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Thomas Joseph Carbone Jr.

Age 31
My beautiful baby brother
Age 31

Tom (TJ) was so smart and so handsome and such a good hearted person. He was funny, silly, goofy, and always up for a laugh. He loved hard and well. He’s my favorite person, my babiest Bubba, and not a day passes that he’s not terribly missed.

I don’t know that I have a favorite. Every single memory is a piece of my heart and every single thing about him will be missed for the remainder of my days in this realm. He never stopped his baby talk. Only with me. We’d still have full conversations, using nothing but TJ baby-speak. Those were always great.

His laugh. He had the most infectious laugh and you just couldn’t help but to laugh with him. He loved making people happy.

My beautiful brother should be remembered as the truly loving soul that he was. His family and friends meant everything to him. And if he cared for you, he’d give you the shirt off his back if he even thought you might need it. He looked forward to helping others and took so much pride in being able to offer sound advice...even if he wasn’t always good at taking his own advice. My sweet Bebop...your Chickadee loves you all the much, for all of time.

Matthew Magaleski

Age 26
Significant other
Age 26

Matthew showed me what a real young love was. He had that shy way about him around me that drew me to him. He fought so hard to stay well. Harder than many. He was a hard worker, a helping hand to anyone in need, and my favorite passenger seat rider

Matthew and I met and lived in Florida together. We loved going to the beach and occasionally doing the “dirty dancing” move where he lifts me over his head. We loved our drives on the oceanside blasting country music, and singing. And our chipotle dates were my favorite dates. I miss you Matthew.

I miss his laugh, I miss his hugs, I miss being his biggest cheerleader and him being my own, too.

The best fisherman and amazing arborist.

Larry Anthony Chavarria

Age 40
Son, Grandson, Brother, Uncle, Friend
Age 40

There is no way to sum up who Anthony was, or what he meant to our family. His "light" was bright and so very strong. He was one that was truly to be reckoned with. That was the Anthony before addiction.

There are so many memories, I could never pick one. Every minute my brother was on this Earth, and every minute I got to spend with him, is a favorite memory. He might say that his favorite memory of us is our trip to Spain and Italy. That was 3 1/2 weeks of non-stop fun and adventure. We laughed so hard the entire time. Truly one of the best times in both our lives.

EVERYTHING!! But, mainly, the little things. I will miss our phone calls when we would vent about our parents, or talk about what crazy things my kids were doing. I will miss our conversations about current political events. I will miss his facial expressions, his hand wave (dismissing someone or something), his hair flip, his eye roll, and his laugh!! I will miss his quirky sayings and his over reactions to everything (LOL).

I think he would like to be remembered as someone who loved, and was loved. He would want to be remembered as an incredible Uncle to my kids and grandbabies. He would want to be remembered as an intelligent human being who always spoke up and fought for what he believed was right. Most of all, I think he would want to be remembered for who he was, before the addiction burned out his shining light.

Mark Michael Tooley

Age 33
Fiance, Father, Brother, Best Friend
Age 33

Mark was ALWAYS full of happiness, ALWAYS saw the good in EVERYONE. He was the first person to offer to help someone and the last person to ask for help. He was also an AMAZING father, and my best friend.

The walks and hikes we would take with our son. There was always an adventure awaiting us.

I miss his smile, I miss his laugh, he gave the best hugs.

I want people to remember his big heart, his smile that could light up a room and how deeply he loved our son.

Daniel Kjersgaard

Age 35
Son, Father, Brother, Friend, Mentor
Age 35

Danny left the world a little less bright with his passing. Despite having battled his addiction for 15 yrs, he was known for his enormous smile, his sometimes awkward sense of humor, his giving heart and his willingness to always help other addicts.

So many memories - childhood, high school, college, holidays, house guttings, weddings, babies, construction, work, church, vacations, this list is endless. No matter the event, time, period, date, whatever, it was really rare to cross Danny at a time when he wasn't optimistic, looking for the best, finding something to enjoy about the everything, and inserting humor into a situation.

There's no most - I miss everything about him. His never-ending bear hugs; his kind, forgiving, nonjudgmental heart; his 24/7 willingness to help anytime he was asked, no matter what it required of him; his smirk, smile, grin and young-at-heart spirit; his sense-of-humor; his ability to listen, and give advice, honestly and without bias or judgment; his wanting to belong, to give back, to participate fully; his bad cologne and outrageous tatooes; his signature Yankees hat; the list goes forever

Danny would like to remembered as a father - he has four amazing kids and he was so proud of them. He was also a little brother and a big brother, and a son - caused grief, but helped even more. He was also fiercely passionate about ending the stigma of addiction, paying it forward, and giving back and supporting those in recovery. Anyone remembering him should remember those things. #FamilyOverEverthing (and family doesn't only mean blood) #TrustGodCleanHouseHelpOthers were his sayings.

Caleb Garcia

Age 22
Always loving, always loved.
Age 22

Every laugh we have ever shared.

If you knew Caleb, you knew he had the biggest heart and would do anything for those he loved. He would always try to make you laugh. He loved his dogs and going out to the lake to swim. Growing up, skateboarding, ski trips, and drumming was everything.  He was always artistic, many notebooks full of sketches and writings. He was aspiring to work in music production and one day make it big. His family inspired him uniquely in each their own way and he always had so much love for everyone. 

Nena Samuel

Age 35
Fun loving, intensely devoted
Age 35

Nena was a very popular and fun loving person who loved life and was the center of attention. Intensely independent yet devoted, she helped and trusted everyone to a fault.

While still a young girl, at my cousin's wedding reception, she was doing her best to dance, but she just didn't have the coordination to pull it off. But that didn't stop her from trying or from having a great time.

I will miss her love of life and her whitty humor. Most of all, I miss her presence.

She would like to be remembered as a loving and caring mother of three beautiful children.

Gage Estep

Age 26
My son
Age 26

He wore his heart on his sleeve! He could be so Goofy and so quick witted! He Loved music of all kinds and movies!

His goofyness and his hugs!! He was 6'7 so I called him a giraffe

Andrew M Famighetti

Age 40
Son and a heart of gold. Extremely funny and had so much empathy for others.
Age 40

Very sensitive, sweet and had depression since he was a young child who would not go for treatment unfortunately. Loved and missed very much by me his mom and sisters and his children.

When he caught his first fish as a child. He was so proud!

His laughter and calling me on the phone all the time to have conversations to uplift his sprit and confidence. Talk about movies he wanted me to see that were excellent.

Has a hard worker and loving kind person. With a great personality.

Brendan Montgomery McCanna

Age 36
Beloved first born child
Age 36

Brendan was such an adorable baby. He was so easy. So bright and cheerful. He had such a big heart. He wouldn't kill a fly, but would rather catch it and release it outside. All through his challenges he remained a loving son

I miss his phone calls so much. Hearing him say "Hey Ma". We had such wonderful honest talks about so many subjects. I'd give anything to hear his voice and his huge guffaw of a laugh.

Brendan wished so much to be forgiven. He had a contrite heart and he overcame many obstacles. He would want to be recognized and remembered for the efforts he made towards a life free from his demons.

Jonathan Diehl

Age 28
Kind, Resilient, Loyal, Family Man
Age 28

I will miss his smile, his bear hugs and his story telling

Peggy Ball Cason

Age 64
Mother, Animal Lover, Free Spirit
Age 64

Peggy was an avid scuba diver and all-around adventurer who loved to travel and be near the sea. She loved to be in her garden at Forge Seat, surrounded by her dogs, cats, goats, sheep and horses.

She was a champion of the underdog and wanted to rescue everyone and everything.

She was a natural caretaker and always put others' needs ahead of her own. In spite of her obvious beauty, it was her wry humor, quick wit and charm that people remembered first about her.

Tyler Mason Hammond

Age 28
Son, Brother, Amazing, Funny
Age 28

Tyler was loving and kind.
He was the guy that would do anything for you.
He dreamed of being a teacher with a family.

Watching Ghost movies and going to Zips.

Our talks

The funny and caring guy he was.
If you were Tyler’s friend, you had a friend for life.

Daniel Arthur Hill

Age 31
Unforgettable and loved by many
Age 31

Daniel never met a stranger. He had an amazing personality. He loved his family and tried hard to beat his addiction, especially for his daughter and son. Daniel was so much more than his addiction!! RIP my sweet boy. I will see you again one day.💜

One Mother’s Day Daniel had his grandmother take him to the store so he could buy me a card. When I opened it and read it I asked Daniel if he had read the card and he asked me why. I said well it says...Happy Mother’s Day To My Sweet Wife. With that big smile on his face he said, Well no wonder that cashier looked at me so funny!!:)

Everything he was and could have been with his addiction.

Daniel would want to be remembered as the kind hearted person he was. He would want his children to know how much he loved them. Daniel loved the outdoors and loved to fish and was an accomplished landscaper. He was really proud of the work he did for his clients.

Trevor Leopold

Age 18
Beloved Son, Brother, Sk8r, Friend
Age 18

Trevor was a loving human being with a huge heart that he willingly shared with so many others. Trevor was an animal and nature lover, an Indian Guide, Cub Scout and Boy Scout, played little league and was a lifelong avid skier and later snowboarder.

All his life Trevor had a special bond with goats. His nickname, “Goat Boy” was solidified first at the SF Zoo, at the Marin County Fair where he spent so much time petting the goats, even in Costa Rica holding a baby goat. A Native American counselor in Utah, unaware of Trevor’s nickname, bestowed the “Mountain Goat” as his totem animal at a spirit animal ceremony, based upon his resilience and ability to sure footedly scale a mountain. This solidified Trevor as the “Goat Boy” forever.

Everything. When you lose a child, along with that child go all your hopes and dreams for them. No more times together in person, only memories, empty arms, and an empty room. We only had 18 years with our son, and the last four years were often a whirlwind of chaos around drugs and addiction. We tried to help him get the support he needed to battle his demons, but as an adult at age 18, we turned the control completely over to him, and he chose not to maintain his sobriety. We miss him terribly

Our handsome, bright, and caring young man was taken from all of us much too soon, before being able to reach his infinite potential. We only hope that Trevor’s death will not be in vain, and by openly sharing his struggles with others perhaps it will open up further communications and positive action among those suffering from anxiety, addiction, and those making risky choices. We truly believe that Trevor’s death was accidental, as the street pill he bought was only three kinds of fentanyl.

Joseph John Rovero, III

Age 21
Son, Grandson, Brother, Cousin, Uncle
Age 21

Joey was a dynamic 21 year old who would have graduated from AZ State Univ. in 5 months. His life was tragically cut short from an overdose of prescribed medications mixed with alcohol. He will forever be loved and missed by all who knew him.

I love remembering the countless soccer, baseball, basketball, football and Lacrosse practices and games of Joey's we went to. He was a great athlete, no matter the sport, and it was a delight to see his dedication, effort and passion exhibited during each game.

Most of all, I miss Joey's smile, hugs and the ability to talk with him. Really, I miss everything about him.

As someone who made a difference in the world. And, that has evolved to be a reality as his Mother formed the National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse after Joey's death and has used his story throughout the past 10 years to educate youth and adults of all ages about prescription drug safety and to advocate for policy change and legislation that will make a difference with our nation's overdose epidemic. .

Joshua N Brenneman

Age 24
Son, Brother, Father Kindest Heart
Age 24

Josh was such a wonderful person. He never knew a stranger. He would give whatever he had, even go without, if someone needed something. He was a wonderful father to his beautiful daughters. He was a loving brother to his sister. Truly loving person.

We had a birthday party for my mothers 71st birthday. Both of my children were here. We had a wonderful time playing in the pool, sitting around and talking, just generally enjoying each others company. This was one of the last times we were all together before he was taken from us.

I miss his hear and his smile. He had the most amazing smile. He would light up a room, and he smiled a lot. I miss hearing him say "I love you Momma". What I wouldn't do to hear that voice again.

As a true friend. A kind and loving soul, who continued to give even after he left us. He gave his heart, liver and kidneys through gift of life so that others may continue to live on.

Jessica Mary Miller

Age 31
My one and only
Age 31

My daughter was such a lovely sole. She loved animals, art, and photography. She made me laugh with her goofiness and could talk your ear off.

How skiing in Colorado at the age of four she didn't want to stay on the small slopes, but wanted to go up with mommy and daddy down the big slopes. Which she did without fear and did better than mommy did.

Her beautiful blonde hair and hazel eyes.

For her kindness and acceptance of others.