News about substance use disorders, every week. These are the headlines that you need to know about.

Michele A.

My name is Michele. I live in Jackson, New Jersey. And I’m proud to rise up against addiction in honor of my brother Michael.

Lacing up to run for Mike at the Rise Up Against Addiction 5K
Ashley Fennig

I got into running six years ago, and two years ago I met my ultimate goal of running my first marathon.

“My name is Bill Mitchell. I am a recovering alcoholic since June 20, 1990.”

News about substance use disorders, every week. These are the headlines that you need to know about.

Jess Krefting MS, RD, LDN

During your substance use recovery journey, eating a healthy diet can be critical.

News about substance use disorders, every week. These are the headlines that you need to know about.

News about substance use disorders, every week. These are the headlines that you need to know about.

News about substance use disorders, every week. These are the headlines that you need to know about.

News about substance use disorders, every week. These are the headlines that you need to know about.

News about substance use disorders, every week. These are the headlines that you need to know about.

News about substance use disorders, every week. These are the headlines that you need to know about.

Amelia De Paola

As we learn more about marijuana's potential medical benefits, we're also learning about its dangerous qualities for young recreational users.

News about substance use disorders, every week. These are the headlines that you need to know about.

From photos of celebrities sipping champagne at Hollywood awards celebrations to posts from friends letting loose at the club, social media can make the world look like one big party.

Women in a support group

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