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Jared NA Seedor

Age 32
Great father, son and brother
Jared Seedor
Age 32

My sweet boy, Jared Seedor. Forever 32. He left behind 2 children, Brady and Kylie.

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Anthony Sorrentino

Age 23
Son, brother, funny, best friend to everyone
Anthony  Sorrentino
Age 23

Anthony was a happy go lucky child. He was very smart, he was in the advanced classes starting in 3rd grade. In middle school he started going to “Pharm parties.” I knew something was wrong for years. Finally his senior year (7 years ago 12/16/11) I started to force the issue of help. At the time, I thought his problem was alcohol (it was pills). He went in for his first inpatient visit. He came out and moved away for 10 months. He moved home in February of 2013. In this time, he starts using heroin. We are told a friends uncle gave five kids heroin in pill form without telling them what it is. We don’t find out for 2 more years (2/15) even though all of the signs are there. He finally tells his cousin he wants to die and why. His cousin takes him to the college campus clinic and they call me and we and go get him. We still don’t know what is going on. He is so depressed and crying and wanting me to hold him on the ride home. My heart was breaking and I was so scared. We take him to the hospital and they admit him. He still didn’t tell us. My nephew told me on the phone a few days later. Anthony was so embarrassed he couldn’t tell us. I couldn’t believe it either. How could one of my perfect children be addicted to heroin?

Anyway, we were fighting for Anthony's life at this point. He was already injecting. We sent him to many rehabs. He was out in Southern California. Every time he relapsed he was living on the streets. We had to go out and look for him when one of his best friends OD’d back home. I cried and begged him to stop using. I told him it was going to take him from me, I felt it in my heart. He promised me it wouldn’t. I cried and told him that wasn’t a promise he could keep. At the end we tried to keep him closer to home. I was terrified of something happening to him and us never finding him.

He passed away all alone in his car from a fentanyl overdose. We got the call within two hours.

He was so special to our family. He is still so loved and missed by many. I will never be the same person I was a few years ago.


My name is Tina Sorrentino. I lost my youngest son 1/21/17. It was the worst day of my life. My life is not the same and I will never be the same.

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Brad Mason

Age 24
Heart of gold
Brad Mason
Age 24

Brad Mason

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Joseph and Christopher Bisbee

Age 34
Brothers, handsome, quiet
Joseph and Christopher  Bisbee
Age 34

They were both brothers. Christopher pictured in the photo wearing the hat was born October 7, 1982 and died Nov 28, 2018. They were both handsome, both had a heart of gold. Growing up they loved sports, and both were involved in baseball, soccer, and basketball. Both excelled in baseball as pitchers and were known around the field as the Bisbee brothers. Loved watching sports on TV, especially the patriots. They were both very loved and they are missed greatly.

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Kayden Julian Frink

Age 22
He carried light into the dark
Kayden Frink
Age 22

He was 22 years old, and leaves behind 3 siblings: Isis 5, Phoenix 3, and Atlas 1. He is at peace now and walks beside me with his finally unfurled. I love you Sweetpea. Mama misses you.

Kayden was a happy baby. He was born as Hale-Bopp passed by Earth. He was quick to walk, run, jump, and climb. He was fearless about most things. Except spiders. Deathly afraid of those and would run screaming to the forest highest point to evade them.
He loved to make people laugh, smile, and feel good inside. Many of his peers came to him for advice and to have a good time. Kayden valued loyalty, family, and friendship above all else. He was known to give his clothes, food, and last dollar to someone in need.
Kayden also struggled with suicidal thoughts, depression, and addiction. At the time of his death, he was convinced he was never going to get sober. The weight of it, and the stresses in his life, led him to a place with one exit. I talked to him for 17 minutes the day he shot himself. He poured out his heart, his wounds, his grief, his anger, and his shame. I told him I would hold him through it all. I promised he would come out the other side. I told him I loved him just as much as his much younger siblings. He said that was all he needed to know. I felt him walking a tightrope inside. I didn't he had a loaded gun in his hand. I would never of hung up. I was 5 minutes away. The shot rang out as I arrived. He never came down from his apartment to give me that hug he had promised. We were supposed to celebrate his little brother's first birthday that Sunday. Now every Sunday has a little stain. The 19th day of each month has one too.
I can feel him with me now though. He is so full of light. He loves us. We miss him so much. His goofy laugh and sense of humor. The way he contorted his face to make us laugh. The way he wrapped himself around the Little's and slept so content.
You left a profoundly deep hole in the lives of everyone that knew you, Kayden.
You are loved.
I love you.


Kayden was not only my angel, but he served as one for many others too. Saving them from harming themselves, encouraging hearts to live, he made us laugh and gave dreams hope enough to keep flying. He got tied up in his addictions though, and he couldn't see through his own fog. I was the last one to talk to him, I begged him to hold on. It was just too much.

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Justin Thatcher Schulman

Age 22
Son, brother, friend, sensitive. Kind heart and infectious laugh.
Justin Schulman
Age 22

Justin suffered from addiction in secret. He was ashamed, he never stole, he worked to provide for his addiction so his parents would not know. We missed all signs. He hid his addiction until he realized he needed help and with help from me, mom, he checked himself into a rehab in Florida. He completed two years sober and found his dream job, moved on his own and when he slipped due to a hand injury, he started using. He was expecting heroin and given 100% Carfentanil. A chemical weapon that has no purpose in the human body. It was used in the 2002 Russian hostage situation.
After Justin passed, 5/27/17, I was collecting and picking up his things and the PD gave me his phone and within five minutes, I walked back in with info on the deal. Justin's last conversation. They downloaded the phone sent it back to me and sent the info to West Palm Narcotics. A month and a half later when nothing had been done, I put a text blocker on my own phone, in CT, and texted the dealer. He responded and we set up a deal. I screen shot all the info for WPBPD Narcotics and within 24 hours they had him arrested. They messed up the case and a year later the dealer was sentenced to five years probation. Keep in mind when they caught him he had 100% Carfentanil on his persons. Follow @howicaughtmysonsdealer on FB for my story of how things played out. RIP Justin, my sweet boy, forever 22.


Justin loved diesel mechanics. He loved to help people and would give the shirt off his back. He struggled socially and was not always accepted. The few friends he had, he valued. He played hockey and lacrosse. He loved physical sports. His love for cars started when he took shop classes in high school and grew to love BIG diesel engines. When he talked about his passion his eyes lit up with happiness. He loved his family. He always would look out for his sister. He was sweet yet cocky. That was Justin.

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Charles Alfred Queija

Age 36
Kind, loving, generous, funny
Charles  Queija
Age 36

Drug addiction or any addiction affects everyone, not just the person with the addiction.
Loved ones live in constant fear of getting that “dreaded phone call.”
Never give up on someone suffering from addiction and most of all, tell them that you love them every chance that you get.
I miss my brother each and every day. He died Valentine’s Day 2001. Gone too soon.
Thank you Shatterproof for all that you are doing to spread awareness and to save lives.


This was the last time that I saw my twin brother Charlie alive. It was Christmas Day 2000. He was the most loving, kind, and generous person that I’d ever known. He had a great sense of humor and lived to make others laugh. Charlie struggled with drug addiction for so many years. He lived a double life because he didn’t want others to know the demons he battled. He was found dead of “drug overdose / multiple drug toxicity.”
Valentine’s Day 2001.
Gone too soon.

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Jonathan Louis Wilkesman

Age 36
Intelligent, funny, sensitive, hopeful
Jonathan Wilkesman
Age 36

Jonathan struggled with addiction most of his adult life. He had one strike against him genetically, both sides had alcohol addiction. He went from alcohol and marijuana to perocet after being prescribed by an emergency room doctor. I also know he suffered from depression and used the drugs to mask emotional pain. Just like so many parents, I pleaded for him to get help. He had been petitioned by his sister when she found him passed out in our home. The facility did not even keep him for a full 24 hour evaluation. Two years ago he went to detox and rehab, but he got kicked out because on a day pass he relapsed. We live in AZ, and he decide to move back to his hometown in NH. Jonathan was like a cat with nine lives, who always seemed to land on his feet. He was working full time, met a young woman he loved, and seemed hopeful. Even though he was employed he couldn’t afford health insurance. He had some decayed teeth and called asking for help. His appointment was scheduled for Nov. 20th. He died Nov. 18th from what is called a test shot of heroin? The ME report is still pending. My heart broke into pieces when I found out, and I will miss his smile and hearing him say “Mom I love you”.


Jonathan, much loved son and brother, died 11/18/18 from an overdose.

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Paul Harlow

Age 51
Son, brother, uncle and friend
Paul Harlow
Age 51

Paul was my big brother who always looked out for me and others. He had the biggest heart. He helped friends get jobs, adopted a friend's dog, picked friends up for work, helped a single Dad care for his daughter, helped a dying friend and much more. We didn't know of his drug problem until he overdosed. We knew of depression, stress, sleeplessness, but never dreamt his life would end like this. He tried to rise above it all, but was tired. Our hearts are forever broken. Love and miss Paul everyday. Prayers for all the families dealing with addiction and/or loss of a loved one.

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Andrew Graziano

Age 30
Loving son, brother and uncle
Andrew Graziano
Age 30

My family had no idea my brother was addicted to heroin until a girlfriend of his at the time told my parents. Everyone was in complete shock and had no idea the extent of the addiction. Our family had never dealt with anything like this before so we were unaware of the signs. My brother was in and out of rehab for many years but nothing was permanent. Watching someone you love suffer with this kind of addiction is unbearable. New York state rehabs facilities were little to no help and in patient rehab was never offered even after multiple overdoses. The only rehabs available that have been proven to work are in the $20-$30 thousand dollar range. Not sure how many families can actually afford that kind of rehab but ours could not. My brother lost his battle with opioids in May of this year. If there is a way that sharing his story will help someone else I want to do that. I found Shatterproof through my company and was happy to see that there are people out there trying to improve these types of situations.


My brother lost his battle with opioid addiction in May 2018. He was in and out of many rehabs but nothing ever seemed to work permanently and the state never provided in patient rehab even after multiple overdoses. There has to be a better solution for people addicted to opioids.

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James Alexander Groth

Age 30
Son, Brother, Husband, Father, Friend
James Groth
Age 30

James was full of life. Living life large in the fast lane. He loved sports, most of all moto-cross. He was a father to 3 beautiful children. James was involved in a motorcycle accident, and the doctor prescribed him OxyContin. He soon became addicted and turned to heroin ... his worst nightmare. It took over his mind, body, and soul. He went into several rehabs and relapsed over and over (a symptom of the disease). He was on the Vivitrol shot which seemed to really help, but it wore off in 25 days and couldn't get the shot until day 30... He relapsed within that 5 day period. James was poisoned with fentanyl and became unconscious at the wheel and smashed into an abandoned house. His truck and house caught on fire! His 10-year-old son was in the back seat who miraculously survived by jumping out and running out of the burning flames. Thanks be to GOD. Addiction is a family disease Affecting everyone. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think about him. We miss him more each day. Our faith in God has given us strength and support to get us through this horrific tragedy. We will never give up the fight! We never gave up on James. Knowing we will see him in Heaven gives us peace.


James Alexander Groth
Forever 30
Our heart is broken in pieces, missing you more every day 💔

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Catherine Rose Clark

Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love
Catherine  Clark

Catherine was an incredible highly intelligent human. She struggled with mental health and ultimately substance use. Catherine overdosed on 11-19-17, just shy of her 25th birthday. Catherine is survived by her mother, father, 3 brothers, sister, and two beautiful children. Catherine loved her children more than life itself and continued to fight for her sobriety until the end. Gone too soon, but free forever from her pain.


My eldest daughter Catherine Rose was a brilliant beautiful human. She was a daughter, sister, and mother.

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Brittney Nicole Ridgley

Age 24
Beautiful, Amazing, Mother, Daughter, Sister
Brittney  Ridgley
Age 24
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She was raised in a Christian home. She had an amazing beautiful soul who genuinely cared for others. During her school years, she was a cheerleader and played volleyball. She loved the outdoors and enjoyed four-wheeling. Prior to her battle with addiction to heroin, Brittney was always happy, had a vibrant personality and was always helping others. This showed through in her certification as a nursing assistant and phlebotomist. Brittney cherished her younger siblings and was a wonderful mother who dearly loved her son. She will forever be remembered for her beautiful smile.


Brittney Nicole Ridgley

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Jennifer Michele Keck

Age 36
Daughter, mother
Age 36

Struggled years with addiction, estranged from family, 2 beautiful children, had lost everything but now her struggle is over.


Jennifer lost her battle with addiction November 15th, such a waste, left behind 2 beautiful children

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Christopher Jusino

Age 30
A smile to brighten your Day
Christopher  Jusino
Age 30
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Christopher Jusino my son and best friend was a gentle hard-working, loving soul with a heart of gold that would light up a room with his infectious smile. He always believed in caring and doing for others first, never selfish, always there for his friends and family, spending endless hours with them. Chris had a passion for music, and a spiritual gift to write worship songs. He was the owner of Firewater Detailing, a detailing company he took lots of pride in, loved by all his clients. All he wanted to do in life was make a difference. When he lived in Arkansas he spent lots of his free time dancing and performing for churches, doing community outreach and going to retirement homes spending quality time playing games and keeping the lonely elderly company, always demonstrating the power of love and faith. On the day of November 6, 2017 the unthinkable happened, he lost his life in his sleep due to bronchial pneumonia and a single dose of opioids. All of us that loved him are all left with unanswered questions, broken hearts, and changed lives in his absence; THIS has created a fire in my soul that I have to share this with everyone that knew and loved Him.

Christopher is not gone, he has just changed, as evidence shown in the photo, he continues to inspire me and has put in my heart a vision to Help spread awareness. Together we can keep his spirit and memory alive. I Proclaim as Christopher Jusino’s Mom that we will win this war together. I can see Christopher smiling down at us from heaven Saying “We did it! I knew I would be a hero for so many!!”


I would like to share this in honor of my amazing son, brother, and friend to so many. A beautiful soul that can light up a room, not gone, just changed.

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Jordan Lynne Daus

Age 18
Earthly spirit, kind, nurturing and non-judgmental
Jordan  Daus
Age 18

Jodie was a free spirit. She loved her friends and family. She was always thinking of others even while struggling herself. She entered treatment during her senior year and relapsed near her 18 birthday. Our insurance denied her treatment due to not having had an overdose or using IV drugs. She wanted residential treatment and after relapsing with a new drug she decided to use at home, believing she would be found and taken to the hospital where surely the insurance company would believe her and she would get the treatment she needed and deserved. Unfortunately she did not survive. She went on to save the lives of four men by giving them the gifts of her heart liver kidney and pancreas she left a legacy. We miss her contagious smile every day.


Jordan Lynne lost her battle with teen chemical dependency November 10, 2014. The world lost an amazing soul that day!

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Nick Ray Ellison

Age 20
Son, Brother, Artistic, Witty, Loved
Nick Ellison
Age 20

Nick was born a few months before I turned 20. The first five years it was just the two of us. I remarried when Nick was 5 and had his sister when he was 6, and his brother when he was 8. He took piano lessons and loved music. At age 10 my husband and I divorced. I took my 3 children and moved back to Knoxville. When Katie and Cameron went to their dads for weekends or holidays, it was just the 2 of us. Nick continued playing piano and added poetry. Nick had friends and did great until he started high school. I knew nothing about addiction. When Nick was drunk he was aggressive and impulsive, he wasn't my sweet baby. By the time Nick had turned 18 his drug use was out of control. Nick was still able to excel in college. When Nick was 20 he went to rehab. He got kicked out for being under the influence and went back a few months later. I never saw him alive again.
My son, Katie and Cameron's brother was gone and wouldn't be coming back.
I miss seeing Nick scratch his whiskers. I miss his smile, how witty he was, watching him make a sandwich and mostly just hanging out and talking. Life will never be the same. I often wonder how our lives would have turned out had we made better choices. My love for you, Katie and Cameron will never die.


Nick is my son, an older brother to Katie and Cameron. Nick was musically inclined, he wrote beautiful poems and was extremely witty. I miss you, Nick. You changed my life when you were born.

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Travis James Busse

Age 24
Loving son, loyal friend, and avid Green Bay Packers fan
Travis Busse
Age 24

Travis was a loving son, a loyal friend, and an avid Green Bay Packers fan. He was a smart, funny, caring, and hardworking young man. Described by his closest friends, “Travis was a great friend with a huge heart. He was understanding and caring, loyal and loving. He made people feel comfortable. He was always willing to listen to someone’s problems to try and help them find a solution. He made his friends feel like they mattered and the focus was on each other when they were together. Travis was brave. He was outgoing, witty, and loved to make people laugh. If he wanted to have a good time, he went out of his way to ensure everyone was going to have a great time as well. He always knew how to make you smile.”

Travis was also a young man with a substance use disorder. A disease that is misunderstood by so many, a disease that he tried to fight but that was bigger than him in the end. It is the hope of his family that others who are struggling with addiction issues will seek out the help they need.


Travis was born at Beale Air Force Base in California and moved to Wisconsin when he was six months old. Since July 2016, Travis had worked as a landscaper for S & K Automotive & Landscaping. He was very proud of his work there and extremely happy to be a part of the S & K family. And for the first time in his life, he listened to country music just like his mom.

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Ethan PatrickEthan Condon

Age 32
Loving son, brother and uncle
Ethan Condon
Age 32

Ethan was funny, made everyone laugh with his silly jokes. Even in his darkest hours, he would tell his family how much he loved them. I have kept all of his beautiful letters. Loved kids, wanted to be a history teacher and coach. Intelligent, athletic. I am forever with a hole in my heart.


We miss you everyday. Will always fight this terrible disease.

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Alison Nicole Broughton

Age 29
Bubbly, happy, beautiful, dedicated mother
Alison Broughton
Age 29

My daughter was always so bubbly. She brought life into every room. She always made everyone feel better than before she arrived. She watched her mom and dad go through a divorce when she was eight years old. At 15 her mother moved out of state, and she chose to move in with her father, he was not nearly as strict with her, she ended up spending a lot of time away from home at friends' houses. Began dabbling with pills. Met a man who was on Suboxone and was injecting it, there came a day where she got interested and she had him do it to her. After that, she became fully addicted for years, both of her children being born with substance dependence. She lost her battle last year 11/24/2017. I miss her so much, as her mother, this is the hardest thing I have ever been through. I wish her back more than anything! God bless you Alison!


My daughter, my best friend, the other half of me.

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