NBC's Kate Snow and Shatterproof's Sam Arsenault doing a Skype interview

Our Vice President of National Treatment Quality Initiatives, Samantha Arsenault, talked to NBC’s Kate Snow about the increased risks people with addiction face during this pandemic.

Two hands holding a cut-out of a heart. Image by Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash.
Matthew Stefanko

Distance is the new normal. That’s dangerous for people with addiction. But there are ways we can all help.

An iPhone displaying the meeting app Zoom, with headphones and a laptop. Photo by Allie Smith for Unsplash
Dr. Elizabeth Salisbury-Afshar

Virtual treatment and recovery programs work well for many patients, but there are obstacles that must be addressed.

A stocked bar lit in orange and red

Excessive alcohol consumption is deadly and devastating, and its impact is often overlooked.

A redheaded woman in red lipstick mugs for the camera, while a brunette women in glasses smiles. Both are seated on a brown leather sofa.
Shannon Biello, MPH

COVID-19 is stressful, and it's changing our routines. Alcohol isn't your only option when it's time to unwind.

capitol hill

Some help is on the way for communities dealing with addiction in addition to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A plane flies a "STAY AT HOME" banner across a cloudy sky
Samantha Arsenault, VP, National Treatment Quality Initiatives

Healthcare, economic, and social factors are coming together to create even more struggles for people with substance use disorders.

A young black woman wearing thick black glasses and a denim jacket smiles into her smartphone cameria

Experts want us to change how we talk about COVID-19 containment. Here's why.

A woman with long blonde hair, wearing a purple top and jeans, looks out her window at brick neighborhood buildings. Photo by Scott Warman on Unsplash

These are anxious times. Here are some resources to help people affected by addiction.

A man with a white beard wearing blue scrubs stands next to empty seats in a clinic hallway. Photo by Foto Garage AG on Unsplash

Federal guidelines recommend take-home medications and telehealth services.

Gary Mendell

We're thinking of our community in these uncertain times. While our staff is taking precautions, our critical work continues.

Four emoji faces in different skin tones wearing medical masks
Holly Jespersen

My community supports my recovery. The idea of being so removed from it is a scary one.

Ben Affleck as Jack, wearing a shirt and tie, talking to a group of young basketball players

The film offers a realistic, empathetic view of a family dealing with addiction.

A concert goer, with brown hair and a yellow cardigan, hods a sign that reads "stigma is the #1 reason people struggling with SUD do not seek treatement."

Shatterproof will be at all of the band's North American tour dates, offering community and addiction-related resources to concertgoers.

Our Chief Policy Officer, Kevin Roy, speaks into a microphone as part of a panel on stage

Wins in 8 states, promising federal progress, spreading our mission on local and national stages, and more.

Women in a support group

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