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Age 25
Age 25

Warm,caring, hilarious sense of humor,a heart bigger than Life itself. He'd make anyone laugh,but he had broader shoulders to cry on or to fall asleep in. Mommas brave sweet handsome boy ANGEL 😇.

Playing baseball with him and the game when he hit the ball over the fence 😁

HIS smile,his laughter,his DARK BROWN eyes, and his nicknames or sayings

AS a friend,a Dad, AND a wonderful human in general. He loved everyone.

Jacqueline Marie Capriotti

Age 35
Baby sister, best friend
Age 35

She was the most beautiful person ever so caring would do anything for anyone definitely life of the party

Wayyyyy to many lol probably the garden state park when it existed

Her smile her love encouragement EVERYTHING

As a happy loving beautiful women with a heart of gold

Robbie Lynn Neal

Age 50
Son, Brother, Uncle, Friend loved by many.
Age 50

He was so beautiful. Loyal, Fierce, Quick to offer a hand if anyone needed it. A most talented artist. He was my heart.

When we were kids, Robbie got a new pair of cowboy boots for Christmas. He was 4 and I was 6. We were jumping on mamma's bed and he said he was going to kung fu me.. He then kicked me in the face knocking out my two front teeth... He was crazy funny and could make me laugh so hard...

I will miss hearing his voice. I will miss his great big hugs. This 9 days since he died is the first that I can ever remember him not being in my life. Our lives often led us in two different directions. But we were so close no matter where life had taken us.. I will miss him so very much.. The way his blue eyes would sparkle when he smiled. When he died he took a big part of my heart with him..

He would like to be remembered as a wonderful friend. A protector to many. As a prankster and wise guy.. A go to for all who needed him.. A man with a giant heart and epic love for many in life.

David Adam Nichols

Age 28
My loving son..
Age 28

Loving kind an had a heart of gold.. Never miss treated anybody an loved his son very much. Hes missed each day...

His laughter his beautiful blue eyes an the way he made everyone feel when he was around.. Pure joy...

All the things I loved about him..we miss him...

How much he loved life an his family.. That boy had a heart of gold....

Paul Michael Drum

Age 32
Son, Brother, Uncle, Grandson and lover.
Age 32

My brother was such an amazing man. He had a loving, and caring heart. He would give you the shirt off of his back. He was such a comedian, and made all of us laugh constantly. A piece of our hearts are missing. My first best friend in this life.

Video chatting on the phone, making silly jokes. Sharing the same interests with each other. Walking to the park.

There are to many to count. I honestly just miss being able to talk to him. Send him funny text messages. Tell him how much I love him.

I know he would want to be remembered for the man that he is. His kind heart, loving spirit, how much he loves his family. Strong, free spirited. His love for God.

James Stevenson

Age 25
Greatest daddy and son
Age 25

Such a kind, gentle and thoughtful young man. Loving and caring. Always putting others before himself. Helping others before himself. Greatest daddy in the world.

Seeing my son truly and genuinely happy especially around his baby girl. Trying to show his baby girl how to walk and helping her take her first steps to learn how.

His voice, his hugs, his texts and phone calls saying love you mom. His smile, everything. Just everything.

A person who gives his all to anyone at all at any time of day or night. A loving and caring daddy and friend. An honest, caring and genuine man who really would give the world to you.

Freddy Buss

Age 29
Brother,Son,Class clown
Age 29

A big goof. Always good for a laugh. Lost in his ways but a brother that seen too much. A son that was grieving.

We had a video of my brother flexing for the camera and suddenly grabbed his arms and said, "ouch!"

I miss clowning with him. I miss the understanding we had with each other.

A strong, hard headed breath of laughter. Competitive and himself... always himself.

Angel Rosa

Age 47
Father, son and grandfather
Age 47

My dad was a amazing father, and a even better grandfather. He was funny fun and kick ass at playing pool. He is truly missed

My favorite memory of my dad is when I used to go with him to work delivering oxygen, we used to drive talk and laugh all day long.

I will miss his smile and his support and his love for his family.

My dad would like to be remembered as a fun loveing man who plays pool better than anyone around.

Age 27

He loved his family and his dog Blue. He always wanted to be just a normal kid. He loved kids and his 2 nephews.

We used to get sushi together because only the 2 of us loved it. He would send me pics when he had it when he had moved to FL in 2018.

His smile. His love for his family. He always wanted to be a normal kid.

He would love for people to know that how he died was totally accidental. He was clean for almost 2 years. He passed away from a Krotom / fentanyl overdose. He got a bad batch of krotom somehow.

melissa maynard

Age 35
My daughter forever 35.
Age 35

She was always a happy go lucky child, she had her moments , but she loved her son and she loved her nieces and nephews , she would give the shirt off her back to help you out, never judged , loved her family more than anything..

One day we decided to dye our hair and we bought what we thought was brown dye , i did mine first and she was in the shower rinsing hers off not seeing mine yet , well it was black not brown , i remember running up to the bathroom and screaming lissa look and she saw my hair was black and i could remember the screaming coming out of her mouth , NOOOOOOOOOO , then we laughed i think that day we dyed our hair 3 times just to get it back to its normal color....

Her infectious laugh , her love for her son , her playing with the kids in the neighborhood and of course her nieces and nephews , i miss our talks , i miss our family get together s for the holidays , we would say okay only buy for the kids not her every year she would buy for all of us and we would always say thought it was just for kids she loved the gift of giving , I miss her singing in the shower , or cooking for us , I miss everything about her that would make every mother proud .....

She will be always remembered as the funniest ,

She will always be remember as the funniest Auntie that all the kids loved , even if you were not part of her family the kids always called her auntie.... The one that would go sledding , swimming , singing in the rain with the kids and the one who we do what ever she could to keep them busy...