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Michael Dominic Forrester

Age 32
Miss you everyday Mikey
Age 32

My brother was one of kind. His intelligence and work ethic was like no other. He had a heart of gold,would give his shirt off his back or his last dollar to you. He had his downfalls,but always managed. I always admired his many talents❤️

Our kitchen talks,and dinner time when we all would eat and spend time with each other.

The fact that he isn’t coming home. And I won’t ever get to talk to him again. We were all we had left with family. Just us.

Who he was. Honest and straightforward, and how caring he was.

Michael R Gilfert

Age 30
Age 30

Michael was a loving father, brother, son, uncle. He loved to hike, go fishing, camping, the races and most of all be with family. He was full of jokes and always made everyone smile and laugh. He was sober 9 months, until that horrible night.

My favorite memory is the week before he overdosed we went to breakfast that day and went hiking like every other Wednesday. I brought him to breakfast because he had been sober 9 months, It was the best day he was so happy he had been sober, we all were. He was so healthy he thanked me for being so supportive and loving him as much as I do. My best memories of him are he gave the biggest best hugs, he was my biggest supporter after my fiance was shot 2 years prior for myself and my kids. 💗

I miss the sound of his voice and laughter. His smile. The holidays are not the same they never will be without him here. I miss his jokes that always made us laugh and him coming over with the kids. I miss him playing basketball with my son and being there for my daughter after their dad died. I miss him in every way possible. I visit his grave multiple times a week 4 1/2 years later because I just want him back. I wish I could have saved him. He was doing so good until that 1 fatal night.

For his love for family. His loyalty. His huge heart, and his love. The biggest best hugs. The best brother, father, son, uncle anyone could ever ask for.

Iliana K Garces

Age 18
Daughter, Sister, friend to all
Age 18

Iliana "ili" was the kindest, most generous, forgiving giver of unconditional love.

Every last one of em

Her could hear it for miles. The way she'd text me from her room "come give me a hug." How she'd always come out if her room as soon as I'd get home and ask me how my day was. The way she tried to save every stray animal around. The smell of her hair. The way she'd play with my bun on top of my head. I miss it all every day 😪

She loved hard and long. If you were her person that was it, it was for life. ❤

Trevor Allen Standridge

Age 28
Son , brother, uncle
Age 28

The most amazing sensitive kind hearted boy. His smile would light up a room.


He loved harder than most

Jake Pavey

Age 18
Age 18

He was a loving and caring young man, that had a lot of people who loved him.

My favorite memories were when he always would give me a hug and kiss before bed. And he always told me he loved me.


Kevin John McGowan Grescoviak

Age 22
Son, brother, uncle,cousin,friend
Age 22

A tall and funny athlete who loved to make you laugh. Kevin loved his circle of friends and his family

He had so much fun at his sister’s wedding.

A good athlete and friend who just needed a little more time.

Tamara Lynn Van Diepenbos

Age 35
Beautiful Sister
Age 35

She was full of life, amazing smile, contagious laugh,and would dance and sing like she knew

When she was 4 yrs old she she sang" somewhere over the rainbow"🌈 at Christmas and she drew a little mouse, it was just the beginning of her love for art. An Amazing artist!!

Her smile and her laugh, and her children she had 3 at the time of her death and when we lost her ,we lost her children to different homes because of the situation we have lost contact with them.

That she didn't care what others thought about her,she did what made her happy,she would sing and dance like noone was watching!I loved that about her!!

Justin Curtis Miller

Age 23
Son, Brother,Father,Friend
Age 23

He was a loving and caring person he always tried to help anyone in need if he could.

I cherish all of my memories of Justin.

I will miss everything about him

Larry Sloan

Age 25
Son brother father grandson
Age 25

Larry was a great kid with a good personality and a great big heart u either liked him or u didn’t there was no in between


Everything but mostly his laughter

Jamie E Trent

Age 40
Loving son, brother and father
Age 40

Caring compassionate, thought about others before himself

His laugh and his humor


Lisa Jo Webster

Age 44
Best friend and 'sissy'
Age 44

Lisa Jo had the most beautiful and caring personality. She loved everybody and everybody loved her.

Keegan "Keego" N Martin

Age 21
Son,Brother, Nephew, Uncle, Best Friend,
Age 21

Keegan was fun and full of life. He loved giving his siblings a hard time but made sure they knew he loved and cared for them.
Keegan was also a good friend. He was ride or die for his best pals.

Keego and his brother were the best of friends. They would always take a daily walk together and just love being around each other.

Everything. His good heart, his smile, his stupid jokes. He wasn't the best person in the world, he made mistakes, but he had a heart that was filled with love for his family and friends and it showed.

Keegan probably wouldn't want everyone crying and fussing about him, honestly. Keego would want his mom and siblings to know that they had a good time together, and he loves them, but he'll see them again someday. He'll always be there in their hearts.

Brandi Nicole Winecoff

Age 39
My daughter
Age 39

A precious soul with a terrible disease, my daughter had a loving heart of gold. She was in so much pain from loss and was getting high to deal with the pain. I miss her so much. Fly high Bran and rest easy.

We went to a dog show and had a ball because she wanted to see why I loved the shows so much. She wanted to be supportive of me. I always watched on TV and had never been to one in person. I am one lucky mom to have been blessed with such a loving daughter.

She was my best friend and I miss talking to her on the phone and just having her around.

As a caring, loving, and generous person and good mom, sister and daughter. An animal lover and activist who had a wonderful sense of humor and would give anyone the shirt off her back.

Age 40

He was an amazing brother, full of life and had a great sense of humor..big heart and so kind

I have so many..he always made me laugh

Not seeing him hearing his voice, his big laugh..

By his big heart

Dennis Jerome Henslee

Age 59
Brother, uncle, husband
Age 59

Lover of cars, mountains and dogs. Before addiction changed him he had so many friends and spread laughter everywhere he went.

Dragging the main on weekends

How much I adored him before he changed

Julia Marie Anderson

Age 32
Baby sister
Age 32

She was a ray of sunshine, a beautiful soul. Intelligent and humorous. She was my baby sister. She's the girl everyone wants to be friends with. She was happy on the outside but broken on the inside. I miss my baby sis even though i was hard on her

So many but most definitely anytime she laughed because it made me laugh
Hers was so contagious. My best memory would have to be when we were kids. We were best friends

LITERALLY EVERYTHING. even the tough times between family.
I'll never not miss you😭

Her vibrant smile, contagious laugh and her beautiful soul