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Georgia Jo Grebe/ McConnell

Age 39
Mother sister daughter
Age 39

Great mom.. sister daughter

In the snow as kids.. at the house on Buchanan Ave. You stuck your tongue,, on the frozen gate and it stuck.. we had to get warm water,, mom was mad! Lmbo

Miss you.. love all your grandchildren! We all feel cheated,, you left us too soon❤️

As a great mother daughter sister

Jeffrey Allen Wilfong

Age 44
Husband, father
Age 44

Dies of heroin od


I'm still angry you left

Good man who loved family

William Bobber Akers

Age 29
Nephew with a huge heart
Age 29

Bobber was one of the kindest and most loving kids. He was compassionate and took care of the homeless animals in his hometown. He had the best laugh and was a known practical joker. Everyone who ever met him just loved him. His smile lit up a room.

Bobber and my son Gary playing practical jokes on their grandmother. She adored her boys!

His smile and his laugh

A beautiful young man with a beautiful heart ❤️

Kaitlyn Grace Karlowicz

Age 28
Daughter, Sister, Mom
Age 28

Her smile could light up a room. She was full of life, spontaneous and fun to be around. She was happiest when she was at the beach and with her son whom she adored. She loved family and spending holidays with them. Always wanted to help people

When she was little she would act out Disney movies. Pocahontas and Lion King. She was a character and was on spot with her animated moves and voice. As she got older she shifted to music dancing and animated hand moves-even while in a car. She was just a fun, amazing person

We were friends as well as mother/daughter. I miss calling her on the phone and talking, spending the day shopping and having lunch. Watching her with her son, you could see the love in their eyes as they played or danced. I will her laugh and smile-her kooky ways and spontaneity. Absolutely everything💔

As being herself, living life to its fullest and being Ryders mom. He was her greatest adventure and she loved everyday with him.

Alexander Frank Woods

Age 23
Son Brother Uncle Friend
Age 23

He was a special soul. One who felt too much of the worlds ugliness and still tried to make it Beautiful. He loved with all his heart yet never felt Worthy to receive it. A magical mind hopefully at peace now.

Baseball was his favorite thing in school. Fishing hunting just being in nature seemed to soothe his restlessness.

I will miss his laugh his smile his brilliant mind. His love for his family especially the littles. He loved his animals more sometimes than humans.

I want him to be remembered as a goofy fun loving son he was. His love of Star wars and the love of space and nature.

Age 38

She was my Ryde Or Die. She was a very loyal, very caring and full of love. She was a true friend til the end. Always had my back as I had hers. No one in the world could compare to her. She was a great mom always made sure her family had.

My favorite memory i have of her is, us at the 1010 bar that used to be on state st. We played pool had a few drinks had some laughs. All out had a good time. We were us we were stress free. Played some pool as a team won us free drinks. Thats the best memory I have.

I miss the most is hearing her yell my nickname TUTI in her lil midget voice.

Hood but, loving and caring. She would want us to remember how she always made us laugh. She would want us to remember her good times and bad. She was a fighter, she fought hard for what she wanted in life.

Marissa Noelle Swistek

Age 27
Daughter,sister,beautiful soul
Age 27

Beautiful beyond words,caring and kind

Her laughter,her smile,her sense of style and carefree attitude but mostly the bond we shared,she wasn't only my daughter but my best friend

Thomas Robert Rindock

Age 30
Father, Son, Love of my Life
Age 30

He was stubborn but I loved him with all my heart. He was kind, and empathic, and caring. He loved his kids more than anything

Toss up between the Pennsylvania 500 and the night he rescued me in the flood of 2006. Or just falling asleep on him. Too many to list


Daniel Paul Gibson

Age 36
Son, brother, father, & uncle
Age 36

He was such a living man, when he loved he loved with every cell of his body. He was such a hard worker and loved his trade of being a mason even though he was one of the valedictorians of his class. He was the one who taught me what true love was.

He was such a prankster so it’s hard. I have so many great memories of my son.

The way he always made me laugh no matter what. And how he told everyone what a big mommas boy he was. He was the one who never said a ill word to me. Or disrespected me as a parent.

Knowing Daniel he would want to be remembered as a sexy beast! Lol yes he was handsome and he knew it.

Lissy Garland

Age 26
Mother/Niece /Daughter
Age 26

Lissy will be greatly missed. She was so smart and had such a good heart. My family is forever broken. We will never be the same.

When Lissy was 2 years old she had chicken pox. She was so excited she had “polka dots “!!
We just planned her baby shower in January 2020. We spent hours planning and shopping online. She passed away 4 months later.

Lissy and I had babies 3 months and 3 days apart. We were up all hours of the night with newborns. We would wait for each other’s messenger light to show active and message each other. We talked for hours. I will miss those message. I would give anything to see her light light up one more time.

Lissy wanted to help people like herself battling addiction. She wanted others to get better. She left behind a new baby. She loved him so so much.

Michael Ray Petrovsky

Age 23
Loving son and brother
Age 23

Always helping someone else

Watching him play Tball

His hugs, and jokes

Womens man

Mark McGuire

Age 32
Lit up a room
Age 32

Mark was the youngest brother of 3 boys. He was one of the funniest people I knew, sometimes not even intentionally which made him unpredictably hilarious. He wore his heart on his sleeve and loved his family more than anything.

Too many amazing memories to name just one

I'll mostly miss Mark's smile, laugh, and infamous "YEEEEEEE!"

Mark was notorious for putting those close to him before himself.

Brittany Michele Brownell

Age 31
Hilarious, Beautiful, Courageous
Age 31

Brittany was my little sister. She was my partner in crime and my best friend. She was always able to make you laugh. No matter what time of the day it was or how bad your day was. She was the best friend anyone could ask for.

Our trip to Florida, the first time she ever saw the ocean.

Brittany’s ability to love. When she loved you, it was unlike any love you’d ever feel.

Brittany wanted to be remembered as the life of the party. Her laughter was contagious. Her ability to make just about anyone laugh was incredible.

Gerald Hansen

Age 38
Father, Son, Uncle & Brother
Age 38

He loved his family especially his kids. We all miss him so much. (Especially his neices & nephews)

My most memorable moment is a road trip we took about 6 months before he passed away. 💔

Kevin Fitchett

Age 33
Love and Friend
Age 33

Kevin was a artistic and Musical soul. He was a goofball. He was very sensitive for this would. He was Smart and had achieved a great amount in his short time on earth.

I loved watching his love for his dog Max, he was a rescue and they needed eachother so much. His love of the outdoors and of course that smile of his.

His smile. His Kind eyes. His adventures.

He wouldnt want to be remembered for his demise and struggles, but for his drive and kindness to his friends and family. His goofiness could put a smile on anyones face.

Heather Lynn Hydrick

Age 36
Mommy, daughter, sister
Age 36

She was the baby sister of the family. She was kind, caring, gullible, hilarious, and beautiful. She loved her babies so much. She would literally give you the shirt off her back.

There's so many. When we'd harass our Mom. Harass each other. She was so gullible. One time she asked how she would know that the noodles for macaroni were done. We told her to smell them, she did and asked "what do they smell like?".. all the cookouts. Camping when we were kids. Sneaking food out of the kitchen during holidays. Her teaching her kids to call me Aunt Tuna- in public. The way she loved all of her nieces and nephews. Her protectiveness of our family. The fun rivalry.

Her humor. Her smile. Her brattiness. Her voice. Her love. The way she'd say "Hey, what're you doin?". The chance to see her break those damn chains and get better. The chance to see her be the great Mommy we knew she was. Every single thing about her.

As someone who cared more about others than she did about herself. That she was brave. That she had a beautiful soul. That she loved her kids with all of her heart. That her addiction didn't define the woman she actually was.

Kevin Charles Maas

Age 32
Best Friend, Son, Brother, Uncle
Age 32

Kevin was the most loving, funny, charismatic man you could ever know. He was a leader. He was smart, sarcastic and generous. He loved loud music, dogs and beaches. He was someone you could always count on.

Kevin gave the warmest hugs, that could melt away any trouble or stress you could have. He used humor to make you comfortable and put everyone else’s needs first.

No one will ever replace Kevins place in this world. We miss his voice, his infectious laugh and his love for adventure.

Kevin is remembered as a loving soul who would protect the people he cared for with everything he had. He liked to fix problems, and keep everything light hearted. He was a beautiful light inside and out, and he shines bright in our hearts and memories.

Michael Ryan Brooks

Age 42
Amazing, kind son
Age 42

He had such a big heart. Always would help anyone out. Was passionate about his work, music and love for his family and friends. Amazing smile, and hearty laugh, that always made his eyes sparkle.

How he loved to work on cars, and deer hunting in the fall. Just his fun nature.


As a good man, who helped friends when they were in need. Amazing auto tech. Worked hard and enjoyed life, had a kind heart. Loved his family.

Tyler David Cordeiro

Age 24
Kind, generous, selfless, loved
Age 24

He was special. He loved life and everyone he met.

He made everything fun

His beautiful, bright smile

As a giver