Caroline Davidson, MPH

Ways to Seek and Understand Treatment for Your Loved One

A family photo of the author and her brother, mugging for the cameria
Margaret Hanson

How to Help Providers, Patients and Families

The author in nature, wearing a flannel shirt and jeans
Bill Bradley

One Man's Story of Finding Effective Approaches to Treatment

Shatterproof Ambassador Eitan Solomon, with short brown hair, glasses, and a black blazer
Eri Solomon

How to Live a Meaningful Life Coupled with Science-Based Treatment

Diana Yoder and her son at graduation
Diana Yoder

Advice from a Mom on Finding the Right Care

Pattie Vargas' son, wearing a black t-shirt and khakis, sitting by the sea shore
Pattie Vargas

When first you were gone, I was adrift. 

A young man with curly hair in a blue long sleeved tee puts on his face mask

Soft, stylish, functional face masks—and every purchase support's Shatterproof's mission.

Cristina Rabadán-Diehl, her husband, and their two sons on vacation
Cristina Rabadán-Diehl

So many things unite us, including our perception of drug addiction and substance use disorders (SUD). Those are topics we don’t talk much about.

A family photo of the aother, wearing a printed dress and purple scarf, with her husband and two sons, wearing shirts and ties
Cristina Rabadan-Diehl

Addiction is so hard for everyone, no matter where you live, but perhaps for those of us who speak a foreign language, there is an element of insecurity and a culture barrier.

Jaclyn Brown hugs her brother while he kisses her on the cheek

If stigma has silenced you, please know that you are not alone. It's time for us to speak louder than stigma.

Melissa Etheridge plays guitar in a brown leather jacket and wide-brimmed black hat

Join Melissa Etheridge, Corey O’Brien, Brandon Mitchell, and more to shatter stigma and support recovery.

Headshot of Dr. Smith, a white man wearing a blue collared shirt standing in front of a stone wall

Dr. Joe Smith, an anesthesiologist in Virginia, is committed to raising awareness about the importance of increased access to non-opioid options.

All about naloxone
Courtney Gallo Hunter, VP, State Policy

Overdoses deaths are up 17.5% during the pandemic. But overdoses don't have to be fatal.

The author on the beach with his dog
Dave Patel

Everyone can help change the world, even it it's only a little.

Woman looking at smart phone screen
Norah Benincasa Lasora

How to Understand When a Loved One Needs Help

Women in a support group

Help Revolutionize Addiction Treatment

Your support drives real change for individuals and families affected by addiction.
