Man looking at sunset in the distance
Carli Wargo

During Recovery Month, we should celebrate all paths to recovery, including methadone - a medication that is far too stigmatized, yet saves lives. 

Woman with red hair and her teenage son
Alexa Sparkman

Parents of Children in Recovery Share their Stories

Doctor sitting at a table and talking to a patient
Kristen DeRamus, Shatterproof Ambassador

Medication That Saves Lives

The author on her stand-up paddle board on a cloudy day
Holly Jespersen

10 Lessons Learned from 10 Years in Recovery

Woman looking out the window
Kelsey Ferrara

One Dad's Story

A logo of ATLAS with green text on a grey background
Jackey Bell

There's no single treatment program that can help everyone. But everyone deserves the treatment that is best for them. ATLAS will help get more people there. 

fentanyl test strips illustration
Kelsey Ferrara

How Fentanyl Strips Work and What You Need to Know

Colleen Michaelis and Team Tommy
Colleen Michealis

How Creating a Walk Partnership Brings Community Together



Happy and sad people in shadow

Stigma is one of those concepts that most people know about but that, when asked, it is hard to explain.

An actor has his face painted by a makeup artist on the set of Hide Your Crazy
Alex Kaplan

A new horror film explores how the hardest person to learn to love is sometimes yourself.

what is fentanyl

National Fentanyl Awareness Day is a day of action to raise public awareness about an urgent problem: people dying at alarming rates due to illegally made fentanyl (FEN-ta-nyl), a dangerous synthetic opioid.

Jennifer Collins' family smiling in front of a green hedge
Jennifer Collins

We survive because we must, whether it is for our children who are living, to honor our loved ones in some unique way, or because there is no other choice.

The author shows off a small, round, pink-purple chip she earned in AA
Kristin Gourlay

Different Paths and Upbringings but Same Journey

A selfie of the author with two loved ones out to eat at a restaurant

Meetings Are An Invaluable Resource for People in Recovery

The author smiles with her son
Karen Anginoli

You think you are the only one with these thoughts and problems, but others have the same thoughts. Going to meetings, and listening, will help.

Women in a support group

Help Revolutionize Addiction Treatment

Your support drives real change for individuals and families affected by addiction.
