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Merrill Bernstein

Age 31
Extremely hard and dedicated worker. A father to two amazing children, Colton and Cayden. A wonderful brother to Scotty and Haynes Bernstein. Merrill was always willing to help anyone in need.
Merrill Bernstein
Age 31

Merrill was an extremely loving and caring person who was always willing to help anyone in need, sometimes going out of his way to offer help if he felt it was needed. Merrill also was a father to two beautiful children. He loved them so much and wanted nothing more than to be a father to them and provide everything he could. He was always extremely dedicated to work, and would do anything and everything to make the next dollar, including opening and running his own gutter cleaning/roof repair company, which his little brother now runs. Merrill had always been an entrepreneur and was always thinking of another business to start.

Merrill had an extremely rough childhood and upbringing. This made him put up an emotional block to life, love, and emotions at a very young age. He then turned to drugs which just made everything worse; just trying to numb his pain. With the life that comes with addiction, Merrill began living the life of an addict and doing whatever it took to get his next high. He then was caught at the wrong place wrong time and was arrested and served a 6-year prison bid. Once he was released, we ended up back together, getting a house and pregnant with our first. A few months after Colton was born, no solution, the stress/pressure of a newborn, Merrill relapsed and it all went downhill from there. Again, in and out of jail and constant struggle. After multiple jail and prison sentences, rehab attempts, ODs, hospital visits, a restraining order and divorce, Merrill still struggled with the addiction that resulted in death.

Dirt bike riding, four wheeling, anything outdoorsy made Merrill smile lots! Off roading, driving crazy, boating, street biking, he always had a need for speed and was your typical adrenaline junkie. ? His children also, always put a smile on his face!

I miss Merrill's loving self. I miss the Merrill I met and fell in love with the day I layed eyes on him at 16. The father, husband, brother, son, best friend Merrill was. I miss him coming over in the mornings, I miss our trips to Dunkin Donuts for the kids, the morning snuggles, coffee and talks. I miss the good and I miss the bad. I miss being able to call, or text him whenever I want. I miss him being here, able to be a father he always wanted to be and the father my children loved, dearly. I miss him here and wish this drug never took his life.

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Aaron Benjamin Odom

Age 36
Gentle soul, loved so many and was loved by those who knew him.
Aaron Odom
Age 36

Retro Gamer. Loved the old Nintendo machines with deep passion. An avid lover of music: Tool, Skinny Puppy, They Might Be Giants, The Misfits, Morrissey, Jeff Buckley. A landscaper who put in a hard day's work. Loved fishing and was a crack shot with a pistol.

He struggled with various substances throughout most of his adult life in a cyclical pattern. Ending a good period of sobriety in the worst way possible.

All of the things he loved. Comics, music, certain books. Everquest powerleveling marathons. Road trips to see Skinny Puppy, Death Cab for Cutie or the Postal Service. Alabama A-Day games with the brothers and Mouse.

The complexity of how he came to be who he was. Even with our 7-year difference, we had so many of the same interests. When he was excited about something, which was often, he could command the room. In the 10+ years since we last lived together, I have missed him.


Aaron Benjamin Odom: My Brother, the Super Saiyan, Jedi, a lifelong member of the Fiend Club, and Honorary Companion Of The Hall, recently fell victim to The Spellplague. Drizzt and Guenhwyvar could not save him this time as they had so many times before.

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Ryan McKenna

Age 31
Father, Son, Brother, Friend, Resilient
Ryan McKenna
Age 31

Ryan touched the heart of so many people, more than he ever knew. He was a sweet and gentle soul who put others before himself. He loved his daughter, and had a passion for sharing his faith and love with an orphanage in Tecate, Mexico. He is greatly missed.

It was an up and down battle spanning over more than five years.

His daughter, his dogs Daisy and Jake, his faith in God, his family, and good rock music.

The way he made me feel—like I was the only person in the world that mattered. Through talking with others, it became evident that he had that affect on many people.


Ryan was one of the kindest people you'd ever meet, with a huge heart. He enjoyed talking to people and getting to know them, and genuinely cared.

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Christine Bahorich

Age 52
Mother, Best Friend, Funny, Beautiful, Amazing Heart
Christine Bahorich
Age 52
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My mom was someone who loved to make others happy and she did everything she could to show how much she loved her children. She worked in Chesapeake Public Schools in the cafeteria. She was going to get married in December of 2014 after waiting many years to find the right guy.

Earlier in life, she struggled with alcohol and nicotine addiction. She decided that her children were worth more than that so she decided to make the choice to quit.

Everything from babies and kitties to snow and jokes made her smile and laugh. She was a child at heart.

I miss everything about her. There is honestly nothing I miss more than her goodnight hugs and kisses and waking up to have coffee with her each morning.


My mom, Christine Bahorich, had the most amazing heart. Her laugh was contagious. My mom was my best friend, my heart, my everything.

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Brian Edward Harp

Age 32
Beloved Son, Brother, & Friend
Brian Harp
Age 32

Brian was funny, outgoing, loving, always helpful to others, he loved to cook, and his family was his most valued asset. His smile would light up the room, his laughter was infectious, and he always had a hug for everyone!! If you needed him, he would be there! And he always smelled good!!

Brian became addicted to prescription pain meds after a failed hernia surgery and back surgery. He couldn't slay the dragon and it eventually killed him by accidental overdose at home.

His family, his friends, animals, the beach, and dancing!

His smile, his voice, his large hugs, and his personality that made him him!


My beloved son Brian Edward Harp 2/19/1979 -8/13/2011 Forever in my heart!

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Caila Clouse
Age 27

She was my daughter. She was beautiful and loving and caring. She was a loving mother to her two sons.

Began 5 years ago following the death of her first child, a stillborn. It began with Xanax and progressed to heroin.

Her children!


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Dustyn James Archer

Age 25
Intelligent, talented, gentle soul, and wonderful son
Dustyn Archer
Age 25

Dustyn was a loving son and brother. He believed in equality for all and he was attracted to the strange, unusual, and, to him, interesting. He understood things that most people struggle all of their lives to figure out.

He began using around Oct. 2015 and he went to rehab in May of 2016, after losing one of his best friends to an overdose. He stayed in rehab through Sept 2016 and he relapsed and accidentally overdosed only 3 weeks after he was released from rehab. He had just found another sponsor and was to meet with him for the first time the day after he died. He stated his first sponsor "was too busy to there for him." ?

His family and friends and most of all, his sister. Good music and hanging out with friends at music festivals. Musical healing with his scymatics invention.

His hugs, his smile, and his music.


Dustyn was a kindred soul and worked deligently for equality for all. He was a talented musician and extremely intelligent. He felt the hurt of others and believed in saving the earth.

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Caleb Smythia

Age 20
Son, brother
Caleb Smythia
Age 20
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Caleb Smythia was my first born son, his brothers best friend, his sisters favorite person, and loved by all that knew him. His life was cut short due to an opioid addiction. It was a black market Percocet cut with synthetic fentanyl that ended his life on Christmas Day 2015 at the age of 20.

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Andrew John Butz

Age 21
Loving, caring, compassionate.
Andrew Butz
Age 21

Loved playing basketball and football. Was friends with everyone. Very funny and down to earth.

Stopped playing basketball when he started with opiates in high school. Was in his room all the time. Went to rehabs but insurance didn't let him do the whole 21 days. Never had the help he needed and wanted.

The Eagles. His family. Loved it when I fell down when we went skiing.

His laugh and playing around with me.


I am a Mom to a son AJ Butz who died of an overdose in 2012. He played basketball, was friends with everyone. Would do anything for you.

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Michael Konsevitch

Age 20
Kind, loved, big heart, funny
Michael Konsevitch
Age 20

Mike, also known as, Big Kons was a big guy with a big caring heart that he tried to hide. Mike was definitely not a talker and tended to hold things in. At times one had to suffice to getting the head nod as a "hi/hello". Even though he did not have much to say at times, he encompassed and impacted many people. Mike would do anything for anyone. He was always the tallest boy growing up & loved sports. It made my heart smile & I was proud watching him play sports. I was his biggest fan & hardly ever missed a basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, or football game. Mike loved football, specifically the Giants. His life was football and his dream was to play in the NFL. He was so loved by many & we miss him so much.

Mike started to experience I think in HS. By his senior year, his life started to spiral out of control & he had his first overdose. In May of his senior year he had another overdose and we sent him to Florida for treatment. He spent 2 years & 2 months in Florida, in & out of treatments. He was in jail twice as well. This disease was just too strong for him to fight. As strong as our love was for him and as strong as he thought he was, it was stronger & took our boy at the young age of 20. ~Forever 20~ Fly high baby boy

Family, friends, dog Lexi & football

Everything!! I even miss when he would yell "ma" when I got him pissed off, which was often. I miss hearing him come through the door. Miss his voice & handsome face.


Mike (Big Kons) had a big heart and kind soul. As quiet as he was at times he still was able to impact so many people's lives.

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Justice Briana Croutch

Age 21
Beautiful and Amazing Daughter who brought joy to everyone she met!
Justice Croutch
Age 21
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She was a beautiful girl with a kind spirit who loved to love. There wasn’t a person or animal she wouldn’t help, in fact we often joked that one day she’d end up being the “crazy old cat lady”. She was smart, witty, and funny. She loved to dance, watch movies, and shop. She LOVED to shop. She loved to write poetry and dreamed of one day having a family of her own. There are no words that can adequately describe how much she is missed.

Despite all that Justice had and all the love that surrounded her, inside she was battling demons. You see, Justice suffered from depression. She was struggling with feelings of sadness and hopelessness. And that depression and sadness led to misuse of prescription opioid medication and eventually heroin. She tried numerous times to turn this around, but unfortunately we lacked the programs and services that were essential to her recovery. In the end heroin won, and stole my baby from me.

Justice loved animals. She loved her cats. She would carry them around like babies. She told me once that they brought her so much joy because they loved her unconditionally. I am raising two of Justice's cats today. I love those cats...

I miss everything about my daughter. Her beautiful smile, and amazing wit. Her little voice, and her contagious laugh. I miss hearing her pick on her little brother, and I miss her telling me how much she loved me. I miss the energy she brought to a room. The way she would just start dancing in the middle of the living room, or her crazy schemes. I miss our talks, I really miss our talks.


My beautiful amazing daughter Justice lost her battle with addiction on August 23rd 2015. She went into sudden cardiac arrest after a heroin overdose. She survived, but her life has been altered in the most devastating way. The SCA caused an anoxic brain injury and she now remains in a persistent vegetative state with very little chance of recovery. More than likely, I will have to bring my daughter home with hospice care.

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Matthew Patrick Barrett

Age 32
"A Heart full of Kindness and Love"
Matthew Barrett
Age 32

I watched my son, Matthew struggle with substance use for over 12 years. He unfortunately lost his battle to addiction on 11/23/15 as a result of a tragic accident. I organized “Matt’s Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction” in his memory to hopefully end the stigma of addiction and raise awareness of addiction as a disease focusing on treatment not punishment. I saw firsthand the difficulties my son faced including the immense challenge of trying to rebuild his life. Matthew wanted desperately to be free of the chains holding him down to this horrific disease.

I miss his famous hugs! When Matthew hugged you, it was warm and genuine. I miss looking into his beautiful blue eyes. He was so proud of Alex and I enjoyed watching him interact and play together. I miss him at family gatherings. I miss EVERYTHING about him! My life will never ever be the same. I think of him each and everyday. My heart is broken.


Matthew loved his family above all else. He enjoyed a day of hiking, basketball, loved animals, sincere laughter, drawing and reading. He was a movie buff and had a huge collection of movies. Matthew was smart, kindhearted, respectful, and a loyal friend. He took pride in his appearance and had a particular fondness for sneakers, which he kept looking like new long after they came out of the box. He looked forward to owning his own home and building a future with the love of his life, Kim, and her son both of whom filled his life with love and joy.

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Theo Marinescu

Age 25
Theo was bright, funny, and so very intelligent, a handsome man....loving son, brother, loyal friend with a heart of gold.
Theo Marinescu
Age 25

Theo was a fun loving, free spirited beautiful son with a heart of gold and a contagious smile. Theo always had a way to make you smile and laugh. He always had a wonderful sense of humor. He was charismatic and wherever he went he never knew strangers and always made you feel welcome. A gifted storyteller and always an entertainer. He loved his little brothers with all his heart. A loyal friend to many.

Just One Life

If there is anything worse than losing a child, it is losing a child to a drug overdose, because grief is accompanied by stigma and blame. It’s the most gut-wrenching thing to watch your child suffer at their own hand, from their own decisions.
What is different about losing a child to overdose? Losing a child to addiction means you didn’t get to say goodbye, and you have to deal every day with the stigma of being a parent whose child died from drug use (if you are brave enough to be truthful about the cause of death). You question your every decision. You look for what you did wrong, what you didn’t say, why you didn’t have a second sense that something was wrong. You look back over the years, dissecting each part of their life – looking for clues. And you look at yourself and ask all of the what-ifs. You look for blame but mostly you blame yourself. You find an online group of mothers just like you, where there is no stigma and everyone has the same questions and feels the same pain with no judgment. You force yourself to read the coroner’s and toxicology report hoping there is an answer there. And you cry — a lot.

I lost my son, Theo, when he was 25 years old to a fatal combination of heroin and Fentanyl.
I remember him as warm, open, loving, bright, intelligent, and a very handsome man. He had a huge laugh and a fabulous smile.
He was an outstanding athlete, with many trophies and awards. He played football and was a linebacker and this was the brightest shining star in his life. He was also very gifted intellectually being a honor roll student during his years in high school, but dropping college after first year.
Theo was a fun-loving, free-spirited, beautiful son with a heart of gold and a contagious smile. He had a tattoo on his wrist that read “Just One Life ". He lived his life with wild ambition, no regrets.
Theo always had a way to make you smile and laugh as he had a wonderful sense of humor. He was charismatic and wherever he went, he never knew strangers. He always made you feel welcome. He was a gifted storyteller and always an entertainer. He loved his little brothers with all his heart. He was a loyal friend to many.
He always said “I love you Mom, I am sorry Mom…”

We were very, very close. Even during his years of drug use, he and I never became distant from each other. It was torturous at times, but the one thing that was always, always apparent was that he loved his family and his family loved him - no matter what.

Theo started smoking pot in the last years of high school. His drug use progressed into pills and then cocaine. We believe his addiction started about seven years ago, but it’s hard to say for certain because this disease of the Devil entered our home slowly and quietly. Over the next seven years, he experimented with a variety of drugs, including his final drug of choice, opiates. During those years, Theo tried so, so hard to stop. He felt broken and guilty for the hurt he inflicted on me and his little brothers. He once wrote about his “fairytale life” that he had screwed up so badly, and his self-esteem was completely eroded towards the end. But he always took total responsibility for what he did.

Theo was such a fun-loving individual, but had his own inner struggles. The difference between Theo and most other kids when they were in the process of getting help, was that Theo reached out for help entirely on his own. He loved his friends and family so much, that when his behavior started to hurt the ones he loved the most, he decided it was time to do something about it. He asked for help and entered a rehab. He was clean for about seven months when he relapsed..

September 30, 2014 was the first time my son called me crying and ask me for help. Was the first time when he was admitted he is a drug addict.
In my shock and heartbreak, I didn't criticize him for it because I knew he felt so bad. I knew he felt he had let us down. He didn't want to be an addict. He told me he hated that life and he doesn't want to live that life anymore. "Mom, please help me!!!" I will do anything to get out from this hole ..."
He shared why he decided to go down such a dark path. How alone he felt although he had so much love from me and so many people growing up. How it all started with just having a little fun at seventeen - eighteen with his friends with pot and escalated to prescription pills and cocaine.
The hardest part to be a parent is watching your child go through something really tough and not being able to fix it for them.

I reached out to Jack Koensigdorf foundation and Kathie Koensigdorf told me about Matty Prawicka from AIR. I called him right away and asked for guidance and how we could best support Theo during rehab.

Matty told me "Theo was the most motivated person I have ever worked with. His desire to improve his life and his appreciation for the littlest things stood out the most. I remember after I dropped him off at rehab, I was thinking that if every person I tried to help had 10% of his motivation, a lot of families would sleep better at night".

Although his motivation and passion were magnetic, the system set in place failed him. His lack of insurance prevented him from any dual diagnostic programs, especially ones out of state and away from his surroundings and limited his options. The best available programs were not able to scratch the surface of his lack of confidence and ongoing feelings of letting people down. He needed more intensive treatment, and needed to be properly evaluated and medicated for any mental health issues. He was limited to one thirty day inpatient program and then bounced around to several sober living homes.

Thirty days to detox from something that he had been doing for eight years? It's designed to fail. There really needs to be a program that keeps them longer for four to six months at least, so they can treat them properly. My son was in a detox program for thirty days, after we sent him to a " treatment center " and after four months - he was kicked out for using Facebook. We sent him right away into a halfway house thinking he was ready. After three months there, he relapsed.

They kicked him out in the middle of the night with nowhere to go. Throwing people out of rehab or sober living for displaying the very symptom of their disease (for their own good) is nonsense. It’s dangerous as well, by putting people on the street with no money, resources, often with only a heavy bag of their life’s possessions. It was the perfect storm.

I am relating this story to all drug addicts, who receive the most devastating consequences, all for the one simple act of relapse. He was in Florida, and we live in New York. After two days of being homeless, we found help and sent him to a treatment center in South Carolina. I didn't know these treatment centers accept inside drug dealers who are forced by law to be there as part of their probation. Instead of going to jail, they give them the option of rehab. These kind of people are not going there to get better. One such drug dealer was there and he gave my son and two others drugs for free. Of course, they had been kicked out and after one week - my son was found dead from the same drug dealer. He died in a shady motel room. The drug dealer is free on the streets.

The system in this country is broken and people are not aware. Kids are still dying.
FBI and DEA research shows that about 46,000 people die from drug abuse annually in the U.S. That is more than the number of Americans who are killed in car accidents and gun violence combined. Half of those drug-related deaths are from opiate drug abuse.

The numbers are appalling and shocking — tens of thousands of Americans will die this year from drug-related deaths and more than half of these deaths are from heroin and prescription opioid overdoses. Opioid abusers have traveled a remarkably dangerous and self-destructive path. I hope this will be a wakeup call for folks. Please pay close attention to this horrific epidemic. Help reverse it. Save a life. Save a friend. Save a loved one.

This epidemic does not discriminate. Addiction can happen to anyone. All across this country, it is taking good people from good homes and leading them down a trail that often ends in pain and sadness.

I have to say there has been lots of talk, some media attenton, but little action to fight the epidemic.

What small actions have occurred (Narcan distribution and training, Good Samaritan Laws) is much appreciated but, overall, this is an epidemic taking over society. It’s proving to be age/gender/race neutral and not showing any signs of abating. Legislation languishes, insurance companies still do not provide the coverage necessary, and the shame and stigma of addiction continues.

We and the countless others who’s loved ones suffer from the consequences of heroin and opioid addiction are frustrated with the lack of strong, positive action.
Maybe Narcan is the wrong approach. Maybe those who o.d. really want to solve their problem once and for all. I know this sounds horribly hard hearted, but more education from ex addicts in middle schools and high schools might give kids the idea that starting with drugs leads to a sordid life. Films and books should expose students to an addict's life. If they are not learning to say no at home, then sometimes they are learning to say yes from friends at school.

The bottom line is there is a lot of talk, a lot of sympathy, and very little action to stop the epidemic and treat those with the disease of addiction.

For me, the pressure and fear of watching my child battle addiction was like a roller coaster with good periods and crashes. You learn to be hyper-vigilant, living always with fear. You have hope as well. As long as they are alive, you have hope. But the sound of the phone ringing at night or not hearing from them in a normal way, always makes your heart sink. It’s always in the back of your mind that your child could die in some way as a result of their addiction. I never imagined my son. He sought treatment on his own. He cared about his family. He tried to make the right choices. I heard about so many kids dying, but I always said to myself “no, not my son. He will be ok. He will recover. He will come home after recovery and the life will be beautiful for my family, again."

The fateful day arrived on May 17, 2015. There will never come a day, hour, minute or second that I stop loving or thinking about my son. Child loss is a loss like no other.
Theo was an incredibly loved young man. Friends flew across the country to be at his funeral, and the incredible sadness about how his death could have been prevented just permeated the air. Because of the embarrassment he felt, he never asked his friends for help.
All I have of Theo are memories, and of course his clothes and a few other things. But at the cemetery you cannot hold a grave marker. What I miss most about my son is his affectionate nature, his great sense of humor, and even the small things like hearing his feet bouncing up and down the stairs, the smell of his cologne—just everything about him. It hurts so deeply to think about him never again being here on earth to say "I love you Mom!" or for me to hug his sweet little neck and kiss his warm cheek.

For parents, this is their greatest fear come true, because the grieving never stops when it is your child that has been lost too soon. Children are supposed to bury their parents. Parents are NOT supposed to bury their children.

When you lose a child, nothing is ever the same again. Every facet of your life has a memory of your child. Every room in the house, every trip in the car, a song, a picture, a book, a walk in the park. There is a hole in your heart that will never be filled. You search and search for answers that just aren’t there. Holidays, birthdays are never the same.

To the kids reading this story, you are loved and have so much to give to the world. The temptation to abuse any kinds of drugs is very real, but the courage to resist that temptation is also very real.

If my son's story saves even one life, then his life and death were not in vain.

My advice to parents is to read and get more informed as much as they possibly can about addictive illness and drug use from responsible sources early on. Talk honestly about the risk factors of becoming addicted by ‘experimenting,’ talk about family history of alcohol or substance abuse. I believe that to resolve the overdose crisis, people whose lives have been touched by this issue need to speak up. We must get loud about overdose, the stigma, and shame must to end.

With overdose, we must address both these elements. We must research addiction and find better treatments and a cure. It can be done. We just have to care enough to do it.
Death is not a time for blame. It is a time for reflection. And then, it is a time to speak. It's time to stop pretending that substance use disorder is mostly a choice, and it's time to stop shaming people who struggle with it. Addiction is a thinking problem, \this is a thinking epidemic. If the mind can’t wrap it’s head around something, then it will consider it impossible. If a new life of feeling pain without anesthesia doesn’t seem survivable then it’s inconceivable.
Addicts don’t doubt they are powerless over the drug necessarily.
Addiction is a disease that starts in the brain, just as everyone has some type of addiction like food, sweets, cigarettes, and so on. And because it is a disease it has to "fixed" or "healed" from the inside out. These 30, 60, or 90 day rehab's do not work. What does work is that once the person is ready to get clean they need a rehab that is long term in order to heal one step at a time. They need a lot more than "detox" and abstinence to get well, if you do not treat the mental state (whole person) and get to the "Whys" and then work on fixing those "Whys" if they don't their success decreases dramatically. We all know that these places can be expensive but their is help out there with the financial aspect as well. Recovery exists, recovery it's possible, you just have to believe it and help them as much as you can. They need your support and love. Show them you love them no matter what. It's a long road, it's a hard and exhausted road but it's possible.

“I hope in the next 10 years, we take ‘hitting bottom’ out of the lexicon,” said Dr. Carrie Wilkens, coauthor, along with psychologist Jeff Foote, of “Beyond Addiction.” “I want to eradicate it. It doesn’t need to happen, ever.”

Foote and Wilkens run a substance abuse and mental health treatment center based in the Berkshires and New York City, the Center for Motivation and Change. They tell family members that they are a crucial part of their loved one’s recovery.

“You can both take care of yourself and take care of them at the same time, you don’t have to detach,” said Foote. “Family is a very powerful force. It can be incredibly constructive.”
Tough love doesn't have to exist. Like any other human beings , people with addiction must be treated with dignity, care, and respect.

I wish with everything within in me to have that chance "to take my son home " ......I will live with this regret for the rest of my life . I did not have that chance because he didn't call me and asked for that, he called the night" before" but he never said he wanted to come home...but I could have asked him that and I didn't. I didn't because I was taught by professionals in this field it's better for him to stay away from home and let him ask again for help. But deep inside me I would take him home and I didn't listen to my heart and now I have to live with the biggest regret of my life " IF ????? "........ Go with your heart ...
The last day when I saw my son alive (October 31, 2014) the day when he was going to a long term recovery center in my head was: this will be the day when I put my son on the right path, he will go there to get better and after 6 months to a year, I will take back my old Theo, my son, who was here before his demons took him away from us. I built castles in the air and I was full of expectations as to how he might recover .
Ohhhhh God, I was so wrong ..... nobody was telling me he will could relapse, he will be kicked out in the middle of the night, on the streets, miles aways from home.
As I create imaginary expectations, I expose myself to the risk of having sorrow, frustration, anger and guilt.
When my son relapsed for the first time I was shocked. I felt so scared and disappointed. What should I do now?
After running and crying on the streets and asking God to help me , I said to my self, this is my son, he is a human being, the same as I am, who also has strength and weakness. I have to eliminate my expectations and help him again.
I knew he was smoking pot ... but in no way did I think it would escalate to cocaine and ultimately heroine . Many legitimate prescriptions cost a lot more than heroin you can get off the street. It has a decent price point, and it’s pure — if you are afraid of needles, you can snort it, like my son.
I should have intervened sooner when I first learned my son was smoking marijuana. On that time complaining to some people about my son's addiction, their answers were: it's ok, everybody's smoking marijuana. " I warn people to examine their behavior if they find themselves smoking marijuana at least once a day.
When you’re smoking on a daily basis, there’s a problem. Especially if you’re talking about a teenager ... as parents, we can’t just say it’s a stage and they’ll grow out it. We’re creating a world of young people who can’t function at their best. And some of them they will not stop my son .....after few years when I said to myself it's not just marijuana I approached him, talked to him, asked him questions, and he completely denied, "No, mom, I swear, I just smoked pot sometimes."
We don’t know who is going to develop an addicted personality. It could be any one of us.
Theo was bright, funny, and so very intelligent. He wasn’t at all what you might think of when you hear the word addict.
You would never have thought that this bright, sweet young man was an addict to talk to him, or that he would die....
I would like to advise the parents to start talking about drugs abuse and his consequence with their kids from an early age...

My son’s life was cut irreversibly short, but his love lives on forever. There will never come a time where I won’t think about who my son would be, what he would look like, weddings that will never be; grandchildren that should have been but will never be born– the bleeding never stops.

There will always be an empty chair, empty room, empty space in every family picture. Empty. Vacant. Empty spaces that should be full, everywhere we go, forever gone for this lifetime. There is, and will always be, a missing space in our lives, our families, a forever-hole-in-our-hearts. Time does not make the space less empty. No matter how you look at it, empty is still empty. Missing is still missing. Gone is still gone. The problem is nothing can fill it. Minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, month after month, year after heart-breaking year - the empty space remains.

The empty space of my missing son lasts a lifetime. And I will miss him forever. There is no glue for my broken heart, no elixir for my pain, no going back in time. For as long as I breathe, I will grieve and ache and love my son with all my heart and soul. Being his mom is the best gift I’ve ever been given.

Even death can’t take that away.

.... the message is everywhere happy, don't take anything for granted,seize the moment,live life to it's fullest....Just One Life.

Violeta Astilean lives in East Hampton, New York with her husband and 2 sons, Alex and Max. She plans to start the Theo Marinescu Foundation - Just One Life - for education, awareness and rehabilitation scholarships to help people suffering from drug addiction. Working closely with schools to develop training & education,inspiring knowledge and informed change. Educate and advocate to prevent and reduce deaths and tragedies.
She can be reached via email at: Theo Marinescu , 10/7/1989 - 5/17/2015

I miss you Theo! I was so blessed to have you as my son! I love you so much!!!!!


I am a mom of a forever 25 year old Angel Boy, who lost his wings on May 17, 2015. I miss my son and I will miss him forever. There is no glue for my broken heart, no elixir for my pain, no going back in time. For as long as I breathe, I will grieve and ache and love my son with all my heart and soul. Being his mom is the best gift I’ve ever been given. Even death can’t take that away.

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Jacob Joseph Kallal

Age 28
Loving cousin, brother and son
Jacob Kallal
Age 28

Jacob was a Navy veteran. He was knowledgable about nutrition and physical health/body building.
He loved spending time with family at the holidays and cherished his friends. Growing up an only child, he never thought he would be an uncle. Nine months before he passed he met his half brother and sister for the first time and learned he was an uncle of 3. He proudly returned to on-line college classes in 2011.

Jacob's drug of choice ended with heroin...he began drinking in high school with his buddies. I though he would "grow out of it". College led to more and more parties and drug use. After flunking out 2 times he chose to enlist in the military. His Navy time included prescription pain meds for his back. After fulfilling his initial 2 years of service, he returned home and began using again. After delinquent monthly military weekends, the Navy served him a "general" discharge. For approx. 2-3 years following the discharge, Jacobs addiction spiraled - he was in/out of rehab 4 times. He lived in a halfway house for a short time prior to living in an apartment and working a full time job for a fitness company, then college prior to his passing. Jacob never worked a recovery plan for very long.

People, family and friends!

I miss his unconditional love for everyone - he did not judge and I continue to learn from that philosophy today, but mostly I miss everything about him - my only child.


Jacob loved life! He was an avid sports fan, adventurous and intelligent and enjoyed traveling. He was a caring and loving soul. His beautiful eyes could read the hearts of everyone around him. His friends were treasured and he defended those that needed him. Jacob is always in my heart and forever the love of my life. ~ Mom

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Ryan William Snyder

Age 21
Loving, caring, funny, smart, athletic
Ryan Snyder
Age 21

Ryan came from a huge loving family and had lots of friends. He had one younger sister, Rachel. Ryan did well in school. He played hockey for about 10 years. He was a dedicated, hard working goaltender. Ryan graduated from Cathedral Preparatory School in Erie, Pa. It was one of his many proud moments. Ryan was smart, caring, and funny. It was easy to love Ryan. There was so much to love.

After high school, Ryan went to a local university. During his first semester, Ryan's addiction to heroin escalated quickly. He actually told us about his addiction on December 26, 2008. Our lives were never the same. Ryan was in a couple of suboxone programs, but they were not successful. He made numerous attempts to remain in inpatient facilities. He even went to a rehab in Florida. He had 30 good days in Florida and wrote us the most beautiful letter. We are so thankful to have it. After every attempt to recover, he relapsed. Ryan finally went to Cincinnati and stayed with my sister's family. It was something he hadn't tried. After a few months in Cincinnati, Ryan died from a heroin overdose. He had been 2 weeks clean. Ryan wanted nothing more than to recover and have his life back. We wanted nothing more than to have our Ryan back. Heroin stole his heart and soul. Heroin took Ryan from us, and our lives will never be the same without him.

Family and friends made Ryan smile. He was most happy during the holidays when he was surrounded by family. His friends made him smile. He valued his friendships and had many close friends. He loved to make them laugh. Ryan was happy to watch a good movie or football. He loved to laugh.

I miss everything about him. Most of all, I miss his hugs and smile.


In memory of our beloved son and brother, Ryan William Snyder. He lost his battle with heroin on Nov. 5, 2010. Ryan is loved and missed every single day.

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James Christopher Swetz

Age 39
Son, brilliant, loving, kind
James Swetz
Age 39

Graduating from Pocono Mountain High School, the University of Pittsburgh, and George Washington University's School of Law, he was an inspiration to many. As a lover of different cultures and ecology, James "Jimmy" spent three months studying ecosystems in Tanzania in his early twenties. After expanding his already vast knowledge of nature, he returned to Pittsburgh to finish school and work his way towards a position in Washington, D.C., assisting the U.S. Navy in correcting a tragic situation involving unexplained deaths of Caribbean whales. Always looking to challenge himself, Jimmy went on to study law, graduating at the top of his class. Jimmy then returned to Pittsburgh to pursue a career as an attorney. He worked tirelessly to make his dreams a reality and always left everyone that knew him asking the same question, "Where does Jimmy find the time to accomplish all of this?" He was unforgettable to anyone who had the good fortune of meeting him. Jimmy is survived by his mother, Margaret; his father, James; his siblings, Matthew and Megan; Matthew's wife, Rebekah; and his step-fathers, John and Mark; numerous cousins; and countless friends.

Like many, Jimmy refused to admit he had a problem. Unfortunately, his failure to do so, cost him his life. Yet, for 39 years, he brought happiness to his family and friends. He will never be forgotten.

What didn't?

He loved life, fought for the underdog and made those around him smile. He was extremely bright, a credit to his family and the legal profession. For those who loved him, the thought of not having him with us is devastating. Yet, we hope his potential and tragic loss will be understood by those who read this memorial. RIP Jim. You will be missed.


You may be gone, Jimmy, but never forgotten!

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Micheal Bryan McArthur

Age 43
Loved by all who knew him
Micheal  McArthur
Age 43

A father of three boys. Caring and easy to care about. Gone too soon.

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Francis Thomas Brennan

Age 28
Nephew, Godson, Best Man
Francis Brennan
Age 28

Frankie loved customized cars, writing rap lyrics, and giving himself crazy haircuts, as he was his own barber. He spent his last five years helping his elderly grandmother.

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Adam Audet

Age 22
Full of life
Adam  Audet
Age 22

Sweetest, kindest kid you could ever meet. He had a way of lighting up a room with his smile.

Struggled with addiction the last 3 years




Adam is our guardian angel.

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James Cherington Price

Age 28
My beautiful son
James Price
Age 28

James was kind and caring with an infectious smile and disposition. He had a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous nature about him that made him endearing. His life was cut short but he did leave his mark on anyone that loved him.

It started early, and after many interventions and treatments and love, he still succumbed to its powerful desire.

Music and his beautiful daughter Sophia.

His lovely smile and his voice saying I love you Ma.


My son lost his difficult fight with addiction 12/23/16

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