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Phillip Sorenson

Age 33
Loving son, brother, father, friend
Phillip Sorenson
Age 33

We lost my beautiful brother, Phillip, on June 29, 2017. He died of an opioid overdose. He had been in recovery since November 2016.

Phillip left behind two sweet sons, Anthony and Nathan. He loved them more than anything. He also loved basketball, music, dogs, and making people laugh.

Phillip was one of the most loving and lovable people I've ever known. He had the gift of being able to talk to anyone; he put people at ease and connected with them authentically.

His loss has been unbearable, and we miss him like crazy.


Phillip had a radiant smile. It made you feel warm inside. You couldn't help smiling back.

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Ryan Miscavage

Age 39
Son, Brother, Uncle, Compassionate, Hardworking
Ryan Miscavage
Age 39
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Tim Lowther

Age 50
Father, Husband, Funny, Loveable, Loyal
Tim Lowther
Age 50

May 2012. Just a week shy of me graduating high school, I was sitting in the living room with my parents when my dad suddenly started having a seizure. It was the scariest moment of my life. It was even harder to find out that it was caused by my dad's alcoholism. My dad went into rehab for the first time right out of the hospital. He missed my graduation party, and we had to sign him out of rehab just for a couple hours so he could see me walk across the stage and receive my diploma. My dad returned from rehab a changed man. He was a better dad and a better husband, but he only stayed sober for about a month. Ever since, it was a constant struggle in my life watching my dad fight his demons to stop drinking. Another hospital visit turned into another rehab stay. There was no doubt my dad tried to quit. I could see him fighting it every time we were together. He loved his family so much and I know he didn't want to lose us, but he didn't know how to live without alcohol. He finally lost his battle June 21st, 2015. He was an amazing man; an amazing father, husband, and son. From 2012 to 2015, our family struggled quite a bit. We felt like we had to hide it. Explaining to people that my dad was just sick, or that everything was just fine. But it wasn't. It wasn't until right before my dad passed that I was able to forgive him and understand that it was a disease and it wasn't his fault. I also understood that it is not something that we have to hide or be embarrassed by anymore. People are fighting this disease everyday. They need to know that we are here to help them and that they don't have to hide anymore. End the silence.


We need to end the stigma of addiction. Instead of judgement, we need to be supportive. No one knows what addiction is like until it hits your loved ones. No one will come out and ask for the support and help they need if they feel like they will be judged or turned away. End the silence.

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Mercedes Loudermilk

Age 47
Friend. Animal lover. Beautiful soul.
Mercedes  Loudermilk
Age 47

Mercedes was a life long friend. Her addiction was apparent when our hearts connected in the early 90s. It wasn't long after that she moved to CA and became addicted to heroin. She bounced in and out of my life and her family's life for many years. I tried to help - countless rehabs, detoxes, whatever I could do. I eventually gave in and got sober myself. I am 5 1/2 years clean. Unfortunately, I found out that Merce finally lost her battle on July 1, 2017. I will miss her for the rest of my days.

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Brian Cloherty

Brother, Cousin, Son, Friend, Life of the party
Brian Cloherty

Brian "Moose" Cloherty was the life of the party and always a joy to be around. He lit up the room with his contagious laughter and made those around him feel special. He loved his family and had the biggest sense of "Irish Pride" one could ever imagine! He was a true Bostonian and is missed dearly by his family and friends.

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Ronald ("Ronnie") Paul Cook

Age 52
Funny, sensitive, loving, kind, talented
Ronald ("Ronnie") Cook
Age 52

My brother struggled with his substance use disorder since he was a young teenager. He grew up in the 70s, when drug experimentation was "accepted". Unfortunately, his genetics weren't conducive to this experimentation (he was my half brother and his biological father also suffered from a severe substance use disorder his entire life and ultimately died from complications related to that in his 50s as well). He did well for a while and even was director of a drug treatment center on two separate occasions. Ultimately, however, his struggle was so powerful that he would succumb sooner or later and begin using again. He would have to feign being suicidal just to be admitted to a mental health facility to obtain treatment, which I think is an absolute travesty. When he died, he had just been released from a treatment center in Las Vegas (he lived in Florida but that was the ONLY treatment facility that had a bed for him that my family could find). He was on librium, prescribed by the treatment facility, and took heroin and apparently the combination is what led to his death. He died alone in a hotel room in Las Vegas. However, I know angels surrounded him--he was released from his long struggle and suffering. I only wish it hadn't taken death to release him from his deep shame and sense of failure that his struggle brought him his whole life. Ronnie was and is deeply loved and missed by his family and friends. His substance use disorder did not define him, to me--he was SO MUCH MORE. I hope we can bring awareness to the horrible sense of shame and self–hatred so many people suffering from this disorder have and that we, as society, perpetuate, even in the healthcare industry (I'm a registered nurse and I hear deplorable terminology used by my fellow nurses when describing patients who are suffering from this disorder). I also hope we can make changes that bring real treatment options for ALL people suffering with this disorder, regardless of their ability to pay. It has to be prioritized in the same way that treatments for any other chronic, serious, widespread, eventually terminal disease would. Thank you, Shatterproof, for your tireless efforts to effect change. Namaste...


My beloved brother died of a heroin overdose on January 4, 2017. He was 52 years old. He was an extremely sensitive, loving, kind, compassionate, funny, warm, talented man and he will be missed forever. He is loved deeply by his entire family and I, for one, will never stop advocating for better treatment and more access to help for people suffering from the disease of substance use disorder. He was a business owner, a talented musician who played out frequently, a father to a 24 year old son, a brother to two adoring sisters, and a son to his loving parents, Pat and Rod. In addition, he was a true friend and angel for others (helping people financially and otherwise who were in worse condition than he was, even though he made a modest income). His loving heart lives on and I know he is free from the disease that so plagued him and that he so desperately hated, but our hearts ache to hear his laugh, see his smile, and hear him play his guitar and sing. Until we meet again...we love you forever.

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Amber NICOLE Lewis

Age 27
Daughter, sister, mother and a heart of gold
Amber Lewis
Age 27

She was very happy most of the time or at least she hid it well if she was not. Loved being a mother and she was very close to her brother who passed away in August of 2014. She couldn't deal with it and went into depression and self medication. She hit rock bottom and we thought was making a comeback, but she was still hurting and hiding it. I miss her every day and when I look into her two beautiful children eyes I see her ♡


Lost my daughter in 2015 from an overdose. She left behind two beautiful children that I'm raising

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Brett James Boumil

Age 25
He loved to make people laugh
Brett Boumil
Age 25
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Jessica Jeanne Paolozzi, RN

Age 32
Friendly, Caring, Beautiful, Helpful, Kind
Jessica  Paolozzi, RN
Age 32

She was our pride and joy, an educated, beautiful spirt, who is missed, our hearts are broken.


My daughter, Jessica Paolozzi, RN, lost her battle with addiction this past June 18, 2017. She struggled with the stigma and shame and isolated herself. She was doing well. Her hope was to get back to nursing and re-connect with her former friends. She would say to me, "Mom, as a nurse, everyone would flock to her when she was in various treatment facilities in FL and RI. She could help everyone but herself she would say. I have also made a promise to her to continue her mission, to help…in anyway I can. Refer to the website: which explains the organization and it's mission in detail. They are hosting a vigil at the Rhode Island State House, August 31, 2017 6-9pm. The banner reveals faces of hundreds of overdose victims, and their mission is to spread their banner and awareness throughout the State Capitals without stigma. This is the first annual vigil, organized by Joy Lelia, RNP. Anything I can do to volunteer for your organization would be an honor.

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Jordan Bemis
Age 37

Jordan struggled with addiction for over 20 years. He faced it head on and never gave up, even in his darkest of days. He made every attempt to get well and fought harder than I ever could have. He was a wonderful brother to me and my four siblings and a joyful son my parents were so proud of. I will never know a light quite as bright as he. He was a golfer, writer, brother, son, fiancé, uncle, cousin, comedian, artist, engineer, child at many things. I hope I can live life with as much vivacity as he did. Jordan may have suffered from addiction but it did not define who he was. We will forever miss and love him, we will forever celebrate the wonderful person he was.


Jordan was the joy in life. He made people feel hope and happiness, he always tried to take their pain away and show them what life really meant. I will never forget his smile or how he could make everyone laugh. He was a warrior spirit and now it is our turn to fight his war. Forever Together.

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Seamus Michael Tait

Age 35
Husband. Son. Brother. Uncle. Loved.
Seamus Tait
Age 35

My brother fought a good fight. He returned home from a 6-week stay in rehab and overdosed less than 2 days later. He left a wife, parents, and a niece and nephew (and sister) behind. We are devastated.

I truly hope that he is not remembered for his struggle with addiction, as that does not define him. He was the best uncle I could have ever hoped for to my children. He was smart, funny, and so much stronger than he knew.

I miss his smile, his laugh, and his quick wit. I miss watching him play with my children. I miss him.


My brother, Seamus, was an amazing person. He was the smartest person I knew, and so funny. He died on July 20, 2017, at the age of 35.

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Kristian Michele Trump

Age 22
She was an awesome mother
Kristian Trump
Age 22

My daughter was an amazing mother to her kids, but she was struggling with post partum depression after her second child. And that's when her life started spiraling out of control. Court took her kids and then she was made to leave her home so the kids could come back home as she was not permitted around her kids whom she loved and took very good care of. She became addicted being around the wrong people who helped to keep her on the drugs to feel better. Her family tried as hard as we could to help her but she lost everything the day her whole world was taken from her and then she eventually lost her life to the drugs. Now her kids have no mom because court started the ball rolling till she lost it all, even her life. She was loved by everyone and missed so much. The drugs I guess took her depression and sadness away for a little while and now everyone that loved her is hurting.


A mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, aunt, spouse, loved, and missed by everyone gone but never forgotten.

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Tyler Dean Dean Smith

Age 28
Son, Grandson, Father, Partner, Adventurer
Tyler Dean Smith
Age 28

Tyler was a son, grandson, father, brother, nephew, uncle, and partner and was so kind hearted, so gentle, so loving. He would do anything he could to help you if you needed it. He was the preverbal "gentle giant" standing at 6'10" tall. He loved deep all those in his heart; sometimes to his own detriment. He was described as a cheeseball by most of his "real" friends because he could be himself around them.

Tyler was hopeful he could beat his addiction. He worked rehab two times and then left the only home he knew to get away from the people, places, and habits that would pull him back in. That was when he met and started a long distance relationship with a special young lady who God put in his life to show him a reason to want and work for what he deserved in life. After months of old fashion "courting" long distance, Tyler and Stacie met face to face, fell in love, and made plans for their future. Stacie gave him hope and I've never seen him happier.

Tyler was a father who loved his son, Devon, deeply. He knew he had more to give Devon, but his capacity to do so given his demons was limited. However, when he spent time with him, he was all in! Many of those memories will remain with Devon and we won't ever let him forget his daddy!

Tyler was our only child and we loved him unconditionally. There is a quote that states, "We hurt those we love the most" and I think I know what that quote means first means that Tyler knew that no matter what he would do, even if we didn't agree or condone it, we would always love him, and we did! We loved him so much that it did and does literally hurt!

I mentioned earlier that Tyler would do anything to help someone, and that is exactly what he did even in his last moments on this earth. He chose earlier in life to be an organ donor and we honored his wishes to do so. There are 5 families who have hope that their family member has a chance at life that they didn't have before Tyler's gifts. This is the legacy he leaves to all who loved him, especially Devon!

In loving memory to my baby, our amazing son, the father of our grandson, and his loving spirit to all, we want those who may not understand or have not been impacted by the disease of addiction to remember the "addict" you see on the evening news, on the streets, or in the morgue was someone's son/daughter, brother/sister, father/mother, etc., but most of all a human being who is/was imperfect and flawed, but dearly loved by their loved ones and God himself.

Tyler is free now and no longer hurting. We will miss you my dear son and will never forget you. Here is our final thought that gives us peace as you move on:

The next place I go will be peaceful with an untroubled mind. I will know that I belong there and will feel much more alive than I have ever felt before.

I'll simply be, just simply me. I won't be short or tall, in fact the body I once lived in won't be part of me at all. I will finally be perfect. I will be without a flaw. I will never make one more mistake, or break the smallest of law.

I won't need to take anything with me, except the cherished love of those who loved me and the warmth of those who cared, the happiness and memories and the magic that we shared. They will make my spirit glow, and that light will shine forever in the next place that I go.

--Excerpts from "THE NEXT PLACE" by Warren Hanson


Our son Tyler was one of the most amazing men we have ever had the privilege of loving. Like most of us, he had his personal demons; his was an opioid addiction. Unfortunately, Tyler lost his battle with addiction when he passed away from two debilitating strokes that left him brain dead. The underlying cause of the strokes was a result of his heroin and meth use.

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Christopher Alan Thorpe

Age 32
Caring, loving, partner
Age 32

Chris was a beautiful person with a beautiful smile and heart of gold. He struggled with addiction for several years. He was my life partner, my soul mate. He liked making people laugh and was always ready to lend a hand to anyone who needed help. He loved winter time and was always out shoveling snow for someone. He is sadly missed by friends and family and myself, I will love him forever. I will never forget you Chris ...


Christopher, my fiance, such a loving soul.

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Justin Edward Dollard

Age 42
Smart handsome kind loving funny
Justin Dollard
Age 42

Justin was a very smart, very beautiful child. His struggle with drugs began when he was a teenager. I now truly believe that he had mental health issues and in those years we didn't go to psychiatrists as often as people do today. I feel that maybe he would not have been self-medicating had he found a psychiatrist that could have figured out what the problem was back then. That being said, he went to college and he got a degree in psychology. He loved music and he was an avid reader. He was a wonderful grandson. He loved helping people in all of the jobs that he had in the service industry. His last job was with Harlem Children's Zone as a caseworker. At that time, I believe that he started to sell drugs to support his habit and things just went downhill from there. We struggled for many years along with him with this horrible disease. He spent time in prison and came out with a very positive attitude, thinking he was going to be able to turn his life around but the reality is is when convicted of a felony nobody really wants to give you a chance. He had finally gotten a place of his own and seemed to be in a very good space and got a job at a dog daycare. He loved the job as he was very involved in animal rescue. My last conversation with him was on my way to Florida it was a wonderful conversation. He just wanted to make sure I got there safe and sound. Then for the next three days I couldn't reach him and we found out that he was gone. He died in his new apartment most likely celebrating his newfound happiness. I'm sure he thought he had bought heroin but the toxicology came back as pure Fentanyl. As any parent will tell you, the new normal is a nightmare, a nightmare of guilt, a nightmare of what-ifs, a nightmare of heartache. Rest in peace my beloved Son. No more struggles, no more sadness left for you. I miss your smile, I miss your laugh, I miss your amazing hugs.


My only world...gone.

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Joseph Michael Muti

Age 21
Son, Brother, Best Friend, a Beautiful Soul
Joseph  Muti
Age 21

Joey was an unbelievable son, brother, and best friend. He was kind and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. When Joey walked into a room people gravitated towards him because he was so alive, always smiling and laughing. We all know that Joey was very sensitive and this life was not easy for you. Sometimes it seemed that you couldn't get a break but you kept getting up and trying again. You were so strong and amazing and I am so proud to be your mother. God truly blessed us the day you were born. The joy and laughter he brought to our lives and to the lives around him was immeasurable. We miss you every minute of every day, we still can't believe you're gone. We love you more "Simple Man"

When you were born, you cry and the world rejoices.
When you die, you rejoice and the world cries.


Joey was an unbelievable son. He was kind and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. When Joey walked into a room people gravitated towards him because he was so alive. He loved to laugh and have a good time goofing around with everyone. Joey was also very sensitive and was always there if you needed a friend. God Blessed us when he was born. When you were born, you cry and the world rejoices. When you die, you rejoice and the world cries. You'll always be our "Simple Man."

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Sarah Marie Weant

Age 28
Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Cousin, Niece
Sarah Weant
Age 28

Sarah was more than an addict she was a loving, caring, athletic, and full of energy. She loved the outdoors and never met a stranger, she always tried to help others with their addiction. She had been in rehab twice and was in prison for 11 months. She tried really hard to beat her own addiction but the demon won. She would always say, Mom it will be OK, stop worrying so much. She was my best friend and to know that someone brought the deadly drug to her work hurts so much. And to find out the probation officer knew two weeks prior and didn't say anything is so unforgivable, my little girl may still be here had she done her job. Sarah loved her family very much, she would fight anyone over one of her cousins who were just like sisters and brothers to her. And if anyone said anything about her brother, it was on for sure, they were so close and to watch him hurt so bad is really unbearable sometimes.


My daughter Sarah Weant lost her battle with heroin on 3/7/17, she fought her demon for five years, in rehab twice and prison for 11 months. She got out of prison on October 16, 2016 and was on probation. She was doing so well and then she lost her battle.

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Grant Herron

Age 32
Brother, Uncle, Son, Fighter, Country Boy,
Grant Herron
Age 32

On July 19th of 2014, my younger brother Grant tragically lost his life in a single vehicle accident. My brother was 32 years old, 4 years younger than me. He was my only sibling.

Around 2 PM that afternoon, two police officers showed up at my Dad’s house giving us the worst news we could ever hear. My brother had died in an accident. He drove off into a ditch and struck a tree head on before he exited off the interstate. My family’s lives were forever changed that tragic day.

Grant suffered from addiction. My brother fought the disease of addiction over several years.
 I truly believe that my brother’s addiction took his life on that tragic day of July 19th, 2014. I take some peace knowing he doesn’t have to suffer through any more pain that his addiction caused. My brother’s story is one of many. He was a beautiful human being. I miss my brother every day, and would give anything to spend more time with him. It pains me so much that my mother and father have to experience his loss every day. I cannot imagine the pain they go through. I feel robbed of my brother, I feel like my children were robbed of their loving uncle to the awful disease of addiction. I want to do whatever I can to help educate and create more awareness of the disease of addiction in our communities. My brother would want me to help in any way I can, and I want to honor his legacy by helping others fight addiction.


Grant was a fun loving, loyal, outgoing, athletic, good ole boy who never met a stranger. He was a super talented carpenter, loved the outdoors, and mastered every sport he tried, which eventually led to a football scholarship at Central Connecticut St.
He struggled with booze and marijuana through high school and college. After college, he had a construction work related accident and was prescribed pills to help manage his pain. He became addicted to opiates, which later transitioned into heroin. He left this earth on July 19, 2014. He died in a single car accident. Grant was only 32. God Bless brother, we love and miss you!

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Christopher Buckler

Age 33
Funny guy
Christopher  Buckler
Age 33

Chris was a bull rider who was injured at work. This was the start of pain pill addiction. I had NO clue he had an addiction until after we married. Our daughter died and his addiction issues became worse, taking over his life. On Aug 13, 2010 the world lost a good man to an overdose. Chris was a funny guy, who loved life, his family, his kids, and his wife. Coming up on 7 years is so difficult.


Chris Buckler was a dedicated father, son, brother, and uncle who died from his addiction. He was a funny man when he wasn't on pills, loving, hardworking, and caring. Addiction stole him from us. He lived a short 33 years of life.

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Joy Jurvig Hunley

Age 42
Caring, thoughtful, generous, gorgeous, intelligent
Joy Hunley
Age 42

Joy and I sort of grew up together. I was a very immature 21 yr old new Mama..but I LOVED THAT BABY and loved taking care of her-never a burden.
Wonderful little girl...super great big sis to her little brother. As she sailed into and through her high school years there was very little trouble, nothing worth mentioning. Married young, 23. Beautiful day.

The next eight years or so passed mostly uneventfully as Joy and her husband settled in, worked hard, saved money, and bought their first house. At 30, she still had not conceived the old fashioned way. So the next year they tried a course of IVF--it did not work. It was around this time that the fertility doctors sat them down and told my daughter.

"They Waited Too Long". That Joy's eggs were now too old and therefore no longer 'viable'.

At 32. This is not any excuse for the next 10 years of various states of addiction and suffering but more of an explanation. It is here with the knowledge that Joy could never have a baby.


At 42 (12/2016), Joy overdosed from a combination of Heroin, laced with Elephant Tranquilizer, Oxycodone, Motphine, and alcohol and DIED.

She was all alone.


My Firstborn , my only daughter Joy came effortlessly and without drugs, on Good Friday at sunrise, 1974. For 32 years things seemed close to perfect. Then things turned really bad and the last decade of her life (and mine) we lived in a non-stop nightmare.

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