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Dane Ryan Carney

Age 39
Too kind for this world
Age 39

My son was so tenderhearted. He put everyone else in front if himself. He was so insecure and just wanted to be loved.
After the death of his father, the loss of a long term relationship, and then the sudden death of an infant child he fell apart.

His sweet smile

His big hugs and saying " I love you ma".

Loving and non judgemental

Jason Edward Collins

Age 25
He was my handsome son
Age 25

My son had a heart of gold and a smile that would light up a room. He had a great sense of humor and was loved by so many people.

He always had a new joke to tell me when ever he came to see me. And he was a great hugger.

I will miss his smile and his laugh. I miss his face. I just miss him so much.

What a good friend he was to his friends and how he loved his car and his family

Jessica Michelle Bartlett

Age 38
Daughter,sweetest person ever,awesome
Age 38

She had a loving personality and we were so close,she would help anyone, that was her downfall,she was always laughing and had a grea t sense of humor

Her besutiful blue eyes

Imiss everything about her

As a caring and giving person

Nicole Frances Doyle

Age 37
Loving Daughter, Sister and Mother
Age 37

Nicole was always a funny child. She made us laugh.She drank and smoked pot as a teenager.It wasnt till she had to take pain killers, because she had lymes disease, did the problem begin.She got hooked on pills and drank. She passed from cirrhosis.

She was the most caring and thoughtful person I ever met.She always gave great gifts.She always worried about me.She was dying in the hospital and all she cared about was how I was.Was I comfortable,Did I eat?She would order food for me. She told me how sorry she was when she was dying.I spent her last 6 weeks by her side in the hospital.I wouldnt of been anywhere else.When her addictions took over,she cut us out.But I was the first person she called when she got sick.Thank God we made amends💖

I miss all of our talks, which were so many through the years I miss her making me laugh. I miss how she was such a good mother to my grandson Ethan. She tried so hard to keep him, but I had to take him because he wasnt safe with her anymore. They didnt talk for a long time, but when Ethan showed up at the hospital, her eyes lit up like a Christmad tree. They hugged. He has forgiven her. It took some time, but he is almost 20 now and is a very caring young man, just like his mom.

She would want to be remembered for her caring nature, her funny personality, and for her love of Ethan. She was going to college to be a social worker. She worked with many people affected by 9-11. We lived in NY. She helped so many people get through there ptsd, depression and anxiety. She was the best daughter I could of ever asked for. She recommited her life to Jesus before she died, so I know I will see her when I die. What glory that day will be.

Tim Agnew

Age 52
Brother,Father, Uncle, Friend
Age 52

He was the youngest of all the cousins, always made everyone laugh, was the joker in the family. He was a great father and a friend you could depend on. Was always there to put a smile on your face.

There are to many to pick only one favorite.

His smile and his ability to always make people laugh.


Age 29

My son was so bright and talented. Miles was an exceptional drummer and a plumber...he could fix anything. Miles had a heart of gold. Miles was quite an extremely talented artist.

So....going to visit Santa Cruz, CA his birthplace for Miles' sister's high school graduation was such a fun trip.
Hearing Miles play drums at his first gig was awesome!

I miss his scent, his laugh, twinkling eyes, gentle nature ... I miss everything about my son 🥰

A musician, an artist, an animal lover, deep thinker & always there to help someone in need

Christian Blake Alvarado

Age 20
Best Son Ever
Age 20

Sweet and loving. Always there for others. Loved his family like crazy!!!

Being in the car and listening to all the music he had to show me.

Hugs and smiles.

Ruth Ann Crouch

Age 35
Best friend in the world.
Age 35

Ruth had an awesome smile and a beautiful heart... a heart for Jesus. Her addiction took her away far too soon.

Her laughter and her ability to make me laugh.

How much she truly loved me.

As a Christian woman who is loved by God and wanted everyone around her to know they are loved by Him, as well.

Tevin Shae Rumley

Age 28
Loving Boyfriend, Son, Brother, Uncle
Age 28

Watching him play with his nieces.

His hugs and telling me he loves me everyday.

As a fighter who never gave up trying to get better and clean.

Kimberly Michele Hamilton

Age 29
Daughter,sister,mother-good hearted
Age 29

She was my first born child , beautiful and funny & fun loving. A sister,mother,& friend to all.

Too many to mention.

The old Kimberly.
Before drugs changed EVERYTHING about her.

As a loving beautiful dynamic woman.

Chris Hughes

Age 47
Loving spiritual nephew who leas positive and funny and loved music Jesus and living life to the fullest
Age 47

Singing together laughing

His unconditional love for all people

Daniel Steven Dumas

Age 36
Precious Son
Age 36

Always loveable. Full of fun and mischief. Loved family. Saw the good in everybody. Loved the Lord.

Sneaking him out of daycare to go to the office with me when his Dad was out of town

His phone calls and texts

Loved life

Riley Patrick Cunningham

Age 19
Loving son brother &nefew
Age 19

Riley was energetic funny & friend to all. I don't know anyone who had anything but a fond encounter with Riley he will be deeply missed by all who knew him
Riley will be forever in my heart
I will always love you Riley
You are very much missed

Watching Riley playing sports especially basketball & enjoying time with his father & family

He was a good friend to many & treated others with respect & compation

Sebastian Vacirca

Age 29
Funny, caring, loving, perfect
Age 29

Sebastian was witty, he understood even the smallest hints.He was an amazing chef.He was funny to the point your stomach hurt from laughing.He was gay & proud.He loved his family.He kept in touch.
He cared & listened.He took our hearts when he left.

All of my memories of Sebastian consisted of laughing, hugging, and longs conversations. Sebastian gave the best hugs. His mom says he just fit. Mimicking everyone, is what we did most, but we had so many private, special, candid talks. He spoke, I listened and offered advice and Vice versa. He gave the greatest advice and he really listened. When he said I love you, he meant it. I just wish he saw himself through my eyes, for I saw perfection.

I'll miss Sebastian's smile, laugh, and sense of humor. I'll miss his hugs. I'll miss being able to call him and talk. I'll miss him until my last breath.

I'm sure Sebastian would like to be remembered as the person he was before he became addicted & the person he was every time he had time clean battling this soul sniping drug. A chef,a funny guy,a caring person,reliable,honest,smart,witty, adventurous,a great student,an amazing son, brother,nephew,cousin,friend. Although he didn't think he was all of those things when he became addicted,my opinion of him never changed and my love never faltered. I'll miss him every minute of every day

Maryann Elizabeth Vita

Age 18
My beautiful daughter
Age 18

Maryann was very special to a lot of people. She was the life of any garthing. So many people thought highly of her. She was the typed of person that would do anything for her loved ones. She is missed so much my may.

I have a lot of good memories with Maryann but I think my favorite one was when we planned a trip to the Magic Kingdom!!

Her beautiful smile, her voice, hugs. Just hanging out together.

Seeing the best in people.

Jacob Joseph Russell

Age 27
Son, brother, father, friend
Age 27

He was always seeking different paths in life. He loved his family. He tried hard to overcome obstacles. Just wanted to be loved.

A haircut his sister gave him. She accidentally cut a big bald spot. We were all laugh so hard and he had a good sense of humor about it.

Sharing in his life. Holidays & family time.

As a father who loved his daughter and a brother who really loved his sister Michelle and loved his family

William (Billy) Paul Smith

Age 43
Son, Brother,Uncle & Friend
Age 43

My brother was there for alot of people. His family, his rich friends, his down on their luck friends.
It is with sadness he couldn't find his peace in himself☹️

He taught our kids to go fishing and then clean them. Just like our dad and grandpa. " You catch them you, you clean them!"

His teasing smile and his eyes. He made everyone laugh around him.
He was a self employed carpenter by trade. Sure miss his honest opinion that he got from dad

Hard working
fun loving
LOVED kids
Proud American with a rebel flag.
Loved Eagles and now flies with them

Sarah Jean Fialho

Age 33
Dear loved daughter
Age 33

Sarah was a sensitive talented intelligent beautiful young woman. She was a child with wonder for a beautiful future. She was a ballerina, a writer, and a comedian. Struggling for over 15 years with addiction. We tried to help but couldn't

Our trip to Alaska

Her funny sence of humor

By her intelligence and strength

Dennis J Pastorino

Age 39
Son, Father, Positive vibe, biggest heart ❤️
Age 39

Inspirational videos he would send at 5am. Our long talks. Going out to eat. His cooking skills were phenomena, he put me to shame. Our visit to Time Square Church ⛪️. Everything was my favorite. Oh and our routine coffee runs.

His generous persona, you felt at ease around him. Having him listen to me vent and always having a positive resolution. All around good guy.

Not for his addiction, instead, the person he truly was. He was awesome. Very giving and understanding even while dealing with his own issues. I miss you so much Dennis. Save a spot for me when I get there !