Dustin Eugene Oglesby
My son Dustin graduated from Hobart High School in the year 2000. He left behind seven siblings grandparents and me his mother. I had never heard of the the drug Fentanyl in my life! I loved my son dearly but instead of saying I" love you" that night I told him to "wear his seatbelt". It was around 3:15 a.m. when I heard a knock at my door I remember that because when I heard the knock I ran into the kitchen to hide and I looked at the microwave I knew something was wrong but I never could have imagined hearing from his dad Dustin is dead! My son lay less than 500 ft from his father's home in a basement floor while his cousins scrambled around him no one calling 911.! It was family on his father's side I had no idea but Dustin was injected for the first time on September 6th 2000 one more time in between that and the morning of his death he had been given to injections! The legal battle lasted 5 years! I knew it wouldn't bring him back but I wanted the person responsible for putting that needle in his arm to admit what she had done so I fought and kept fighting I didn't care if she had spent one day or 10 years in prison I just needed her I knew it wouldn't bring him back but I wanted the person responsible for putting a needle in his arm to admit what she had done so I fought and kept fighting I didn't care if she spent one day or 10 years in prison I just needed her to say "I did this" ! There were so many people around him that night and they were all his family we miss him every single day. We love you Dustin! Until we meet again!