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Anthony Jordan Bettale

Age 25
Loving Son
Age 25

My son had a heart of gold always there for his family

He wrote music and I still listen to his music

He always called me to tell me he loved me

He was kind to everyone that came in to contact with him

Christopher Shane Sellers

Age 43
Loved without fear.
Age 43

Never let the hardships of addiction or the ugliness of life harden his heart, he always wore a smile on his face and had a sense of humor that would make the most miserable person crack a smile.
His love had no limitations, he loved with no regret.

I have many, many great memories.
I have one Christmas in particular that was extra special to me, I got the GameCube that I had wanted.
He walked around for months saying “mariooooo, marioooo” and I never knew what he meant.
I do now.
He got me my first dirt bike that year as well, to this day I don’t know who was more happier, me or him.
I do know he was the proudest father that year, his babygirl tearing up the yard.
He was happy as long as I was happy, that’s all that ever mattered.

I remember his smile, the way he threw his head back and whole heartedly laughed as he joked around.
I often reminisce on the smell of his cologne as he embraced me, he would drum his fingers along the top of my head and call me his “baby boot”.
He used to hold his hand out and tell me, “I remember when you fit in my palm, you will always be my babygirl”.
I will miss everything, everything that made my daddy.... my daddy.
I still close my eyes and see the light in his eyes as he looked at me.

Without sorrow, when Shane Sellers crosses your mind, a smile is the first thing to appear on your face and laughter is the first sound out of your mouth.
He was a great man, a strong man.
When you think of Shane, you remember a man who had nothing at all and still had everything he wanted and needed in life.
As long as he had his family, he was a rich man.

Shane was a very loving, caring, and forgiving person. He had one of the weirdest yet funniest sense of humor a person could ever have. Even on the darkest cloudiest days of your life he could make the sunshine and the rainbow appear. He loved his family and friends! He was absolutely the best brother a girl could ask for. It has been 9 months since my brother passed away. The longest 9 months of my life. I miss him so bad but I will forever cherish every single moment we ever spent together.

Stephen “Glen” Bailey

Age 23
Brother with Heart of Gold
Age 23

He was the smartest and most humble person I’ve ever known. He never had a negative word to say about anyone. He was talented in many ways. He could read something once and never forget it. He loved his niece and nephew so much.

It was summer around 1998. Me him and my childhood best friend were swimming in our pool. We held him in the pool and took his shorts off of him. I got out of the pool and took them across the road and made him go get them butt naked. When he came back, with his shorts on, we told him he could get back in unless we could shave his head. So we took him inside and shaved his head with my moms razor and shaving cream. We were in so much trouble when she got home.


He want want to be remembered as a good person with a true heart of gold. Someone that people loved and respected. Someone who was kind and would help anyone without hesitation. Someone that loved animals and music and the outdoors.

Julia Bradford

Age 26
Mother, wife, sister, cousin, friend
Age 26

She was the toughest kid in the world. Both of her parents had passed away by the time she was six. She struggled to find her place in this world, through no fault of her own. She grew up and built a beautiful life for herself.

Watching her just live her life. She just shined. She was like human sunshine.

Hearing from her. Seeing her live her life. Seeing her happy and being so happy for her.

She was beautiful in every way a person should be.

Johnny Christopher Hagewood

Age 42
Only son, awesome Dad
Age 42

Chris is my sister's only child. He was so much more than just my nephew. Purest heart ever. He just simply did not know his limit, but God did.

Meeting his first born daughter Alyssa Bailey.

His big heart.

As a loving son, Dad, friend

Kelly Ann Hayes

Age 28
beautiful soul taken to soon
Age 28

The ride or die crazy sister that wore her heart on her sleeve. If Kelly loved you she move mountains for you.

So many to try to count. From streaking on NYE to jumping in the pool on NYE. So many m memories we share that will go with me to my grave.

The phone calls, the goofy snap chats. She was my go too the only person who truly understood me.

Wild and crazy with a heart of gold that loved everyone fiercely

Bethann Modisette

Age 25
Age 25

She was my only best friend

When she would have my back wether I'm right or wrong

Hearing her voice

Beautiful soul

Kenneth Wayne Callus jr

Age 25
My son my baby
Age 25

He love his family love to help his niece's nephew

Him call me his T lady

His smile and always being there for me

His smile

Peggy J Gallegos

Age 60
Age 60

I love and miss you so much mom your my angle

I miss her making everyone smile 😊

Her calling me all the time

Louis Swagler

Age 33
Always there to help somebody
Age 33

My Son was always there for his 4 beautiful children and his wife of 13 years, He would be there in a second to lead a helping hand, He had a heart of Gold,,

I miss him calling my name,,,seeing his beautiful face,,

A loving Father, Husband and Son

Corey Michael Beard

Age 25
Son, brother, he had a heart of gold
Age 25

My son was a very good man thought of others before himself

I miss my son so much I can’t pick just one I miss every thing about him

William D Maxwell

Age 44
Heart of Gold a best best friend father a son
Age 44

His laughter his sense of humor and his love ..his face his smile

Lauren Renee Cole

Age 26
The kindest loving soul
Age 26

She was beautiful inside and out. She was a social worker always wanting people to not make the mistake that she did that cost her her life and dreams of being a wife, mother, daughter and sister.

There isn’t just one. When she walked in the door we always knew the fun and love was so evident in her presence.

Her love for all of us. Always wanting us to get along. Her not getting what she really wanted. To be clean off drugs snd loved by someone. Truly loved and needed

I think she would like to be remembered as a loyal and loving friend and family member. She would have helped anyone or give them anything they needed.

Alyssa Irene Ruffles

Age 22
Daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend
Age 22

My daughter had a beautiful soul, contagious laugh, caring heart, was smart , funny and beautiful!

They are too many favorite memories to share of my daughter.

Her smile, her laugh, her craziness and her caring soul.

She would like to be remembered as a good friend, wonderful daughter and the happy person she was before her addiction took control.

Michael Joseph Lambo

Age 32
Age 32

Michael was a kind, loving, caring man who loved his family very much. He had an infectious smile that lit up a room when he walked in. He had a great sense of humor and was a jokester.

Everything about him, his smile, his big heart, his big hugs.

Love for family and friends and the courage to want to help others before himself

Age 26

Ian was such a bright light. His personality was great. He had a sense of humor that could make anyone laugh. You could never stay mad at Ian, he had a way of making you love him. He was such a humble person and he had a huge heart. Ian loved us.

I have alot of "favorite" memories of Ian. We would be in the store together and he would just start dancing and then get me to join in and we had such a good time. Ian was a great brother and uncle too. He took his nephew Jayce everywhere..."hey mom...why do you think I meet all these girls? Jayce is a little chick magnet". Jayce misses his uncle so very much....he tries to be just like him. Ian never got to meet the niece he wanted to spoil but she was named "Ianella" after her uncle.

I miss Ian's smile and his goofy laugh(he got that from me). I miss his smell- he smelled so good. I will miss his little pranks and him punching my butt in public making people think I am a I miss his gentleness and the conversations that we used to have when he felt down.
I will miss out on grandchildren from him because he would have been such a great father. I miss listening to music and dancing with him. I miss my mama's boy.

I would like Ian to be remembered as a big hearted person and the best friend that you could ever have. When Ian loved, he loves hard. I want Ian to be remembered for the beautiful person he was. I want Ian to be remembered as the kid, whose mother started a nonprofit because of him and so many others that no longer have a voice. I will speak for my son as you speak for yours. I want Ian to be remembered as a true blessing.

Angela Alison Nacca

Age 24
Mother,baby sister, favorite Aunt
Age 24

She was stunningly beautiful... eyes clearer than the sky... the best sense of humor ever... the most amazing mom... brave and fearless

I have so many I couldn’t pick just one... I’d have to say just seeing her walk in the door simple but I’d give anything to see that again

I miss everything... her laugh her smile... her stupid jokes... her fierce loyalty... he wild spirit ..just HER!!!!

As the amazing daughter, mother, sister and aunt that she was

Derek Allen Crocker

Age 36
Son,Brother,Father,lover and a fighter
Age 36

My brother was the best brother I could ever ask for he always protected me we where only 18months apart we grew up together he was so funny and so strong he battled addiction 18yrs before he lost his fight his laugh was contagious

I have so many but what I will never get out of my head is his smile and his laugh he has such a funny laugh he was such a kid at heart.

I will miss everything about my brother his smile his smell his voice his phone calls him calling me sis he was my only sibling my older brother I'll miss his hugs and him jabbing me in my side and saying 10000 volts or him jabbing my in my armpit while screaming pits taca. The most part is I'll miss growing old with him I'll miss seeing what he would look like as a old man I'll never ever see that or experience that and it breaks my heart everyday

Strong courageous and a fighter he was so active in NA for years he would chair meetings and and speak at events I want people to know there is help out there. You matter, your presence matters, your life matters. Your family loves you the streets and drugs do not love you
Remember me as happy bright and alive remember me as loving and opinionated remember me as loving father,brother and son

Jonathon Alan Barnhart

Age 34
Son, my sunshine
Age 34

He was funny, rotten, kind and loving. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for the ones he loved

When he was 8 his friend was sleeping over. He asked “what do we sleep on” I looked at him and said “use a fuckn blanket” he thought I walked away but I turned right back around as he said with his lil arm’s stretched out n said like a true smartass “ well where is the fuckn blanket” oh my the look on his face was priceless.

His beautiful eyes and that shit eatin grin

He was a very loyal and loving young man