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Angie Smith

Real, funny, loyal, fighter
Angie Smith

I hope you have the peace you so desperately sought. I think of you often.

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Jeremy Gil Martinez

Age 26
Father, Brother, Son and great friend
Jeremy Martinez
Age 26

Smile and those eyes that could make your heart melt! Handsome man! Loving Father, Brother and Son!  Personality that shines and shines!

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Michael Louis Donovan

Age 36
Father, Son, Brother, COACH, always smiling.
Michael Donovan
Age 36

Michael was a loving, caring, hard working man. He was a great father to his 2 boys and stepdaughter. He coached baseball, basketball and football for his sons' seasonal youth sports. He was a fire sprinkler union worker. A great son who made our parents proud. But to me... He was my big brother.. We always took care of each other.. In good times and in bad.. I wish I could cook one more meal for you since you always enjoyed my cooking 😂 Michael was always joking around and laughing about something.. His smile was contagious.. He sadly became addicted to pain medication after having chronic back pain and and when he couldn't receive pain meds anymore he sought out another way to ease his pain.. A fast progression of this led him on a fast downward spiral ... When he was ready and willing he went to rehab.. And was in for 51 days.. When his insurance decided that was long enough. They discharged him.. He knew he wasn't ready mentally and said he needed more time.. That he couldn't go home just yet... Sadly he was released anyway... and less than 12 hours later he was gone. Mike was so very special and we miss him every day. We love you Mike .. Forever! ❤

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Joshua Todd Chalcraft

Age 22
Misunderstood, Loving, Smart, Funny, Genuine
Joshua Chalcraft
Age 22
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Josh was the youngest of 5. With 3 older sisters and 1 older brother you would think the "fight" for attention would be a full time job, however Josh never struggled to be noticed. From a very young age, Josh had the ability to light up the room without even saying a word. He was a character and never stopped making people smile. He was so full of life, personality, charm, wit, and love. One of my best memories of him is when he was 4 years old and he would walk around our front porch in his jeans, work boots, pretend hard hat, and no shirt, he had to flex his muscles for the ladies. As we got older I remember when he would walk through the front door with those piercing blue eyes and smile, and he always greeted me the same way. He would "man handle" in a play fight way my butt onto the couch, then pick me up and give me a bear hug. He was one of the best huggers in the world. I often think back to those memories and get choked up. I miss everything about him. He was an annoying little brother who I would have given my life for.
I tend to describe Josh as a diamond in the rough, as he got older he received a reputation that was not him. He got mixed in with the wrong crowd and put on this "tough guy" front, when inside he was a deep, loving, sweet, good hearted, smart, young man. He truly had so much potential and I don't doubt he could have been somebody had his life not been cut short. Sadly, for the last 6 years of his life I was not around. I was estranged from my family and because he was only a child it made maintaining a relationship with him difficult. However, God allowed me to see Josh just one last time, I saw him for the first time in 6 years and what I would soon learn would be the last time, in February of 2018. He was also able to meet my daughter, Hunter, who I know he would have adored had he spent more time with her. I wasn't aware he had an addiction, however after connecting to people who were in his life when he died, I found out he self medicated so to speak to deal with anxiety and depression. Sadly, on May 15th his struggles were ended. I truly hope he is at peace and is no longer suffering. My hope is to share his story, to have his story inspire someone struggling and save them. I want to share with the world who my brother WAS and not who they thought he was. I will never stop honoring Josh, I will never stop sharing the memories, I will never stop remembering him. He is my angel and I will forever miss him!! FOREVER 22, REST IN PEACE BABY BROTHER!

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Mathew Anthony Talacko

Age 25
Kind, handsome, smart, family, loving
Mathew  Talacko
Age 25

Mathew is spelled with one T. He was 6’5” tall and gave the best bear hugs ever! He was kind, smart, on the honor roll for straight A’s every semester of school. He went to Tuscany to attend culinary school and graduated with honors. He was a high functioning addict. He was so good at helping and talking to other people with a drug problem but couldn’t help himself unfortunately. I miss him every day and I love him so much. I wish I could ask God for another chance, but I know it doesn’t work that way. We love you baby :(

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Daniel Timothy Stanford

Age 35
funny, kind, patient, smart, hopeful
Daniel  Stanford
Age 35

If you met Daniel, you likely would not have guessed that he struggled with substance abuse. He was smart, educated, and funny (with an unmatched dry sense of humor.) He wasn’t much interested in money, but pursued it enough to keep his clothing and appearances neat. He was patient and kind, especially with those he could tell were struggling just to get through the day. He had so many hopes: to have a dog, to travel, to spend more time with family, to help others with their struggles. He used substances as a means of "managing" life-long struggles with anxiety and depression. He loved his family and friends and wanted to find a way to be free of substance-dependence.

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Jeremy Gil Martinez

Age 26
Father, Brother, Son
Jeremy Martinez
Age 26

Handsome, fun loving and so caring! He was a wonderful Dad, Son, Brother! We miss you dearly, our hearts are broken without you!

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Ryan Andrew Irvine

Age 40
Wonderful, loving, fun, smart and handsome.
Ryan  Irvine
Age 40

Ryan was a son, a brother, an uncle, a cousin, my best friend, and my soulmate. A very caring, funny, intelligent and respectful young man. His family, friends and I miss everything about him. He had mental health issues and self-medicated for many years.

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Jeremy Gil Martinez

Age 26
Loving, handsome, and a very giving person
Jeremy Martinez
Age 26

Proud Father, Brother, Son

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Troy Michael Drusky

Age 20
Our Special Angel from God
Troy Drusky
Age 20

My Angel. Troy was such an awesome kid from day 1. My mother was dying of cancer and he was like the best baby ever. Laying with her in bed her last days. He coo’d and smiled all the time. He had migraines when he was 2 caused by stress from his father and I fighting constantly. We divorced and they got better but he had to grow out of them which he did by age 13. I moved to NC with him and my grandma and sister Tina. I worked a lot and I partied a whole lot while he grew up. I was an addict and it was all about me. Troy's real dad was an alcoholic and a drug addict but he got clean. He only wanted to see Troy when it benefited him such as family reunions. When I wasn’t at work I had Troy at my side. He spent 9 months at age 14 living with dad just because he wanted to see what it was like living with him. His dad punched him in the face and broke his nose. I still do not know why??? But Troy never talked back nor had an attitude. All his friends were misfits. Troy always took care of the underdogs. Yet everyone who met him loved him. At 17 he was drinking and partying all the time. He was in a horrific accident where his car went airborne and landed on a gas meter which broke and exploded. Threw Troy out luckily but he still received horrible burns from his neck down. He had skin grafts. It was just a horrible experience for him. His friend was burned to death in the car and the boy driving ran away and left Troy to die there as well. It was a long recovery for him. He didn’t want to go back to school at home so he went to his Dad's in Cleveland Ohio to go back to school and graduate high school. Which he did. But I did get Troy the best Trauma Therapy and when he got to Ohio his dad told him real men didn’t need therapy. Smh. He came back home after graduation and moved in with his GF. Started drinking heavily and big time drugs as well as dealing. Dealing with Columbians. Smh. He called me one Thursday to tell me he wanted to spend the whole day with me on Mother’s Day which was that Sunday. I told him how great that would be and I loved him, which I have told him every day of his life. He talked with Mutt, his stepdad who raised him and taught him everything. About how he had saved some money and wanted to go to school and move closer to us. Apparently that night he drank way too much and did way too many drugs. He partied all night with 5 friends at his apartment. At 8 am he went upstairs to take a shower. He shot hisself in the heart in the tub. My heart breaks daily. He is my angel. Troy was so loved and so giving of everything he had. He always made people laugh even when he was a little boy. He was so special. He deserved so much better. But he was loved.

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Jamie Hyer
Age 32
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Justin Andrew Trujillo

Age 34
Funny, loving, kind, sensitive, caring
Justin  Trujillo
Age 34

To everyone who looked at my son, including himself, he was nothing but a heroin addict. That’s all he was and was ever going to be. He was so far down the rabbit hole that he didn’t even realize he was a son, a brother, an uncle, and a grandson anymore. He didn’t feel worthy of or believe he was loved by anyone. But, that heroin junkie was MY baby boy. My first born son. He WAS loved by so many people. People who wanted him to be clean but didn’t have the tools to help him get there. I talked to my son every day and was told he was working, had a great job, etc., just needed a little help now and then. Not going to lie, there were times when I was furious not understanding how you could just have gotten paid and on the same day you need 800 because something went out on your car. If he only told me the truth and not lied to me, MAYBE we could have gotten him clean this time and saved his life. He was such a beautiful child inside and out. So kind, polite, loving, considerate funny -- oh was he funny and smart. He was so smart! He was amazing. Everyone who met him fell in love. I just did not know what to do, how to help and I am SO SORRY
for that. All I wanted was for him to be happy and have everything in his life he wanted, a girl by his side who treated him well, to be a father (he adored his nephew) and just be happy! Unfortunately we did reach those goals. My son WAS NOT just and addict. He was my son. I loved him every second of every minute of every hour of every the day since he was born and will until the day I take me last breath. Seeing him be born and hearing nhis voice for the first time took my breath away. Holding him and watching and hearing him take his last breath. Nearly took my life away. I’m fighting hard to old on. The tears won’t stop falling. I miss you much. - Justin’s mom

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Donald Francis Rideout

Age 63
Father, Grandfather, Brother, Heart of Gold
Donald Rideout
Age 63

I watched you struggle for years and unfortunately this addiction took its toll 2015. I wish there was more help out there for you and the ones who are suffering now from addiction. I will never forget your last text, the last time I would ever hear from you again... “ Sorry I won’t be there for you and Mia anymore”!!!!!!!! When I got that message on my phone I never knew that was the last time I would ever see you again. Forever missed. I wish we had more time, there was so much more too life for us to enjoy. My father, my hero, I will always love you 1/7/2015😢

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Kenny Ely

Soulmate, best friend, mine
Kenny Ely

He was my soulmate. He was my best friend. I will never get over his death

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Hunter John Wade

Age 25
Handsome, funny, talented, shy.
Hunter Wade
Age 25

Hunter was the oldest of my three. Our family lived in El Dorado County-Half way between Sacramento and South Lake Tahoe. It was a great place to live and raise kids. Mountains, rivers and lakes. Hunter liked to enjoy all the fun things to do there. He was very funny and quirky. He was smart and had lots of talents—he loved skiing, skateboarding and dirt biking at Hangtown Dirtbike track. He became a certified scuba diver on a family trip to Mexico. His Grammy and he went to London when he was 14. He flew to Tacoma to drive his sister back home. He always wanted to get his pilot’s license but I think his anxiety got the best of him. He loved cars, especially the expensive sports cars and knew everything about them. He was very handsome and had lots of friends. He never had a real girlfriend and I think it was because he was too shy. He had a good upbringing with loving parents and extended family. I think he just never felt “right” and drugs gave him that pleasure. Experimenting with Oxycontin someone stole from their Grandma's medicine cabinet. It all ended so sadly the day after his 25th Birthday. He and I had dinner the night before. I just don’t think he cared at that point. His Dad found him and I’m sure will be haunted forever by that. I know now Hunter is not suffering and we will be together again.

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Blake Nicol
Age 25

Blake was a wonderful son & brother! He loved the Washington Nationals!!! He had a kind heart & was a really good person to all who knew him. He was not defined by his demons but rather by his kind soul. Our beautiful son & brother lost his battle to Heroin & The Opioid Crisis on April 9, 2017. He struggled in & out of Rehabilitation for 5 years. Words can not express how much our family misses Blake!! We only pray that our Country does not forget those Sons, daughters, fathers & mothers who have lost their lives to The Opioid Crisis & Addiction!!! As Addiction does not discriminate and affects all walks of life! Gone but not forgotten my beautiful son. “Forever in Our Hearts!♥️

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Cody Leon Monroy

Son, father, brother, friend, uncle
Cody Monroy

Cody died from drug use, he is terribly missed. Our lives are forever changed.

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Jennifer Sue Gibson

Age 39
Bubbly personality
Jennifer Gibson
Age 39

We just miss her...

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Timothy Carducci
Age 26

Cannon was a light, a very bright warm light.

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Danny Mack Blackburn

Age 58
Funny, sarcastic, intelligent and insightful
Danny  Blackburn
Age 58

My dad was very humorous and sweet. He wanted and tried to be a good person but he didn't want to admit his problems. He tried to hide it, but it overtook his life and he wasn't able to overcome it. I know he is at peace.

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