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Paul Dunleavy Reithlingshoefer

Age 34
Creative, sweet, sensitive, intuitive, socially awkward
Paul Reithlingshoefer
Age 34

School was a struggle for Paul and was an arena in which he didn't experience much self-satisfaction. Capable of higher level reasoning than he was able to verbalize due to a language impairment, he was underestimated both in and out of school. Isolated by his social awkwardness, Paul longed for greater human connection and took to writing poetry as a means of self-expression, something he started in his teenage years and continued for the rest of his life.

Mostly shy and withdrawn by nature, as Paul matured and began to push back and express his frustration, he was identified as having a mental illness, was misdiagnosed and over-medicated—something that took years and sound professional support to overcome.

While loved at home, Paul was often vulnerable to mistreatment, exacerbating his feelings of inadequacy. By his early 20s, Paul found needed comfort and relief in self-medicating, leading him into the world of street drugs and the pure hell of addiction. From jail cells to ineffective rehabs, both of which inflicted shame, Paul was exploited, humiliated, and punished. Even so, Paul fought hard to overcome his dependency and managed some successes with long stretches of sobriety. I admired his grit and determination particularly in light of his lack of skills and uphill battle to find employment.

Paul's last relapse occurred when he was 34, a year in which he finally had job he loved and his first apartment, both aspects of his life in which he took genuine pride. Fearing the loss of all he'd gained, he took himself to the ER in our local hospital. From there he was sent to a behavioral health hospital, where his stay would be limited to two weeks and where they would seek a follow-up program. One week into his allowed time in the behavioral health hospital, Paul was caught smoking a cigarette in the bathroom and immediately dismissed and sent home. We were both disappointed but he told me he was going to look on the bright side, "I can return to my job and, if we can find Suboxone, I can fight this on my own." I started making phone calls and had struck out, but not given up, when he overdosed and died. I did not know that after a week in treatment, he was more vulnerable to dying. Nor did I know that it's much easier to get street drugs than Suboxone. Tragic.

I miss him everyday. His apartment was around the corner from me and we spent a lot of time together. He was the happiest he'd been in a long time. He wanted to live.


My son Paul struggled with neurological differences that defied a label, presenting learning challenges and masking his strengths.

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Marissa Lynn Pederson

Age 23
Giving, funny, mommy, loving, daughter
Marissa Pederson
Age 23

Marissa was a beautiful young lady. As a child, she had such a love for life. She was giving to a fault.
Marissa was born a twin in 1988 along with her twin brother, Scott. What a special gift it is to be a twin. Marissa was the outgoing one. She always had friends and was involved in so many activities as a child. She always loved school and hoped to become a teacher like her mom.
So where did the Marissa we all know and love disappear to? At the vulnerable age of 14, Marissa began high school. Up to this point she had been such a happy child. But high school would prove to be different for her. Unfortunately, our middle school splits into three separate high schools. Marissa lost so many friends to the other schools. She became lonely and a bit isolated.
Marissa began looking for attention from boys and this was where she began to find negative influences. Because her self esteem had plunged, she chose boys who treated her poorly.
We first noticed Marissa was losing a lot of weight, which she didn’t need to do since she was very tall and thin. She was diagnosed borderline anorexic. At this same time, she was refusing to get involved in activities, which was very unlike her.
Marissa began smoking and most likely was using pot by her sophomore year. In addition, she was diagnosed with scoliosis. This began giving her back pains and she was prescribed pain meds to relieve the pain. We believe the use of the pain meds was the beginning of the end for our lovely daughter.
As high school ended and she worked and attended a local college, there were times when she really seemed to be doing well. But then she met a boy that would change all that. He introduced her to street drugs. Marissa became very depressed and her life was on a downhill slide.
At the age of 22, Marissa became pregnant. She was nowhere near ready for a child. Her son Haiden was born in 2010.
Because Haiden was born with a small amount of drugs in his system, he was taken away from her and given to her parents. Marissa, the loving daughter we always thought would be a wonderful mother, had very little bond with her baby. The father soon also left the picture. More depression would follow and the need to mask the sadness took over.
In 2011, Marissa was introduced to heroin. We believe she began using it in the spring and was dead of an overdose by October. She did enter rehab in September and was doing well. However, a 30-day program is too little help for a heroin addict. She died 16 hours after being released from rehab.
Today, seven years later, she is so terribly missed. Her son was 18 months old at the time of her death. He does not remember her. Her twin brother is finally moving forward with his life after all this time.
We keep Marissa’s memory alive each day by raising her smart and fun loving son. We are determined to raise him in a stable and loving home. One day we will tell him about his mother’s struggles with drugs. But for now, he knows his mother was a beautiful soul, both inside and out. He knows his mamma loved him and is watching over him as his guardian angel.


Marissa Lynn Pederson was a beautiful soul both inside and out. She passed in October 2011 of a drug overdose. She is greatly missed by her son, twin brother, and parents.

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Brittany Lauren Kerfoot

Age 30
She left a LEAGACY!
Brittany Kerfoot
Age 30

Same as introduction


Her name was Brittany Kerfoot. She was born 10-14-85 and gained her wings 01-30-16. She died in a private plan crash. She was a school teacher and loved by hundreds!! She had a soft spot for those with addiction and alcoholics because of what she seen in her own. We are building a handicapped playground for children at Chehaw Park in Albany, Ga. We have a benefit once a year in her honor.

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Connie Smith Mitchell

Age 76
Loving, Devoted, Compassionate, Friend, Mother
Connie Mitchell
Age 76

As I've stated before my mother was so much more to me than just a mom. My fathers early unexpected death changed the course of our lives and our relationship in ways that have now left me with memories that are the single biggest Blessings of my Life !!!! 💗


My mother Truly was without a doubt My Best Friend, Confidant, and Companion as well as My Momma. After my fathers unexpected death at a rather early age, I found myself as a young adult back in the family home to help momma navigate her new normal. Of course at the age of 20, I entered into my new living arrangement out of responsibility more than anything. But from that day until the day Momma took her last breath 30 plus years later right here in her home that arrangement had grown into more than I would have ever imagined. We saw each other every single day, had dinner every single night and when I met the man who was to become My life mate, we became a Family of Three Amigos. I used to give thought to what or how mine/our lives would have maybe been different but I am content now that it was exactly what it should have been. It was blessed and fulfilling in ways I could talk about forever. As I said, she was my momma, but I was Blessed to Love her in so many other ways. Ways that had an impact on the man I am now, I just can't think of any other life than the one My Mother gave to me ❤💗

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Mollie Clare “Peanut” Van Wagner

Age 29
Smart, funny head-turning beauty.
Mollie Van Wagner
Age 29

Mollie when sober was brilliant, industrious, fearless, and quick-witted. She was a local singing and acting star in middle school, then started to slide into a deep, dark hole in high school, with mental health issues self-medicated by alcohol misuse. This kept her from success at ASU, and it drove her back to Wisconsin, where she slid into her own personal maelstrom. Sober, Mollie was a stunning beauty with a quick wit and the energy to do the work of three people. But when using, first alcohol and then, tragically, heroin in 2012,  Mollie began a decade-long descent into her own personal hell. Madison, WI, police saved her in 2014 and again in 2017, giving her more chances to overcome. Mollie was loved, and she knew it, but she always felt the need to battle and beat her addiction without others’ help, as if taking help would further stigmatize her. In late August 2018, we had one last visit with her in Maine, a place she managed to avoid heroin for long stretches. But the drug kept telling her it would help her when no one else would. She had just started on antidepressants and real therapy, and was moving towards recovery for the first time in her adult life. But she leaned on her rescue pit, Jocko, a little too much and her support system too little. In the end, the power of the stigma and the lack of intelligent treatment held her back. She died cold and alone, with her faithful Jocko at her side for 36 hours before she was found. It shocked us when we thought we could not be shocked, because like so many other addicts, she seemed to be maturing and turning an important corner. We have a hole in our family’s heart. It is a big one. 


Mollie’s inner glow tugged at the heart and soul of everyone she met. Even on her worst days, she offered inspirational words plus a sassy quip to lift the spirits of those around her. Alas, Mollie was unable to grab hold of her own inspiration, her own smile, despite countless gym, car, and bathroom selfies. The darkness crept in, always. Mollie rescued her lovable pit, Jocko, but he could not rescue her.

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Daniel Gerety
Age 31

Danny, aka “Big Dan”, Danny-boy, Chef Daniel; my son - 6’4” blue eyed, with a twinkle of mischief. He was a respected chef and so hard working. Oh how he could make us laugh with his goofiness and then there was the tender, sensitive side to him as well.

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Christopher Clark

Age 35
Son, Brother, heart and soul
Christopher  Clark
Age 35

Now we laid you down to sleep...
We pray the Lord your soul to keep...
You died before you could awake ....
We know your soul the Lord did take....
Always and Forever 💔


Christopher Clark
First Sunrise 3/5/79
Last Sunset. 6/13/14

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Michael Seth Morgan

Age 24
A loving father, son, grandson, and friend!
Michael Morgan
Age 24

Miss Seth everyday! He was a great person, father, son, and grandson! We miss his hugs and kisses and their is an empty chair at the table everyday! Seth was a good kid. He was very loved by daughter, parents, grandparents, and other family members! He loved his family also!


Seth Morgan - Died from overdose of fentanyl
Date of birth 9/19/92 and died March 25, 2017. Loved life and fought addiction and wanted to live!

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Gregory Price George

Age 25
A beautiful person: Son, Grandson, Brother, and Uncle
Gregory  George
Age 25

Greg was the baby of the family but taller than everyone else. He was a gentle giant with a heart for nature. He was intelligent and kind, pursuing his passion to preserve nature by enrolling in law school. Zuri, his faithful dog was his companion throughout his addiction and his time at Back to Basics, where he dedicated himself to recovery and was an inspiration for others struggling with addiction. Zuri, a piece of Greg’s heart, remains at Back to Basics giving comfort and encouragement to others trying to heal from addiction. He was thoughtful about his impact and the imprint he left on this earth and traveled to work with animals and the less fortunate in other corners of the world. He loved his family and was a loyal friend. He was one of the most naturally funny people making everyone laugh until they cried without effort. I am proud of the person that he fought to be and his family will never stop missing or loving the person that he was. A beautiful person.


Greg George lost his fight against opioid addiction in March of 2018 when he relapsed after a year and a half of being sober. He leaves behind a large family that loves him always and a new nephew who carries his name.

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Hayden James Moreau

Age 25
Son, Brother, Uncle, Funny, Smart
Hayden Moreau
Age 25

Our Hayden was handsome, funny, smart, and one of the hardest working people you could meet. He suffered addiction on and off over the past six years. He had much sober time but seemed to always relapse when the weather got cold and the days got short. He was really trying hard to stay sober. Unfortunately, he tried it one more time and it was his last. Worst day of our lives. We miss him terribly every day and always will. Requiescat in Pace Hayden James Moreau.


Lost our son, Hayden James Moreau, 25 years old, to fentanyl overdose

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Caine Albrecht Hilderbrand

Unconditional love and friendship
Caine Albrecht Hilderbrand

Caine reached out about a year and a half ago asking for help with heroin. He became sober and was doing well in local counseling and recovery groups. He relapsed on June 20, 2018 and died. The drug was laced with fentanyl. He was 24. I miss my son, his laughter, his gentle spirit, his intelligent mind, his way with others, and I miss our long talks about life. I miss family time spent skiing, camping, rock climbing, and rafting. We had many adventures together. Be the change you want to see in the world- Gandhi. A quote that Caine would like for others to fulfill.


Caine Albrecht Hilderbrand was 24 years old when he died of a drug overdose. Caine was Intelligent, funny, loving, and athletic. He played college soccer and was a junior Olympian skiier. He loved his family and his animals. He was someone that was friends with everyone. It has been 6 months today since he left us. Not a day goes by that we don't think of him and miss his spirit.

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Tyler Christian Berens

Age 25
Fun loving son brother grandson
Tyler Berens
Age 25

Tyler, a new father, you are missed beyond words. I love and miss you so much. We miss your sense of humor, laugh, and creative mind. I wish so much you could watch your son grow. I hope you are looking down from heaven smiling. Forever loved❤️


My beloved beautiful boy

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Stephen John Gonthier

Age 34
He was full of life and joy
Stephen  Gonthier
Age 34

Our son Stephen John struggled with an addiction to opioids. We were not aware of his addiction until the last two years of his life. Stephen John tried hard to break away from his addiction and was doing great until he went back to California where he had a relapse. This happened in November 2015. Our son was working at a very good company and doing well until this trip happened. On February 4th, he was found deceased in a hotel room in our hometown. He was not found until the next day. Our hearts are shattered over his loss. We know that we will see him again one day. Our God is our strength and our salvation, and we have found strength and comfort in Him and all our family and friends who have supported us every step of the way. We love our son and will never stop loving him as long as we live.


We lost our beloved son Stephen John to a drug overdose on February 4th 2016. Our lives are not the same since he left us. We miss him every moment of every day, but he continues to live in our hearts, and all those who never forget him.

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Shane Green

Age 39
Kind, Son, Brother, Father, Friend
Shane Green
Age 39
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Christopher Dillon Micha

Age 43
Son, brother, smart, funny, talented
Christopher Micha
Age 43
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Christopher was a singer, songwriter, graphic artist, and a complicated person. He loved family and traditions. He was easily upset and suffered from depression and anxiety. He was a great help to many friends who struggled with the same things but had difficulty controlling his own. He didn't realize what an amazing person he was. He was an adorable little boy who sang and acted in community theatre shows and did well in school. The third of three boys, he was my baby!
As an adult, Chris wanted to make an impact in the music world. He was in several bands as the lead singer songwriter and enjoyed moderate success. He taught himself to play guitar, harmonica, piano, and immersed himself in music. It was his passion. He was also a successful graphic artist who had a great gift for design. His addiction to heroin made his success fleeting. He struggled long and hard with it. Whenever he would slip back he would immediately seek help but he would always slip back. He hated that and sometimes hated himself for it and it made him difficult to understand.
He had a wicked sense of humor, dry and sometime cynical but whatever he said was accompanied by a sly smile that made you laugh. He had beautiful blue eyes and his last song he wrote was "Blue Eyed Sun" with a play on the words sun and son.
He was loving and sometimes too loving which made him hurt when others didn't love him back in the same way. He gave the most creative well thought out gifts to people. He saved and chronicled a lot of the family memories even secretly recording the entire family singing Christmas songs one year and then giving them out as Christmas gifts the next. I miss him more than I can possibly say.


My son Christopher Dillon Micha died on September 10th, 2018 at the age of 43. He was poisoned by heroin laced with two kinds of fentanyl plus xanax. He was a complicated, sensitive musician artist who struggled for years with addiction. He was deeply loved.

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Laura Guido
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Thomas Bryan Sowell

Age 24
Loving, funny, brother, our baby
Thomas Sowell
Age 24

Our son was a beautiful person, inside and out. He was sensitive and loving and never wanted us to know he struggled with addiction. Once we found out, he received treatment and, naively and desperately, we believed all was going to be okay. There was so much we didn't know about this disease. He was so strong and determined in everything else he did that we just assumed his desire to be rid of his addiction would be all it would take for him to succeed. How I wish I could go back and do everything over. How I wish I had known that he was struggling the last time I saw him. We miss him every single moment of every single day.


Lost to addiction from an accidental fentanyl overdose, February 13, 2016. Our hearts are broken forever.

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Clinton Corum

My son was 36 when he took his life. He had struggled in the past with addiction but he was sober. Clint was an active, loving little boy. He was kind and helpful to all. He loved his boys fiercely. He loved me, Mom. I can still hear him saying Hey Mom. Losing him has completely destroyed me. Fly high Clint. You are deeply missed.


Clint was an amazing son, brother and father. He never met a stranger. He would help anyone and give the shirt off of his back. He is so dearly missed

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Jordan Prescott Lambert

Age 28
Charismatic, kind, loving, generous, sweet
Jordan Lambert
Age 28

Jordan is the third of three brothers. Even in the womb, Jordan was bursting with energy. When I was pregnant and taught VBS at church, the other teachers fought to sit next to me in worship to feel him kicking and dancing in my belly. Keeping Jordan safe was a huge concern. He seemed to have no fears and lived life to the fullest. He never met a stranger and loved everyone he met. He was kind and compassionate as a child, always concerned about others’ feelings. I did not know that Jordan started experimenting with marijuana at a young age. After that, it seemed he was fearless when it came to using. We tried everything we could think of to intervene and help him. Nothing we tried worked. Despite his battle with addiction, God blesses us with many good times and many memories with Jordan. Jordan knew God and he knew Jesus as his Savior. He knew what God wanted him to do, he just did not think he had the power to do so. Jordan’s Dad and I want to honor Jordan’s life by doing what we can to help those struggling like he did. In whatever capacity God calls us to accomplish that. When we see someone with an addiction, we see our precious son. Jordan was precious, his life had meaning and he will be missed every moment that we continue to live.


My 3rd son Jordan was full of life. We called him Tigger because he always bounced. He never got hurt from his crazy antics. I think it gave me a false sense of him being invincible. Jordan started using at an early age. Even through his addiction, he remained a loving, caring, and loyal son, brother, and friend. Jesus took him home 1/06/2018. Jordan had recently told me he was tired and felt like he was losing who God had created him to be. His family lives now with a Jordan sized hole in our hearts. His battle is over. We live on to help those that struggle like our Jordan did. He was only 28. Our love for him is immeasurable.

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Zakkary Scott Palmer

Age 25
Humble, a father, funny, adventurous, handsome
Zakkary Palmer
Age 25

He was the light of so many lives. He was always making everyone laugh, no matter your mood. He always knew how to make you feel better. No day is easy without him, but everyday we do it. #LongLivePalmer #beataddiction & #fightyourfight


Zakk had a heart of gold. He left behind two beautiful boys, two sisters, and a brother. He was a friend, a cousin, uncle, nephew, grandson, a son.

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