Gregory Lee Chapman III
What Gregory was like
Gregory was a phenomenal person. He was loving and cared about others more than himself. He was a defender of the underdog and never left a wounded soul behind. He was uniquely funny and good mannered. He was fiercely loyal to his family and friends.
Fondest memories of Gregory
A story a fellow soldier told me when they were in basic training. His friend was a heavy guy and struggled with running. The instructor told his friend he was going on a long run to whip him into shape. Gregory ran the entire thing with his friend and encouraged him not give up and that he could do it. That epitomized his character.
How Gregory will be missed
His smile. His humor. His ability to share his feeling with others. Gregory let you know you were loved. I miss what his future could have held. He was my only child so I miss being a mom.
How Gregory will be remembered
Not how he died, but how he lived. That his life mattered and that people who were struggling would decide to get help because of what Gregory meant to them. That his death changed people’s lives for the better. Gregory’s life has done that and more.