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Stephen Mathew Barnes

Age 28
My brother that loved his family,he was smart ,funny,and loved fishing he was very happy and would give his shirt off his back... Loved and missed
Age 28

When he would just wink and say Much love!!! He was the light of my life.

I miss everything about him ...he filled life with joy

As a caring loving brother,son, nephew and uncle

Jamie Kelton Briggs

Age 30
Son,Uncle,Best Brother,so loved
Age 30

He was free spirited,never met a stranger and always willing to help anyone..He loved his family and spending time with his neices and nephew...when he loved he loved hard he is missed by us every minute of every day..

Him showing up spontaneously

I will miss all the fun we use to have just riding and talking...

As a free spirit who loved whole heartedly.

Jacob Andrew Snodgrass

Age 28
Brother ,Heart of Gold ,Son
Age 28

He was my strength, my protector, sweet mamas boy who would fight to the death for any person or cause he loved! Tried saving everyone and lost himself along the way! Lived life to the fullest no regrets!

Finding him in the garden eating peppers like apples! Watching him be an uncle to his niece Ivory!

His hugs and phone calls saying hey beautiful momma it’s your baby boy

Loving and loyal

Ronald Rainwater

Age 55
Brother, kind heart
Age 55

My brother was a loner. He was a lost soul always searching to fill a huge void. He was a good man with a kind heart. Unfortunately, he was never able to face his traumas and demons dating all the way back to when he was a child. He is now at peace

When he asked my father how to get stains out of his work uniforms and my father told him to “shout them” (meaning use the stain remover shout). My brother looked at his clothes and yelled “get out!”.

His little snicker of a laugh he had and warped sense of humor.

As a man who’s every intention was pure. He was hardworking, kind-hearted and loving towards people as well as animals.

Jaclyn Grace Malloy

Age 23
Gentle, loving, gifted and special
Age 23

Jaclyn was very kind. She always loved babies and animals. She loved to pretend and had an amazing singing voice. She was a talented artist, just budding when her life changed in an instant.

Playing with her on the beach , setting up house with wood, shells, rocks and plants, hunting beach glass

Her laugh, her singing, her hugs, her beauty, just everything

As a caring and kind person

Leonard Wasmanski

Age 31
He was very loving son brother and father
Age 31

He was a wonderful son he would do anything for anyone he was always there when you needed his help he would stop whatever he was doing just to help someone.he had a heart of gold he loved his family so very much he is so greatly missed by all of us

There isn't only one favorite memory for me all of them are my favorite memories being with my son and my other children and husband.... to name a few,going fishing at the stone quarry ..camping .. going to the shore.. going for hikes going swimming, holidays,birthday parties.. going to thornhurst picnic area to have picnics going up to Francis Walter Dam and down to the Lehigh River.just hanging out together.. just being with each other they're all my favorite memories and will always be!!💙💙

Just his presence here with us just him hanging out with me.. just holding him tight in my arms and giving him a hug and a kiss just telling him that I love him so much telling him all that in person..... Watching him fix things that he was so good at doing!! Miss listening to all his stories.. Miss him finding special rocks and bringing them home to me cuz he knows how much I like them or finding Me fossils and all crazy little things that he knows I love and save!!😢😥

He would like to be remembered for how loving and caring he was.. especially how much he loved (me)I am his mom his dad his sister Carrie his brother Marty his brother Josh and his children and how much he loved animals, her would also like to have been remembered as a mechanic that could work on any type of vehicle and fix it right up!! Also was very good was electricity he was basically a jack of all trades I was so very proud of him we all were!! And still are!!💙💙

Joel Matthew Stafford

Age 30
Precious Son- Gone Too Soon
Age 30

Always Loved Forever Remembered. Beautiful Sweet Momma's Boy; Tough As Nails. Beautiful Heart Of Gold. Funny, Devoted Son, Father, Big Brother, Grandson, Uncle, Nephew, Cousin & Loyal Friend.

Summer Vactions At The Beach Happiness, Sunshine, Sandcastles, Warm Beautifull Colored Blue Waters. A Million Smiles Shared.

Everything!! His Bear Hugs, Sweet Kisses & All of The "I Love You Mom"(s)

For Leaving His Last Gift To This World; "His Story" One To Be Shared With Others Struggling With Addiction in Hopes of Saving Lives & Preventing Other Moms/ Parents From Being Affected With This Lifetime of Devastating Grief, Tremendous Sorrow & Heartbreak From Losing A/ Child(ren) To This Horrible Disease of Addiction.. Its My Sweet Joel's Last & Final Gift To This World * The Gift To Choose Life...

Shaun Akers

Age 41
Son ,Dad
Age 41

from the time he was little he always cared for animals and he cared about other people He would give his last dollar in his pocket if they needed it.

Seeing him with his son both of them smiling it was the best thing you could see and feel the love

My son calling me and saying, love you Mom it will be ok

that he had a heart of gold and he was truly sorry for being an addict he didn’t mean to hurt anybody because of his addiction

Matthew Brandon Seglinski

Age 26
Son Brother Uncle Grandson Nephew
Age 26

Matthew had a love for adventure & independent learning. He had a quiet intelligence but could talk about history & philosophy with the best of them. We shared a huge bucket list of adventures to do together. He was an old soul & loved dearly.

Some of my favorite memories with Matthew were sitting on the deck looking up at the stars, watching the lightning bugs and talking about life.
I loved how loving he was and that he loved to snuggle up with me to read book after book when he was little.
When he was older he would sing I’m leaving on a jet plane don’t know when I’ll be back again to me whenever he would go on a trip. I’m happy he was able to live in SF for awhile & had so many cool experiences there. Keep adventuring my Angel.

I miss his hugs and him saying love ya Ma the most. I miss talking to him in person. I miss his non judge-mental out of the box way of thinking about and seeing the world. I miss the life we lived for 26 years but I also miss the life stolen from him because Of fentanyl poisoning. He had eyes that sparkled and lite up with his mischievous smile, he had huge heart filled with love and understanding and was a great friend that truly listened and gave advice beyond his years.

Matthew would have liked to be remembered as someone who had hopes and dreams. He wanted to be loved, heard & understood just like everyone else. He never wanted to grow up to have a substance use disorder, but it happened. He tirelessly tried so hard to be “normal” He won many days but some days the drugs won and on those days no one could hate him more than he hated himself. He had a beautiful intelligent mind, caring heart, relentless love for adventure. He loved and was loved by many.

Adam C Nelson

Age 38
Husband, Father, Brother, Friend, Loved
Age 38

Adam was a caring, loving, compassionate and easy-going type of guy. He had a heart of gold and would give you the shirt off his back, he had the kindest and most gentle eyes.

His calming voice and presence. His laugh was contagious

Luke Bradley Wright

Age 16
Red headed,tall, funny, kind, 16 yo son
Age 16

Luke had a heart of gold and was naturally funny. He had the gift of empathy and never wanted anyone to feel bad. He could light up any room. He cared deeply for his friends and he was super cuddly with his mom and friends always!

The Friday before Luke died, he said to me on the drive in the way to his school, “Mommy, I love you. I’m never going to leave you.” These words played over and over and over again in my head as I grieved his physical absence, but gave me comfort that somehow, Luke is still with me- and my God is big enough and kind enough to let us still have our connection “through the veil”.

I miss most about my son, his laughs, his smiles, his cuddles and hugs! He was about 185
Pounds and At least 6 feet tall. He would come wake me up every morning to take him to school. When he woke me up, he would lay his whole big body flat on top of me(on top of the covers!) I would lie there- completely squished- but knowing we didn’t have more of these mornings and cuddles left because he was about to leave the nest and go to college and then get married- so I would endure the squishing! 😉

Luke would like people to remember he was funny and loving. That he loved his mom and dad and brothers and nephew & family VERY MUCH! That he loved his friends like they were his brothers and sisters. His friends and family meant EVERYTHING to Luke. Luke would want people to know they are loved, that God and heaven are REAL! That you shouldn’t do drugs- it’s not the way- and not to try to be cool but enjoy being a nerd because being yourself and enjoying it is the best this life has to offer.

Justin M Carter

Age 19
Son, brother, daddy, (Full of Love)
Age 19

My Son was 19, so young gone to soon, he was amazing daddy to his little girl Braelynn, the love between them melts my heart, he was so kind, caring and helpful.

He was worried about what would happen to me when I got old and couldn't care for myself. Always said he would care for me and always protect me. My boy loved his momma.

Everything, ill miss everything about him, He was a amazing son who did everything to help me out. And I miss the I love you mom have a great day at work, I miss hearing his voice.

I'd like my son remembered as a amazing Son, and a loving daddy, as well as a caring father. Who had a heart like no other. He will be forever missed by many.

Cody Steven Woodard

Age 19
Loving Son
Age 19

My son Cody was Smart, Funny, Talented and always put others before himself. He would light up a room when he walked in. He was everbodys' best friend.

My favorite memory was his smile and his love for life, and his love for his family and friends.

Him saying "I Love you Mom".

A forever friend.

Cody James Bondurant

Age 27
Son, Brother, Uncle, Loved Forever
Age 27

Smart, handsome, blue eyes, funniest, loving, sensitive

too many to mention

Age 40

He was a loving soul who cared about everyone loved animals he lost his way trying to fit in and finally he succumbed to the demon. This world is a darker place without him

Going on long bike rides around the lake and feeding the geese in North Park

His sense of humor and laugh. He looked at the world with a different perspective

Remember him for all his good deeds not the dark times. He was a special person and now a special angel

Matthew LeRay LeBar

Age 28
Love of my life
Age 28

Matt was so funny-he could make me laugh anytime anywhere. He loved his family dearly and missed his close connection with them. He could fix anything that was broken or quit working. He had a caring heart and loved helping people.

He would do silly things like sing an old song to me and ask me to dance like...sometimes when we touch...

Simply being with him and being loved by him.

Probably that he was a good person deep down no matter where his addiction took him.