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Frankie Julio Curra

Age 31
Family 1st. Intelligent. Handsome. Loving
Age 31

My son & only child was a gentle, kind person until The Monster got him.He was so smart and knew better, but The Monster got hold & would not let him go.
For the last 7 months of his life he was clean & I had my son back.I miss him so & am crushed.

Being at the beach together brings such warm memories of Frankie. Hed hold onto me so tight when the waves crashed on us. I can also picture him in the kitchen cooking for everyone. It was his way of expressing his love for us. He was great at art, too, and I treasure some pieces he drew when he was a kid. And his deep, resonant voice was so distinctive.

I miss him hugging me when he'd visit and hearing his voice say, "Hey Mom. How are you?"
Most of all, I miss hearing him say, "I love you, Mommy."

He loved his family and friends and that he would protect us with his own life if he had to.

Frank Anthony Rosa

Age 30
My best friend
Age 30

Everyone he met he left an impression. He found the good in every one. His smile was contagious. He would drop everything if you needed him. His passion was barbering. He loved the beach and fishing. He loved the outdoors. He was the best.

No matter how hard life knocked him down he would always manage to get up and keep walking. He never held a grudge. He lived every one and life.

His energy. His smile. His heart. His hugs.

John Dale Rains

Age 48
Father, big hearted, hard working
Age 48

My dad was a great man and could build anything he set his mind to. he was a great carpenter. He loved my sister and I. He would have done anything to help anyone and would give u the shirt off of his back if u needed it. we miss him everyday.

arrow head digging with him when I was very young and fishing. we were always outdoors.

Bryan Joseph Johnston

Age 32
Son, brother, uncle, grandson, selfless, huge heart, and loyal friend
Age 32

His quick wit, his smile, his generous nature. Always worried and cared about others. One of my favorite memories is the look of pride when he got his very first apartment and made me dinner.

His smile, his hugs, our conversations. Saying godnight and I love you. His presence.

Family came first. His enjoyment of being with family and friends. Loving son, loyal friend, his huge heart, his smile.

Joey Taylor

Age 22
Kind, gentle, loving, compassionate, talented
Age 22

My son whose smile lit up a room. He loved deeply and was the best friend you could ever have.

Dalton Kane Finley

Age 25
Loving Brother, Father, & Son
Age 25

Dalton was the most unique soul you would ever meet. He had such an infectious laugh and smile, and was always your shoulder to lean on. He was friends with everyone, loved his kids, and loved his family. He was also beyond appreciative of everyone.

Dalton had a heart of pure gold. Many times, we would raise baby deer and raccoons. While we thought we had obtained the right permit, as instructed by the DNR, it never seemed as though the conservation officer would leave us alone. They would always confiscate our animals, we would find more abandoned by their mothers, and they would come take them again. He was always so excited to call me and say “Jord, you’re going to be so excited. Hurry, come over, I have us another raccoon/deer.”

I will miss his genuine caring nature, his smile, his huge heart, his protective instincts over his family, and the love he had for everyone e. He will forever be missed.

Dalton was too unique and caring to be in such a cruel world. He was the most unmaterialistic person you’d ever meet, and just enjoyed the beautiful things in life. He was not his addiction; he was just too broken for this world.

Roger Burdette

Age 31
Age 31

Roger had such a contagious laugh that you couldn't help but love. He is missed dearly by his 3 kids and family so much!

His laugh. His love for his children and wife. The way his face lit up when seeing them.

A kindhearted man who would do anything he could for anyone. He's missed beyond words. His kids are very young. The oldest is 7. The youngest is almost 2. We will always tell them about roger and what he means to us.

Tiffany Lynn Hanlin

Age 26
Mother, Sister, Best Friend
Age 26

She was my best friend my little sister she had a lot of life to live!! Taken way to soon!!

Everyday life we was always together

Everything her laugh her smile

As a great mommie

Justin Cruz Pendarvis

Age 32
Daddy, Son, Brother
Age 32

My son loved his mini me Justin Jr.
more than anything in this world.
My son was a man of his word, even when deep in his addiction, he had integrity and a work ethic like no other.
He had the biggest smile.
He was my MOMMAS BOY 💖💖💖💋

My favorite memory of Justin is right before he was two years old GUNS AND ROSES SWEET CHILD OF MINE video was always on MTV and he would stand in front of the TV with this big plastic golf club and use it like a mikestand and sing and dance like AXL ROSE.
Every time I here the song I can picture him doing that.

I miss his hugs and kisses and his company. He was my first born, my partner in crime and my sidekick and BEST FRIEND.
I miss his handsome face and beautiful smile.

He would like to be remembered as a great DADDY that LOVED HIS SON MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF.

Crystal Lynn Turner

Age 33
Age 33

A loving daughter and great person

Going on vacation this year just the 2 of us talking laughing just having a great time. She just got out of prison so she was clean and sober

Her laugh

As a loving daughter

Keaton Joseph Castoe

Age 20
Son, Brother, Father, Free Spirit, Heart of Gold ❤️
Age 20

He was so very kind hearted, loving, compassionate, and multi-talented. One of a kind.

Growing up together as siblings and all of the fun and unforgettable times we had.

Everything. Every. Single. Thing.

By being the most kind hearted person he could be. And for being a great friend, father, and brother.

Joyce Ann Stoltz

Age 29
Our Sweet Joycie-Bean
Age 29

You were one of the biggest blessings to our family. I remember the day you came home. I was so happy. You were the most beautiful baby. Your smile. And your laugh. You were such a happy baby.

I will miss your beautiful smile and that infectious laugh!

Ryan Joel Mccloud

Age 32
Beloved son
Age 32

Born comic


Smile laugh everything

As someone that tried

Marinda Rae Bryant

Age 43
My beautiful sister
Age 43

Loved her children and nephews more than anything

My sister took me to every concert that she went to even when I was little, she chose to take me instead of her own friends

Absolutely everything

Fun, loving, beautiful inside and out


Age 44
Age 44

She was my first born always was amazing help to me we grew up together.

Making every one smile and always ready to party

Not being her to here her voice again or hear her laugh

That she overcome her addiction for 5 years had 2 beautiful kids she reconnected with. Until the deamons got her.

Taylor Alexander McDonald

Age 20
My nephew!He was very loved and is so missed
Age 20

Taylor was funny, caring, loved playing the drums and Xbox!!!!Grew up too fast and got lost with depression and abandonment!

Every day that I was with you!

His sweet face!

Cool Uncle, little brother, Awesome cousin!