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Sean Alexander Said

Age 28
son, brother, empathetic, insightful, sweet
Sean Said
Age 28

Sean was a normal, happy child until senior year in high school when he started experimenting with drugs. By the time he was a sophomore in college, he was addicted to opioids. He went to rehab several times and just could never overcome the disease. He died with benzos and heroin in his system.
The real Sean was creative, funny, insightful, handsome, intelligent, kind, empathetic, loving, and kind. He was a talented guitarist. He loved comedy, movies, and music. He could listen to what was going on in my world and say the most thoughtful, kind words about it. His goal was to counsel others in their addictions. He had lots of schooling that he succeeded in. Whenever we were together, he never hesitated giving out hugs and I love yous.
This world needs a lot of improvement in the rehabs, insurance coverage, half-way houses, and K-TRACs. Rehabs need to not just be a resort, but a successful treatment center for addicts. Insurance needs to cover more of this epidemic for longer than 30 days. We need more half-way houses. There isn't enough for recovering addicts to enter into. Missouri and any other state that doesn't have K-TRAC's need to implement that for drug control.
Sean is loved!

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William Edward Maywald

Age 26
fun, silly, kind, selfless, caring
William  Maywald
Age 26

My beautiful son William who liked to be called Billy was very silly and very kind. He always found the good in everyone. He had the kindest heart, soft spoken, and liked to make his friends and family laugh. He was artistic, liked to do different things with his hair, one day it was blonde, the next red and blonde and black together. He loved cutting family and friends' hair. He loved paleontology study. And pokemon. He would write his own stories. He was the best Son and brother, loved his family with all his heart, even with his struggles with addiction. He will always be remembered as the kindest soul and caring son, brother and friend. Forever loved in our hearts.

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Katelynn Renee Harris

Age 21
She loved her family.
Katelynn Harris
Age 21

Katelynn was full of life, always smiling, outgoing, had the biggest heart. She got with the wrong people she thought where her friends. They gave her too much heroin and it killed her. That's the worst call you can ever get. We miss her every single day. She wasn't a drug addict, it took one time. I think the law needs crack down on drug dealers. No parent should have go through this. Katelynn was only 21, she had her whole life ahead of her.

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Elizabeth Ann Rockstad

Age 28
Daughter, Donor, Compassionate, Animal Lover, Caring
Elizabeth Rockstad
Age 28

โ€œForever 28โ€

Hello, my name is Corinne Rockstad and I am the proud mother of Liz Rockstad or as I always called my daughter, โ€œLizzieโ€.

Lizzie was born September 24, 1984 in Bismarck North Dakota and passed away April 7, 2013. She died from an accidental overdose of the prescribed pain medication she was taking known as oxycodone. She had only been taking it for a few short months.

Lizzie was so much more than a 2013 overdose statistic in Ramsey County. She was a very caring young woman, a sister, a hopeless romantic, compassionate, animal lover, human rights advocate, a great back scratcher, old- fashioned in many ways, an organ and tissue Donor, and she was my daughter. Lizzie was proud of her Irish heritage, gorgeous blue eyes, flawless skin, dimples, her โ€œsignature trademarkโ€ was her red hair and it was the perfect representation of her inner beauty.

When she was born, I could not believe it when the nurse told me my daughter had red hair. How could I have been so fortunate to have two daughters with red hair! Lizzieโ€™s older sister Sarah has red hair and more commonly, they are called โ€œGingersโ€.

Lizzie loved art, fashion, culture, music and reading. Her favorite television programs were True Blood, Modern Family, 30 Rock and Saturday Night Live. She enjoyed listening to the radio, including The Current, classical, country music and NPR radio. She also liked going to the movies, especially when a new James Bond (007) movie was released. We would plan a lunch date and go to the afternoon movie. Actually, I think she liked looking at Daniel Craig! She enjoyed the Minneapolis concert scene. Once she had tickets to go see Phoenix at First Ave and was too sick to go. Her sister arranged to have the Phoenix Band members autograph their poster for Lizzie. She had an โ€œeyeโ€ for fashion and could take a scarf, jewelry, and belt and pull an outfit together. She never left the house without looking her best!

High School was not for Lizzie and when she moved to St. Paul, she took it upon herself to obtain her GED. I was so proud of her for taking the initiative, and all on her own. From there she became a Certified Nurse Assistant, a role she preferred because she felt much more involved with the residents. She truly enjoyed being a nurse assistant to the elderly population and did get to know her residents very well. She would often bring in movies from her personal collectionโ€”and Johnny Cash was a favorite. She would often say, Mom, we watched Johnny Cash again today! An excellent cook and many of her recipes are still being served at the Hospice Centers where she worked. Their family members often mentioned her name in many eulogies of the residents she cared for and she attended their funerals. She truly connected with the elderly as it came naturally to her and she enjoyed listening to their stories. Once we were having coffee together and I asked her how do you take your coffee? She said, โ€œMake mine like a sandy beach, Mom!" What 28-year-old young woman says that? She must have heard it from one of her residents.

She was a strong advocate for human, animal rights and would become very upset when a person or an animal was treated unfairly. She stayed very informed about the latest news and worldly events. If she had been alive for the last presidential election oh, she would have an opinion let me tell you!

Lizzie loved to picnic in Loring Park, going to the Walker, and stopping at Dunn Bros. Coffee. She was a true city girl who enjoyed living in downtown Minneapolis. She loved the benefits of having Loring Park right outside her door and spent hours reading, enjoying the beauty of the park, watching movies and participating in the Loring Park Community. It was her โ€œoutdoor living roomโ€.

We could only dream of having a park bench and tree dedicated to her; now it is a reality. Lizzieโ€™s bench and tree is across from her favorite coffee spot Dunn Bros. If you are ever in the park there is a stone in the right-hand corner with her name, her permanent GPS address etched in the concrete and a dedication reading, For Liz, We Love You, Mom ~Sarah ~Kitten~. Beneath the bench, we have buried a time capsule symbolic of her life. Many Anniversaries we have decorated her bench and with tons of green ribbon, her favorite color. For how difficult it is to visit her bench, we are grateful as we feel she is never alone. I often receive texts from friends who have stopped and have taken a selfie. I have met some very friendly people who have stopped to introduce themselves and given me a hug. A day does not go by where she does not have a visitor, whether it be a friend, a dog, a flock of ducks or geese, or the famous albino squirrel.

Lizzie left behind her family and her cat โ€œKittenโ€, but her tragic death led to new beginnings with sight for two people through cornea transplant, tissue, bone, connective tissue and facia. The 74 individuals who received my daughterโ€™s gift are men and women ranging in age from 27 to 88 and have undergone surgery in 22 States. They required a tissue transplant for many various surgeries, including repairs to the toe, foot, ankle, shin, spine, hip and tendons to the knee, as well as reconstruction following a mastectomy and following a burn injury.

Lizzie would have never imagined what her gifts of donation would do for so many, and nor would have either Sarah or myself. Thirteen years ago, she had told me of her decision to be a donor and indicated it on her driverโ€™s license. She made the decision all on her own, knew it was the right thing to do and never second-guessed it! She was all about helping others and giving back. I guess you could say her legacy lives on and she is out there in so many lives. I am very proud of her for choosing to be a donor and we never would have guessed where it has led to is an understatement!

When her picture was posted on the MN Lions Eye Bank Facebook page 12/9/13, which is now the Lions Gift of Sight, a friend and co-worker saw it and wrote, After Lizโ€™s death, such a dear friend, I went to the DMV to renew my license and a smile came across my face as I checked the box to become a donor also! All because of my friend Liz! As her mother, and knowing what Lizzie like I do, I would like to think she was recycled! It may sound cold, but she would have loved that.

I often wonder if she were alive today what she would be doing. I know she would most likely be a CAN, calling me to say mom, can you hear my Kitten purring? while we talked on the phone, as Lizzie claimed her cat purred the loudest out of the 3 cats. We would be planning our menu for the week including Knoephla Soup, Quiche Lorraine, grocery shopping, going to a newly released movie, and talking about life in general. I miss all of it as it is the simple things in life that are most important.

A few years ago, I decided without any hesitation to join the ranks of, and now I am a Centennial Member of, the Minneapolis Ambassadors Lion Club, and trust me we are not all 100 years old!

Since then I have had the honor of speaking at the annual Thanksgiving for Vision, U of M and Lions Gift of Sight Booth at the State Fair, volunteering at the local hospitals sharing the word of the importance about being an organ and tissue donor and especially speaking to all of you today. Moreover, it does not stop there!

Two summers ago, the Lions Gift of Sight, formally the MN Lions Eye Bank, teamed up with the U of M to promote the importance of being a donor. I am not sure if you remember the Metro Transit Express Buses on Snelling Ave. With pictures on the outside and inside of the bus with donor families and recipients holding a different placard card and mine said, โ€œMy daughter gave site to 2 peopleโ€! I knew people took notice because a co-worker texted me and said, I just saw you on the side of the Metro Transit Express bus and you are famous! I thanked her and said my daughter is famous and she is my hero! Even some of my co-workers went as far to say when they renewed their license, they checked the box to be a donor.

It still does not seem real that she is gone and actually, some days are so difficult I do not think I can make it. But then I remind myself there are wonderful, rewarding, selfless people from the Lions Gift of Sight, the Donor families, and the forever grateful beyond words recipients who helped us to keep Lizzieโ€™s memory alive, because that is all we ever want. Through her donation, it brings us peace and we find solace in that. You are truly the silver lining to this tragedy! It means the world to me to be asked to share my daughterโ€™s life with all of you. It is all because of you here today and believe me you have helped this grieving mom in countless ways. I thank you for listening about my Lizzie โ€œForever 28โ€ and especially for what she stood for. She did have a purpose and definitely left her mark in the World!

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Michael Nacci, Jr.

Age 34
Handsome, patient, loving
Michael  Nacci, Jr.
Age 34

Michael was a patient, kind and beautiful man. He was tortured by drug addiction and unfortunately it took him. I love him and miss him and will never let his death be in vain. RIP my angel ๐Ÿ˜‡ son

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Joan Reed

Age 36
Funny, lovable, sweet, beautiful inside and out
Joan Reed
Age 36

My cousin Joanie (pictured with my youngest son, at our family Christmas party the first time she met my youngest of four.) She was the light of the party always, such a happy, funny, amazing person. She was loved by all of us and was definitely the highlight at family get togethers. She was my first best friend and always my favorite cousin. We had trying times together and she struggled while some of us found other ways out, unfortunately, that world took her away from us. I keep her close to my heart everyday. She loved my kids so much. Our family will never be the same not having her around physically, but I know she is still with us. Love you always Joanie.

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Richard AKA Big Weez Scott Horvath

Age 52
Genuine, Kind, Caring, Generous, Amazing
Richard AKA Big Weez Horvath
Age 52

He was my only sibling, so we had a special bond. He was my big brother.ย When our parents divorced our mom went wild and he became very protective of me after our life became very dysfunctional. He got a job with Fritz Ent where he worked for 27 yrs. He didn't care about material things, just a good time with amazing food that he cooked. He wanted to make people smile and made sure nobody went hungry. There's so many stories about how caring and loving he was. He had a tummy tuck after bariatric surgery. He was always drinker, but was given opiates for pain control. And that was the beginning of his destruction. He overcame the temptation after my son passed in 2017 from an overdose. Then a family friend kept on him about getting high. Well my beautiful brother died August 14, 2017. His first great nephew was born on his birthday. I will never have a BBQ like he did and I will never be the same after losing my son and brother to the horrible drug heroin.ย This world truly lost one of the most sincere people God created.

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Michael Ross Gimello

Age 27
Bright, Multitalented, Giving heart, Lovable and his light was his daughter!
Michael  Gimello
Age 27

My son lit up a room whenever he walked in a room. He became addicted to pills after he lost his fiancรฉ when she passed unexpectedly. He was never the same and ended up in a relationship that was unhealthy. He did have a beautiful baby girl who was the light of his life! He had been clean 7 months until something happened on March 23, 2010. We will never know. Itโ€™s a heart pain that is indescribable! ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ˜ขโค๏ธ!!!

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William Jessie Pressley

Age 25
Loved life
William Pressley
Age 25

โค๏ธWilliam Jessie Pressley โค๏ธ my child, my heart, my very breath ๐Ÿ’•He lived! He mattered ... He still matters. 10/27/92-4/28/18, forever25๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ’˜ ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‡ ๐Ÿงšโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Gerald Francis Montgomery

Age 39
Loved and missed dearly.
Gerald Montgomery
Age 39

Jerry was funny, sarcastic, hard-working, a good provider, a doting father. He loved spending time with our daughters, shooting guns, listening to music. He was really talented at making people laugh and sometimes cry. What I miss the most about Jerry was our long, candid conversations, his laugh, his pretty eyes and eyelashes. We had a long history, some good, some not so good. I will always remember Jerry the way he was before drugs changed him. He was tender, charming and kind, he always dressed well and smelled good. Jerry loved surprising me with gifts, he was gifted and confident in picking out beautiful clothing in my size head to toe down to my shoes, he did the same for the girls. Jerry loved having a family and providing for us, it made him feel good and he was good at it. He took care of my oldest daughter as his own without a second thought. We loved him very much and still do. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him.

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Terry Richard Spencer

Age 32
loving father son brother uncle
Terry  Spencer
Age 32

My son was a great man, he loved his family, more then anything he loved his son. He was a goof, always smiling, always helping others even in his addiction. He picked a man up from a recovery meeting and drove out to a trail where the man killed him. I know that in his heart all he wanted to do was get rid of the demon that drugs gave him. He was trying so hard but drugs or the consequences of drugs took his life.

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Tina Marie Tellez

Age 39
My kind loving Beautiful baby girl
Tina Tellez
Age 39

My baby girl Tina was always so sweet and loving. So smart too. She did well in school and had a Great future ahead. But some bad influences and some abuse got in her way. The pain of things that happened to her were too much for her to handle so she turned to drugs to numb the pain. I met a man named Rick that would soon become her Dad in 1995. She loved him so much and he loved her just as much. He was and always will be her Daddy. He got her jobs and helped her every way possible. I also have a son Leo. Tina's younger brother. He was there to help her as much as he could too. She met men that just added to her addiction which she called love. She was abused by those men. She married and had my Beautiful Granddaughter Becca that I have raised because of Tina's addiction. She is now 14. Tina had her on my Birthday. So very Special. She was so proud of that. Giving me the best Birthday present that I could ever get. I was always so proud of her. She tried to be a good mom but the drugs got in the way. We spent as much time as we could together. She loved us so much and was always there to help whenever she could be. We got her inpatient and a lot of outpatient help but the drugs just had too big a hold on my baby girl. We spent a Beautiful last night together. Halloween night October 31st 2019. We were at Great America park. Halloween Haunt. It's a tradition that we go there on Halloween. So we went on some rides and in some haunts together. She said she was cold and not feeling well so she left us around 8:30 pm. She said love you and left us. She realized she forgot her phone with Becca so she came back for it. She said bye and I love you again and that was the last time we heard her Precious voice and saw her alive. So many what ifs are still going through my mind everyday. I know that's part of my grief. The Coroner knocked on my door the next day which was November 1st 2019 and told me they found my daughter deceased in her car from a drug overdose. That was the day my world fell apart and my heart broke in a million pieces! We love her and miss her so much. Not a tearless day since! Tina Marie Tellez 7/17/80-11/1/19 Forever 39 ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ’”

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Nicholas Myer Lambert

Age 28
Softball loving musician
Nicholas Lambert
Age 28

Wonderful brother and best friend. He loved softball and playing the guitar. Beautiful soul gone way too soon.

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Vinny Edward Parisi

Age 20
Missing your laughter and smile
Vinny Parisi
Age 20

Wonderful son boyfriend brother grandson
Always laughing
Great basketball player
and scholar
Missed everday all day.

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Joseph Reilly

Age 60
Hardworking, loving, loyal, outdoorsman
Joseph Reilly
Age 60
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Bradley Joseph Causey

Age 27
Son, Brother, Fiance, expecting father, fearless
Bradley Causey
Age 27

Born November 13, 1989, I was so sure he was going to be a girl, then I had an ultrasound that morning and was told it's a boy. That was good for his big brother. Those two had such a strong bond, even their own language. They were best friends, then in '94 he welcomed his baby sister, whom he adored. And a little brother in '96. Bradley was a superhero to his baby siblings. In '99 his little brother was diagnosed with cancer. We had to administer shots to him at home and Bradley would take a saline shot so Craigy wasn't so scared about it. He was always so full of life and adventure. Always a goof ball. At 12 he was baptized and wanted to become a missionary, he was so on fire for the Lord. In high school he met new people and was introduced to the party scene. And the devil was so thrilled with that. Things didn't get horrible until he started getting in trouble with the authorities, which was all part of the addiction. Then a so called friend introduced him to heroin. Our lives changed forever, that drug destroyed my boy. He would do good then the other active addicts would draw him back in. He met an awesome girl, was doing good, got engaged and was expecting his first child. Looking forward to a young adults small group at church. Then that same so called friend contacted him and that was it. My boy died. His baby boy was born Dec 6 2017, which happens to be my brother's birthday. He also passed that same year from the same poison. I miss him every day and when I look at my grandson I see the best parts of Bradley. He wasn't a bad person, the drugs made him someone he wasn't. It breaks my heart !!

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Kyle James Mullen

Age 27
Son, brother, father, dog lover
Kyle Mullen
Age 27

My funny vivacious son. He is missed beyond my words, loved beyond measure!

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Cortney Lynn Blandford

Age 24
Beautiful, funny, loving and fun.
Cortney Blandford
Age 24

My beautiful daughter Cortney was 25 when Heroin took her life. She was a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart but her body could not take the addiction she had any longer. I miss her every day.

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David Allan Rust

Son you are so loved and missed
David  Rust
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Doug Lane Harrington

Age 43
Loving, caring, strong, fun, silly
Doug Harrington
Age 43

Doug was the best friend and father anyone could have, however he lost his battle. He loved his son more than life itself. Avid fisherman, hunter, union man, and most of all loving. He was indeed a superhero... We all called him Dougman ๐Ÿ’š His greatest accomplishment ever was his son Theodore aka ROCK. WE MISS YOU SO MUCH ๐Ÿ’š Your son is soooo much like you ๐Ÿ’š Tho I know you are with Ted always. We use your name daily. Thank you for 20+ years of love and most importantly our son. Till the other side of the stars....

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