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Nicholas Buzzelli

Age 39
Father, Son, Brother, Friend
Age 39

Nick was an all round good guy. Quick with a smile, a hug or a helping hand.


Ryan Lee Vickery

Age 30
Son, brother, grandson, nephew
Age 30

Loving and kind. Loved his family, friends and dog, Rollo. Adored his grandma.

I miss seeing you everyday. You had an awesome presence when you walked in a room.

I would like people to know you never gave up. Even though you kept falling, you always got up and tried again.

Allen Walter Szyszko

Age 32
Nephew, son, family and friend
Age 32

He was a people pleaser, like a lot of folks he to would give you the shirt off his back.
He looked for fun- it hooked him!

As a child playing hockey with his cousins

What he would have become

A great guy, not a druggy or an addict ,...
He was a great guy who’s body loved the high too much even for Allen
Think of you all the time you would have been a wonderful daddy.

Keith Charles Hartman

Age 53
My entire world
Age 53

My best friend, fiance of 8 1/2 years. He was my reason for breathing. I will never be the same, performing CPR only to have you take your last breath and die in my arms. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for loving me when I couldn't love me

Keith dancing to the song, "Staying alive".

Everything. Every dang thing.

As a man, who loved, who lived, who fought, who tried.

Nathan Lee Lange

Age 33
An amazing,selfless,gifted loving son,and brother
Age 33

Nathan,a gift from God,a blessing in our lives.endless giving,he took his shirt off and did without to help others in need he had a incredible gift and skill noone can ever copy even. With his tools he left behind. my boy . irreplaceable,.

Nathan,,would always go out of his way to help me whether it be a garden flowers to hang or Christmas lights to hang ..we called it our time together..I miss him calling me "Madre"

His kind he truley loved his mom his sisters and his drive to thrive and share his many gifts ..not a selfish bone in his body .

I believe he would want to be remembered for his kind heart, willingness to help anyone,his drive to succeed,his love he has d for his family and friends..💖

Alex Movahedi

Age 25
Son, Friend, Big Friendly Giant
Age 25

Alex had a big and genuine heart, he loved his friends, nature hikes on the mountain and beach, photography, fishing, basketball, and good food. He was tri-lingual, enjoyed playing pool and long walks with his dog. His favorite place was Maui.

Alex suffered from anxiety and began to self medicate which led to addiction and his tragic, unexpected death from accidental Fentanyl poisoning. He had planned a trip to Maui and Europe this year after completing his detox regime. He wanted nothing more than have his life back and his shining light will always be with those he touched.

His smile, big hugs, his surprises and letters, the way he enjoyed exploring new places when traveling, finding the best pastries when visiting Germany, his excitement when preparing trips,
his love for dogs, his enthusiasm about NBA basketball, and his passion for boggie boarding, fishing and his attention to detail for the equipment. Alex's tall 6'4 body, his beautiful eyes, his vast human-being-ness.

Alex' s presence, his charisma, his big and generous heart, his vast insightfulness and striving to allow for everyone to be seen for who they are, beyond stigma and judgement. His bear hugs, all of them.

Alex loved life. He believed in equality, fairness and seeing through stigma and outer shell. He supported diversity and believed in each human being having an important message. He was a loyal friend, loved dogs, barbecues and fishing, and found refuge in nature, his healing place. He always had something good to say about all his friends, giving everyone a second chance. Alex inspired people and taught them life skills. As his oldest friend says, "Everybody needs to have a friend like Alex".

Bradley Folds

Age 36
Age 36

He struggled with substance abuse but he had a beautiful heart and soul. He is dancing with the Angels today!

Alex W Pomering

Age 20
Son, Brother & Best Friend
Age 20

Alex was our adrenaline lover from day 1. He was adventurous and enjoyed hobbies of all sorts. Alex was talented in everything he ever did. He was compassionate, kind, funny, entertaining and challenging. He loved. He lived. He left a void.

His hugs!

Fearless friend to one and all.

Joseph A Viramontes II

Age 29
Loving son, brother, daddy
Age 29

Joe was a kind, loving man. His daughter is his world. But his demons from war and the pain from injuries from war left him broken. Even in his addiction he loved his family fiercely. My sweet son. I love you.

Our late night mother/son talks. The way he made sure to give me a hug and kiss before I went to work. His laugh. Watching him with his beautiful little girl. Everything.

He would want to be remembered as a loving father, son and brother. A proud American. How he was before drugs.

Matthew Parde

Age 19
Son, huge heart, always smiling
Age 19

Matt was brilliant, so wise. He had the biggest smile and a heart of gold he was always helping those less fortunate than himself. He loved football and his twin Tyler. His sense of humor was the best. He loved with his whole heart.

There are so many, singing at the to of our lungs in the car.The time he crossed to the side of traffic and took my hand. All the baby, childhood and watching him grow and learn.
Watching football with him, him singing in church

His smile, hugs long talks and movie nights. Pretty much everything... His name meant gift from God and he was one

That he loved completely and did it his way. He was always searching for happiness and I pray he finally has that peace

Lena Faith Foote

Age 32
My oldest ,my babygirl
Age 32

Loving, hard working, loving mother??, helpful, caring, she had dreams! She wanted a good life!

Her hugs the smile on her face when I'd go visit her, her cheery phone calls, I miss her so much!!!

The way she'd give me a hug when I'd see her or before she'd leave .

I want people to know besides the addictions she wanted a good life, she wanted to be a mother, daughter, sister but she could not beat the addictions!! She tried!.but they had a hold on her and would not let her go. I want people to know she would give you the shirt off her back ahe would be your friend if you needed she would cheer you up if you were down. She had dreams to have a home with her kids , a job just live a normal life.

Lori Catherine Burns

Age 38
Wife,Mother,Daughter so loved!
Age 38

She was desperate to get and stay clean. She had been through rehab at least 10 times and nothing stuck. She wanted to be the Mom her son needed so badly, but the monster of addiction won.

Lori had a wicked sense of humor And silliness. It was nothing to see her coming through the house wearing an old Halloween clown costume complete with a rainbow striped wig! She loved to laugh and make everyone else laugh also. I remember watching her patiently coloring Easter eggs with her son when he was a toddler and also helping him make Christmas presents with popsicle sticks and Elmers glue. That boy meant everything to her.

Her smile, her love for her son as I raise him and watch him grow.

I think she would like to be remembered as someone who tried everything to beat her addiction. Her bi polar disorder made it impossible for her to maintain sobriety.

Jaime Daniel Coleman

Age 22
Wonderful Son & Brother
Age 22

Beautiful smile and laugh. Had the ability to make friends with everyone not embarrassed to admit he is a Mama's boy

Douglas L Harrington

Age 43
Father,best friend,heart of a lion, ROCKS DAD
Age 43

One of the proudest most loving fathers ever

He knows 💙

What Your son has lost out on With your passing, till the other side of the stars ⭐️

That smirk , his heart and strength

Nathan Jackson

Age 23
Son, Grandson, Father, Brother, Friend
Age 23

Nathan will always be the Love of My Life. My precious son truly taught me what unconditional love is.
Nathan left this world brighter and better that before he came into it.

June 2019 in Chicago...Walking around for hours and going to the Pride Festival. Sometimes I would lag behind and he would keep watching me to make certain I did not get too far out of his reach or sight. At the end of the day we were walking up to the train platform and he held my hand and helped me up the stairs.

I miss his incredible hugs.
I miss hearing him tell me he loves me.
I miss the random good morning texts and hearing his special ringtone.
I just miss everything about him.

A man that was a friend to everyone.
A man that loved so hard till his dying breath.
A man that loved his mama!

Jacob Ryan Ash

Age 30
Brother father and husband
Age 30

A good man that helped others who loved his family

Frank Nevada Smith

Age 26
Son, Grandson,Father
Age 26

Frankie was kind and loving. He had an awesome personality . Everyone loved him. I Miss you everyday and will always 😍 you


There are so many but he still liked to crawl next to me just to cuddle

Everything, his smile, his love for fishing, his cooking ,his love and his kindness.

Never knowing his baby boy.

loving,kind, and affectionate

Anthony Wade Scott

Age 27
Son, Brother, Friend to everyone
Age 27

He always told me “I love you more!” And he really thought that he did.

He was loving and helpful and full of hopes and dreams that he pursued. He loved his family more than he loved himself.