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Joshua Lee Sopoci

Age 31
Son, brother, father, artist, talented
Age 31

Beloved son and brother, loving father of four, talented artist, huge heart, loyal friend...truly one of a kind and cut from a rare cloth.

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Amber Renee Delage

Age 29
Absolutely beautiful inside and out
Amber Delage
Age 29

Amber was such an amazing, beautiful, talented soul with a smile that nobody could ever forget. She was my middle child and the exact opposite of the "middle child syndrome.' At the time of her addiction and death, she was an amazing mother to 2 children. I cannot say enough good about this beautiful lost soul, gone too son. Forever 29. My mini me. My happy child. My oh so loved one (by everybody.) Her funeral was standing room only, which just made me understand less why anyone takes this path. I miss her so very much every day. Her very young children she left behind are so amazing and miss their mommy so much, too.

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Colton Dane Krout

Age 17
Beautiful, intelligent, loving, kind and sarcastic
Colton Krout
Age 17
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Cole was my youngest of three kids. He was so loving and gifted. Talented and sarcastic. He made me laugh everyday and he loved everyone. He grew up playing piano. He was highly intelligent so he could aways come up with a sarcastic comment. He was too smart for his own good sometimes. He was a Varsity butterfly Swimmer and ran Cross country. He became addicted to oxycodone after he was hospitalized with Mono and a severe bacterial throat infection. He began mixing medications and that is what lead to his death. He was only 17. Entering his Senior year of high school that fall. He went to bed and gave me a kiss goodnight. I told him I loved him and that was the last time I would see him alive. We found him already passed in his bed with his headphones still in the next morning. He died of accidental multiple drug toxicty. An autopsy was performed.

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Cody Joshua Arbuckle

Age 23
Loving, kind, animal lover, giving, selfless
Cody Arbuckle
Age 23
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Brady Whalen

Age 30
Son, friend, Chef and foodie
Brady Whalen
Age 30

Brady was a wonderful person and loved everyone. He was a talented chef and enjoyed his passion of cooking. He struggled with Heroin addiction and lost his life to an overdose of Heroin laced with Fentanyl. He is missed everyday and he will never be forgotten ❤️💔🦉

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Madison Elaine Mieschberger

Age 19
Funny Smart Beautiful Genuine
Madison  Mieschberger
Age 19

I lost my 19 year old Daughter, Madison, (we all call her Maddy) to an accidental overdose of xanax that was laced with fentanyl.. She was a natural born athlete, played lacrosse, basketball. Was all county in high school for field hockey, but her main sport was Softball.. She is loved and missed by all her family and friends!! Maddy my only daughter I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK ALWAYS AND FOREVER, FOREVER AND ALWAYS MY PRINCESS..💜#FOREVER19 #MYDAUGHTER

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Shawn Parks

Age 36
Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend
Shawn Parks
Age 36

Shawn was a woman who was selfless. She put others first, especially her 2 beautiful daughters. She struggled with alcohol/drug addiction on and off for years as well as bipolar disorder. She was a domestic violence survivor, at the hands of a boyfriend, the attack she endured almost took her life. The plastic surgeons were able to fix her external facial scars but no one could fix her internal scars. She didn't talk much about her attack after the trial. She kept it hidden. We knew she was struggling and eventually she sought help from the bottle. That too she kept hidden. Until December 30, 2017. Shawn unexpectedly became very sick after a night of arguing with her soon to be ex-husband and drinking. Just 2 short days later on January 1, 2018, she succumbed to the illness. Our family, her many, many friends and our community lost a wonderful woman. Shawn touched so many people during her short time on this planet. Including children in an orphanage in Qwa Qwa, South Africa. A place she visited on a mission trip about 2 years prior to her death. Since her passing, the Shawn Parks Feeding Center has been opened in Qwa Qwa for the many homeless children in the region. A place Shawn said upon her return from the missions trip, "I left a piece of my heart in Qwa Qwa." A beautiful tribute to a beautiful woman.

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Angelica Rose Bolton

Age 28
Daughter, Sister, Mother, Beautiful Soul
Angelica Bolton
Age 28

Beautiful young lady inside and out. Loved beyond measure by her mother, father, sisters, daughter, family and friends.
Struggled after being prescribed painkillers for surgery and became addicted to opiates.
She fought a great fight and we are so grateful for the time we had with our Jellybean. Unfortunately for her family and herself, Fentanyl took her life. May she rest in heavenly peace.

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Daniel Strang Jr

Age 40
Loved to laugh and make others laugh.
Daniel  Strang Jr
Age 40

Beloved Son to Dan & Kathy. Brother to Jayne & Juli. And Dad to Mia & Ryan.

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Joshua David Owen

Age 28
Loving, compassionate, husband, Daddy, son
Joshua  Owen
Age 28

My Joshua, you struggled for most of your life... beginning with the loss of your dad in your life to alcoholism.. your sensitive, sweet heart and witty personality was driven to desperation to find your way...You married your first love, had 3 beautiful children in your 26 years. You are always in our hearts... We love you forever and always, my sweetheart 💔

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Jesse Elliott Benson

Age 26
Intelligent, Funny, Handsome, Electrician, Tatoos
Jesse Benson
Age 26

I miss talking to him everyday and when he got home from work. We would talk about his day and about current events.

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Bryan “Austin” Niemi

Age 26
Beloved Son, brother, father and friend
Bryan “Austin” Niemi
Age 26

I lost my son to a heroin addiction in September 2013. He was 26 years old, and he had a baby on the way. Austin got involved with drugs at 16. He was in and out of jail and in and out of rehab. He had many friends and he was always the life of the party. He would give you the shirt off his back, he would do anything for his family and friends. There were times he would tell me that he wanted to quit using drugs but the grip of heroin was too strong. He loved the Chicago Bears and he loved the Lord.

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Logan James Lee Leopold

Age 19
Caring, loving, a beautiful soul
Logan  Leopold
Age 19

Logan struggled with addiction from the young age of 15. I miss his hugs and laugh. His smile was amazing.

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Michael Cole

Age 31
Loved family, loved Brittany most!
Age 31

Mike was the first born son of one of my closest childhood friends. He had a heart of gold. Like his brothers n sisters are today, he was always willing to help anyone, family, friends, or soon to be a friend. They’ve always called me Auntie...Mikey n the love of his life, Brittany, were expecting their daughter n you couldn’t meet two happier kids. Mike's mom, my good friend, was going through breast cancer treatments at the time she lost her first born to the disease of addiction. My son n Mike were friends as babes n even worked together until the drugs got the hard hold on Mike...Clif would even go to AA type meetings to help himself learn how to help his friend. Brittany called Clif n he went n stayed with her until they picked up Mike's body...Clif spoke of true love of a friend n the incredible n unnecessary loss of that same friend at Mike's funeral...Clif missed having Mike at his wedding n he n his wife are very good friends with Brittany n their (her n Mike's) daughter, who was born 2 months after he left us,...she is beautiful n Brit keeps her daddy alive for the daughter he never knew in this life. Our beautiful angel Michael should be here with all of us but instead the disease of addiction took him away from all us...miss his huge smile n long loving heart hugs!

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Grant Samuel Fenlon

Age 27
Son, Brother, Heart of Gold
Grant Fenlon
Age 27

Grant struggled with addiction for 10 years of his life. He loved his family deeply, but always tried to hide his dark side so he wouldn't hurt us. He did everything we could to help him but his demons had a stronger hold.

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S. Joseph Weaver

Age 38
Brother, Son, Gone too soon
S. Joseph Weaver
Age 38

We lost our brother at 38 years old.  He had struggled with depression and anxiety his whole life.  He was incredibly smart, a music lover, producer, and a scientist as well.  While it was known that he had some problems using pills in the past, no one knew the seriousness of his addiction.  We all thought he was past it, that he was happy, and doing better.  He was so concerned about other people in his life and making sure they were okay that he didn’t take that time to make sure he was.  His future had great promise.  His heart was of pure gold.  His life is missed by so many.  He was found deceased alone in his apartment.  Cause of death 100% fentanyl overdose.  We love you Joe.  We miss you more than words can ever say.  Our hearts are hurting.  We just hope you are truly at peace and making music for those in heaven.

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Jordan Christopher Lucas

Age 28
Compassionate, Loved family, Flyers fan
Jordan Lucas
Age 28

Our blue-eyed boy was a compassionate and loving young man with a boisterous laugh. He was a great son, brother to his younger brother and sisters, and a best friend to many. He just couldn’t figure out how to be his own best friend. Jordan began smoking the gateway drug of marijuana when he was 16. He made the decision to try pills years later. Sadly, Mr. addiction became his best friend. Then came heroin. After a time in rehab in May of 2019 his bright blue eyes were back, and then the dealers were back. On September 4th 2019, I found him dead as a result of an overdose of cocaine that was mixed with Fentanyl. What is a comfort is that when I found him there was a bible by his leg with the verse marked “with man, this is possible. But not with God. With God all things are possible.”

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Taylor Lynn Schweizer

Age 22
A beautiful, outgoing, loving girl
Taylor  Schweizer
Age 22

My youngest daughter, gone way too soon.

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John Micco

Age 27
Son ,Brother, Grandson, Nephew, Cousin, Friend
John Micco
Age 27

Our First Born Son John was funny, loving and loved by everyone who was Graced by his presence. He has a younger Brother and 3 sisters who he adored, also many cousins and friends. He Battled Heroin Addiction most of his adult life. He was a Gentle Giant. We Miss Him Every Minute of Everyday. Happy First Valentines Day In Heaven. We love and Miss you. Forever and Always in our Hearts.

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Gerald Randy Teasley

Age 61
Husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, friend
Gerald Teasley
Age 61

Gerald was a vibrant, proud man who worked very hard to provide for his family. He loves his children and grandchildren more than anything in the world. His grandchildren were his strong point and they always knew how to wrap him. He believed in working everyday until he got sick, there was no laying out of work you just go on and do what has to be done.
We had a new granddaughter that was born in August that he never got to see or hold and someday as she grows up I hope she learns all about how special he truly was and how much he was looking forward to seeing her. He always had a special bond with the girls. We miss him so much everyday and life doesn’t seem fair or even remotely near normal. I hope you're without pain now sweetie, that this dreaded disease brought on you and that you miss us like we miss you. Getting thru and adjusting everyday is a chore for the kids but your presence in their life was a huge factor and you left your mark with them. RIP dear and we hope to see you in the next lifetime.

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