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David Alan Mcfadden jr

Age 115
Son and father
Age 115

He love everyone such a loving son

Everything best son evet

Not being together

Best dad evet

Alex Cunningham

Age 20
Age 20

Was a amazing young man

When he was 3yrs old I always call his grandpa honey and he told me one day thats not your honey thats grandpa

That I will never get to tell him how much he was loved by me

His smile

Corey Stephen Raftery

Age 0 Kind hearted soul. Loved so very much.
Age 0

Watching him play soccer. He was amazing with his dog saydi and loved his family so very much.


Helping others get clean and sober

Louie Anthony Merenda

Age 25
Age 25

My son was the guy to help everyone. He had a heart of gold. If you ever needed a smile or a good laugh; he was your man. He loved his family and friends, wanted to make everyone happy.

I have to many favorite memories to be able to pick just one. Louie; dancing and singing... telling jokes... taking care of others and pets.

I miss everything... his voice, his smile, his hug... making me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. I miss hearing "I love you Mama". I miss hearing his loud sports car with the radio blasting driving down my street. I miss our lunch and dinner dates, our long car rides. I miss it all! I miss him with all my heart.

Louie would like to be remembered as the funny guy; the guy that could and did always make people laugh.... even in their darkest moments. He would like to be remembered of the love he had for others and for animals, especially dogs.

Jarred Lyle Neely

Age 34
Big hearted son
Age 34

Jarred was the most loving big hearted person who always tried to help others and worked hard with his hands . He was a master at flooring and painting but most of all loved his kids family and friends. He loved the outdoors

Jarred had beautiful green eyes and a smile that melted everyone and he was a big brother to so many . He gave back in his recovery and learned a lot about his spirituality . He was tough and my favorite memories are all the times he spent with his kids . Playing like a child himself and doing all the things they loved . He joked and had nicknames for them . Maddie Elliot and Isaiah he called Doyle , Loady and Izeeeah , just to be funny and loved to give hugs to everyone . A friend of many

I will miss the smile and sparkle
He had in his eyes and the way he encouraged me to fight thru anything , I miss how he laughed and joked and always wanted to make me smile , wishing the best for everyone . He had many struggles but was always there to help and worked hard to show he cared for his family . A master at his trade he was a perfectionist . He was humble about his work but he did everything to perfection and it showed when he was finished a job. I miss his singing country songs .

Jarred would like to be remembered as a great daddy and brother and son , with a huge and humble heart who loved with all he had . He would want people to always remember his willingness to help others and his generosity when he was able to do for others he gave back in so many ways . He was a man of strength and would want people to know he was grateful to anyone who stuck by him . He would like people to say he loved his recovery and would help anyone he could . He loved his higher power, God

Jason Wade Crouch

Age 48
Loving husband, father, son, brother, uncle
Age 48

He had a personality that lit up a room when he entered, he was the highlight of the party. He had a contagious smile, and he was always trying to get a smile out of you. Very funny, and just all around great person.

We have a lot of great memories together over the course of 18 years.

His voice. He had a beautiful voice, and could absolutely sing. He would sing to me, to his babies, in church, in the car, in the shower, it didn't matter. He didn't have a shy bone in his body.

He had a love for Elvis Presley. He could sing just like him. Best impersonator of Elvis I've ever seen. He had costumes made just like Elvis and loved doing shows to entertain people.

Angela Hope Gibby

Age 50
My beautiful cousin was like my sister
Age 50

She was a mom of 3 beautiful girls she was taken from us too soon

Going to Panama city Beach every year for vacation

Her laugh and her ability to make others laugh

As a beautiful person who loved everyone

Cole Allen Hamre

Age 35
Son, Father, Brother and he had the Biggest ❤️
Age 35

He liked to cook with me and spend time. He would always do things for me.His 2 children were his life. And if anyone needed anything he would be there to help in a heartbeat.We loved to motorcycle ride together. I miss him so much !

I have so many. But I loved watching him spend time with his kids reading to them.I told Cole I was going to get his daughter a bike if she proved to me that she could ride with no training wheels. And she did ! So I told him I had to go get the truck so we could go get the bike and he laughed at me.Cole said no mom were riding our bikes and I said where are we putting her bike at. Well he attached it to his motorcycle an we drove 30 minutes to get home.

Our talks,going places together, riding bikes.Our Sunday supper? Him not emoting the candy and snack jars.His voice an knowledge.His Smell

I don't know

Thorne Dale Gunter

Age 30
Age 30

Thorne was precious. He braught so much love in our lives. He loved the Lord and his 2 wonderful sons and his family always willing to help anyone beautiful smile beautiful heart he was just wonderful!

His smiles.... he was a wonderful father


His love for God and his family and his children

William Elidege Elliott

Age 30
My Precious First Born
Age 30

He was such an intelligent kind hearted sensitive soul with the best sense of humor. He loved making others laugh He was also very handsome with beautiful sky blue eyes and stunning smile. His daughter gave him so much joy he was so proud of her.

Watching him with my beautiful granddaughter. Seeing how much they loved one another. Seeing the pride in his face.

Everything...his smile and laugh seeing him raise his daughter....hearing him tell me he loves me or just saying Mom

I would like him remembered for who he really was. A sweet young man and proud daddy with a heart of gold.

Theodore "Teddy" Jeremiah Hughes

Age 37
Loving boyfriend, Father to Teagan
Age 37

He loved me and his daughter so much. He just became a father for the first time to a little girl we named Teagan Grace. Oh he loved her so much. His heart showed through his eyes.

The birth of our daughter. He cried so much when she was born. He was so proud and so happy.

He was my best friend. I am shattered without him and miss my life. He was my life.

He was one of the kindest souls I have ever met. His heart was as big as the universe. He was meant to live and watch his daughter grow up, to marry me, and to have a real life.

Keith Lee

Age 28
Beloved Son-Father-brother
Age 28

Such a kind soul.. Loved fiercely... loved and missed .. gone too soon

His smile.. His love for life and his love for his momma

A great friend .. he would do anything for anyone

Ray Pierce

Age 39
Beloved Son
Age 39

A man who loved family and friends.Who would have gave you his last dollar. Funny,kind and had the most loving heart and son.

There are too many to pick just one

His laughter,hugs and hearing him say I love you mom

A good person,that made some wrong choices. But who loved his family above all else

Christopher Gregory Mach

Age 28
Son, brother, nephew, cousin, friend
Age 28

Christopher was a sensitive and artistic young man. He loved his family and his pets. He was intelligent, incredibly witty and a gifted musician. He could play guitar, drums, piano and produced dubstep. His friends called him brother...he is loved

Christopher was hysterical and brought a lot of laughter into our lives. He was also there for me when I needed him-one night I broke my foot while we were out and he took such sweet care of me. My favorite memories are times we were on vacation or just hanging out. He loved animals-I remember many times he’d come show me a kitten he’d found. He was great with kids and helped me a lot at my home daycare.

I miss his sense of humor and his eyes. They were a beautiful green color. I miss his hugs the most...he gave the best hugs.

He’d want to be remembered fir his good heart.

Amanda Marie Angelucci

Age 27
Age 27

Beautiful, intelligent, witty, fun-loving and so very talented in her writings and shetching.

Our Christmas shopping trips, trying on all types of clothing (some Gram didn’t approve of) and topping the day off with dinner.


A friend to all!!

Roy Eugene Powell

Age 39
Brother, son and father
Age 39

He was always the life of the party, funny, outgoing, caring, thoughtful and loving. He was a mamas boy and lived his family and friends very much!

I miss how he would just show up at our house and sort of just take over. Being spontaneous!

I miss his laughter! His silliness and just seeing his big smile that went from ear to ear.

He would want to be remembered for his humor and being outgoing and always there for you if needed.

Sammantha Cruger

Age 31
Age 31

The spit fire of the family, with a heart of gold.

Spending holidays together. Becoming a mom.

Walking through my door..(never knocking) "what's going on F#$ckers?"