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Jon Wagner
Age 36

He was intelligent, funny, charming, attractive, rebellious . . . He thought a lot about science, philosophy and life. He loved old school R&B. He liked watching South Park, House and The Walking Dead. He loved his black cat. He sang to the radio. He was a good cook. He was getting really good at calligraphy.

He started with pot, alcohol and some painkillers when he was a teen. He mostly drank and smoked weed through his 20's. When he was around 30 he started abusing painkillers with friends. He was soon doing crack and heroin, mostly heroin. Once the addiction to heroin started he never stopped for more than a few weeks here and there. This went on for six years. He lost a high paying career, a nice apartment, a beautiful girlfriend and his dream car. He got to the point where he hated his life. He finally went for inpatient treatment and was feeling great but soon the boredom and depression sunk in and he relapsed. A week later he overdosed on Fentanyl and passed away.

Everyday he would go on the Reddit app and laugh at all the stupid posts. He thought South Park was hilarious. He liked getting reactions out of people and found it amusing if he could get someone worked up. He had a great smile.

I miss cuddling up to watch TV. I miss his voice, his comments and his laugh.


I miss cuddling up to watch TV. I miss his voice, his comments and his laugh.

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John McLaughlin
Age 69

Born in Livingston, New Jersey on December 24, 1946 to World War II veterans Gloria and Jay, of solid Irish stock, with whom Jack is now resting. Jack is the eldest son of his remaining siblings: Mary Grace, Daniel, Gloria, Maureen and David. Jack graduated in 1964 from Livingston High School and then majored in Spanish at The Franciscan College of Steubenville. After graduating class of '68 he enlisted in the Army where he served in Washington, D.C. as part of the Old Guard at Arlington Cemetery. In 1976 Jack would move to Colorado seeking adventure and a new path. An avid outdoorsman, Jack would always be found with a compass, maps, and a day pack ready to hit a trail. His environmental interests led him to begin a more than 30 year career with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where he contributed to securing clean air for the nation. Jack pursued a love of science to receive a Masters in Environmental Science in 1983 from Colorado State University. Jack, an avid traveller, once hitchhiked his way through Mexico alone. Jack has been to every state in the U.S., and Puerto Rico, also once took the U.S. Forest Service Program, and could lecture all day long about geology, flora and fauna. On December 6, 1985; Jack married the love of his life Linda. He loved nothing more than to be in nature, at a ball-game, or philosophizing with friends and family. Jack and Linda were dedicated scout leaders, soccer and baseball coaches. Jack is survived by his wife, his two sons, Michael and John; his nieces and nephews; and the rest of his family and friends, and enters the chapter eternal of the Tau Kappa Epsilon brotherhood.

Since age 13 with his first drink of alcohol and 14 with his first codein trip, dad began a lifelong struggle with addiction. Entering the U.S. military during Vietnam would introduce him to heroin and methamphetamine. He sobered up from the alcohol in 1984, the year after I was born, and the year before his other son, John, came into this life. However he continued to seek out the new form of abuse: opiates and benzodiazepines through pill form, often Doctor shopping for his various pill needs.

Nature. A good hike. A baseball game. Long road trips. Yummy vegetarian cuisine. The beach boys, Eagles, John Denver and all of the early Rock n' Roll. Mafia TV and movie dramas, horror films. Silence and meditation -- which he could never just get enough of.

Dad's humor and adventurous traveling.


Dad's humor and adventurous traveling.

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Johanna Ginther
Age 26

Johanna Elizabeth was our little sparkler born on July 1st. She was my real live doll I could dress in pink frilly clothes and play with her long curly hair before she became a tom-boy! Jo Beth.was a talented athlete from an early age, she was the most naturally gifted athlete of my four children – she instinctively knew what needed to be done on the field, pitch, or court. She loved competing. Her demeanor was deceiving, she had this innocent cherub cheeked casual lazy smile that hid the tiger beneath. She was a brilliant student without any effort, graduating high school a year early! She loved her family especially her two brothers and sister. She was proud of their accomplishments and told them. She loved tradition and family – She never missed a holiday, graduation, or birthday! She adored her grandmothers. Jo Beth was kind and loving. She brought home all kinds of stray animals much to our dismay! She was fiercely loyal friend. Jo Beth had the ability to reach out to others in need.

In high school it became obvious that her curiosity - smoking a little pot, having a beer, pilfering prescription pain killers- had escalated. Crystal meth at a party led to violent outbursts that caused concern for other family members’ safety – she was whisked away in the middle of the night to her first rehab. After nine months there, she returned home she started working and going to college but nine months later she fell back into the party crowd and criminal elements which started a long long heartbreaking downward spiral with the court systems, hospitals and more rehabs. Jo Beth had been clean almost five months – forced because she was in county jail. One day when I was visiting her I walked in with an elderly woman who was visiting her 52 year old daughter that was in custody on a heroin charge. That Mom was exhausted and said she had been on their roller coaster for 30 years! I had a great conversation with JoJo about that – and I felt Jo had a plan when she got out. I warned her about lethal heroin that was going around the city she planned to live in. She told me she was done with that. She had a place to live and a job; the people that were not good influences were not going to be a part of her life. She was excited to start over again. I don’t know what triggered her to use one last time but she died alone in a public beach restroom of an accidental fatal combination of heroin, meth and a prescription (from county jail) drug

Jo was always smiling! So many things made her smile - Babies, puppies, Dodgers or Raiders winning a game, her brother Zach’s son Jeremy, her brother Tim’s baseball accomplishments and college acceptance, and her little sister’s acceptance to Nursing School! A good mystery novel. a BBQ with family and friends, artichokes, and chocolate! Any beach and any sunset! She loved to surprise you! The list is endless like her contagious smile!

Her dry witty humor that could turn anything funny! I miss that I won’t see her marry, become a mother, have a career she loves. I miss that we won’t get to Hawaii together! I miss her homemade cards and crafts, her telephone calls and I miss hearing her say “I Love You More, Mom”.


Her dry witty humor that could turn anything funny! I miss that I won’t see her marry, become a mother, have a career she loves. I miss that we won’t get to Hawaii together! I miss her homemade cards and crafts, her telephone calls and I miss hearing her say “I Love You More, Mom”.

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Age 50

Jim was Funny, loving, caring,hardworking man

He came from generations of addicts, he drank his first beer at 8 and pot followed soon after, then around 18 he discovered the love of crack .

AIMEE, Jim's daughter and only child




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Jessica Campion
Age 20

From the time I first met Jess, she had always been an outgoing, loving, beautiful, spontaneous person. She loved to be outside when the sun was shinning whether it was the beach or a park and be around those she cared for most. She had so much love for everyone to the point that no matter what you looked like or how bad your past was, at the end of the day if you had a good heart that was all that mattered to her. She was more than forgiving and never held a grudge. She loved everybody and her love always showed. She was always smiling when around friends and family, you hardly ever saw her upset or depressed. She was an inspiration to keep trying and never give up because that is how they win and you lose. She never gave up even when the whole world gave her endless reasons of why she should. She loved to write and could write for hours and was most certainly more than talented at it. Music was her everything and you could always catch her listening to many different types of music like The Grateful Dead, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, etc. She was an old soul that loved Mother Nature and her affection for animals was heartwarming. She loved her dog Mia and kitty Gimpy. We all think of her every second of every day because you cant just let go of someone who has made that big of an impact on your life.

Her addiction first started out with marijuana and alcohol. But then she started getting bad with pills like Klonopin and OxyContin. Went as far as stealing from her mom any chance she got. She would take over ten pills to get high and would get so high that she would pass out for the remainder of the night on the couch. She would be so high she couldn't function or talk any English. Her mom obviously started realizing her pills were drastically going missing so she started to lock them up and when Jess couldn't get them or smoke weed she would whip cans just to get that 30 second high. She started experimenting with ecstasy. She loved the feeling of it doing it every weekend, spending money on ten or more pills. Stealing money from her mom just so she could buy some pills to get high. But over time it wasn't good enough and that's where she met a guy named Fuzzy. The night we met this beast, he brought us all up into my friends attic where they both shot up in front of us. We were only 13, 14 years old... Jess slowly started seeing him more to the point where almost a year went by and I had hardly saw her. Lost the first love of her life, pushed away all her family and friends and me. I had to beg and beg to get her to see me but I just wanted to make sure she was ok and had someone watching over her. The very few times I actually did see her she was high as a kite from shooting up. She was doing almost every main drug at this time, Ecstasy, Acid, Coke, Crack, Dust, drinking alcohol and smoking weed. It went on for months and then turned to her doing only heroin. She tried pushing me away but I kept telling her I would never leave. Her mom sent her to so many rehabs in hopes that one would be able to save her daughters life. Unfortunately, these rehabs was were it got worse as far as her trying black tar(a form of heroin that can be smoked) that she got from a counselor. She tried everything possible and never gave up even when the voices in her head told her to..

Animals was definitely one major factor in making her smile along with some good tunes. But Love and family was the biggest. Jessica loved to love and be loved. When she had someone in her life she cared for she would love them with everything she had. Love made her world go round. And Family meant every thing to her. She loved her niece so much and her Pa. Her mother was her rock, her everything whom she loved more than anybody in the world. Family, Love, and Friendships of all kinds made her smile.

I miss her laugh. I still hear her laughing every now and then in my head. I miss messaging her when i needed someone to talk to or just hang with. I miss going on walks with her and having the fun times we did. I miss making memories with her and making plans of what we were guna do for the summer. I miss our slumber parties and silly moments. I just miss her.


I miss her laugh. I still hear her laughing every now and then in my head. I miss messaging her when i needed someone to talk to or just hang with. I miss going on walks with her and having the fun times we did. I miss making memories with her and making plans of what we were guna do for the summer. I miss our slumber parties and silly moments. I just miss her.

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Jesse Lytle
Age 24

Jesse was a one-of-a-kind person-- truly intelligent, fun, ambitious and carefree. The year he passed he planned on going back to school for addiction counseling. This kid was always running he was always doing something fun, or working he had stories for days. Before he died we were supposed to go see Lil Wayne live-I had even bought the tickets.

Jesse's addiction started with pills after and accident while he was fixing a car and it fell on him the use of pills turned into heroin and when he could not afford his habbit he began selling the dope so he could use which eventually turned into shooting up.

His family. When he was with his family and was clean he was happy. He was proud that he had gotten out of rehab and had established a relationship with the Lord. He loved working, he loved music and playing cards he loved just hanging out being outside or staying in and watching movies.

I miss the long talks that we had. This kid knew me inside and out, I miss having my best friend around to try and teach him new music or how to dance. I miss playing cards and just hanging out outside hacky sacking, I miss that infectious smile he had I miss how he stole everyone's lighters, I miss him Jesse was a one-of-a-kind person.


I miss the long talks that we had. This kid knew me inside and out, I miss having my best friend around to try and teach him new music or how to dance. I miss playing cards and just hanging out outside hacky sacking, I miss that infectious smile he had I miss how he stole everyone's lighters, I miss him Jesse was a one-of-a-kind person.

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Jennifer Kuhel
Age 38

She was the love of my life she made some bad choices but that does not make her a bad person it makes her human I think I was the first man who didn't beat her a so called friend did that to her God sent her to my door at 2 in the morning. I've never seen some one beat like that. That night I made her and God a promise that no one would ever hurt her again and I would stay with her to the end, a promise that I kept.

She struggled with drinking from a early age and at 39 her body could no longer take it. We had to get hospice and she died in my arms at 5:00 a.m. on 12-10-14.

When we would wake up in the morning I would tell her I love you and she would always answer me with I love you more and smile at me.

Everything, It's like a part of me died with her.


Everything, It's like a part of me died with her.

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Jennifer Schmiedel
Age 25

My daughter Jennifer was very sweet, kind, loving, intelligent beyond her years. She was very creative. She had a beautiful voice, composed songs, and wrote poetry. She taught herself to play guitar and also played the violin. She was often called a "Flower Child". She always had her
guitar and loved to sing and lift people's spirit. She had an impish uncensored zest for life and was so funny and constantly made people laugh. She hated to see anybody sad or suffer even in the midst of her own pain and suffering.

Jennifer was a heroin addict. She hated her addiction and what it did to her, her family, and her friends. She so desperately wanted to stop. She finally got sober in the summer of 2015. She worked on her program, carried the message, and helped so many people. She was happier and healthier than she had ever been in her entire adult life. But it was just too much for her. Unfortunately, she relapsed and lost her battle on November 1, 2015.

It didn't take much to make her smile. She was very creative and always found ways to lift people's spirits with her incredible wit and sense of humor. She was so funny.

I miss her singing and laughter most of all. She had such a beautiful voice. She sang from the heart with love. I miss the way she used her gifts to lift others including myself.

Jennifer was a heroin addict. She hated her addiction and what it did to her, her family and her friends. She so desperately wanted to stop. She finally got sober in the summer of 2015. She worked her program, carried the message and helped so many people. She was happier and healthier than she had ever been in her entire adult life. But it was just too much for her. Unfortunately she relapsed and lost her battle on November 1, 2015.

It didn't take much to make her smile. She was very creative and always found ways to lift people's spirits with her incredible wit and sense of humor. She was so funny.

I miss her singing and laughter most of all. She had such a beautiful voice. She sang from the heart with love. I miss the way she used her gifts to lift others including myself.


I miss her singing and laughter most of all. She had such a beautiful voice. She sang from the heart with love. I miss the way she used her gifts to lift others including myself.

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When you create a My Last Photo page, you can also opt to have a fundraiser added to it.
No thanks, I just want to create a My Last Photo page.
Jeffrey Yates
Age 23

Dylan was a good young man that people really liked. He was a talented welder. He loved to be outdoors and fish and hunt. Horses became his passion the last years of his life. He worked them at a stable. He was charming and charasmatic, good looking and well built. He was a wrestler, football player, motocross rider and more.

Dylan had Hodgkin's Lymphoma when he was 15 years old. He went through chemotherapy for an entire summer. The doctors prescribed him opiate pain killers. Being young and human he became addicted. As it became harder to find the presciption pills he need to fill his addiction he began to lie and steal to afford his drug of choice. He had run ins with the law and tried 3 different rehab facilities. One was a 3 month residential, the others were 30 day residential programs. He moved to Indiana from Wyoming to avoid some of his troubles and try to get clean. He had periods where he would be. Once he turned 21 he soon got a DUI and everything spiralled from there, no car, no job. That lead him to becoming homeless shortly after. He began using heroin, it is cheaper than prescription opiates and easier to get. He reached out for help and went to California for a 30 day inpatient treatment facility. It sounded like he was getting the help he needed and he was going to make it this time. The day he was released he missed his flight home, overdosed on heroin and died in the public bathroom of a hotel.

It was easy to make Dylan smile. As his mother I didn't even have to touch him but could tickle him and make him giggle, even as a young man. Making something cool with his welding skills would make him proud and he would smile and brag about how good he was. Pretty girls checking him out always made him grin! Being funny and being a "dork" used to get him going all the time.

I miss him calling me all the time for something. Money or phone cards or a hat he saw on line. He always needed something. I miss hearing his voice, although when I hear his father and sometimes his brother it sounds like him. It's selfish but I miss that he will never have a successful career, marry, have children and grow old. I just miss him! He no longer struggles with addiction and will not have to die from cancer.


I miss him calling me all the time for something. Money or phone cards or a hat he saw on line. He always needed something. I miss hearing his voice, although when I hear his father and sometimes his brother it sounds like him. It's selfish but I miss that he will never have a successful career, marry, have children and grow old. I just miss him! He no longer struggles with addiction and will not have to die from cancer.

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Jarrett Hill
Age 27

Jarrett had an intense curiosity about how things worked in society, and how to improve on the status quo. He was a problem solver, inventor and dreamer. He was generous with his time, money, and friendship; he helped anyone in need. He was an avid reader (especially science fiction, fantasy, math and chess). He was an accomplished chess player and seemed to take a break from playing lately. His technical skills with computers was advanced as he built himself a state of the art system. He loved language and Latin, and was a member of the National Latin Honor Society. He went all the way through Boy Scouts to become an Eagle Scout. In a world that is so noisy, Jarrett was a listener. The Thinker Figure by Auguste Rodin reminds me of Jarrett contemplating the world.

He struggled with quitting cigarettes, and I suspected a growing dependence on alcohol. I never imagined he was at risk for an overdose of drugs. We don't know for certain, but believe it was one of his first encounters with heroin and cocaine which took his life.

Jarrett had a naturally wide smile that lit up his face and revealed a heart of gold. He smiled easily while enjoying good conversation, reading one of his many books, just hanging out with the family, playing a game, or helping someone. We have many pictures of Jarrett with his arms spread apart and hands open, open to love and to life. I will never forget that pose and his beautiful smile.

I miss everything. His quiet voice, his laugh and his goodness. I miss that I won't get to see him spread his wings and fly. The world lost any contribution he would've made. I miss watching him think with those kind eyes. I miss all of him.


I miss everything. His quiet voice, his laugh and his goodness. I miss that I won't get to see him spread his wings and fly. The world lost any contribution he would've made. I miss watching him think with those kind eyes. I miss all of him.

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James Hissey
Age 31

Jim loved music and often had his headphones on. Some of his favorites were Ben Howard, the Broods, and Gnarls Barkley, but there were so many that he loved. Jim was an avid sports fan and had played some football in Jr. High and High School. His favorite teams were Duke (basketball), the Dolphins (NFL), the Orioles (baseball) and Hendrick Motorsports, particularly Dale Jr. (NASCAR). He got me hooked on NASCAR and we would often watch the races together. We also took several trips together to see the races in person. Jimmy had a wickedly dark sense of humor that I found delightful, and that is another thing that I miss tremendously. He was always finding new comedians online to entertain him. Not often, but every now and then he would break out in this giggle that reminded me of when he was a little boy. It used to light up my world. Unlike me, Jim was an avid reader. He was super intelligent and liked books that challenged him. His favorite was "The Broom of the System" by David Foster Wallace. He also like Wallace's "The Pale King" and "Infinite Jest". Other favorites include "The Corrections" by Jonathan Franzen and "Catch-22" by Joseph Heller. Although I had gotten him a Kindle, he used that exclusively for movies, videos and music. He liked the feel of holding a book in his hand and turning the pages.

Jim struggled with addiction for many years, beginning with pot and alcohol in high school. He also suffered from depression and anxiety and by his late teen age years it consumed him. He tried many inpatient and outpatient treatment programs, but he was only able to remain clean for short times. Believing I needed to help Jim "reach bottom", I kicked him out of the house when he was 22 and that is one of my biggest regrets. Before that, he used other drugs but had never used heroin. Now I believe that individuals suffering from mental illness and drug addiction are precariously close to the bottom at all times. The true definition of "tough love" is remaining loving, even when it's tough. Read more about my story at

He had a dark, sarcastic sense of humor and could always make me laugh. The things that made him smile and laugh were comediennes, satire, and the ironies of life.

One of the things I miss the most is Jimmy's music. He would often come to me with artists and songs to check out. I didn't realize at the time what a gift that was. I wish I still had his YouTube playlists. He lived with me (his Mom) so I also miss having him in my daily life. He was a really big help to me and made the most amazing dinners. His specialties were Chicken French, Chicken Parm, and Greek Turkey Meatloaf with tzatziki sauce. The thing I miss the most is laughing with him If something really tickled him, he would break into a giggle that reminded me of when he was a happy little boy. I love him dearly, and miss him immensely. Always loved, never forgotten.


One of the things I miss the most is Jimmy's music. He would often come to me with artists and songs to check out. I didn't realize at the time what a gift that was. I wish I still had his YouTube playlists. He lived with me (his Mom) so I also miss having him in my daily life. He was a really big help to me and made the most amazing dinners. His specialties were Chicken French, Chicken Parm, and Greek Turkey Meatloaf with tzatziki sauce. The thing I miss the most is laughing with him If something really tickled him, he would break into a giggle that reminded me of when he was a happy little boy. I love him dearly, and miss him immensely. Always loved, never forgotten.

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James Mintier
Age 24

James was a handful from day one, but the biggest blessing! He loved to laugh and make others laugh with him! I can't remember a time I could stay mad at him. All he had to do was say "mama love me forever" and my heart melted! He was an amazing brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and father! Having his baby girl gave him the most joy! He loved cats to the point where people l who didn't know him well would wonder about him!

Heroin was his mistress! He kept it hidden very well from the ones he knew it would hurt the most! It never broke his spirit but took his life! He was clean for 18 months used and died on my livingroom floor! Start to finish his addiction lasted 5yrs

Anything and everything but family and cats the most!!

I miss his smile, his hugs, his voice! EVERYTHING GOOD AND BAD


I miss his smile, his hugs, his voice! EVERYTHING GOOD AND BAD

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No thanks, I just want to create a My Last Photo page.
James Stenehjem
Age 36

Jim was a beautiful boy and man. He was brilliant, funny, athletic, an amazing inventor and he could figure out anything mechanical. Most of all he was warm and loving. He gave the best bear hugs! He was a devoted father to his son Eli, and was happiest when camping or having other outings with Eli. Jim loved the outdoors and was talented in art and creative writing. He was a both a big brother to his little sister, and a little brother to his older brother. He and his sister were particularly close. He played with her and made her laugh from the moment she was born, and he grew protective of her as young adults. He was also protective of his mother, and loved spending time with her on car and boat trips, hikes, watching movies, and playing with Eli. Jim was a big strong man but his nature was sensitive. After high school, he could not settle down and study in college, so he went to Sun Valley, Idaho and worked in various jobs at the ski resort for four yeas. He became a waiter/bartender, which was not a good choice for him due to his addiction, but at the time neither he nor we recognized the severity of his addiction. He became very popular at each of his waiter/bartender jobs, as he was handsome, personable and capable. he moved several times, trying to escape his addiction. He lived in our home town, as well as Sun Valley, Idaho, Seattle, Portland, California and Wisconsin. He made friends wherever he went, as he was sociable, witty, loved to sing karaoke, and took a genuine interest in other people. Late in his life, he came home and began taking college classes. He did very well academically, but his addiction caused him to miss many classes and not complete some of his assignments. The assignments he did complete were insightful and creative. He volunteered at church and helped serve meals to homeless teenagers. He found the saving power of Jesus Christ in the second-to-last year of his life, and believed with all his heart. He is now with Jesus.

Jim began using drugs at the age of 13, as an "adventure." We sent him to inpatient treatment twice at ages 16 and 17. When he turned 18, he refused to go to any more treatment, as he believed his drinking and drug use was just recreational and thought he could control it. Sports injuries at his job at a ski resort after high school started him on pain pills, and with friends at the ski resort, he used cocaine recreationally. At age 24, Jim became a father and moved nearly 2,000 miles from our family to be near his little boy. He tried to get off the pain pills by taking methadone through a clinic. As he was very lonely in the new place, he increased his doses of methadone and the clinic (to its shame) went along. When he reached a very high dose, and was still drinking, he had a psychic break. We brought him home, and he tried to quit the methadone cold turkey but could not. He continued drinking and moved to California for a fresh start. He went back to pain pills and his addiction grew. In debt to drug dealers, he came back home, but continued buying the pills. He moved to Seattle twice, and to Portland, Oregon, but stayed on the pills, By 2009, back home for another fresh start, he met the girl who became the love of his life. As the pills were too expensive, he switched to heroin because it was cheaper. In 2010, his girlfriend and family convinced him to go back into treatment. He did so, then lived in a sober house in Seattle successfully for 10 months. He seemed to blossom, volunteering, attending AA and NA meetings, and writing thoughtfully about his addiction. In 2011, he and his girlfriend got an apartment and made life plans. That year, a young friend died tragically and Jim relapsed. He tried and tried to stop, but could not, and his girlfriend left. We sent him to treatment twice more, and moved him into our home for nine months. He repeatedly tried to quit but could not. Disheartened and embarrassed at another relapse in 2014, he shot himself

Jim smiled at his family at all stages of his life, from playing with his little sister and big brother as a child, to his parents all through his life, and most of all at his own son Eli. He also smiled at the mountains and gorgeous outdoor scenes. He was witty and silly and loved cartoons (as a child) and crazy comedies as he got older. He would mimic silly movie lines and everyone around him would be laughing. He smiled when he built or invented something. As a teenager, he took the entire engine of a Volkswagon apart to see how it worked, and then re-assembled it and drove the car! He invented a skateboard with a motor long before anyone else did, and had many ideas that could have become commercial businesses if he had concentrated on them and not been distracted by his addiction. He also loved singing karaoke, and drew creative animals and creatures throughout his life. he smiled when people appreciated his artwork. and his snowboarding abilities.

We miss everything about Jim except his illness (addiction). His warmth, his intellectual conversations, his curiosity, his jokes and witty banter, his amazing inventiveness, his artwork and sports abilities, hikes into the mountains with him, camping and boating, attending church and seeing him open his mind to the philosophy of Jesus, and seeing him as a devoted, tender, protective father. He had so much to give to all of us if he had lived, especially to his son. He wanted to be a great father but his addiction kept him ill, often broke, and unable to travel very often to see his son. I miss his deep voice calling Mom, seeing him toss his son up over his big shoulders, and I miss him every time I look at the Columbia River where he died. I miss him when a see a smooth, handsome waiter dressed in a vest, I miss the profile of his prominent nose and long chin, I miss seeing him in our yard trimming bushes, washing windows, shoveling bark, fixing anything broken. I miss my son!


We miss everything about Jim except his illness (addiction). His warmth, his intellectual conversations, his curiosity, his jokes and witty banter, his amazing inventiveness, his artwork and sports abilities, hikes into the mountains with him, camping and boating, attending church and seeing him open his mind to the philosophy of Jesus, and seeing him as a devoted, tender, protective father. He had so much to give to all of us if he had lived, especially to his son. He wanted to be a great father but his addiction kept him ill, often broke, and unable to travel very often to see his son. I miss his deep voice calling Mom, seeing him toss his son up over his big shoulders, and I miss him every time I look at the Columbia River where he died. I miss him when a see a smooth, handsome waiter dressed in a vest, I miss the profile of his prominent nose and long chin, I miss seeing him in our yard trimming bushes, washing windows, shoveling bark, fixing anything broken. I miss my son!

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James Nauman
Age 59

My dad was a good man, he was stubborn, he was an alcoholic.

He had his demons, alcohol addiction consumed him and eventually broke him. He took his own life, giving up on any hope.

He had an laugh, a belly laugh! A real laugh, that would make you laugh just hear him laugh more.

I miss him, I'm absolutely heartbroken!!! To not know that his pain so great that he was hiding his despair. His "just checking in" texts and weekly phone calls to see how everything was going. The words "I love you piggy!!!!" I miss my dad!!!!


I miss him, I'm absolutely heartbroken!!! To not know that his pain so great that he was hiding his despair. His "just checking in" texts and weekly phone calls to see how everything was going. The words "I love you piggy!!!!" I miss my dad!!!!

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Ian Brown
Age 21

Ian was so loved . He was kind and had a beautiful aura that made you like him instantly. He was beautiful and funny and a gifted athlete. He loved his family and we loved him so very much. He had a heart for God. He loved his little sister Courtney, aka "Little Buddy". He loved to surf and play his guitar. He was patient and sweet with little kids.

Oops I did these questions backwards.... The things that made Ian smile.... The ocean and surfing! Hunting with his dad, eating pancakes with whipped cream! His family ... He hugged us and told us he loves us every time he walked in the house.

Ian experimented with drugs for "no real reason" he was just being stupid with his friends. He thought that smoking heroin was no big "leap" from smoking weed. He soon realized it was the stupidest choice he had ever made. He admitted his addiction to us at 18 and asked for help. The next 3 years was a series of rehabs and relapses. Each time he relapsed he became more filled with despair and lost confidence that he could ever stay sober. When he died, he was in his 4th rehab program and hadn't use for almost 4 months.

I miss everything about Ian. He was full of life until Heroin took it away and broke him down and made him forget the beautiful boy he once was.


I miss everything about Ian. He was full of life until Heroin took it away and broke him down and made him forget the beautiful boy he once was.

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Ian Southwell
Age 30

Ian was an incredibly caring and selfless person. He would listen to everyone else's issues but had a very difficult time opening up about his own. He had a wonderfully silly sense of humor and a wicked grin.

Ian struggled with addiction for nearly 10 years. It caused so much tension in the family. He went through two stints in rehab, but he couldn't seem to break free.

His son and his pets.

Everything. I will forever miss the feel of his arms when he hugs me. I am still waiting for his phone number to come up on my cell phone. Everything.


Everything. I will forever miss the feel of his arms when he hugs me. I am still waiting for his phone number to come up on my cell phone. Everything.

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Griffin James
Age 20

Griffin was my first born child, my only son. He was the most remarkable, compassionate, funny person with the most beautiful smile that was contagious and would light up the room the second he walked in. He was always willing to help friends and neighbors and even strangers without being asked. Griffin was a college student with his whole life ahead of him. He collected sneakers,loved playing basketball and video games and riding his bike. Griffin loved his family and friends with a loyalty that could not be surpassed.Griffin was fearless and unstoppable. He set goals for himself and never became discouraged when obstacles arose. He loved life, his family and his friends.

About a year ago Griffin admitted to me that he started smoking weed at about the age of 14. I had no clue. He was always active , had a job and did well in school. About 2 years ago his personality started to change. He was still working and was attending Aviation Mechanic School, but he was not quite himself. In October of 2015, Griffin quit college and started hanging out in the "badlands" of North Philly. He eventually lost the job he had since he was 14 years old, working with a close family friend. Griffin was arrested and his personality rapidly changed. He went from happy go lucky Griff to sullen, withdrawn and sometimes downright mean. I'm not sure when he started using pills, but I later found out he was using Xanax, Percocet and Oxycodone. Griffin's appearance and demeanor changed completely over the last 6 months of his life. He lost weight, became withdrawn, sometimes angry and more depressed and I watched the light and joy fade from his eyes. I scheduled appointments for him with therapists, mental health professionals and rehab centers, and although he would optimistically look forward to getting his life back on track he would never follow through. On June 26,2016, I received the worst news a mother could hear, "you have to come with me, there is something wrong with Griffin". When I arrived, the paramedics were doing CPR. It seemed like hours and finally at 12:20 pm we were told he had no pulse, there was nothing they could do. His father, myself and his girlfriend spent the next 3 hours sitting with him. I laid next to him, stroking his hair, singing to him and begging him to come back to us. But Griffin was gone. An accidental overdose at the age of 20 would forever change so many lives.

When Griffin found out he was going to be a father he smiled so big. And he smiled when he was with is childhood friends, 3 boys who were more like brothers to him. And when he was hanging with his dad. They had a special bond that was unbreakable. Griffin never really stopped smiling until the last 6 months of his life.

What I will miss the most about Griffin is his smile, his sense of humor and his infections laugh. The way he would hug me & say "I love you Mommy". The fact that I will never plan his wedding or another birthday party or celebratory event for him ever again. The fact that he will not be here to meet his daughter when she is born. I miss everything about Griffin.


What I will miss the most about Griffin is his smile, his sense of humor and his infections laugh. The way he would hug me & say "I love you Mommy". The fact that I will never plan his wedding or another birthday party or celebratory event for him ever again. The fact that he will not be here to meet his daughter when she is born. I miss everything about Griffin.

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Graham Mitchell
Age 24

Graham loved music. He always was listening to or singing or playing music. He loved art and tattoos and dreamed of some day being a professional tattoo artist. He loved to joke and was always on the look out for a good prank to pull. He loved big and was loyal to those fortunate enough to call him friend.

Graham battled with heroin for several years. After completing more treatment he thought he finally had it licked. He lasted 1 week outside of the controlled environment before he used. That last week of his life he was high on meth until he finally turned back to heroin. That final choice took his life. I read these words after the tragic overdose of Philip Seymour Hoffman, "It wasn't the last needle that killed me. It was the first."

Being around people and those he cared for made him smile.

I miss his singing. Graham sang everything. He didn't come in to a room and say hi, he danced in to a room signing it at the top of his lungs. He had funny off the wall expressions and sayings for everything. I miss his hugs. I really miss hearing "I love you mom"


I miss his singing. Graham sang everything. He didn't come in to a room and say hi, he danced in to a room signing it at the top of his lungs. He had funny off the wall expressions and sayings for everything. I miss his hugs. I really miss hearing "I love you mom"

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Gerald Chaviaras
Age 45

Gerald was the love, life, and heartbeat of our family. He loved to make everyone laugh, to tell stories, to make the world bright and spread love and joy wherever he went. He was a talented musician, a gifted artist, and nature enthusiast. He truly lived live to the fullest and embraced every opportunity for adventure he could. He has traveled to the far reaches of the world and seen many amazing things on nearly every continent.

Jerry's death was the product of someone else's addiction. Because of his kind heart, he tried it one time to protect someone else from doing it, and died from an overdose.

His family, nature, travel, music, and love

Jerry had the type of smile that would light up the room. We miss his presence, his loving smile, and the way he was there for everyone all the time.


Jerry had the type of smile that would light up the room. We miss his presence, his loving smile, and the way he was there for everyone all the time.

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