point where she lived in her car. She was with a deadbeat guy for 13 years. When he went to prison, she got sober. When he got out, she started again cause he was her influence. Never took care of her financially, but had her on every drug imaginable. We would try to talk to her, but it did no good. She was an adult and made many bad choices. Her last high was a high dosage of fentanyl that killed her right beside him. He never called 911 until he moved her down the street in 17 degrees, went back to the apartment to clean up the drugs and guns. To this day, he was never arrested and continues to deal drugs. We miss her and a part of us died when she died. I never found out exactly what happened or who was there because they are saving themselves from criminal activity. She was surrounded by her loved ones who she thought was her friends. God bless my angel. Forever 33


This is Amelia McMahan, 33 years old, Knoxville, Tennessee. Died 12-28-2017

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Michael Ross Gimello

Age 30
Loving, funny, selfless, kind, and caring for the underdog!
Age 30

Mike was a standout athlete who was constantly getting aimed at and had many ankle injuries in soccer. He was a division 1 soccer player. We didn’t know about the addiction problem that we know now. We would take him to hospital and they would X-ray and send him home with 30 Percocet and two refills. This happened many times. He became addicted and grew to need more and more. He lost his fiancé and then tried to commit suicide. He asked to go to rehab. I sent him to Florida. There he learned to shoot heroin. He was never the same. When he died he had been sober seven months so needless to say we were shocked to hear he had passed after talking to him 2 1/2 hours prior. Nothing is ever the same or right. Heart pain is excruciating! ❤️💓💞💔😢


My son, Mike, was the most giving, loving, kind, and selfless person I have ever known. Such humor despite what was going on inside his heart filled with pain and depression! He lost his battle in 2010!

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Tyler Michael Simeroth

Age 24
Loyal funny loving big heart honest
Tyler  Simeroth
Age 24

Tyler was my best friend and my son.
He was an only child.
Good kid, always. Never any trouble other than the normal kid stuff.
When Tyler was 15 his dad passed away very suddenly from an illness.
Tyler and his dad were best friends so Tyler was left broken hearted.
At the age of 23 he was introduced to the demon heroin.
Tyler only used for a short time but I feel he was hooked from the first try.
He tried to quit and he was ashamed of using it.
He told me mom I don't want it (heroin) it wants me.
Tyler passed away at age 24.
I love you Tyler. Happy Valentine's in heaven.

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Richard Joseph Lounsbury

Age 25
Son, Brother, Friend💕
Richard Lounsbury
Age 25

My son was a great kid. He was proud of the fact that he graduated high school and encouraged his friends and girlfriend to get their GEDs because it was important to finish school. His friendships lasted a lifetime. He was funny and loyal. He was self sufficient until he had a lung resection done and got addicted to opioids. Then he had a bad grease burn at work and more opioids and then a car accident and more opioids. Then when he couldn't get the opioids from his doctor anymore, he went to the streets. He got addicted to fentanyl and then when his life got totally out of control he went to rehab where he met his last dealer. He was sober for six months. On June 10th, 2017, he had a bad day and couldn't get fentanyl. He got heroin and he died. He was 25 years old. He is missed everyday by everyone. We will never be the same. I try to tell myself we were all better for him being in our lives than not.


My first love, my first son, my miracle. Richard was the most loved and funniest kid ever. He loved his family and his friends. He is so missed.😪

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Bobby Wayne Nation

Age 28
Loving, funny, guitar player, diabetic
Bobby  Nation
Age 28

Bobby was a funny kid. He could make anyone laugh except for himself. He was in a relationship of cheat and deceit. On April 11 he shot himself. Remained on life support until April 13. He was an organ donor who saved six lives.


My name is Carla. I lost my son Bobby to suicide April 13, 2015. Forever 28.

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Chad Kriner

Age 38
Hilarious, father, brother, son, loved.
Chad Kriner
Age 38

My brother started with back problems and was prescribed morphine. He progressed eventually to heroin for years. We didn’t know and we were in denial for a long time. He got clean and was clean for 2 years. I thank God for those last two years because we got close again and he was so happy. He had 5 children from 4th grade to 12th grade. They found him in his room when he overdosed. Cause of death was homicide by Fentanyl. He was so excited to begin a new life and get back on track again. He was talking about gong to school for hotel management.

Goodbye baby brother. You were a best friend since birth, you were supposed to grow old with us. You could light up a room with your smile and sense of humor. You are gone far too soon. A piece of my heart goes with you. You were the best person you knew how to be, you just couldn’t defeat those demons, though you tried like hell. I will forever miss your laugh. These drugs have taken too many. You were a great brother, father, son, uncle, nephew, brother-in-law, cousin and friend. Those who knew you and those that were loved by you were lucky to have had you in their life, even if for a short time. We love you Chad Kriner.


My baby brother Chad! He loved his children so much. His laugh still echos in my mind!! He passed away at only 38 and he is missed every single day.

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Jesse Louis Morrell

Age 28
Loving,caring an always funny..
Jesse Morrell
Age 28

He was a hard working young man, loved money and expensive things... He struggled for many years with addiction. Was in an out of rehab, overdosed several times.. it was bad, very bad... I still have nightmares about this horrible's senseless and sad...😭😭😭


My son, brother to 2 sisters and a brother, 1 nephew and 2 nieces and one nephew on the way...he passed 2/26/18 almost a year...passed of an overdose...💔😭💔

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Christopher McDonald

Age 44
Immensely loved, hippy, old soul.
Christopher McDonald
Age 44

Chris was so proud of his sobriety that everyone thought that this was the time that would last. Unfortunately, he battled demons that led to his death. Will be missed forever by his Mom and StepDad, Granny, his love Stefanie and many other family members.


Chris as a gentle giant. Heart of gold, loving, witty, intelligent and a big teddy bear.

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James Paul Blanton

Age 44
Our Dad is loved
James Blanton
Age 44

James stood by me for 18 years having children, raising children, working hard, loving, sharing, and caring. We lived. James struggled with his addiction and ultimately died from it. We all miss him terribly.

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Samantha Paige Utz

Age 21
Beautiful smile and caring soul.
Samantha Utz
Age 21

Sammi was a precious child, but at age 3 she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Her life changed and as she got older. She suffered with seizures which caused brain damage. In High school she got involved with the wrong crowd and drugs became a problem. Her mother had her in rehabs but as soon as she would get out she would be right back to using within weeks. She was such a caring young lady, but it was for others not herself. Sammi's bio Dad was in and out of prison her whole life, so that was something also missing for her. I'll never forget the morning my daughter went to check on her and found her not breathing. The EMT's worked on her for 30 minutes and brought her body back. But 2 days later they pronounced her brain dead. She was an organ donor and 4 people's lives were helped because of her. But she was a beautiful person that even with her addiction was loved.


Sammi - Daughter, Grand-daughter, Sister. Cared more for others then herself.

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Matthew Eric Shipley

Age 34
Loving. Caring. Handsome. My world.
Matthew Shipley
Age 34

He was a loving son and father and a great person. He was always helping others. I miss his hugs, kisses and the roses he always got me. Always in my heart and in my thoughts. R.I.P. until we're together again. Momma 💘 and misses you. xoxoxo


My son Matthew Eric Shipley was a solider in United States Army. He was a loving son and a loving father and he would do anything for anyone.

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Charles Alfred Queija

Age 36
Warm, caring, funny, humble, generous
Charles  Queija
Age 36

Charlie aka “Chuck" was my best friend.
He was my original other half because he was my twin. Growing up, we learned everything together from tying our shoes to riding our bikes. He was a very kind, sensitive brother. Although we were the same age he called me “ kid.” He always defended me and had my back. In fact he hated to see me cry. I guess I could say I was the same way with him. Unfortunately, he started with pot in high school and progressed to harder drugs. He hid it well and denied it till the day he died. I miss him everyday. He was found dead on Valentines Day. It’s a reminder to me to always tell those that you ❤️ that you do. Tomorrow is never promised. I love you bro.


I lost my only brother (also my twin ) to an accidental drug overdose in 2001. It was also labeled a “multiple drug toxicity.”

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Ricky John Collins

Age 24
Best son in the world
Ricky Collins
Age 24

The day I found out I was pregnant with Ricky was the happiest day of my life. The day the police came to my door and told me my son was found deceased was the worst day of my life. My son truly was a blessing and I am so happy that he chose me to be his mom I am forever grateful. I long for the day we are together again. I will give him the tightest hug and never let him go!!!!


Mom to a beautiful boy - Ricky Collins. Forever in my heart always on my mind.

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Jonathan Justin Shea

Age 35
Kind Compassionate Loving Generous Beautiful
Jonathan Shea
Age 35

My Jon Boy was a very intelligent, deep thinking, loving, and compassionate boy who grew into a man of great integrity but who never quite found his way here on earth. Jon could never seem to finish anything he started, high school, community college, the army, start up business, jobs. He was a dreamer much like his dad who had many mental health and drug issues as well. We divorced when Jon was three years old and Jon never really knew him. His dad died in an automobile accident after drinking and doing drugs all day with his older brother. His brother was driving the car. Jon was six years old when this happened. That is one of the things we shared, as I lost my father when I was six years old also. Jonathan was always showing his love for the people who meant the most to him. He adored his two young sons Stephen and Justin and his wife Bethany. Before the demon drugs took hold of him, Jon was always smiling and full of life. But then of course he became someone no one wanted to be around. He remained a loyal friend. My son and I had a very strong and unique bond. We had our differences but under it all the love was always there. He was my joy and I adored him as did everyone who met him. Jon lived in many places since moving out of our home at the age of 18 and was in the army on 9/11 when our world seemed to be crashing down. He did not fulfill his time in the army and was discharged with many other young men due to their drug use. We had not lived in the same state since he was about 21 years old. He moved around on the east coast a lot and ended up in Texas when he was 25. This is where he met his future wife. I think he moved away from us so that we would not know about the extent of his drug use. We had no idea he was using. We found out that Jon struggled with addiction from the time he was a teenager. He had back and neck issues and was prescribed Oxycontin back then and then moved on to all sorts of other drugs but ended up on heroin during his last few years on earth. He bought what he thought was heroin that turned out to be Fentanyl. I miss him so much and just wish others would understand that my son had a disease and did not want to become addicted or die. If I had it to do over again I would not have done the "tough love" route with him for the last two years of his life after I found out he was using heroin. I would have been more aggressive in getting him into recovery. I have guilt over this but I know he knew how much I loved him. If you have a child or loved one struggling just give them the emotional support and love they so desperately need. Not money, love and constant support is what they crave. Tell them how important they are and worthy of your love. Jon did not get any of that in the end and we all now regret turning him away, but as anyone who has someone with an addiction in their life knows, it is almost impossible to deal with their lying, stealing, anger, and distorted view of the real world on a daily basis. It's exhausting and a threat to our own mental and physical health. But they need our compassion because they are not the person we know, they have become the person the drugs have created. I will continue to honor my son Jonathan Justin Shea for as long as I am breathing here on earth and will never stop trying to bring awareness to others about the disease of addiction.


I am the mother of an Angel in Heaven. Jonathan Justin Shea lost his life to Fentanyl/Heroin poisoning at the age of 35. He left behind two young sons and a beautiful wife. This epidemic is choking our country and taking our children by the thousands.

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Kailey Nicole Parker

Age 27
Mama, Daughter, Sister, Friend
Kailey  Parker
Age 27

Kailey was a beautiful soul who loved without judgement of anyone. She would give whatever she had to others no matter if they were known to her or a complete stranger. She had found her true calling when she became a mom. She loved her daughter so much and was an absolutely amazing mom! She struggled with addiction and after a long period of sobriety had a relapse and died as a result. The impact she had on so many will go on even in her absence. You couldn’t have met her and not have been impacted by her. To me it’s not about how she died but about how she lived. I will miss and love her every day of my life


Beautiful inside and out, Kailey had a genuine love of others that knew no boundaries.

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Tanner Kurtis Sellers

Age 24
Beautiful, funny, caring, spirited & amazing
Tanner Sellers
Age 24

Tanner...what an amazing son, brother, cousin, friend!! This drug robbed us of all of his beautiful qualities!!


Tanner Kurtis Sellers..... son, brother, cousin & friend to so many! And Uncle to Talyn who he will never get to meet.

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Jacci Marie Destremps

Age 39
Daughter, Sister, Wife, Aunt, Niece
Jacci Destremps
Age 39

So caring and thoughtful


Jacci Marie

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Sue Ellen Copson

Age 47
Our beautiful Sue!
Age 47

My sister was my best friend, my world. I loved her through her addiction and I love her still. The day I received the call altered my life and I truly, deeply miss her still. I will never forget her and what she meant to our family!


I lost my Irish twin almost six years ago to the disease of addiction...She was my best friend

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Tyler Lee Poucher

Age 21
Son, Brother, Huge Heart
Tyler Poucher
Age 21

Tylet grew up playing sports and loved the Florida Gators. He was a goalie for the city league hockey team and was being recruited yo move on to the next level.. Tyler was a big brother to his younger twin brothers and they miss him dearly. I long for the day we see him again!


My son Tyler lost his battle with addiction January 20, 2018. He was my oldest son. I myself am a recovering alcoholic so I'm all too familiar with the horrors of addiction. I never dreamed heroin would take my boy. I pray everyday for those still suffering and yearn for the day I see my Tyler again.

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Joseph Raymond Esposito

Age 20
Loving, gentle, kind, heart of gold
Joseph Esposito
Age 20

Tried to beat his addiction but it had a hold on him


Joey was the most loving, giving person I had ever known. He had a huge heart and a gentle, kind spirit. Loved by all. We lost him to a fatal heroin overdose at the young age of 20. He will always be missed and will always remain in our hearts. Gone but not forgotten.

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