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Dustin P Allen

Age 33
My son, my heart
Age 33

He was a happy child. He loved Little League, Pop Warner Football, soccer and hanging out with his cousins, and being outdoors. He especially loved his mom and sister, aunts and cousins. He was intelligent and a voracious reader.

Dustin's smile lit up a room . You couldn't help but smile back. He loved deeply and cherished those he loved. He was quick to help you if needed. He could be silly or serious. He had deep thoughts and kept a lot to himself but you could feel when was hurting or when he was happy. He worried so much about me, his mom. Sometimes too much. He finally chose to go into treatment but he had one last hurrah. He died alone, outside and 4 days until treatment. Damn addiction won. My heart is broken.

His smile and him yelling mom, mom, mom and his endless phone calls and eating me out of house and home. I miss talking to him about everything. I miss his presence, his essence, his soul, his heart and his love.

Age 25

Very intelligent, fun to be with, loved to smile and laugh, hard worker, loved animals

Chasin his brother through my home

His smile and voice

PJ Adkins

Age 24
Charming and handsome
Age 24

Sweetest kid on the face of this earth

His smile


Being real

Trinton James Wright

Age 19
My only son. My best friend.
Age 19

Outgoing helpful loyal funny smart

Seeing him holding his son.

His love

Jason Furgeson

Age 31
Father, Son. ,Brother , Friend
Age 31

Jay was one of a kind. He loved his family , his daughter and his friends. Jay believed in me on the day I did not believe in myself. He brought me to my recovery, Jay always gave more love to other people than he gave to himself.

I remember the day he brought his daughter into work...the smile on his face as he held her.

Jay had a laugh that was so full of life , it shook the room.

I think Jay would like to be remembered riding his snowmobile very fast with the front skis lifted off the ground.

Alaina Michelle Chin

Age 21
Daughter, compassionate, funny, sweet, beautiful
Age 21

Alaina was my best friend, my cuddle bug. She brought such joy to my life. She loved and served the homeless and people struggling with addiction. She loved animals and adored elderly people. Such a bright beautiful soul. I love and miss her so much.

Her wicked funny sense of humor and her laugh.

I will miss not seeing her get married and having children. I’m sad she won’t be able to watch her nephews grow up. And be a part of their lives.

Alaina would want to be remembered for her kindness to others and her servant heart. And for being a friend all of her friends could depend on.

Michael Richard Stride

Age 40
Son, Big Brother And Uncle
Age 40

Mike was very generous, sensitive and compassionate man. He was a hard worker and always willing to help others. We love him dearly and wish he were still here. This is a horrible loss for all of us. We are broken hearted Love you beautiful boy.

When his nephew was born Mike cried. He was so happy we were happy. He bought Theo a blue Teddy Bear. Theo sleeps with that bear every night. Mike was a giver. He loved his family. I cherish his gifts and love more then ever.

We will miss Mike’s sense of humor. He was so funny. His smile. He was a no fear kind of guy. I miss that even though it scared me. I miss his beautiful face. I miss the closeness he had with his father. Mike loved reptiles. They we a conflict at times! I would do anything to see him with his snake wrapped around him now. Mike worked for his dad for years. When Mike left us we sold the business. I would give anything to see him ready for work and in his Kakleys now. Anything.

Mike was very humble. He wouldn’t want any attention. He lived life at full throttle. He used to say he had never felt happy in his life. I hope he’s happy now. Remember him as a human being with a troubled soul. He did his best. He loved us. He loved Seth. His Rottweiler.

Ryan Keith Crawford

Age 32
Father, Nephew, Significant Other
Age 32

Ryan had a big heart and was devoted to the people he loved. He loved being a girl dad most of all.

His oldest daughter's first Christmas. He was like a big kid. So sweet.

His love for his family and his love of Christ.

As a family man

Ryan Andrew Gibson

Age 16
Golden boy
Age 16

Big heart loved fully full of life

His smile and hugs

Big hearted

Nathan Camp

Age 24
His smile was amazing
Age 24

Nathan was a kind compassionate thoughtful young man with a heart of gold! His smile was infectious and lit up a room! He loved his twin brother and his family with all he had!

Nathan loved to go shopping he got that from his me! He would call me when he would find a good deal and brag about how much merchandise he got for the small price he paid!! He went shopping with me all the time and we would compete to see who could find a better deal !! He called me every morning, regardless of the day of the week around 7:30 to say good morning and have a great day!! I miss those phone calls!!!

I miss everything about him...especially the way he loved his family and friends!! I will forever miss his smile, his voice, his beautiful green eyes, and his all consuming hugs!!

He would want to be remembered as the person he was before the demon of addiction took him over!! He was kind and caring and thoughtful and handsome!! He was always laughing and smiling making silly jokes and he gave the best hugs!!

Age 26

My youngest son, so full of life, so handsome, so struggling to stay in recovery.

All my memories are my favorite

He always tryed to help his mom, life will never be the same

He had such good manners

Joseph Scott Marcum

Age 36
Son, brother, huge heart, kind
Age 36

He was a friend to all. He loved his family beyond anything. He was always lending a hand. Compassionate and Loving

His old soul. He always had an intuition to know when orgwrsbeeded help or just a friend to talk to. He loved movies and he and I were always looking for the next best one.

His laughter. His heart and his companionship.

As a kind and loving person. Someone that gave way more than he got in return.

Megan Mechele Boyce

Age 30
Caring, Funny, Beautiful, Strong willed,Loving
Age 30

Megan was a beautiful soul. She would have given any one the world if she had it! She loved hard and fought harder! She was sweet but also a SAVAGE! She stood up for herself and how she felt She never ever backed down! She was just an amazing person

So many memories but my favorites were when we would go to the beach at night and just laugh and talk and not worry about anything! Driving around for hours just listening to music! Oh and when she cut my hair one freshman year of high school before a dance and it was the worst hair cut I’ve ever had!

I’m going to miss her smile. Her laugh! Her stubbornness if u can believe it! Her crazy phone calls. I miss being able to call her! When something great or bad happens she was always the one I called first! I’m going to miss the memories with us and our daughters becoming friends! We couldn’t wait to have kids and have them be besties as she would say lol

Dean J Gray

Age 24
My Son, My Best Friend
Age 24

Dean was a kind, generous empathetic, creative, very talented, hilarious young man. He was extremely intelligent, always teaching you something you never knew you needed to know. He also had depression, anxiety and addiction to help him cope.

Just him laughing and his eyes sparkling and being just so damn funny & happy.

Talking and laughing and enjoying each other’s company. He was not only my firstborn & only son- but also my very best friend. He was so very unique and intelligent and painfully funny. It was a joy from the time I was pregnant with him, raising him through the years and spending time together once he was grown.

That he loved God and his family and music and the Eagles and his cat Jinxy so very much. That he really tried to kick his addictions and fight his demons and work on his health and himself. That he really wanted to live and have the life that he deserved. That he never wanted to leave.

Jake Conner Hammaker

Age 26
Son, brother, beautiful soul
Age 26

Caring, soft hearted, and a sensitive soul that is greatly missed

He always made up silly sayings and had a cure for everything

His laugh

A kind and loving person

Alexandra Donley

Age 18
Beautiful daughter
Age 18

Smart, beautiful, athletic, out going, big hearted, caring, funny, lovable.

When she was born.

Her face lighting up when she was happy.

Have her family and friends remembering all the good times with her.

Jacob Alexander Parker

Age 25
Devoted son, grandson, brother, friend
Age 25

A generous, kind and loving son, brother and friend. Loved by many and missed by all. Never forgotten and always held close in our hearts. Released into his Savior's arms and waiting for our reunion when the Lord call us home as well. ❤

His smile and hearing him say "I love you, momma."