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Andre Gomez

Age 22
Baby Brother and Friend
Age 22

I wish we would have had more time. I miss you everyday. I miss your smile and your voice. I love you.

Talking to you outside of mom’s house about our childhood and exchanging memories and tears.

Your laugh and your voice.

As a person full of life and happy.

Matthew Graham

Age 30
My loving son
Age 30

Matt was affectionate and cared deeply for his family

Matt riding his unicycle

I will miss his sense of humor and his laughter

Michael Andrew Gay

Age 33
Father, Brother, My Son My Heart
Age 33

He was a Wild Child...always pushed everything to the limit...including my parental buttons..He was very strong and could always make me believe him...I believed in Him Always..

Watching Him with His children...seeing Him playing and enjoy acting like the Big Child He was..

Miss His Smile and that Sparkle in His eyes...

As Loving Life but never reaching for His true Goals...He pushed so hard but got kicked to many times, that He gave up so much.

Clinton (Clint) William Corum

Age 36
My son, awesome father, gentle good man Clint was
Age 36

Clint was a loving son. He proudly told everyone he was Mom's boy. He loved children. He tried so hard to beat his demons. He had done it but I still lost him to suicide

Clint calling me up and saying Hey Mom what's up. There are too many wonderful memories to talk about here. My heart is broken forever

His smile, his hug, his laugh. His generous heart

Clint was a humble. He would love it if people would say I know him and he was my friend. I loved him

Jesse Michael Pittman

Age 39
Father, only son, good hearted
Age 39

He could make you laugh, he loved his boys.

I have too many.

Him just not being here with me.

Fun, loving, always made people laugh and he loved too cook.

Ryanne M Butler

Age 34
Daughter, sister, mother, friend partner
Age 34

Beautiful inside and out

All the times we could laugh together, she just got me and had a great sense of humor

My best friend spending mornings with her conversation and coffee

Always striving to do better, always kind and always humble

Rebecca Taylor

Age 26
Loving, kind, caring, beautiful
Age 26

Her laughter and smile

Her kind hearted soul

Joey Dempsey

Age 35
Forever a Mommas Boy
Age 35

He had a smile that would light up the room. And a wonderful sense of humor and a great laugh. He loved his family with all his heart. Just wish he could have loved himself.

Screaming like a girl whenever he saw a spider! He swore they had fangs!! Hilarious!!!

His hugs. He gave the BEST hugs.

He would like people to remember him as this big tough guy. But EVERYONE knew he was a big ole softie

Amber Sunshine Fisher

Age 36
Age 36

A beautiful fun person. She loved kids and pets

She was my little shadow. We were always together when she was little

I miss her smile, her “hi mommy. I love you “. I would always hear from her. She always called me when she had problems

As the beautiful sweet loving woman that she was

Michael J Krawczyk

Age 43
My brother Michael was my best friend
Age 43

How he could remember every single plsy from the red Sox going back years

Having him here

That his life mattered

Christopher Raymond DeCesare

Age 30
Brother, Uncle, Gentle Soul
Age 30

Always made sure his dad and I were ok. He loved his family and friends. No matter what he was going through wanted to be a pleaser and take care of others. Well liked and loved.

He was clean and sober and his first niece was born. Loved children always wanted. His older brother and sister-in-law trusted him to care for their baby. He was so proud 🥰

His smile, laughter, and his gentle soul. Everything about him😢

Well liked and loved❤️

MJ Francks

Age 37
Son, loving, good hearted and understanding.
Age 37

Caring, sweet, gentle soul. Loved family and would do anything for anyone that needed his help. Forgiven and always ready to give a second chance.

Always happy. Christmas time. Love for food with friends and family. Smart and plenty of good giving advice.

I miss seeing him drive up the driveway to visit. I miss his calls. I miss his smile. His embrace

As the individual that he was. No regrets and just at peace.

Christine Nicole Smoot

Age 29
Daughter, Funny, Beautiful, Loving Mother
Age 29

She was my best friend.

New York City trip.

Her funny stories.

As a Mother who adored her two little boys.

Kyle Humphrey

Age 22
My precious son!
Age 22

Our precious son Kyle was a very handsome, smart, sweet, kind and talented young man! He loved singing, playing guitar and piano, playing soccer and chess! He was very friendly to everyone, had lots of friends, and everyone loved him very much!

Some of my favorite memories are watching Kyle play soccer, and listening to him sing and play guitar!

I miss everything about Kyle. His beautiful, big smile. His hugs and I love you moms. His awesome laugh and singing in the shower!

I think Kyle would like to be remembered as a good friend who would do anything to help anyone that he could. And he did that and I have heard so many people say that about him since he has been gone. It really makes a mother proud.

Tyler Edward Sims

Age 19
Son, Brother, Grandson, Friend
Age 19

Loving, Kind, Respectful and Caring.

Listening to him play his guitar.

His infectious laugh and bright, blue eyes.

As a caring, loyal, fun loving and creative person.

James Patrick Burron

Age 25
Son, grandson,nephew,cousin
Age 25

J.P. is my handsome, funny, loving grandson, raised mostly by my single parent daughter Heather until she remarried. He was a fun loving and caring person. So sad drugs took over. We miss him so very much. My daughter and son in law Matt are crushed.

Every Thanksgiving he would make sure he was at our family gathering to have our pucture taken together. Also how much he adored his mother. He was a good son!

His phone calls!

As a good caring person. J.P. WAS A WONDERFUL CHILD. He loved his mother "to the moon and back".

Kimmy Moore

Age 49
Age 49

Beautiful inside and out.. NOT a mean bone in her body. Smart, caring.. gardener, animal lover, moms caretaker :(

So many.... BUT we would go to lunch regularly and 'solve the world's problems' which was getting stuff of our chest..
We had an annual family tradition the Saturday after Thanksgiving, all the ladies in our family (40ish) would go to our special lunch place 'County Rose Tea Room' for lunch then shop all the nearby antique shops that were decked out for Christmas 🎄..
she is missed by soooo many...

EVERYTHING.. the holidays are SUPER hard.. she's missing watching her sweetest grand babies grow up. .

HEART OF GOLD.. we do anything for anyone...

Brittany Marvel Fotia

Age 27
Daughter, sister, wife
Age 27

Brittany was a delightful child loved by all. She was full of promise and looked forward to her future. A few bad decisions in her teen years derailed her dreams. She desperately wanted to be free of addiction and fought hard for sobriety.

As a child, Brittany loved playing school, using her dolls and stuffed animals as students. She would arrange her classroom complete with student sized chairs, chalkboard, and overhead projector. So cute to watch and listen as she taught and managed her "students."

Everything. Her laugh, her hugs

Brittany loved completely. She never wanted to be a statistic.
She wanted to help others, she wanted to be a wife and mother...
She was so much more than her disease of addiction.