Advocacy in Action: 2017 Accomplishments

Thanks to your support, passion, and consistent action, 2017 was another big year for Shatterproof’s advocacy work. Here’s an overview of what we achieved together this year.

16 health insurance companies agree to a national standard of care for addiction

The insurers represent 248 million American lives, and include the six largest health insurers in the country. In a historic commitment, these payers have agreed to identify, promote, and reward addiction treatment that aligns with the Shatterproof Treatment Task Force’s eight National Principles of Care. Shatterproof led the development of these principles, which are based upon the Surgeon General’s recent report and backed by decades of research. This agreement signifies a groundbreaking step toward establishing a national standard of care for addiction.

The Task Force is now leading efforts to develop a provider rating system and to reform insurer payment systems, both with the objective of ensuring that every American with a substance use disorder has access to treatment that is based on proven research. Read more about The Task Force’s work in this article from the Washington Post.

Four states passed lifesaving legislation

Add Georgia, Texas, Missouri, and Arkansas to the list of states who’ve taken research-backed policy steps to save lives in their communities. Shatterproof led grassroots advocacy campaigns in all four of these states in 2017. With these four successful campaigns, Shatterproof has now successfully advocated for lifesaving legislation in 15 states—with a 100% success rate.

Federal health care law continues to protect people with substance use disorders

In the first half of 2017, Congress made several attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Shatterproof’s position on the ACA is simple: any new health care law must protect insurance coverage for substance use and mental health disorders. We’re eager to support a bipartisan federal health care law that does this. Unfortunately, the House and Senate bills advanced in early 2017 did not measure up.

Thanks to your hard work, we stopped two dangerous bills from being passed. We protected insurance coverage for millions of desperate Americans suffering the worst overdose epidemic in U.S. history. And we’re prepared to keep fighting for this whenever the issue arises.

Thank you for your hard work this year!

Your calls, emails, and social media shares. Your stories, experiences, and voices. That’s what made a difference in 2017. Thank you for rising up with Shatterproof all year long, protecting families and helping to end the devastation of addiction.


Women in a support group

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